Chapter 6. Abstracting over Context: Using Clauses

In AbstractingOverContextPart1, we began our discussion of the powerful tools and idioms in Scala 2 and 3 for abstracting over context. In particular, we discussed type classes, extension methods, and implicit conversions as tools for extending the behaviors of existing types.

This chapter explores using clauses, which work with given instances to address particular design scenarios and to simplify user code.

Using Clauses

The other major use of context abstractions is to provide method parameters implicitly rather than explicitly. When a method argument list begins with the keyword using (Scala 3) or implicit (Scala 2 and 3), the user does not have to provide values explicitly for the parameters, as long as given instances (explored in the previous chapter) are in scope that the compiler can use instead.

In Scala 2 terminology, those parameters were called implicit parameters and the whole list of parameters is an implicit parameter list or implicit parameter clause. In Scala 3, they are context parameters and the whole parameter list is a using clause.1 Here is an example:

class BankAccount(...):
  def debit(amount: Money)(using transaction: Transaction)

Here, the using clause starts with the using keyword and contains the context parameter transaction.

The values in scope that can be used to fill in these parameters are called implicit values in Scala 2. In Scala 3 they are the given instances or givens for short that we studied last chapter.

I’ll mostly use the Scala 3 terminology in this book, but when I use Scala 2 terminology, it will usually be when discussing a Scala 2 library that uses implicit definitions and parameters. Scala 3 more or less treats them interchangeably, although the Scala 2 implicits will be phased out eventually.

For each parameter in a using clause, a type-compatible given must exist in the enclosing scope. Using Scala 2-style implicits, an implicit value or an implicit function returning a compatible value must be in scope.

For comparison, recall you can also define default values for method parameters. While sufficient in many circumstances, they are statically scoped to the definition at compile time and they are defined by the implementer of the method. Using clauses, on the other hand, provide greater flexibility for users of a method.

As an example, suppose we implement a simple type that wraps sequences for convenient sorting (ignoring the fact this capability is already provided by Seq). One way to do this is for the user to supply an implementation of math.Ordering, which knows how to sort elements of the particular type used in the sequence. That object could be passed as an argument to the sort method, but the user might also like the ability to specify the value once, as an implicit, and then have all sequences of the same element type use it automatically.

This first implementation uses syntax valid for both Scala 2 an 3:

// src/script/scala-2/progscala3/contexts/ImplicitClauses.scala

case class SortableSeq[A](seq: Seq[A]) {                             1
  def sortBy1[B](transform: A => B)(implicit o: Ordering[B]): SortableSeq[A]=
    new SortableSeq(seq.sortBy(transform)(o))

  def sortBy2[B : Ordering](transform: A => B): SortableSeq[A] =
    new SortableSeq(seq.sortBy(transform)(implicitly[Ordering[B]]))

val seq = SortableSeq(Seq(1,3,5,2,4))

def defaultOrdering() = {                                            2
  assert(seq.sortBy1(i => -i) == SortableSeq(Seq(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)))    3
  assert(seq.sortBy2(i => -i) == SortableSeq(Seq(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)))

def oddEvenOrdering() = {
  implicit val oddEven: Ordering[Int] = new Ordering[Int]:           4
    def compare(i: Int, j: Int): Int = i%2 compare j%2 match
      case 0 => i compare j
      case c => c

  assert(seq.sortBy1(i => -i) == SortableSeq(Seq(5, 3, 1, 4, 2)))    5
  assert(seq.sortBy2(i => -i) == SortableSeq(Seq(5, 3, 1, 4, 2)))

Use braces, because this is also valid Scala 2 code.


Wrap examples in methods to scope the use of implicits.


Uses the default ordering provided by math.Ordering for Ints.


Define a custom oddEven ordering, which will be the “closest” implicit value in scope for the following lines.


Implicitly use the custom oddEven ordering.

Let’s focus on sortBy1 for now. All the implicit parameters must be declared in their own parameter list. Here we need two lists, because we have a regular parameter, the function transform. If we only had implicit parameters, we would need only one parameter list.

The implementation of sortBy1 just uses the Seq.sortBy method in the collections library. It takes a function that transforms the values to affect the sorting, and an Ordering instance to sort the values after transformation.

