lambda expressions, Extension Methods, LINQ Essentials, LINQ Essentials, Namespaces, Namespaces
LINQ types, Namespaces
overview, Extension Methods
Select operator, LINQ Essentials
Where operator, LINQ Essentials
lambda operator, Pointer operators, Extension Methods, LINQ Essentials
LambdaExpression type, Namespaces
Language Integrated Query, Introduction to Microsoft Visual C# Programming (see )
late binding, Reimplementation of Interfaces, Reimplementation of Interfaces, Polymorphism, Metadata and Reflection, Browsing Type Information, Type Creation
defined, Reimplementation of Interfaces
delegates, Browsing Type Information, Type Creation
polymorphism and, Polymorphism
reflection, Metadata and Reflection
LayoutKind enumeration, Blittable Types
lazy evaluation, Core Elements, LINQ to Objects
LeftShift operator, Increment and Decrement Operators
Lidin, Serge, MSIL Programming
LIFO (last-in, first-out), "Hello World" Application
line directives, Pragma directives, Line directives, Line directives, Line directives, Line directives
#line default directive, Line directives
#line directive, Line directives
#line hidden directive, Line directives
overview, Pragma directives
line terminators, Colon punctuator
LINQ (Language Integrated Query), Introduction to Microsoft Visual C# Programming, Introduction to Microsoft Visual C# Programming, Sample C# Program, LINQ, Introduction to LINQ, LINQ Essentials, Core Elements, Core Elements, Conversion Operators, LINQ Query Expression Syntax, LINQ Query Expression Syntax, LINQ Programming, LINQ to XML
background, Introduction to Microsoft Visual C# Programming
conversion operators, Core Elements
core elements, LINQ Essentials
core library location, LINQ Query Expression Syntax
core namespace, LINQ to XML
features supported, LINQ
lazy evaluation, Core Elements
namespaces, LINQ Query Expression Syntax
overview, Introduction to LINQ, LINQ Programming
query expression syntax, Conversion Operators
sample programs, Sample C# Program
LINQ operators, Core Elements, Conversion Operators, Conversion Operators, Conversion Operators, LINQ to Objects, LINQ to Objects and Cross-Domain Access, LINQ Operators, LINQ Operators, Aggregation Operators, Data Type Conversion Operators, Element Operators, Equality Operator, Equality Operator, Filtering Operator, Filtering Operator, Join Operators, Join Operators, Partitioning Operators, Set Operators, Set Operators
aggregation operators, LINQ Operators
concatenation operators, Aggregation Operators
data type conversion operators, Conversion Operators, LINQ to Objects, Data Type Conversion Operators
element operators, Element Operators
equality operators, Conversion Operators, Equality Operator
filtering operators, Equality Operator
generation operators, Filtering Operator
grouping operators, Filtering Operator
join operators, LINQ to Objects and Cross-Domain Access, Join Operators
partitioning operators, Join Operators
quantifier operators, Partitioning Operators
set operators, Conversion Operators, Set Operators
sorting operators, Core Elements, Set Operators
LINQ to Datasets, LINQ Query Expression Syntax, LINQ to DataSet
LINQ to Objects, Introduction to LINQ, Core Elements, Namespaces, Namespaces, Declarative versus Imperative, Declarative versus Imperative, LINQ to Objects and Cross-Domain Access, LINQ to Objects and Cross-Domain Access
cross-domain access, LINQ to Objects and Cross-Domain Access
declarative vs. imperative example, Declarative versus Imperative
IEnumerable generic interface, Core Elements
namespaces, Namespaces
overview, Introduction to LINQ, Namespaces
reducing complexity example, Declarative versus Imperative
LINQ to SQL, Introduction to LINQ, Namespaces, LINQ Programming, XML Query Expressions, XML Query Expressions, XML Query Expressions, XML Query Expressions, Entity Classes, Associations, LINQ to SQL Updates, LINQ to SQL Updates, Exception Handling
entity classes, XML Query Expressions, Associations
exception handling, Exception Handling
Identity Management Service, LINQ to SQL Updates
namespaces, Namespaces
overview, Introduction to LINQ, LINQ Programming, XML Query Expressions
query expressions, XML Query Expressions, Entity Classes
updates, LINQ to SQL Updates
LINQ to XML, Introduction to LINQ, LINQ Query Expression Syntax, Namespaces, Namespaces, LINQ Programming, LINQ to XML, LINQ to XML, Validation, XML Modification, XML Modification
core namespace, Namespaces, LINQ to XML
navigation, Validation
overview, Introduction to LINQ, LINQ Programming
query expressions, XML Modification
System.XML.Linq.Dll library, LINQ Query Expression Syntax
validating XML schemas, LINQ to XML
XML modification, XML Modification
List collection, Generic Collections
ListDictionary class, Stack Collection
listeners, Tracing
Listeners collection, Tracing, Tracing, Tracing, Tracing, Tracing, Tracing
ConsoleTraceListener class, Tracing
DefaultTraceListener class, Tracing
EventLogTraceListener class, Tracing
TextWriterTraceListener class, Tracing
XMLWriterTraceListener class, Tracing
Literal element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
local variables, Main Entry Point, Function Overloading, Function Overloading, Arrays and Collections, Outer Variables, Outer Variables, "Hello World" Application, MSIL in Depth, Short Form
anonymous methods, Outer Variables
arrays as, Arrays and Collections
declaring, Function Overloading
evaluation stack and, "Hello World" Application
method directives, MSIL in Depth
MSIL load commands, Short Form
overview, Main Entry Point
visibility, Function Overloading
lock keyword, Keywords
logical operators, Mathematical and Logical Operators (see )
long type, Primitives, Conversion Operators
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