
ABCD trust model, 130

Ability, readiness dimension, 3637, 98

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), 108

Achievers. See Drivers

Active listening, 83

communication skills rely on, 57

importance of, 71

in interpersonal skills, 76

parameters, 45

Adaptability, advantages of diversity, 9

Adversities, plan to overcome, 117118

Advertisement, for job positions, 19

Aerobic exercises, 182

Affinity groups. See Employee Resource Group (ERG)

Agility, emotional, 107108

Anger management, 155156

Aon Consulting People Risk Index™ (PRI), 85

Assertiveness, 150

for efficient leadership, 126127

Attention, conscious, 146

Attitude, 200203

Australian Psychological Society (APS), 177


Bad decision, 103

Behavioral, competency category, 165

“Big-Five” traits, 197

Blue Ocean Leadership, 209213

versus conventional leadership, 211213

grid, 212, 213

steps for execution, 213

Body language, 169

Bradberry, Travis, 184, 186

Brain training

designed to address real-life needs, 175

investment and, 175176

promising studies on effects of, 175

science behind, 174175

Budgeting, 138

Burnout, 63

management of, 64

signs of, 6465

Business resource groups. See Employee Resource Group (ERG)


Caffeine intake, 185, 190

Character, 196

defining, 196

personality, 196197

traits, 197

trust dimension, 134

values, 197198

virtues, 198199

Chartered Institute of Personal Development (CIPD), 173

Coaching, 135

leadership style, 59

Commemorate, existing diversity, 19

Commitment, 37

Communication, 1011, 127, 138

skills, and conflict management, 66

Communicators. See Connectors

Company value, aligning personal value with, 99

Competence, 126

categories of, 164165

conscious, 164

emotional, 107

growth, 161163

stages of, 163164

trust dimension, 134

unconscious, 164


advantages of, 8990

defined, 89

Competition (Continued)