There is already a default implicit implementation in scope for math.Ordering[Int], so we don’t need to supply one if we want the usual numeric ordering. The anonymous function i => -1 transforms the integers to their negative values for the purposes of ordering, which effectively results in sorting from highest to lowest.

Next, let’s discuss the other method, sortBy2, and also explore new Scala 3 syntax for this purpose.

Context Bounds

If you think about it, while SortableSeq is declared to support any element type A, the two sortBy* methods “bound” the allowed types to those for which an Ordering exists. Hence, the term context bound is used for the implicit value in this situation.

In SortableSeq.sortBy1, the implicit parameter o is a context bound. A major clue is the fact that it has type Ordering[B], meaning it is parameterized by the output element type, B. So, while it doesn’t bound A explicitly, the result of applying transform is to convert A to B and then B is context bound by Ordering[B].

Context bounds are so common that Scala 2 defined a more concise way of declaring them in the types, as shown in sortBy2, where the syntax B : Ordering appears. (Note that it’s not B : Ordering[B].)

In the generated byte code for Scala 2, this is just short hand for the same code we wrote explicitly for sortBy1, with one difference. In sortBy1, we defined a name for the Ordering parameter, o, in the second argument list. We don’t have a name for it in sortBy2, but we need it in the body of the method. The solution is to use the method Predef.implicitly, as shown in the method body. It “binds” the implicit Ordering that is in scope so it can be passed as an argument.

Let’s rewrite this code in Scala 3:

// src/script/scala/progscala3/contexts/UsingClauses.scala

case class SortableSeq[A](seq: Seq[A]):
  def sortBy1a[B](transform: A => B)(using o: Ordering[B]): SortableSeq[A] =
    new SortableSeq(seq.sortBy(transform)(o))

  def sortBy1b[B](transform: A => B)(using Ordering[B]): SortableSeq[A] =
    new SortableSeq(seq.sortBy(transform)(summon[Ordering[B]]))

  def sortBy2[B : Ordering](transform: A => B): SortableSeq[A] =
    new SortableSeq(seq.sortBy(transform)(summon[Ordering[B]]))

The sortBy1a method is identical to the previous sortBy1 method with a using clause instead of an implicit parameter list. In sortBy1b, we see that the name can be omitted and a new Predef method, summon is used to bind the value, instead. (It is identical to +implicitly.) The sortBy2 here is written identically to the previous one in ImplicitClauses, but in Scala 3 it is implemented with a using clause.

The previously defined test methods, defaultOrdering and oddEvenOrdering, are almost the same in this source file, but are not shown here. There is an additional test method in this file that uses a given instance instead of an implicit value:

def evenOddGivenOrdering() =
  given evenOdd as Ordering[Int] = new Ordering[Int]:
    def compare(i: Int, j: Int): Int = i%2 compare j%2 match
      case 0 => i compare j
      case c => -c

  val expected = SortableSeq(Seq(4, 2, 5, 3, 1))
  assert(seq.sortBy1a(i => -i) == expected)                     1
  assert(seq.sortBy1b(i => -i) == expected)
  assert(seq.sortBy2(i => -i)  == expected)

  assert(seq.sortBy1a(i => -i)(using evenOdd) == expected)      2
  assert(seq.sortBy1b(i => -i)(using evenOdd) == expected)
  assert(seq.sortBy2(i => -i)(using evenOdd)  == expected)


Use the given evenOdd instance implicitly.


Use the given evenOdd instance explicitly with using.

The syntax given foo as Type[T] is used instead of implicit val foo: Type[T], essentially the same way we used givens when discussing type classes. Recall the use of as, too.

If the using clause is provided explicitly, as marked with comment 2, the using keyword is required in Scala 3, whereas Scala 2 didn’t require the implicit keyword here. The reason using is now required is two fold. First, it’s better documentation for the reader. Second, it removes an ambiguity that is illustrated in the following contrived Scala 2 example:

case class FastSeq[T](implicit storage: Storage[T]):            1
  def apply(i: Int): Option[T] = storage.get(i)                 2

implicit val customStorage: Storage = ???
val opt = FastSeq[String](5)                                    3

A “fast” sequence implementation with user-pluggable storage.


Optionally return the item at index i.


Does this line return a None, because the sequence is empty?

