

Allaire, B., 28
American Cultural Centre library, 55
American Library Association (ALA), 15, 25
‘An Analysis of Public Library Trends’ 34
Association des Bibliothécaires Français (ABF), 102
Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès (AFVP), 60
Association Internationale pour le développement des Bibliothèques en Afrique (AIDBA), 55
Association Nationale des Bibliothécaires, Archivistes et Documentalistes Sénégalais (ANABADS), 56
Association of French Librarians, 102
Association pour le Développement des Bibliothèques Publiques en Afrique, 54–5
Association Sénégalais des Bibliothécaires, Archivistes et Documentalistes (ASBAD), 57
Australia, 149–57
current framework, 152–3
historical background, 149–51
legislation and legal structure, 153–6
Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), 154–5
‘Australian Public Libraries Strategic Framework’ 155
authoritarian regimes approach, 131


Babies Love Books Too, 153
Banff Public Library, 34
Berdymukhammedow, G., 133–4
Best Value Performance Indicators, 95
Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), 108, 110
Bibliothèque publique d’information (Bpi), 108
Bibliothèques départementales de prêt (BDP), 107–8
bibliothèques intercommunales (public libraries governed by more than one commune), 107
bibliothèques municipales à vocation régionale (BMVR), 107
bibliothèques municipales classées (BMC), 107
bookroom, 141
Bostwick, A. E., 140
Broadband Infraco, 41


Cable Book Library, 68
Canada, 23–36
current framework, 26–31
historical background, 23–6
legislation and legal structure, 31–4
National Core Library Statistics Program, 26
Quebec, 28–9
various library acts, 32
Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII), 31
Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC), 34
Carnegie, A., 9, 10, 25, 90
Centre de Recherche pour l’Etude et l’Observation des Conditions de Vie, 109
Centre National du Livre (National Book Center), 106
Centre régionaux du livre (CRL), 113
centres de lecture et d’animation culturelle (CLAC), 57
Centres Départementaux d’Education Populaire et Sportive (CEDEPS), 57
Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), 16
China, 139–45, 162
current framework, 141–3
historical background, 139–41
legislation and legal structure, 143–4
China Society for Library Service, 143–4
Clairafrique library, 55
Community Access Program (CAP), 29
Community Literacy and Numeracy (CLING), 44
Comprehensive Area Assessments (CAA), 96
Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA), 95
Connecting Canadians policy, 29, 30
Corruption Perception Index, 135
Culver, E.M., 10


Dana, J.C., 10–11
de Portzamparc, C., 112
Department of Arts and Culture (DAC), 46
Devillers, M-J., 60
Dewey, M., 103
Dewey classification system, 104
Direction du Livre et de la Lecture (DLL), 57, 61–2
Directions régionales des affaires culturelles (DRAC), 112


E-Rate, 11, 15, 16, 41
Ecole des Bibliothécaires, Archivistes et Documentalistes (EBAD), 55, 59
European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA), 4


Fairfield City Library Service, 153
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 16
Federation of Law Societies of Canada, 31
FibreCo Telecommunications, 41
Finland, 67–76, 165
current framework, 73–5
historical background, 67–9
legislation and legal structure, 70–3
Finnish Library Policy Programme 2001–2004, 70
Fofana, R., 59
Framework for the Future: Libraries, Learning, and Information in the Next Decade, 94 France, 101–13
current framework, 105–11
historical background, 101–5
legislation and legal structure, 111–13
Free Libraries Act, 24
Free Library Movement, 151
Freedom House, 134
Friends of Libraries Australia (FOLA), 154, 155
local funding See also local funding


Gallica, 110
gengesh, 134
geographic information survey (GIS), 42
Georgia PINES initiative, 16
Grand People’s Study House, 131
‘Guidelines on Library Legislation and Policy in Europe’ 4


Haldimand, F., 23
Helsinki City Library, 67, 73
Holt, G.E., 165


Ifould, W.H., 151
Imperial Library Act, 119
India, 117–25, 162
current framework, 121–2
historical background, 117–21
legislation and legal structure, 122–4
Indian National Congress, 119
Indian National Digital Library in Science and Technology (INDEST), 121
Industry Canada, 29–30
Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act (2005), 45
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), 1, 4
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 57


