MAGE (Manifest Generation and Editing) Tool, ClickOnce Deployment
main entry points, Main Entry Point
Managed Debugger, Debuggers (see )
managed heap, Main Entry Point, Types, Arrays and Collections, Memory Management, Memory Example, Memory Example, Memory Management, Garbage Collection Overview, Unsafe Code
generations, Memory Example, Garbage Collection Overview
memory for arrays, Arrays and Collections
memory management, Memory Management
overview, Memory Management
reference types, Main Entry Point, Types
unsafe code, Unsafe Code
manifest, Metadata and Reflection, MSIL in Depth
Manifest Generation and Editing (MAGE) Tool, ClickOnce Deployment
MarshalAsAttribute type, Attributes, The stackalloc Command, Unmanaged Callbacks
marshaling, Unsafe Code, Unsafe Code, The stackalloc Command, Unmanaged Callbacks
defined, Unsafe Code
explicit, Unmanaged Callbacks
Interop marshaler, The stackalloc Command
mathematical and logical operators, Operator Overloading, Mathematical and Logical Operators, Mathematical and Logical Operators, Implementation, Increment and Decrement Operators, Operator True and Operator False, Operator True and Operator False, A Practical Example
implementing, Mathematical and Logical Operators
Increment/Decrement operators, Implementation
LeftShift/RightShift operators, Increment and Decrement Operators
overloading considerations, Operator Overloading
paired operators, Operator True and Operator False
replacement methods, A Practical Example
true/false logical operators, Operator True and Operator False
MDbg (Managed Debugger), Advanced Debugging, DebuggableAttribute Attribute, Debuggers, Debuggers, Debuggers, Managed Debugger (MDbg), MDbg Example
commands supported, Debuggers, MDbg Example
debugging example, Managed Debugger (MDbg)
downloading, DebuggableAttribute Attribute
functionality, Advanced Debugging, Debuggers
member operator (.), Classes
MemberInfo object, Loading Assemblies
members, Classes (see )
MemberTypes enumeration, Browsing Type Information
memory dumps, DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute (see )
memory management, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Short Form, Advanced Debugging, Debuggers, Stack Trace Commands, Display Memory Commands, Memory Management, Object graph, Memory Example, Generations Example, Finalization, Symsrv Symbol Server, Memory Management, Memory Management, Memory Management, Server GC, The Console class and finalization, Weak Reference, Reliable Code, Managing Unmanaged Resources, The GC Class
array elements, Arrays and Collections
finalization process, Generations Example, Server GC
garbage collection, The GC Class
generations, Memory Example
IDisposable.Dispose method, The Console class and finalization
memory leaks, Memory Management, Reliable Code
MSIL load/store commands, Short Form
object graphs, Object graph
overview, Memory Management, Symsrv Symbol Server, Memory Management
Reliability and Performance Monitor, Advanced Debugging, Debuggers, Finalization
unmanaged resources, Memory Management, Managing Unmanaged Resources
weak references, Weak Reference
WinDbg breakpoint memory commands, Display Memory Commands
WinDbg display memory commands, Stack Trace Commands
metadata, The Exceptions Dialog Box, Metadata and Reflection, Metadata and Reflection, Metadata and Reflection, Metadata and Reflection, Metadata Validation, Metadata Validation, Attributes, MSIL in Depth
(see also )
attributes, Attributes
defined, The Exceptions Dialog Box, Metadata and Reflection
ILDASM support, Metadata Validation
manifests, Metadata and Reflection
MSIL directives, MSIL in Depth
overview, Metadata and Reflection
validating, Metadata Validation
metadata heaps, Metadata Heaps
metadata streams, Metadata Heaps
metadata tables, Metadata, Metadata, Metadata Heaps, Metadata Heaps, Metadata Heaps
metadata heaps, Metadata Heaps
metadata streams, Metadata Heaps
metadata tokens, Metadata
table identifiers, Metadata
metadata tokens, Metadata
method descriptors, Process Execution
method directives, .property (see )
MethodDef table, Metadata