In Scala 2, the last line would cause a compiler error for the argument 5, saying that a Storage instance was expected as the argument. The actual user intention was for the instance to be constructed with the implicit value customStorage, then the apply method was to be called with 5. Instead, you would have to use the unintuitive expression FastSeq[String].apply(5).

Now this ambiguity is removed by requiring using when the implicit is provided explicitly. As written, the compiler knows that you want to use the implicit for the storage and then call apply(5).


The intent of the new given name as … syntax and the using … syntax is to make their purpose more explicit, but it functions almost identically to Scala 2 implicit definitions and parameters.

By-Name Context Parameters

Context parameters can be by-name parameters. Here is an example adapted from this Dotty documentation.

// src/script/scala/progscala3/contexts/ByNameContextParameters.scala

trait Codec[T]:
  def write(x: T): Unit

given intCodec as Codec[Int]:
  def write(i: Int): Unit = print(i)

given optionCodec[T](using ev: => Codec[T]) as Codec[Option[T]]:
  def write(xo: Option[T]) = xo match
    case Some(x) => ev.write(x)
    case None =>

val s = summon[Codec[Option[Int]]]


Note that ev for optionCodec[T] is a by-name parameter, which means its evaluation is delayed until used. Using a by-name parameter here can avoid certain cases where a divergent expansion can happen, as the compiler chases its tail trying to resolve all using clause parameters.

Other Context Parameters

In ATasteOfFutures, we saw that Future.apply has a second, implicit argument list that is used to pass an ExecutionContext:

object Future:
  apply[T](body: => T)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[T]

It is not a context bound, because the ExecutionContext is independent of T.

We didn’t specify an ExecutionContext when we called these methods, but we imported a global default that the compiler used:

Future(...)                                  // Use the implicit value
Future(...)(using customExecutionContext)    // Explicit argument with "using"

Future supports a lot of the operations like filter, map, etc. All take two argument lists, like Future.apply. Have a using clause for the ExecutionContext makes the code much cleaner:

given customExecutionContext: ExecutionContext = ???
val f1 = Future(...)(using customExecutionContext)
  .map(...)(using customExecutionContext)
  .filter(...)(using customExecutionContext)
// versus:
val f2 = Future(...).map(...).filter(...)

Other example of using contexts (my term) include transaction identifiers, database connections, and web sessions.


The example shows that using contexts can make code more concise, but they can be overused in Scala code. When you see the same using FooContext all over a code base, it feels more like a global variable than pure functional programming.

Passing Context Functions

Context Functions are functions with context parameters only. Scala 3 introduces a new context function type for them, indicated by ? => T, with special handling depending on how they are used.

In essence, context functions abstract over context parameters.

Consider this alternative for handling The ExecutionContext passed to Future.apply(), using a wrapper FutureCF (for “context function”):

// src/script/scala/progscala3/contexts/ContextFunctions.scala

import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._

object FutureCF:
  type Executable[T] = ExecutionContext ?=> T                        1

  def apply[T](body: => T): Executable[Future[T]] = Future(body)     2

def sleepN(dur: Duration): Duration =                                3
  val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
  Duration(System.currentTimeMillis - start, MILLISECONDS)

val future1 = FutureCF(sleepN(1.second))                             4
val future2 = FutureCF(sleepN(1.second))(using global)               5
val duration1 = Await.result(future1, 2.second)                      6
val duration2 = Await.result(future2, 2.second)

Type alias for a context function with an ExecutionContext.


Compare this definition of FutureCF.apply() to Future.apply() above, which we are calling here. The implicit ExecutionContext is passed to Future.apply().


Define some work that will be passed to futures; sleep for some Duration and return the actual elapsed time as a Duration.


Create a future with the implicit value, like calling Future.apply().


Create another future specifying the implicit argument explicitly.


Await the results of the futures. Wait no longer than two seconds.