Julien, H., 30


Katto-Meny, 68


La librarie publique, 103
Lallement, E., 60
L’Heure Joyeuse (Joyful Hour), 104
Library and Information Services Report, 40
Library and Information Services Transformation Charter (2008), 46
library board, 17–18
Library Policy 2015, 70, 72
Library Services Act, 80, 81
Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), 11, 15
Library Strategy 2010, 70
Lire en Afrique, 60
local funding, 12–13


Madras Library Association (MALA), 119
‘malign neglect’ 92
Masiphumelele Library, 44
Mass Education Movement, 139
McColvin, L., 90
Measure and Evaluate, 84
médiathèque, 106
Médiathèque de la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, 108
Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, 111
Montreal Library, 23
Morel, E., 101, 102–4
Mornington Peninsula Hastings Library, 153
Mosaic, 68
Municipal Association of Victoria, 155
Munn, R., 150
Munn-Pitt report, 150–1
Museum and Library Services Act (1996), 15


National Core Library Statistics Program (1996), 26
National Council for Library and Information Services (NCLIS), 46
National Education Policy Investigation, 40
National Knowledge Commission (NKC), 117, 123
National Library, 140
national library policy, 161–6
National Policy on Library and Information System (NAPLIS), 122
national subsidies, 20
Neutrality Arch, 135
Niyazov, S., 129, 130


Ontario Library School, 25
Ontario Public Library Act, 33
Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), 110


Palmgren, V., 79, 80
Pam, A.A., 61
Patrimoine Numérique, 110
People’s Network, 94
Pitt, E., 150
Pompidou, G., 105
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 93
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (2006), 86
Public and Community Library Inventory of South Africa (PaCLISA), 42
Public Lending Right (PLR), 96–7
public libraries, 1–6, 33, 161–6
Australia, 149–57
Canada, 23–36
China, 139–45
Finland, 67–76
France, 101–13
India, 117–25
Senegal, 53–63
South Africa, 39–49
Sweden, 79–86
Turkmenistan, 129–36
United Kingdom, 89–98
United States, 9–20
Public Libraries Act (1850), 90
Public Libraries Act (1964), 92
Public Libraries Australia, 154
Public Library Act (1928), 68
Public Library Fund, 14
public library law (1997), 83
Public Library of the Northern Territory, 154
Public Library Standard, 95, 96
Public Library Victoria Network, 155


Quiñones, V., 60–1


Racine, B., 110
Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF), 120
Ranganathan, S.R., 117, 119
‘Regulations for Provincial (Autonomic Region, Municipal) Library Work’ 142
Remington, G. C., 151
‘Renaissance Zones’ 13
‘retard français’ 105
Ruhnama, 133


‘Select Committee on Inquiry into Drunkenness’ 2
Senagalese library network, 62
Senegal, 53–63
current framework, 57–60
historical background, 53–7
legislation and legal structure, 60–2
Senghor, L.S., 54
Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle (SCAC), 59–60
‘shack library’ 44
Sinha, K.P., 120
Sinha Committee, 120
South Africa, 39–49
current framework, 42–5
historical background, 39–42
legislation and legal structure, 45–8
South African Community Library and Information Services Bill, 45
‘stagnant pool of books’ 120
Stevenson, S., 31
Stockholm County Library, 84
Sweden, 79–86
current framework, 81–2
historical background, 79–80
legislation and legal structure, 83–5
school library partnerships in two Nordic countries, 82
Swedish Arts Council, 81
Swedish Library Act, 83
Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs, 83
Swedish Quality Handbook Project, 84
Swedish Royal Library Expert Group, 85
Swift Library Consortium, 155


Takem Tikou, 61
The Libraries Impact Project, 95
The Library Act, 69
The Library of the Alliance Française, 55
‘The Public and its public library’ 11
‘Turkmenbashi’ 130
Turkmenistan, 129–36
current framework, 130–2
historical background, 129–30
legislation and legal structure, 132–5
Tutoring Australasia, 153


United Kingdom, 89–98
current framework, 92–4
historical background, 89–92
legislation and legal structure, 94–7
United Nations Development Program, 43
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), 1, 4
United States, 9–20, 162, 163–4
current framework, 11–15
historical background, 9–11
legislation and legal structure, 15–19
library as workshop, 10–11
United States Information Agency (USIA), 56
Universal Service Fund See E-Rate


Villard, A., 54


West Africa Cable System (WACS), 41
World Library and Information Congress, 47


Young, B., 3
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