IAsynchResult interface, Asynchronous Invocation, Asynchronous Invocation, Asynchronous Invocation, Asynchronous Invocation, Asynchronous Invocation, Asynchronous Invocation, BeginInvoke Method
AsyncState property, Asynchronous Invocation
AsyncWaitHandle property, Asynchronous Invocation
BeginInvoke method, Asynchronous Invocation
CompleteSynchronously property, Asynchronous Invocation
EndInvoke method, BeginInvoke Method
IsCompleted property, Asynchronous Invocation
ICloneable interface, Arrays and Collections, Comparable Elements, Comparable Elements, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection, Queue Collection, SortedList, SortedList, Mathematical and Logical Operators
ArrayList collection class, ArrayList Collection
BitArray collection class, BitArray Collection
Clone method, Comparable Elements, ArrayList Collection, BitArray Collection, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection, SortedList
collections and, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
operator overloading, Mathematical and Logical Operators
Queue collection class, Queue Collection
SortedList collection class, SortedList
System.Array implementation, Arrays and Collections, Comparable Elements
ICollection interface, Arrays and Collections, Comparable Elements, Comparable Elements, Comparable Elements, Comparable Elements, Comparable Elements, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Collections, Collections, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection, Queue Collection, Queue Collection, Queue Collection, Queue Collection, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList
ArrayList collection class, Collections, ArrayList Collection
BitArray collection class, BitArray Collection
collections and, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
CopyTo method, Comparable Elements, ArrayList Collection, BitArray Collection, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection, SortedList
Count property, Comparable Elements, ArrayList Collection, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection
IsSynchronized property, Comparable Elements, ArrayList Collection, BitArray Collection, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection, SortedList
members listed, Comparable Elements
Queue collection class, Queue Collection
SortedList collection class, SortedList
SyncRoot property, Comparable Elements, ArrayList Collection, BitArray Collection, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection, SortedList
System.Array implementation, Arrays and Collections
IComparable generic interface, Generic Collections
IComparable interface, System.Array, Comparable Elements, Comparable Elements, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, Interface Constraints
ArrayList collection class, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection
CompareTo method, Comparable Elements, Interface Constraints
System.Array implementation, System.Array, Comparable Elements
IComparer generic interface, Generic Collections
ID element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
IDE (Integrated Development Environment), Partial Type, Introduction to Visual Studio 2008, Migrating to Visual Studio 2008, Integrated Development Environment, Start Page, Multiple-Targeting, Multiple-Targeting, Project Types, Project Types, Adding References, Adding References, AutoRecover, Introduction to LINQ
adding references, Project Types
AutoRecover feature, AutoRecover
creating projects, Start Page
IDE Navigator, Adding References
LINQ to SQL support, Introduction to LINQ
managing windows, Adding References
multiple-targeting, Multiple-Targeting
partial types, Partial Type
Solution Explorer, Multiple-Targeting
Start Page, Integrated Development Environment
Visual Studio support, Introduction to Visual Studio 2008, Migrating to Visual Studio 2008
IDE Navigator window (Visual Studio), Adding References
identifiers, Identifiers
identity, Equivalence versus Identity
Identity Management Service, LINQ to SQL Updates
IDeserializationCallback interface, Hashtable Collection
IDictionary interface, Hashtable Collection
IDictionaryEnumerator interface, Hashtable Collection
IDisposable interface, Singleton, Singleton, Singleton, Extension Method, IEnumerable<T> Interface, IEnumerable<T> Interface, Yield Statement, Tracing Example, Finalization, The Console class and finalization, Disposable Pattern
destructors, Singleton
Dispose method, Singleton, IEnumerable<T> Interface, Yield Statement, Tracing Example, Finalization, The Console class and finalization
DisposeAndTrace extension method, Extension Method
IEnumerator generic interface and, IEnumerable<T> Interface
memory management, Disposable Pattern
IDL (Interface Definition Language), PreserveSig
IEnumerable generic interface, Core Elements, Namespaces, LINQ Operators, Data Type Conversion Operators, Data Type Conversion Operators, Generic Collections, IEnumerator Problem, IEnumerator Problem, LINQ Programming
AsQueryable method, Data Type Conversion Operators
description, Generic Collections
generic enumerators, IEnumerator Problem
GetEnumerator method, IEnumerator Problem
LINQ operators, LINQ Operators
LINQ support, Core Elements, Namespaces, LINQ Programming