The last two lines print the following (your actual numbers may vary slightly):

val duration1: concurrent.duration.Duration = 1004 milliseconds
val duration2: concurrent.duration.Duration = 1002 milliseconds

Let’s look at a more extensive example inspired by the context functions documentation page. We’ll create a domain-specific language (DSL) for constructing JSON. For simplicity, we won’t construct instances for some JSON library, just JSON-formatted strings. To motivate the example, let’s begin with an entry point that shows the DSL in action:

// src/main/scala/progscala3/contexts/json/JSONBuilder.scala
package progscala3.contexts.json

@main def TryJSONBuilder(): Unit =
  val js = obj {
    "config" -> obj {
      "master" -> obj {
        "host" -> ""
        "port" -> 8000
        "security" -> "null"
        // "foo" -> (1, 2.2, "three")  // doesn't compile!
      "nodes" -> array {
        aobj {                         // "array object"
          "name" -> "node1"
          "host" -> ""
        aobj {
          "name" -> "node2"
          "host" -> ""
        "otherThing" -> 2

Let’s try it in SBT. I reformatted the output for better legibility:

> runMain progscala3.contexts.json.TryJSONBuilder
  "config": {
    "master": {
      "host": "", "port": 8000, "security": null
    "nodes": [
      {"name": "node1", "host": ""},
      {"name": "node2", "host": ""},
      "otherThing" -> 2

Now let’s work through the implementation (same source file):

object JSONElement:
  def valueString[T](t: T): String = t match                           1
    case "null" => "null"
    case s: String => """+s+"""
    case _ => t.toString

sealed trait JSONElement                                               2
case class JSONKeyedElement[T](key: String, element: T) extends JSONElement:
  override def toString = """+key+"": "+JSONElement.valueString(element)
case class JSONArrayElement[T](element: T) extends JSONElement:
  override def toString = JSONElement.valueString(element)

Return the correct string representation for a value. JSON allows nulls, for which we’ll expect the user to use the string "null" (as shown in the example). Hence, valueString returns null without quotes, all other strings in double quotes, and for everything else, the output of toString.


We can model everything as either a “keyed” element of the form "key": value or just a value, but the latter only appear as elements in arrays.

Continuing, we have types for JSON objects and arrays:

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

trait JSONContainer(open: String, close: String) extends JSONElement:  1
  val elements = new ArrayBuffer[JSONElement]
  def add(e: JSONElement): Unit = elements += e
  override def toString = elements.mkString(open, ", ", close)

class JSONObject extends JSONContainer("{", "}")
class JSONArray extends JSONContainer("[", "]")

For both JSON objects and arrays, we add elements to a mutable array buffer. There are two places the add method is called, discussed below.

Note that traits can define constructor parameters, like classes. For our purposes, only the opening and closing delimiter differ between objects and arrays. The concrete classes for them define the correct delimiters.

sealed trait ValidJSONValue[T]                                         1
given ValidJSONValue[Int]
given ValidJSONValue[Double]
given ValidJSONValue[String]
given ValidJSONValue[Boolean]
given ValidJSONValue[JSONObject]
given ValidJSONValue[JSONArray]

extension [T : ValidJSONValue] (name: String)                          2
  def ->(element: T)(using jc: JSONContainer) =
    jc.add(JSONNamedElement(name, element))

These given instances of ValidJSONValue[T] are witnesses, constraining the allowed types of JSON values (see ConstrainingAllowedInstances).


This String extension method that is constrained by ValidJSONValue[T]. It constructs JSONKeyedElements using "key" -> value, just like tuple pairs, but constrained by the context bound T : ValidJSONValue. We use a JSONContainer because these key-value pairs only occur inside containers (objects or arrays) in the DSL. It is here that we add the key-value pairs to the container jc.

If you try a tuple value, it will fail to compile, as shown in a comment in TryJSONBuilder!

In Scala 2, you would need to declare derived classes of ValidJSONValue[T], like this:

implicit object VJSONInt extends ValidJSONValue[Int]

Finally, we see the actual context functions in action:

def obj(init: JSONObject ?=> Unit) =                                   1
  given jo as JSONObject

def aobj(init: JSONObject ?=> Unit)(using jc: JSONContainer) =         2
  given jo as JSONObject

def array(init: JSONArray ?=> Unit) =                                  3
  given ja as JSONArray

A whole JSON object, as well as nested objects, starts with obj. Refer to the example in TryJSONBuilder. Where does the init context function of type JSONObject ?=> Unit come from? It is constructed by the compiler from the expressions inside the braces passed as the argument to obj. Or, as it appears in the DSL, the braces after the obj “keyword”. Next, the given clause creates an instance of JSONObject named jo. Then, init is evaluated, where jo will be used to satisfy using clauses inside those nested expressions. Finally, we return jo.


