Chapter 1. Introduction

Microsoft Visual C# 2008 is the latest product release in the evolution of C#. It is a worthy successor to earlier versions and includes new features such as Language Integrated Query (LINQ), multi-targeting of environments, and better integration of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). This is the short list of updated information. The complete list includes new features for everyone, regardless of their role in the software life cycle. If you want to learn Visual C# 2008, including its exciting new features, Programming Microsoft Visual C# 2008: The Language provides a comprehensive exploration of the language.

LINQ is the most important addition to Visual C# 2008. Under the LINQ umbrella, you can find many enhancements. Lambda expressions, extension methods, expression trees, anonymous objects, and other features are introduced because of LINQ. These features are often applicable beyond LINQ. Two chapters are dedicated to LINQ (Chapter 6, and Chapter 11), which underscores the importance of LINQ to Visual C# 2008.

This book encompasses the software life cycle: design, implementation, maintenance, and debugging. This book covers all these topics, which are of interest to every C# developer.

Who Is This Book For?

Programming Microsoft Visual C# 2008: The Language is for developers seeking a comprehensive explanation of Visual C# 2008 or who want to explore a specific aspect of the language. The chapters are sequenced to provide a rational and complete review of the language. Each chapter also is reviewable as an independent unit that encapsulates a specific topic.

This book targets both professional and casual developers. Readers should have a basic understanding of programming concepts and object oriented programming. There is no other expectation. Practical and in-depth explanations are provided. Where beneficial, sample code is provided to complement explanations. Sample code often provides the clearest explanation of in-depth concepts. For this reason, this book contains a large number of code examples.

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