IEnumerable interface, Arrays and Collections, IEnumerable, IEnumerable, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, BitArray Collection, BitArray Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection, Queue Collection, SortedList, SortedList, Core Elements, Core Elements, Generic Collections, Enumerators, IEnumerator Problem, IEnumerator Problem, Iterators, Dual iteration
ArrayList collection class, ArrayList Collection
BitArray collection class, BitArray Collection
collections and, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
GetEnumerator method, IEnumerable, ArrayList Collection, BitArray Collection, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection, SortedList, Generic Collections, Enumerators, IEnumerator Problem, Dual iteration
Hashtable collection class, Hashtable Collection
IEnumerable generic interface and, IEnumerator Problem
iterator support, Iterators
Queue collection class, Queue Collection
SortedList collection class, SortedList
System.Array implementation, Arrays and Collections, IEnumerable
ToArray method, Core Elements
ToList method, Core Elements
IEnumerator generic interface, Generic Collections, IEnumerable<T> Interface, IEnumerable<T> Interface, IEnumerable<T> Interface, IEnumerable<T> Interface
Current property, IEnumerable<T> Interface
description, Generic Collections
IDisposable interface and, IEnumerable<T> Interface
IEnumerator interface and, IEnumerable<T> Interface
IEnumerator interface, Hashtable Collection, Enumerators, Enumerators, Enumerators, Enumerators, Enumerators, An Enumerator Example, An Enumerator Example, An Enumerator Example, IEnumerator Problem, IEnumerable<T> Interface, IEnumerable<T> Interface, IEnumerable<T> Interface, IEnumerable<T> Interface, Iterators, Yield Statement, Yield Statement, Yield Statement
code example, An Enumerator Example
Current property, Enumerators, An Enumerator Example, IEnumerable<T> Interface, Yield Statement
enumeration support, Enumerators, Enumerators
IDictionaryEnumerator interface, Hashtable Collection
IEnumerator generic interface and, IEnumerable<T> Interface
iterator support, Iterators
MoveNext method, Enumerators, IEnumerable<T> Interface, Yield Statement
Reset method, Enumerators, IEnumerable<T> Interface, Yield Statement
System.Object types, IEnumerator Problem
IErrorInfo interface, COM Exceptions, COM Exceptions, COM Exceptions, COM Exceptions, COM Exceptions, COM Exceptions
Error object and, COM Exceptions
GetDescription method, COM Exceptions
GetHelpContext method, COM Exceptions
GetHelpFile method, COM Exceptions
GetSource, COM Exceptions
if statement, Selection Statements, Keywords
ILASM (Intermediate Language Assembler), .assembly extern, Interfaces
ILDASM (Intermediate Language Disassembler), The Exceptions Dialog Box, The Exceptions Dialog Box, Metadata Validation, ILDASM, ILDASM, MSIL Programming
functionality, The Exceptions Dialog Box, Metadata Validation, MSIL Programming
icons supported, ILDASM
options supported, ILDASM
ILGenerator class, MSIL Instructions
IList interface, Arrays and Collections, IEnumerable, IEnumerable, IList Interface, IList Interface, IList Interface, IList Interface, IList Interface, IList Interface, IList Interface, Collections, ArrayList Collection
Add method, IList Interface
ArrayList collection class, Collections, ArrayList Collection
Clear method, IList Interface
Contains method, IList Interface
IndexOf method, IList Interface
Insert method, IList Interface
Remove method, IList Interface
RemoveAt method, IEnumerable
System.Array implementation, Arrays and Collections, IEnumerable
implements keyword, Interfaces
implicit keyword, Keywords
Import and Export Settings Wizard, Migrating to Visual Studio 2008
Imports element, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements
in keyword, Keywords
InAttribute attribute, Directional Attributes
Include attribute, Refactoring Example
Increment operator, Implementation
indexers, Class Members, Fields, Fields, Overriding Inherited Behavior, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, IList Interface, IList Interface, IList Interface, IList Interface, Indexers, Indexers, Indexers
abstract, Abstract Classes
as class members, Class Members
as member functions, Fields
code example, Indexers
defined, Fields, IList Interface
get methods, IList Interface
overloading, Indexers
properties and, IList Interface
sealed modifier, Abstract Classes
set methods, IList Interface
syntax, Indexers
virtual keyword, Overriding Inherited Behavior
indexes, Arrays and Collections, Arrays, Collections, Collections, Enumerators
ArrayList collection class, Collections
enumeration support, Enumerators
for array elements, Arrays and Collections, Arrays
inheritance, Classes, Partial Type, Partial Method, Class Refinement, Class Refinement, Inheritance, Inheritance, Inheritance, Inheritance, Inheritance, Cross-Language Inheritance, Cross-Language Inheritance, Implementing Inheritance, Implementing Inheritance, Extension Method, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Constructors and Destructors, Constructors and Destructors, Constructors and Destructors, Reimplementation of Interfaces, The new Modifier and Polymorphism, Attribute Inheritance, Class Diagram Toolbox, Casting, Overriding Generic Methods, Overriding Generic Methods, Implementation, Navigation, Programmer-Defined Custom Attributes, Inheritance, Inheritance, Tracing, DebuggerDisplayAttribute, Server GC, Constrained Execution Region, Constrained Execution Region, Unsafe Keyword
abstract classes, Abstract Classes, Constrained Execution Region
attribute, Attribute Inheritance