Use aobj to define objects as array elements. Note that this function has a using clause, unlike obj, which will always a JSONArray. Unfortunately, the name obj can’t be overloaded here, because the compiler would consider the two definitions ambiguous. The body of aobj is the second place where the add method is called. Recall that the other location is inside the String extension method ->.


Define an array. This body is very similar to obj.

So, if you find you need a small DSL for expressing structure, context functions is one tool at your disposal. We’ll explore more tools for DSLs in DomainSpecificLanguages.

Constraining Allowed Instances

The “given” instances of ValidJSONValue[T] in the previous example were used as context bounds that constrained the allowed types that could be used for type parameter T in the String extension method ->(element: T).

What was new is that we did no actual work with these instances. Only their existence mattered. They “witnessed” the allowed types for JSON elements. So, because we didn’t provide an instance for three-element tuples, for example, attempting to use a tuple value in the DSL, such as "stuff" -> (1, "two", 3.3), causes a compilation error.

Sometimes a context bound is used in both ways, as a witness and to do work. Consider the following sketch of an API for data “records” with ad hoc schemas, like in some NoSQL databases. Each row is encapsulated in a Map[String,Any], where the keys are the field names and the “column” values are unconstrained. However, the add and get methods, for adding column values to a row and retrieving them, do constrain the allowed instance types. Here is the example:

// src/main/scala/progscala3/contexts/NoSQLRecords.scala
package progscala3.contexts.scaladb

import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.util.Try

case class InvalidFieldName(name: String)
  extends RuntimeException(s"Invalid field name $name")

object Record:                                                       1
  def make: Record = new Record(Map.empty)
  type Conv[T] = Conversion[Any,T]

case class Record private (contents: Map[String,Any]):               2
  import Record.Conv
  def add[T](nameValue: (String, T))(using Conv[T]): Record =        3
    Record(contents + nameValue)
  def get[T](colName: String)(using toT: Conv[T]): Try[T] =          4
  private def col(colName: String): Any =
    contents.getOrElse(colName, throw InvalidFieldName(colName))

@main def TryScalaDB =
  import Record.Conv
  given Conv[Int] = _.asInstanceOf[Int]                              5
  given Conv[Double] = _.asInstanceOf[Double]
  given Conv[String] = _.asInstanceOf[String]
  given ab[A : Conv, B : Conv] as Conv[(A, B)] = _.asInstanceOf[(A,B)]

  val rec = Record.make.add("one" -> 1).add("two" -> 2.2)
    .add("three" -> "THREE!").add("four" -> (4.4, "four"))
    .add("five" -> (5, ("five", 5.5)))

  val one   = rec.get[Int]("one")
  val two   = rec.get[Double]("two")
  val three = rec.get[String]("three")
  val four  = rec.get[(Double, String)]("four")
  val five  = rec.get[(Int, (String, Double))]("five")
  val bad1  = rec.get[String]("two")                                 6
  val bad2  = rec.get[String]("five")
  val bad3  = rec.get[Double]("five")
  // val error  = rec.get[Byte]("byte")

  println(s"one, two, three, four, five -> $one, $two, $three, $four, $five")
  println(s"bad1, bad2, bad3 -> $bad1, $bad2, $bad3")

The companion object defines make to start “safe” construction of a Record. It also defines a type alias for Conversion, where we always use Any as the first type parameter. This alias is necessary when we define given ab below.


Define Record with a single field Map[String,Any] to hold the user-defined fields and values. Use of private after the type name declares the constructor private, forcing users to create records using Record.make followed by add calls. This prevents users from using an unconstrained Map to construct a Record!


A method to add a field with a particular type and value. The anonymous context parameter is used only to constrain the allowed values for T. It’s apply method won’t be used. Since Records are immutable, a new instance is returned.


A method to retrieve a field value with the desired type T. Here the context parameter both constrains the allowed T types and it handles conversion from Any to T. On failure, an exception is returned in the Try. Hence, this example can’t catch all type errors at compile time, as shown below.