MethodInfo object, Dynamic Invocation, Type Creation, Type Creation, Reflection and Generics, Reflection and Generics, GetGenericTypeDefinition, GetGenericTypeDefinition, GetGenericTypeDefinition, Creating Generic Types
GetGenericArguments method, GetGenericTypeDefinition
GetGenericMethodDefinition method, GetGenericTypeDefinition
Invoke method, Dynamic Invocation, Type Creation
IsGenericMethod property, Reflection and Generics
IsGenericTypeDefinition property, Reflection and Generics
late binding delegates, Type Creation
MakeGenericMethod method, Creating Generic Types
methods, Class Members, Fields, Fields, Visibility, Visibility, Visibility, Partial Type, Cross-Language Inheritance, Overriding Inherited Behavior, Overriding Events, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, System.Array, Collections, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection, SortedList, Stack Collection, Type Arguments, Generic Methods, Generic Methods, Constraints, Yield Statement, Iterator Internals, Anonymous Methods, System.Exception Functions, Browsing Type Information, Browsing Type Information, Dynamic Invocation, Late Binding Delegates, Branching, Tracing, DebuggerDisplayAttribute
abstract, Abstract Classes
anonymous, Anonymous Methods
ArrayList collection class, Collections
as class members, Class Members
as member functions, Fields
attributes and, Visibility
Binder class, Dynamic Invocation
calling, Branching
closed, Generic Methods
DebuggerDisplayAttribute limitations, DebuggerDisplayAttribute
defined, Fields
extension, Overriding Events
generic, Constraints (see )
Hashtable collection class, Hashtable Collection
invoking dynamically, Browsing Type Information, Late Binding Delegates
iterator, Yield Statement, Iterator Internals
open, Generic Methods
overloaded, Type Arguments
overview, Visibility
partial, Partial Type
Queue collection class, Queue Collection
return types, Visibility
SortedList collection class, SortedList
Stack collection class, Stack Collection
System.Array, System.Array
System.Exception class, System.Exception Functions
System.Object, Cross-Language Inheritance
TraceSource class, Tracing
Type object, Browsing Type Information
virtual keyword, Overriding Inherited Behavior
MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes), An Exception Example
Microsoft Build Engine, MSBuild Example (see )
Microsoft FCL, Application Exceptions (see )
Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), An Exception Example
Microsoft Intermediate Language, tail (see )
Microsoft Office project templates, Migrating to Visual Studio 2008
Microsoft Public Symbol Store, Exception Example, Symsrv Symbol Server
Microsoft Visual Studio, Project Types (see )
Microsoft Visual Studio Debugger, Attaching to a Running Process (see )
Microsoft Windows Forms, Migrating to Visual Studio 2008, Project Types, Generics and Delegates, Generics and Delegates, Unhandled Exceptions, GetGenericTypeDefinition
asynchronous invocation, Generics and Delegates
debugging, GetGenericTypeDefinition
templates, Migrating to Visual Studio 2008, Project Types
trapping unhandled exceptions, Unhandled Exceptions
minidumps, Dumps
minus operator, Removing delegates
modifiers, Classes, Member Attributes
module version identifiers (MVIDs), Metadata Heaps
Month enumeration, Enumeration
MSBuild (Microsoft Build Engine), Refactoring Example, Refactoring Example, Items, Items, Project File, Project File, MSBuild Example, MSBuild Example
code example, MSBuild Example
command-line switches, Project File
default tasks, Items
items, Refactoring Example
overview, Refactoring Example
project files, Project File
properties, Items
mscorlib.dll library, .assembly extern
MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language), Cross-Language Inheritance, Arrays and Collections, Generics Internals, Iterator Blocks, A Practical Example, Metadata Validation, MSIL, MSIL Programming, MSIL Programming, MSIL Programming, MSIL Programming, "Hello World" Application, MSIL in Depth, MSIL in Depth, MSIL Instructions, Short Form, Complex Tasks, Managing Types, Inheritance, Interfaces, Interfaces, Branching, Branching, tail, tail, Arithmetic Instructions, Conversion Operations, Miscellaneous Operations, Process Execution
