named parameters, Anatomy of an Attribute
NamedPipeServerStream type, LINQ Query Expression Syntax
namespace keyword, Keywords
namespaces, Sample LINQ Program, Sample LINQ Program, Namespaces, Namespaces, Namespaces, Namespaces, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements, System.Array, System.Array, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, LINQ Query Expression Syntax, LINQ to XML, ILDASM
extern alias directive, Namespaces
for arrays, System.Array
for collections, System.Array, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
global, Namespaces
LINQ, LINQ Query Expression Syntax, LINQ to XML
nesting, Sample LINQ Program
overview, Sample LINQ Program
Reflection, ILDASM
StringBuilder type, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements
using directive, Namespaces
NameValueCollection class, Stack Collection
navigation, Validation, Explicit Casting, Explicit Casting
explicit casting, Explicit Casting
LINQ to XML, Validation
nested classes, Classes, Classes, Class Members, Error handling, Enumerators, Iterator Blocks, Outer Variables
accessibility, Classes
anonymous methods, Outer Variables
as class member, Class Members
enumerator support, Enumerators
example, Error handling
iterator support, Iterator Blocks
nested interfaces, Interfaces
nested try blocks, Exception Information Table
nested types, Sample LINQ Program, this Object, this Object, Error handling, Overriding Generic Methods
as data members, this Object
inheritance, Overriding Generic Methods
namespaces, Sample LINQ Program
overview, Error handling
NestedClass table, Metadata
.NET Framework, Inheritance, Multiple-Targeting, Introduction to LINQ, Application Exceptions, DebuggableAttribute Attribute, DebuggableAttribute Attribute
Debugging Control section, DebuggableAttribute Attribute
Framework Class Library, Inheritance, Introduction to LINQ, Application Exceptions
multiple-targeting feature, Multiple-Targeting
new keyword, Main Entry Point, Keywords, Types, Anonymous Types, Anonymous Types, Defining a Delegate
anonymous types, Anonymous Types
defined, Keywords
delegates, Defining a Delegate
reference types, Main Entry Point, Types
new modifier, Member Attributes, Constants, Constants, Extension Method, Abstract Classes, Interfaces, The new Modifier and Polymorphism
constants, Constants
description, Member Attributes
hiding sealed members, Abstract Classes
interfaces, Interfaces
overview, Extension Method
polymorphism, The new Modifier and Polymorphism
new operator, Pointer operators, Types, Classes, Classes, Visibility, Constructors, Constructors, Structures, Default Constructor Constraints, Operator Overloading
code example, Classes
constructors, Constructors, Constructors
default constructors, Structures, Default Constructor Constraints
instance constructors, Visibility
overloading considerations, Operator Overloading
overview, Pointer operators
value types, Types
Ngen tool, MSIL Programming
nodes, navigating XML, Validation
nonblittable types, The stackalloc Command, CharSet
NT Executive, Memory Management
_NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable, Symsrv Symbol Server
null array, params Keyword
null keyword, Keywords
nullable types, Nullable Types
numeric suffixes, Generic types
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