Only Int, Double, String, and pairs of them are supported. These definitions work as witnesses for the allowed types in both the add and get methods, as well as function as implicit conversions from Any to specific types when used in get. Note that given ab declares a given for pairs, but the A and B types are constrained to be other allowed types, including other pairs!


Attempting to retrieve columns with the wrong types. Attempting to retrieve an unsupported Byte column would cause a compilation error.

Running this example with runMain progscala3.contexts.scaladb.TryScalaDB, you get the following output (abbreviated):

one, two, three, four, five -> Success(1), Success(2.2), Success(THREE!),
  Success((4.4,four)), Success((5,(five,5.5)))
bad1, bad2, bad3 ->
  Failure(... java.lang.Double cannot be cast to class java.lang.String ...),
  Failure(... scala.Tuple2 cannot be cast to class java.lang.String ...),
  Failure(... scala.Tuple2 cannot be cast to class java.lang.Double ...))

Hence, the only runtime failure we have we can’t prevent at compile time is attempting to get a column with the wrong type.

The type alias Conv[T] not only made the code more concise than using Conversion[Any,T], it is necessary for the context bounds on A and B in ab. This is because context bounds always require one and only one type parameter, but Conversion[A,B] has two. Fortunately, the A is always Any in our case, so we were able to define the type alias Conv[T] and use it for the bounds in ab.


Using a type alias to fill in some of the type parameters is a useful trick when the number of type parameters in a type don’t match what your needs.

As a reminder, use of given provides a more concise syntax than the Scala 2 way of declaring an implicit value (which is still supported):

given Conv[Int] = _.asInstanceOf[Int]                    // Scala 3
// vs.
implicit val toInt: Conv[Int] = new Conv[Int]:           // Scala 2
  def apply(any: Any): Int = any.asInstanceOf[Int]

To recap, we limited the allowed types that can be used for a parameterized method by passing an implicit parameter and only defining given values that match the types we want to allow.

This example was inspired by an API I once wrote to work with Cassandra.

Implicit Evidence

In the previous example, the Record.add method showed one way to constrain the allowed types without doing anything else with the context bounds. Now we’ll discuss another technique called implicit evidence.

A nice example of this technique is the toMap method available for all iterable collections. Recall that the Map constructor wants key-value pairs, i.e., two-element tuples, as arguments. If we have a sequence of pairs, wouldn’t it be nice to create a Map out of them in one step? That’s what toMap does, but we have a dilemma. We can’t allow the user to call toMap if the sequence is not a sequence of pairs.

The toMap method is defined in IterableOnceOps:

trait IterableOnceOps[+A]:
  def toMap[K, V](implicit ev: <:<[A, (K, V)]): immutable.Map[K, V]

The implicit parameter ev is the “evidence” we need to enforce our constraint. It uses a type defined in Predef called <:<, named to resemble the type parameter constraint <:, e.g., A <: (K,V). In _call_by_name_call_by_value, we learned that this notation means A is a subtype of (K,V).

Recall we said that types with two type parameters can be written in “infix” notation. So, the following two expressions are equivalent:

<:<[A, (T,U)]
A <:< (T,U)

Now, when we have a traversable collection that we want to convert to a Map, the implicit evidence ev value we need will be synthesized by the compiler, but only if A <: (T,U); that is, if A is actually a pair of types. If true, then toMap can be called and it simply passes the elements of the traversable to the Map constructor. However, if A is not a pair type, the code fails to compile.

Hence, evidence only has to exist to enforce a type constraint, which the compiler generates for us. We don’t have to define a given or implicit value ourselves.

There is also a related type in Predef for providing evidence that two types are equivalent, called =:=.

Working Around Type Erasure with Context Bounds

Context bounds can also be used to work around limitations due to type erasure on the JVM.

For historical reasons, the JVM “forgets” the supplied type arguments for parameterized types. For example, consider the following definitions for an overloaded method with unique type signatures, at least to human readers:

scala> object O:
     |   def m(seq: Seq[Int]): Unit = println(s"Seq[Int]: $seq")
     |   def m(seq: Seq[String]): Unit = println(s"Seq[String]: $seq")
3 |  def m(seq: Seq[String]): Unit = println(s"Seq[String]: $seq")
  |      ^
  |      Double definition:
  |      def m(seq: Seq[Int]): Unit in object O at line 2 and
  |      def m(seq: Seq[String]): Unit in object O at line 3
  |      have the same type after erasure.