arrays, tail
boxing, Managing Types
branching, Branching
calling methods, Branching
case sensitivity, MSIL in Depth
conversion operations, Arithmetic Instructions
cross-language inheritance, Cross-Language Inheritance
evaluation stack, "Hello World" Application, Short Form
exception handling, Conversion Operations
generic internals, Generics Internals
Hello World application, MSIL Programming
inheritance, Inheritance
interfaces, Interfaces
iterator internals, Iterator Blocks
managing types, Complex Tasks
metadata validation, Metadata Validation
OOP support, MSIL Programming
operator methods, A Practical Example
overview, MSIL, MSIL Programming, MSIL in Depth
process execution, Miscellaneous Operations
roundtripping, MSIL Programming, Process Execution
short-form syntax, MSIL Instructions
single-dimensional arrays, Arrays and Collections
structures, Interfaces
MSIL directives, "Hello World" Application, "Hello World" Application, "Hello World" Application, MSIL in Depth, Assembly Directives, Assembly Directives, Assembly Directives, Assembly Directives, Assembly Directives, Assembly Directives, .assembly extern, .assembly extern, .assembly extern, .assembly extern, .stackreserve, .stackreserve, .class header {members}, .class header {members}, .class header {members}, .class header {members}, .property, .property, .property, .property, .property, .property, .property, .event, .event, .maxstack, Complex Tasks, Complex Tasks, Interfaces, Interfaces
.addon directive, .property
.assembly directive, Assembly Directives
.assembly extern directive, Assembly Directives
.class directive, .stackreserve, Interfaces
.corflags directive, .assembly extern
.ctor directive, Complex Tasks
.custom directive, Assembly Directives, .class header {members}
.entrypoint directive, "Hello World" Application, .maxstack
.event directive, .property
.field directive, .class header {members}, Complex Tasks
.file directive, .assembly extern
.get directive, .property
.imagebase directive, .stackreserve
.locale directive, Assembly Directives
.locals directive, "Hello World" Application, .event, Interfaces
.maxstack directive, "Hello World" Application, .event
.method directive, .class header {members}
overview, MSIL in Depth
.property directive, .class header {members}, .property
.publickey directive, Assembly Directives
.removeon directive, .property
.set directive, .property
.stackreserve directive, .assembly extern
.subsystem directive, .assembly extern
.ver directive, Assembly Directives
MSIL instructions, "Hello World" Application, "Hello World" Application, "Hello World" Application, "Hello World" Application, "Hello World" Application, "Hello World" Application, "Hello World" Application, MSIL Instructions, MSIL Instructions, MSIL Instructions, Short Form, Short Form, Load and Store Methods, Load and Store Methods, Load and Store Methods, Load and Store Methods, Load and Store Methods, Complex Tasks, Complex Tasks, Complex Tasks, Complex Tasks, Complex Tasks, Complex Tasks, Complex Tasks, Managing Types, Managing Types, Managing Types, Inheritance, Interfaces, Interfaces, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Branching, Calling Methods, Calling Methods, Calling Methods, Calling Methods, jmp, tail, tail, tail, tail, tail, Arithmetic Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions, Conversion Operations, Miscellaneous Operations, Miscellaneous Operations, Miscellaneous Operations, Miscellaneous Operations, Miscellaneous Operations, Miscellaneous Operations, Miscellaneous Operations, Miscellaneous Operations, Roundtripping, Roundtripping
add instruction, Arithmetic Instructions, Roundtripping
and instruction, Miscellaneous Operations
beq instruction, Branching
bge instruction, Branching
bgt instruction, Branching
bgt.un instruction, Branching
ble instruction, Branching
blt instruction, Branching
blt.un instruction, Branching
bne instruction, Branching
bne.un instruction, Branching
box instruction, Complex Tasks, Managing Types