disadvantages of, 90

internal, 8895. See Internal competition

negative. See Negative competition

positive. See Positive competition

types of, 8889

Confidence building, 150

steps for, 150151

Conflict management, 6577

communication skills, 66

critical thinking, 66

decision-making, 6566

importance of your team, 7475

interpersonal skills for, 65, 7576

problem solving, 66

project team, 7677

and relationship enhancement, rules for

choosing your battles proactively, 6769

conflict as an opportunity, 6667

do your homework, 6970

empower third side, 7273

focus “out” before focusing “in”, 7071

seeking mutually beneficial solutions, 7172

take initiative steps, 70

relationships matter, 7374

Conflict resolution, 83

Connectors, 40

Conscious competence, 164

Conscious incompetence, 164

Consciousness, 145146

Consistency, 126

Constructive criticism, 75

Contentment, power of, 147

Controlling, 138139

Conventional leadership versus Blue Ocean Leadership, 211213

Conventional wisdom, 207

Cooperative competition. See Positive competition

Coordinating, 138

Core competencies, 165

Corporate publications, 19


advantages of diversity, 9

developing, 158159

thinking, 157158

Credibility, 192

building, 193194

characteristics of, 192

negative with low, 193

positive with high, 193

Critical thinking, and conflict management, 66

Cultural diversity, in workplace

benefits of, 1617

diversity training, 16

employee resource group, 1516

inclusion training, 16

manifesting, 1415

mismanagement of, 1718

ways for supporting, 1516

Cultural life cycle problems, 101

Cultural waste, 97

Culture, 96

deviation with, 99100

Decision-making, and conflict management, 6566

Delegating leadership style, 59

Destructive competition. See Negative competition

Diet, and exercise, 181

Diplomacy skills, 83

Directing leadership style, 59

Disbanding, of team, 33

Discrimination, 18

and diversity, 5

lawsuit, filing, 24

Disengagement, causes of, 41

Diverse staff, benefits of, 18

Diverse workplace

creating and sustaining, 2627, 2829

steps for developing, 1820


benefits of, 34

developing a diverse workforce, 1820

implementation of, 67

introduction, 1

leveraging, for high performance, 2425

maintaining strengths of, 2629

multiple perspectives, 45

objectives of, 12

pillars of, 56

in project management, 1114

task force, 2324

top management commitment and, 78

training, 16, 2024

in workplace

added advantages of, 811

cultural diversity. See Cultural diversity, in workplace

Doing versus managing, 8283

Double-edged sword, 110

Double lives, 41

Drivers, 39


Eating habits, and physical upkeep, 168

Economic growth, and diversity, 4

Effective execution, advantages of diversity, 9

Effectiveness, measurement of, 84

Emotional agility, 107108

Emotional competence, 107

Emotional fitness, 186190

Emotional growth, 165167

Emotional intelligence (EQ), 184, 187, 188, 190

Emotional strength, of each member, 43

Employee Resource Group (ERG), 1516

Enablers, leadership

enemy of, 173

fitness. See Fitness

introduction to, 171

managing core values, 191203

objectives of, 171172

Encouragers, 40

Enemy, of enabling, 173

Enforcers. See Regulators

Engagement process, requirement for, 99100

Enhanced reputation, and diversity, 45

Enthusiasm, 43

Etiquettes, and behavioral aspects, 169


internal benefits of, 181

tips for professionals, 180182

Experience, 37

advantages of diversity, 9

Failure, 109

empowering to

developing power mindset, 118

double-edged sword, 110

keeping away failure-prone individuals, 109110

overcome adversities, 117118

personality building, 110111

quotable quotes, 112

leading to success, 111

power of wisdom, 113114

provides opportunities for learning, 112113

webinar on, 114117

Fearless innovator, 144145

Feedback, 53, 6263, 208

Fight-or-flight mechanism, 190

Fit, development for, 100


dimensions of, 173174

emotional, 186190

mental, 174180

physical, 180186

spiritual, 191

Five-factor model (FFM), 197

Flexibility, 83

exercises, 182

Gaps, harness intentions, 146147

Greater Rochester Diversity Council, 20, 21


Hard skills, 37, 65

Harness intention, steps to, 146148

Health, and wellness, 168

Human resources

competency model, 5556

in organizational inclusion, 28

Hygiene, and physical upkeep, 168


Inclusion training, 16

Information sharing, reward for, 93

Informational diversity, 4

Initiative, keys for, 70


advantages of diversity, 10

stifling, 83

Insensitive leadership, 97, 100101

Integrity, 195196

leadership, 195


conscious, 146

power of, 146

steps to harness, 146148

Internal competition, 89

avoiding, 9193

imperatives for reducing, 9293

mismanagement impacts, 9394

teamwork impacts, 9495

Interpersonal communication, 4546

Interpersonal skills

for conflict management, 65

for team maintenance, 7576

Investment, and brain training, 175176


Job positions, advertisement for, 19


Knowledge, 37

KPIs, of Success, 47

appreciating diversity, 49

balancing team focus, 4953

better teamwork, three strategies for, 5051

clarifying roles on team, 48

common purpose and goal, 4748

communication, 4849

trust each other, 48

Leader-driven team building, 51