So, the compiler disallows the definitions because they are effectively the same in byte code.


Be careful defining overloaded methods in the REPL without an enclosing type. Because the REPL lets you redefine anything, for convenience, if you enter these two method definitions without the enclosing object, you’ll see no complaints. You will have one method, for Seq[String], instead of two.

However, we can add an implicit parameter to disambiguate the methods:

// src/script/scala/progscala3/contexts/UsingTypeErasureWorkaround.scala
object M:
  implicit object IntMarker                                1
  implicit object StringMarker

  def m(seq: Seq[Int])(using IntMarker.type): String =     2
    s"Seq[Int]: $seq"

  def m(seq: Seq[String])(using StringMarker.type): String =
    s"Seq[String]: $seq"

import M._

The last three lines produce the following results:

scala> m(Seq(1,2,3))
     | m(Seq("one", "two", "three"))
val res0: String = Seq[Int]: List(1, 2, 3)
val res1: String = Seq[String]: List(one, two, three)

scala> m(Seq("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, "three" -> 3))   // ERROR
1 |m(Seq("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, "three" -> 3))
  |None of the overloaded alternatives of method m in object M with types

Define two special-purpose implicit objects that will be used to disambiguate the methods affected by type erasure.


Redefinition of the method that takes Seq[Int]. It now has a second parameter list expecting an implicit IntMarker.type (because IntMarker is an object). Then define a similar method for Seq[String].

Now the compiler considers the two m methods to be distinct after type erasure.

You might wonder why I didn’t use implicit Int and String values, rather than invent new types. Using implicit values for very common types is not recommended. It would be too easy for one or more implicit String values, for example, to show up in a particular scope. If you don’t expect one to be there, you might be surprised when it gets used. If you do expect one to be in scope, but there are several of them, you’ll get a compiler error because all of them are valid choices and the compiler can’t decide which to use.

At least the second scenario triggers an immediate error rather than allowing unintentional behavior to occur.

The safer bet is to limit your use of implicit parameters and values to very specific, purpose-built types.


Avoid using context parameters for very common types like Int and String, as they are more likely to cause confusing behavior or compilation errors.

We’ll discuss type erasure in more detail in ScalasTypeSystemI.

Rules for Using Clauses

The sidebar lists the general rules for using clauses.

Hence, any one parameter list can’t mix context parameters with other parameters. Here are a few more examples, including what happens when a regular parameter list follows an using clause, which is allowed in Scala 3, but not in Scala 2:

// src/script/scala/progscala3/contexts/UsingClausesLists.scala

case class U1[T](t: T)
case class U2[T](t: T)

def f1[T1,T2](name: String)(using u1: U1[T1], u2: U2[T2]): String =       1
  s"f1: $name: $u1, $u2"
def f2[T1,T2](name: String)(using u1: U1[T1])(using u2: U2[T2]): String = 2
  s"f2: $name: $u1, $u2"
def f3[T1,T2](name: String)(using u1: U1[T1])(u2: U2[T2]): String =       3
  s"f3: $name: $u1, $u2"

given u1i as U1[Int](0)
given u2s as U2[String]("one")

One using clause with two values.


Two using clauses, each with one value.


One using clause sandwiched between two regular parameter lists.

Now use them:

scala> f1("f1a")
     | f1("f1b")(using u1i, u2s)
     | f2("f2a")
     | f2("f2b")(using u1i)(using u2s)
     | f3("f3a")
     | f3("f3b")(using u1i)
     | f3("f3c")(using u1i)(u2s)
val res0: String = f1: f1a: U1(0), U2(one)
val res1: String = f1: f1b: U1(0), U2(one)
val res2: String = f2: f2a: U1(0), U2(one)
val res3: String = f2: f2b: U1(0), U2(one)
val res4: U2[Any] => String = Lambda$7814/0x000000080360d040@4aa25f5d
val res5: U2[Any] => String = Lambda$7815/0x000000080360c840@521dc499
val res6: String = f3: f3c: U1(0), U2(one)

The results for f1 and f2 should make sense; they are functionally equivalent. Recall that when passing values explicitly, the using keyword is required.

