
AACE-International, 5


    structure for, 25

    visibility/transparency for, 97

The Age of Discontinuity: Guidelines to Our Changing Society (Drucker), 117–118

Aitken, Alicia, 129

American Association of Cost Engineers, 5

Analysis paralysis, 132

    ways to overcome, 132–134

Analytical talent, team strengthening with, 130–131

Assertive communication, 40

AURA. See also Project management-AURA model

    defined, 103–104

    of leadership, 105–106

    model, 107–108

    steps to create personal, 104–105


Bersin, Josh, 69

Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, 4

Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), 39

Budgets, monitoring of, 25–26

Buisson, David, 22, 23

Burrus, Daniel, 77, 80

Business advancement

    project management for, 9–10

    transform for, 109–115

Business management, benefits of shift in, 89. See also Paradigm shift

Business model development and innovation (BMDI), 94

Business transformation, 95

Business value

    general, 21–22

    systems for

        organizational systems, 17–18

        project control system, 18–21

        systems add business value, 18


C-suite, 50

Challenge, for creativity, 63

Championship Communication Triad, 42

“Championship” project team, 50

Change, 136. See also Organizational change

    definition of, 102

    dynamism for, 45–46

    enablers, 103

    resistance to, 102–103

    sustainable, 135

Change management

    culture, 56–57

    organizational competence building, 25

Charan, Ram, 69

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 71

Closing Processes Group, 3

Cocreation, 60

Coherent management, 95

Collaboration, 136

Collective leadership, 56

Common sense, 69

Communication, 134–135

    assertive, 40

    channels, defined, 97

    collaborative, 62

    dialogue and, 61

    generation gap, 44–45

    for high performance organizations, 38–45

    impacts, 41–42

    internal, 36

    issues in, 39–40

    organizational competence building, 25

    Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation model for, 42–44

Competence. See Organizational competence

Complexity, 67–70

    structural, ease of, 27–28

Compliance, 136

Consistency, high performance organizational culture with, 30

Controllable matters, management of, 91–92

Crawford, Lynn, 128–129

Creativity, 62–63

    challenge for, 63

    components at work, 65

    environment for, 65–66

    foster innovation through, 66–67

    freedom for, 63

    organizational support for, 64

    resources for, 63

Critical knowledge, 123–126

Critical path method (CPM), 5

Culture, 16, 32. See also Organizational culture

Culture and Change Management Survey Report, 51

Curiosity Quotient (CQ), 119

Customer-centered approach, 13

Customer focus, 136


Data, defined, 120

Deming, W. Edwards, 11

Denison model, 35

Dewey, John, 119

Dialogue, effective communication and, 61

Drucker, Peter, 117–118

Dynamic organizations, 88–89

Dynamism for change, 45–46


Earned value (EV), 39

Economist Intelligence Unit, 16, 22, 48

Effective communication, benefit of, 135

Emerging challenge, in business management, 87

    external, 93

    internal, 93–94

Enterprise-wide Program Management Office (EPMO), 109, 113–114

Entrepreneurship, 136

Excellence in performance, 3, 33, 117–118

“Experts” in HR, 89

Extra-organizational knowledge, 125

Extrinsic motivation, 63


Fast-paced results-driven management, 87

Fayol, Henry, 4–5

“FFEL”, 18

Flexibility, 62

Forgiving, 62

Freedom, for creativity, 63

Friedman, Thomas, 119

Fulfillment, 136

Functional organization, 88–89


Gantt, Henry, 4–5

Gap analysis, 83–85

Generation gap filling, 45

Generation Y talent challenge, 129–130

Global Simplicity Index, 28

Google, 138

Governance and control, 3–4, 27

    framework for, 97

    of resource application, 25–26

Groups/community knowledge, 125

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 3, 6


Harvard Business Review, 69

Herman Miller, 138

High-performance culture, 52, 29–30. See also High performance organizations

    transformation for, 85

High performance organizations, 26, 32–33

    change, dynamism for, 45–46

    culture of, 35–37

    effective communication channels, 38–45

    organizational self-improvement, 33–34

    supportive ingredients for, 32

Hrebiniak, Lawrence, 49

Humanity, 137–140

Humility, 136


Individual knowledge, 124

Information, defined, 120–121

Innovation, 60–61

    effective ways for

        collaborative communication, 62

        flexibility and forgiving, 62

        keep tracking, 62

        no forceful innovation, 62

        open dialogue, 61

        team players engagement, 61

    foster innovation through creativity, 66–67