br instruction, MSIL Instructions, Branching
break instruction, Miscellaneous Operations
brfalse instruction, Branching
brtrue instruction, Branching
call instruction, "Hello World" Application, Interfaces, Calling Methods
calli instruction, Calling Methods
callvirt instruction, Inheritance, Calling Methods
castclass instruction, Miscellaneous Operations
ceq instruction, Branching
cgt instruction, Branching
cgt.un instruction, Branching
clt instruction, Branching
clt.un instruction, Branching
complex tasks, Complex Tasks
conv instruction, Arithmetic Instructions
conv.ovf instruction, Arithmetic Instructions, Roundtripping
div instruction, Arithmetic Instructions
dup instruction, Complex Tasks, tail
jmp instruction, "Hello World" Application, jmp
ldarg instruction, Load and Store Methods, Managing Types
ldc instruction, Short Form
ldelem instruction, tail
ldftn instruction, Calling Methods
ldloc instruction, "Hello World" Application, MSIL Instructions, Load and Store Methods
ldloca instruction, Interfaces
ldnull instruction, Load and Store Methods
ldsfld instruction, Complex Tasks
ldstr instruction, "Hello World" Application
leave instruction, Conversion Operations
mul instruction, Arithmetic Instructions
neg instruction, Arithmetic Instructions
newarr instruction, tail
newobj instruction, Complex Tasks, Branching
nop instruction, Miscellaneous Operations
or instruction, Miscellaneous Operations
overview, MSIL Instructions
pop instruction, Short Form, Miscellaneous Operations
rem instruction, Arithmetic Instructions
ret instruction, "Hello World" Application
rethrow instruction, Miscellaneous Operations
starg instruction, Load and Store Methods
stelem instruction, tail
stfld instruction, Complex Tasks
stloc instruction, "Hello World" Application, Load and Store Methods
stsfld instruction, Complex Tasks
sub instruction, Arithmetic Instructions
tail instruction, "Hello World" Application, tail
throw instruction, Miscellaneous Operations
unbox instruction, Managing Types
Mueller, John Paul, Unsafe Code
multicast delegates, System.MulticastDelegate Class, Removing delegates, Methods and properties, Methods and properties, Type Creation
generics and, Methods and properties
invocation lists, Removing delegates
late binding, Type Creation
overview, System.MulticastDelegate Class
MulticastDelegate class, Delegates and Events, Contravariance and Covariance, System.MulticastDelegate Class, System.MulticastDelegate Class, System.MulticastDelegate Class, Removing delegates, Removing delegates, Methods and properties, Methods and properties, Methods and properties, Methods and properties, Methods and properties, Methods and properties, Methods and properties, Methods and properties, Methods and properties, Methods and properties, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram
arrays of delegates, System.MulticastDelegate Class
as reference type, Delegates and Events
BeginInvoke method, Methods and properties, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram
Combine method, System.MulticastDelegate Class, Methods and properties
CreateDelegate method, Methods and properties
DynamicInvoke method, Methods and properties
EndInvoke method, Methods and properties, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram
GetInvocationList method, Removing delegates
Invoke method, Contravariance and Covariance, Methods and properties, Asynchronous Delegate Diagram
Method property, Methods and properties
Remove method, Removing delegates, Methods and properties
RemoveAll method, Methods and properties
Target property, Methods and properties
multidimensional arrays, Arrays and Collections, Multidimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays
array elements, Multidimensional Arrays
code example, Multidimensional Arrays
defined, Arrays and Collections, Multidimensional Arrays
syntax, Multidimensional Arrays
multi-line comments, Delimited comments: /* and */, Single-line documentation comments: ///, MSIL in Depth
multiple-targeting feature, Multiple-Targeting
MVIDs (module version identifiers), Metadata Heaps
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