Now consider res4 through res6. First, res6 should be unsurprising, as we explicitly provided arguments for all three lists.

Partial application is the explanation for res4 and res5. For methods with more than one parameter list, if you invoke them with a subset of the leading parameter lists, a new function is returned expecting the rest of the parameter lists. For res4, the given is used for the second parameter list, the using clause, while a value is explicitly provided for the using clause in the res5 definition. Hence, both return the same thing.

For both res4 and res5, the third parameter list is not a using clause and it was not provided explicitly. Therefore, the expressions returned a function that expects the remaining parameter list, which takes an instance of U2, and returns a String:

scala> val u2a = U2[Any](1.1)    // Declare a U2[Any] we can use.
     | res4(u2a)                 // Pass it to the res4 and res5 functions.
     | res5(u2a)
val u2a: U2[Any] = U2(1.1)
val res7: String = f3: f3a: U1(0), U2(1.1)
val res8: String = f3: f3b: U1(0), U2(1.1)

Because we didn’t provide the third parameter list when we constructed res4 and res5, the type parameter T2 for f3 was inferred to be the widest possible type, Any. Try calling res4(m1) or res4(m2) and you’ll get a type error, as m1 and m2 are not type compatible with U2[Any]. It doesn’t matter that m1 and m2 were declared as givens; we can still use them as regular parameters, as long as the types are compatible.

Improving Error Messages

Let’s finish the discussion of using clauses by discussing how to improve the errors reported when an value isn’t found. The compiler’s default messages are usually sufficiently descriptive, but you can customize them with the implicitNotFound annotation,2 as follows:

// src/script/scala/progscala3/contexts/ImplicitNotFound.scala[]

import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound

@implicitNotFound("Stringer: No implicit found ${T} : Tagify[${T}]")
trait Tagify[T]:
  def toTag(t: T): String

case class Stringer[T : Tagify](t: T):
  override def toString: String =
    s"Stringer: ${implicitly[Tagify[T]].toTag(t)}"

object O:
  def makeXML[T](t: T)(
      implicit @implicitNotFound("No Tagify[${T}] implicit found")
        tagger: Tagify[T]): String =

given Tagify[Int]:
  def toTag(i: Int): String = s"<int>$i</int>"
given Tagify[String]:
  def toTag(s: String): String = s"<string>$s</string>"

Let’s try it:

scala> Stringer("Hello World!")
     | Stringer(100)
     | O.makeXML("Hello World!")
     | O.makeXML(100)
val res0: Stringer[String] = Stringer: <string>Hello World!</string>
val res1: Stringer[Int] = Stringer: <int>100</int>
val res2: String = <xml><string>Hello World!</string></xml>
val res3: String = <xml><int>100</int></xml>

scala> Stringer(3.14569)
     | O.makeXML(3.14569)
1 |Stringer(3.14569)
  |                 ^
  |                 Stringer: No implicit found Double : Tagify[Double]
2 |O.makeXML(3.14569)
  |                  ^
  |                  Stringer: No implicit found Double : Tagify[Double]

TODO: Still true in Scala 3 final? What about a new annotation??

Only the annotation on Tagify is used. The annotation on the parameter to O.makeXML is supposed to take precedence for the last output. This appears to be a current limitation in Scala 3.

You can only annotate types intended for use as givens. This is another reason for creating custom types for this purpose, rather than using more common types, like Int, String, or our Person type. You can’t use this annotation with those types.

Recap and What’s Next

We completed our exploration into the details of abstracting over context in Scala 2 and 3. I hope you can appreciate their power and utility, but also the need to use them wisely. Unfortunately, because the old implicit idioms are still supported for backwards compatibility, at least for a while, it will be necessary to understand how to use both the old and new constructs, even though they are redundant.

Now we’re ready to dive into the principles of functional programming. We’ll start with a discussion of the core concepts and why they are important. Then we’ll look at the powerful functions provided by most container types in the library. We’ll see how we can use those functions to construct concise, yet powerful programs.

1 A “regular” parameter list is also known as a normal parameter clause, but I have just used the more familiar parameter list in this book. Using clause is more of a formal term in Scala 3 documentation than implicit parameter clause was, which is why I emphasize it here.

2 At the time of this writing, there is no givenNotFound or similar replacement annotation in Scala 3.

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