Leader versus manager, 124125

Leadership, 40, 77, 97, 122

approach versus managerial approach, 135136

assertiveness, for effective and efficient, 126127

elements for, 126

growing to

introduction, 143

objectives of, 143

self-awareness. See Self-awareness

self-development, 144145

self-grooming. See Self-grooming

self-growth. See Self-growth

self-management. See Self-management

in project management, 123124

central role of, 125

responsibility, 136137

role in teamwork, 78

skills, 144

importance of research-based, 141

strategic. See Strategic leadership

style, 5758

team motivation, 79

Lifestyle, and exercise, 181

LinkedIn, 56

Listening skills, 83

Long-term case, for transformational change, 13

Low performance, cost of, 46

Loyalty, 126

Lumosity, 174175


Management, competency category, 165

Manager versus leader, 124125

Managerial approach, 137139

versus leadership approach, 135136

Managing versus doing, 8283

Manner, and behavioral aspects, 169

Meaning quotient (MQ), 127

Meaningfulness, 96

deadly sins of, 105107

ecosystem of, 105106

helping professional, in works, 104105

Meaninglessness, 105

Mental fitness, 174, 176, 178

brain training, 174176

defined, 176

improving mental well-being, 178179

mental health promotion and protection, 179180

positive aging, 177

Mentor program, 23

Mind-body connection, and exercise, 182

Misfortune, 103

Mishap, 103

Mistakes, learning from, 83

Monitor efforts, for diverse workforce, 1920

Motivation, 37, 43, 57, 99, 127, 135

Motivators. See Encouragers

Multiple perspectives, of diversity, 45

Mutual beneficial solutions, keys for, 7172


National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 65

National Sleep Foundation, 184

Natural personality, 61

Negative competition, 89

disadvantages of, 90

Negative emotions, 103104

Networking, and diverse workforce, 19


One-size-fits-all approach, 6

Open-door policy, 22

Openness, 126


diversity in, 2

implementing diversity in, 67, 17

marketing, 17

pillars of diversity in, 56

reputation, 17

wide capability audit, 55

Organizational culture, 9697

connecting with, 98101

aligning with personal values and passion, 9899

facilitating engagement requirements, 99100

impediments to, 100101

maintaining, 102108

personal strength, 98

readiness, 98

similarities for, 101102

Organizational inclusion, 28

Organizational life cycle, 101

Organizational meaningfulness, 105

Organizational performance, and diversity, 4

Ozone, and competition, 91

Peer leadership, 6061

encourage relentlessly, 6162

engage intentionally, 62

natural personality, 61

seeking feedback, 6263

Performance, high, 82

benefits of, 46

empowering to fail. See Failure

internal competition in team, 8895

introduction to, 81

leveraging diversity for, 2425

managing people risk, 8487

meaningfulness. See Meaningfulness

objectives of, 8182

organizational culture. See Organizational culture

supporting elements for, 8283

winning mindset, 84

work–life balance, 8788

Performing team, 34, 42

endeavor to bring all together to create, 4042

formation of, 34

Person in charge, for diversity, 19

Person, valuing, 53

Personal accountability, 24

Personal development, 173

Personal growth, advantages of diversity, 910

Personal values

aligning company value with, 99

and passion, aligning with, 9899


building, 110111, 160162

and character, 196197

Persuasion, 135

Physical fitness, 180186

exercise tips for professionals, 180182

Political skills, 83

Positive aging, 177

Positive attitude, 202203

Positive competition, 89

advantages of, 8990

ways to encourage, 90

Potential leaders, 78

Power mindset, 118

Problem solving

advantages of diversity, 10

and conflict management, 66

Productivity, 32

advantages of diversity, 9

Professional growth, 160161

Professional life, 41

Professional meaningfulness, 104105

Project management, 2, 25, 8485, 123124, 173

achieving desired outcomes, skills required for, 140141

approach, 3, 9596

building trust for, 125139. See also Trust

diversity in, 1112

implementation, 1314

transformational change, 1213

framework, 172

introduction to, 121

leadership in, 123124

central role of, 125

manager versus leader, 124125, 135136

responsibility, 136137

managerial approach, 137139

objectives of, 121122

strengths of team member for, 5657

systems, 172

Project manager

important tasks for, 38

responsibilities of, 139

Project team, 7677


Que Pasa, 28

Quick fix, 6365

Quotable quotes, 112


Rank and yank team members, 92

Readiness, dimensions of, 98

Real team, definition of, 34

Regulators, 39

Relationship Awareness Theory, 148

Relationship building skills, 74, 83, 135

Relationship enhancement, 6577

Relationship, for trust building, 134

Relationships matter, 7374

Relentless, 6162

Resistance, advantages of diversity, 10

RESOLUTION, mnemonic for, 65

Responsibility, 24

Results-driven management, 4256

Right job, 96

Right skills, 96

Right team, 52, 5355


employing people, associated with, 86

hiring decisions, associated with, 85

macro-level, 86

managing people side of, 8487

micro-level, 86

redeploying, associated with, 86

Schedule days off, for work–life balance, 88