benefits, Inheritance
casting and, The new Modifier and Polymorphism
class diagrams, Class Diagram Toolbox
classes, Classes, Class Refinement, Inheritance, Navigation, Inheritance
code example, Inheritance
constructors, Constructors and Destructors
cross-language, Cross-Language Inheritance
DebuggerDisplayAttribute class, DebuggerDisplayAttribute
defined, Inheritance
destructors, Constructors and Destructors
Finalize method, Server GC
generic types, Casting
implementing, Implementing Inheritance
interfaces, Constructors and Destructors
MSIL support, Inheritance
nested types, Overriding Generic Methods
new modifier, Extension Method
operator methods, Implementation
overriding, Implementing Inheritance
overriding generic methods, Overriding Generic Methods
partial types, Partial Type
polymorphism and, Class Refinement, Reimplementation of Interfaces
SafeHandle class, Constrained Execution Region
sealed classes, Abstract Classes
structures, Partial Method
System.Attribute class, Programmer-Defined Custom Attributes
System.Object, Cross-Language Inheritance
terminology, Inheritance
TraceListener class, Tracing
unsafe code, Unsafe Keyword
inheritance operator (), Implementing Inheritance
inner objects, disposing, Disposing Inner Objects
instance methods, Abstract Classes, Defining a Delegate
instances, Types, Member Attributes, Visibility, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Complex Tasks, Tracing
arrays as, Arrays and Collections
class, Types
creating, Visibility, Complex Tasks, Tracing
overview, Member Attributes
instructions, MSIL, Arithmetic Instructions (see )
int type, Primitives, Types, Enumeration, Enumeration, Conversion Operators
as default enumeration, Enumeration
as value type, Types
defined, Primitives
operator overloading, Conversion Operators
Integrated Development Environment, Project Types (see )
IntelliSense feature (Visual Studio), Error List Window, Code Snippets, Expressions, Expressions
debugger expressions, Expressions
inserting code snippets, Code Snippets
Visual Studio support, Error List Window
Interface Definition Language (IDL), PreserveSig
interface keyword, Keywords, Interfaces
interfaces, Main Entry Point, Types, Class Members, Properties, Inheritance, Extension Method, Constructors and Destructors, Constructors and Destructors, Constructors and Destructors, Constructors and Destructors, Constructors and Destructors, Interfaces, Interfaces, Interfaces, Implementing Interfaces, Reimplementation of Interfaces, Polymorphism, Casting, Casting, Arrays and Collections, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Collections, ArrayList Collection, BitArray Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection, SortedList, Anonymous Types, Generics, Constraints, Interface Constraints, Interfaces
abstract classes and, Constructors and Destructors
accessibility, Interfaces
ArrayList collection class, Collections, ArrayList Collection
as class members, Class Members
as reference types, Main Entry Point, Types, Casting
as return values, Casting
attributes, Interfaces
BitArray collection class, BitArray Collection
collections and, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
constraints, Constraints, Interface Constraints
defined, Constructors and Destructors
extension methods, Extension Method, Anonymous Types
fields and, Properties
generic types, Generics
Hashtable collection class, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection
implementing, Constructors and Destructors, Implementing Interfaces
inheritance, Inheritance, Constructors and Destructors
MSIL support, Interfaces
nested, Interfaces
polymorphism and, Polymorphism
Queue collection class, Queue Collection
reimplementing, Reimplementation of Interfaces
SortedList collection class, SortedList
System.Array implementations, Arrays and Collections
Intermediate Language Assembler, .assembly extern (see )
Intermediate Language Disassembler, The Exceptions Dialog Box (see )
internal keyword, Keywords, Class Members
internal members, Implementing Inheritance
internal protected keyword, Class Members, Implementing Inheritance
invocation, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram, Browsing Type Information, Browsing Type Information, Late Binding Delegates
asynchronous, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram (see )
dynamic, Browsing Type Information, Late Binding Delegates
invocation lists, Defining a Delegate, Removing delegates
IQueryable generic interface, LINQ Operators, Data Type Conversion Operators
IQueryable interface, LINQ Programming
is operator, Boolean operators, Type Operators, Operator Overloading
ISerializable interface, Hashtable Collection
ItemGroup element, Refactoring Example
iterative statements, Selection Statements, Selection Statements, Iterative Statements, Iterative Statements, Iterative Statements, Iterative Statements, Iterative Statements, Iterative Statements
break statement, Iterative Statements
continue statement, Iterative Statements
defined, Selection Statements
do statement, Iterative Statements
for statement, Selection Statements
foreach statement, Iterative Statements
while statement, Iterative Statements
iterator blocks, Yield Statement
iterators, Iterators, Iterators, Iterator Blocks, Iterator Internals, Iterator Internals
examples, Iterator Internals
internals, Iterator Blocks
overview, Iterators
yield statement, Iterators
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