Input–transformation–output process, 17

Integrity, 135

INTERnational NET Work (INTERNET), 5

International Project Management Association (IPMA), 6

Internet of Things (IoT), 109

Intrinsic motivation, 63

Intuition, 60

IPMA Competence Baseline (ICB), 6


Knowledge, 136. See also specific knowledges

    critical, 123–126

    defined, 121

    economy, 9, 117


        implementing, 119–121

        implications for, 126

        in organizations, 121–123

        power of, 117–119

        strategy, 119

    resources, 124–125

    transfer process, 124

Kotter, John P., 10, 98–101


Lack of focus, complexity and, 68

Leadership, 68, 70–71

    AURA of, 105–106

    culture, 55–56, 71–74

    -intensive approach, 7

    knowledge management and, 120

Leading Change (Kotter), 98, 101

Learning, culture, 57–59


Management practices culture, 54

Managing Change in Organizations: A Practice Guide, 134

Manpower’s 2014 Talent Shortage Survey, 126

Market-Based Management (MBM), 136–137

McDonald, 18

Mentoring and professional relationships, 128–129

Mistrust, complexity and, 67–68

Motivation, 62–63


Netflix, 138


O’Reilly Media, 138

Organizational change, 134–135


        approach for, 80–85

        checking mind-set, 76

        time-travel standing, 77–80

    readiness, 82

Organizational competence, 2–3, 7, 69, 91


        accountability, structure for, 25

        change management, governance and control of resource application, 25–26

        communication channels, 25

        strategic advancement, 24

Organizational culture, 119–120

    change management culture, 56–57

    changing, 74–76

    cultural gaps, handling, 75

    defined, 72

    development of high-performing, 109

    different versions of, 75

    and leadership, 71–74

    leadership culture, 55–56

    learning culture, 57–58

    management practices culture, 54

    PM-AURA model to develop, 106–109

    from project management approach, 51–53

    for strategic delivery, 59

Organizational knowledge, 125

Organizational maturity, 110–115

Organizational processes, 119

Organizational project management (OPM) approach, 76

Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3), 114

Organizational restructuring, 89–91

Organizational self-improvement, 33–34

Organizational systems, 17–18

Organizational transformation, 59

    management for, 91–92

    strategic advancement for, 95–96

        management practices, alignment of the organization with, 97–98

        management structures, strengths built with, 96

        project management-AURA model, 103–106

        projects, programs, and portfolios, relationship of, 96

        reason for failing efforts, 98–103

Overintellectualizing, overengineering, reinventing, complexity and, 67


Paradigm shift

    21st century skills, project management challenges, 116–140

        knowledge management, 117–126

        talent management, 126–130

        team strengthening, 130–131

    business advancement, transform for, 109–115

    organizational restructuring, 88–91

    organizational transformation

        management for, 91–92

        strategic advancement for, 95–106

    PM-AURA model, for developing organizational culture, 106–109

    two independent management structure, 92–95

Parapsychology Association, 104

Permanente, Kaiser, 43

PMBOK® Guide, 29, 126

Portfolio management, 96

Principle-based policies

    five dimensions of, 137

    guiding outlines for, 137

    guiding principles, 135–137

Process, 17

Professional culture, 54

Program evaluation and review technique (PERT), 5

Program management, 96

Project control system, 18–21

Project implementation, 55, 114

Project management, 87

    for business advancement, 9–10

    capturing power for strategic advancement, 51–53

    challenges, 21st century skills, 116–140

    factors, 7

    governance and control, 3–4

    history of, 4–8

    knowledge base, 8

    meaning of, 1, 2

    model for application of approaches, 113–115

    organizational competence, 2–3

    practices, alignment of organization with, 97–98

    professional body, 6–8

    self-improvement, mechanism of, 3

    seven deadly diseases of, 11–13

    strategic advancement of, 8–9

    structures, strengths built with, 96, 97

    talent management and communication channels, 4

    value of, 9

    value proposition of. See Value proposition

Project management-AURA model, 68, 103–106

    for developing organizational culture, 106–109

    managing trends and maintaining fundamentals, 130

Project management culture, definition of, 37

Project Management Institute (PMI), 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, 48, 96, 123, 127

