
Before we move to the next chapter, let's summarize what we have learned during this chapter. We had a brief recap on the building blocks of C#. We had a walk-through of the .NET Framework architecture and visited the different components in it. We also analyzed what makes C# different from programming languages such as C and C++. We went over the functioning of CLR and how it implements garbage collection in C#. We then wrote our first program, Hello WorldBy now, you should have a good awareness of what C# is and the features it contains.

In the next chapter, we will go over some more basic principles of C# programming. We will analyze the different possible access modifiers in C#. Access modifiers make sure that the properties and methods present in a class are only exposed to the relevant modules in an application. We will learn the behavior and implementation of value and reference type data variables in C# programming. We will go over inheritance and interface, and how they are implemented in a C# application. We will discuss the differences between inheritance and interface, and the different scenarios in which we should use one or the other.

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