Schedule hours off, for work–life balance, 8788

Self-assessment, 149


attention, conscious, 146

consciousness, 145146

intention. See Intention

self-assessment, 149

self-consciousness, 146

self-discovery for, 148149

Self-consciousness, 146

Self-development, for leadership, 144145

Self-directed team building, 51

Self-discovery, for self-awareness, 148149

Self-esteem, 153

range of, 154

steps for building, 153154

Self-grooming, 167168

behavioral aspects of, 169

physical upkeep, 167168

Self-growth, 159160

career path, understanding of, 164165

competence growth, 161163

emotional growth, 165167

performance management and, 163164

personality growth, 160162

professional growth, 160161

Self-leadership, 144145

Self-management, 149150

anger management, 155156

assertiveness, 150

building confidence, 150151

creative thinking, 157158

developing creativity, 158159

self-esteem, 153

range of, 154

steps for building, 153154

stress management, 156157

time management, 151152

Service life cycle, of team member’s, 102103

Shared success, for trust building, 134

Short-term action, for transformational change, 13


amount of, 185186

benefits of, 183

blue light at night, 185

caffeine and, 185

deprivation, 183

impacts of, 184

emotional intelligence, 190

meditation and, 186

pills for, 185

recommended amount of, 184

wake up and, 185

work and, 186

Society of Human Resource Management, 55

Soft skills, 37, 65

Spiritual fitness, 191

Staffing, 138

Stifling innovation, 83

Strategic leadership

Blue Ocean Leadership, 209213

introduction to, 205

objectives of, 205

strategic thinking leaders, 205206

habits of true, 206208

skill sets of, 208209

Strategic thinking, 82

Strategy, defined, 205

Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI), 148149

Strength training, 182

Strengths of diversity. See Diversity

Stress, and exercise, 181

Stress management, 156157

Stretching exercises, 182

Sudoku, 174

Supporting leadership style, 59


Talent management, 37

Target-setting approach, 6

Task meaningfulness, 105


achievement, 39

burnout, 6365

clarifying roles on, 48

defined, 47

engagement, 3940

goals, 52

high-performing, norms for, 95

importance of your, 7475

internal competition in, 81, 8895

members, developing, 83

motivation, 79

project, 7677

spirit, 5253

targets, 52

working, 53, 172

Team building, 33

conflict management, 6577

introduction to, 31

leadership style, 5760

objectives of, 3132

peer leadership, 6063

phases of, 32

project management, strengths of team member for, 5657

quick fix, 6365

relationship enhancement, 6577

results-driven management, 4256

team member readiness, 3542

team performance, 4256

teamwork, leadership and, 7779

Team performance, 3233, 4256

each member, knowing emotional strength of, 43

interpersonal communication, 4546

KPIs of success. See KPIs, of success

motivate, 43

and results-driven management, 44

team productivity. See Team productivity

Team productivity

external factors and, 4344

internal factors and, 44

Team readiness, 35

assessment of, 3642

endeavor to bring all together, 4042

personal strength, 3840

readiness, 3638

willingness, 3738

determining, 36

Teamwork, 1617, 40, 77, 135

better, three strategies for, 5051

competency category, 165

impacts, 9495

leadership role in, 78

team motivation and, 79

Technical, competency category, 165

Technological tools, integrating latest, 56

THINK, mnemonic for, 66

Time management, 83, 138, 151152

Top management commitment, and diversity, 78

Training process, for diversity, 20

additional, 2223

mentor program, 23

personal accountability, 24

responsibility, 24

task force, 2324

benefits, 2021

challenges faced in, 2122

overcome resistant members, 22

Traits, defined, 197

Transformational change, 1213

Transparency, for trust building, 134

The Triangle Tribune, 28

Trust, 127

ABCD trust model, 130

building, 55, 129133

for project management approach, 125139

definition of, 129

ingredients of, 128

managing, 128129

path to, 133

stpes to building, 134

Trustworthiness, 127128

Truth, for trust building, 134

Twitter, 56

Two-dimensional diversity, 26


Uncertainty, wisdom of, 147148

Unconscious competence, 164

Unconscious incompetence, 163164


Values, and character, 197198


advantages of diversity, 9

variety of, 1617

Virtues, of cross-enterprise leader, 198199

Vision, 127, 135

Visionary strategists, 39

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), 125


Waist size, and exercise, 181

Weak readiness, 100

Webinar, on failure, 114117

Well-being programs, 52

Wellness, and health, 168

Willingness, readiness dimension, 3738, 98

Winning mindset, 84

Win–win mentality, 83

Wisdom, power of, 113114

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), 12

Work engagement process, 99

Work environment, 4142

unsupportive, 100

Work group

defined, 33

for relationship enhancement, 6869

Work meaningfulness, scenarios of, 105

Work–life balance, 87

key to, 88

schedule days off, 88

schedule hours off, 8788

Workplace diversity, 13

added advantages of, 810

challenges of, 1011

defined, 3

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