Project Management Office (PMO), 24

Project/program implementation, 56–57

Pulse of Profession®: Enabling Organizational Change through Strategic Initiatives, 134

Pulse of Profession® report, 16, 24, 26, 123

Pulse of the Profession®: Capturing the Value of Project Management, 123

Pulse of the Profession® In-Depth Report—The High Cost of Low Performance: The Essential Role of Communications, 135


Resources, for creativity, 63

Respect, 136

Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM), 39

Responsibility, defined, hierarchy of, 26, 97

Results-driven management, 12, 26, 28–29

    culture strategy development, 32

    focus on values, making a difference with, 31

    high-performing culture, 29–30

    values-driven culture, 30–31

Rule of thumb, 75


The Science of Success, 136

Scientific approach, 3

Scientific management theory, 5


    mechanism of, 3

    organizational, 33–34

    system, 27

70–20–10 learning ratio, 127

Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation model (SBAR), 42–44

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 90

Spotlight on Success: Developing Talent for Strategic Impact, 127

The Standard for Portfolio Management, 24

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), 17

Standardization, 17

Standardizing, measuring, controlling, improvement processes (SMCI), 33

Storytelling, 35–36

Strategic advancement, for organizational transformation, 95–96

    capturing power of project management for, 51–53

    good fit of knowledge for, 122–123

    organizational competence building, 25

    project management, 8–9

        AURA model, 103–106

        practices, alignment of organization with, 97–98

        structures, strengths built with, 96

    projects, programs, and portfolios, relationship of, 96

    reason for failing efforts, 98–103

    requirements for, 50–51

Strategic implementation, 10

    capturing power of project management for strategic advancement, 51–53

    complexity wilderness, leading out of, 67–70

    creativity and innovation for advancement, 60–67

    energizing system, 59–60

    failure of, 48–51

    leadership, impact of, 70–76

    organizational change assessment, 76–85

    organizational culture development, 53–54

        change management culture, 56–57

        leadership culture, 55–56

        learning culture, 57–59

        management practices culture, 54

    strategy, tactics, and execution, 49–50

Structural complexity, ease of, 27–28

Structural knowledge, 125

Sustainable change, 135

Systematic advancement, for organizational values, 26


Talent, 16–17

    management, 126–127

        and communication channels, 4

        Generation Y talent challenge for project managers, 129–130

        through informal mentoring and networks, 128–129

        program and portfolio view of, 128

        team strengthening with analytical talent, 130–131

        three-part model for, 127–128

Talent Triangle, 118

Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 5

Team members, 72

Team strengthening, 130–131

Team Work, 27

Telford, Thomas, 4

Thought Leadership Series: Talent Management: Powering Strategic Initiatives in the PMO, 8

“Time-Travel Audits: A Key to Success for Change”, 77–80

Time-travel standing, 77–80

Tinkering, complexity and, 68

Traditional project management approach, 76

Training courses, for application of project management approaches, 115

Transparency, 27

    high performance organizational culture with, 30


Value and knowledge-based culture, 76

Value creation, 136

Value-driven organization, 9, 30–31

Value proposition, 16–17

    business value, systems for

        organizational systems, 17–18

        project control system, 18–21

        systems add business value, 18

    business values, general, 21–22

    high performance, 32–33

        change, dynamism for, 45–46

        culture of, 35–37

        effective communication channels, 38–45

        organizational self-improvement, 33–34

    measurable results, 23–24

        organizational competence building, 24–26

        PM approach creates organizational values, 26–27

    results-driven management, 28–29

        culture strategy development, 32

        focus on values, making a difference with, 31

        high-performing culture, 29–30

        values-driven culture, 30–31

    structural complexity, ease of, 27–28

Virtuvius, 4

VUCA business environments, 95


Why good strategies fail: Lessons for the C-suite, 48

Work breakdown structure (WBS), 39

Wren, Christopher, 4

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