Organizing the nodes with an ENC

An ENC is a process that is run on the Puppet master or the host compiling the catalog, to determine which classes are applied to the node. The most common form of ENC is a script run through the exec node terminus. When using the exec node terminus, the script can be written in any language and it receives certname (certificate name) from the node, as a command-line argument. In most cases, this will be the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the node. We will assume that the certname setting has not been explicitly set and that the FQDN of our nodes is being used.

We will only use the hostname portion, as the FQDN can be unreliable in some instances. Across your enterprise, the naming convention of the host should not allow multiple machines to have the same hostname. The FQDN is determined by a fact; this fact is the union of the hostname fact and the domain fact. The domain fact on Linux is determined by running the hostname –f command. If DNS is not configured correctly or reverse records do not exist, the domain fact will not be set and the FQDN will also not be set, as shown:

# facter domain
# facter fqdn
# mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.bak
# facter domain
# facter fqdn

The output of the ENC script is a YAML file that defines the classes, variables, and environment for the node.

Unlike site.pp, the ENC script can only assign classes, make top-scope variables, and set the environment of the node. The environment is only set from ENC on versions 3 and above of Puppet.

A simple example

To use an ENC, we need to make one small change in our Puppet master machine. We'll have to add the node_terminus and external_nodes lines to the [master] section of puppet.conf, as shown in the following code (we only need make this change on the master machines, as this is concerned with catalog compilation only):

    node_terminus = exec
    external_nodes = /usr/local/bin/simple_node_classifier


The puppet.conf files need not be the same across our installation; Puppet masters and CA machines can have different settings. Having different configuration settings is advantageous in a Master-of-Master (MoM) configuration. MoM is a configuration where a top level Puppet master machine is used to provision all of the Puppet master machines.

Our first example, as shown in the following code snippet, will be written in Ruby and live in the file /usr/local/bin/simple_node_classifier, as shown:

#!/bin/env ruby
require 'yaml'

# create an empty hash to contain everything
@enc =
@enc["classes"] =
@enc["classes"]["base"] =
@enc["parameters"] =
@enc["environment"] = 'production'
#convert the hash to yaml and print
puts @enc.to_yaml

Make this script executable and test it on the command line, as shown in the following example:

# chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/simple_node_classifier
# /usr/local/bin/simple_node_classifier
  base: {}
environment: production
parameters: {}

Puppet version 4 no longer requires the Ruby system package; Ruby is installed in /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin. The preceding script relies on Ruby being found in the current $PATH. If Ruby is not in the current $PATH, either modify your $PATH to include /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin or install the Ruby system package.

The previous script returns a properly formatted YAML file.

YAML files start with three dashes (---); they use colons (:) to separate parameters from values and hyphens (-) to separate multiple values (arrays). For more information on YAML, visit

If you use a language such as Ruby or Python, you do not need to know the syntax of YAML, as the built-in libraries take care of the formatting for you. The following is the same example in Python. To use the Python example, you will need to install PyYAML, which is the Python YAML interpreter, using the following command:

# yum install PyYAML
  PyYAML.x86_64 0:3.10-3.el6

The Python version starts with an empty dictionary. We then use sub-dictionaries to hold the classes, parameters, and environment. We will call our Python example /usr/local/bin/simple_node_classifier_2. The following is our example:

#!/bin/env python
import yaml
import sys
# create an empty hash
enc = {}
enc["classes"] = {}
enc["classes"]["base"] = {}
enc["parameters"] = {}
enc["environment"] = 'production'
# output the ENC as yaml
print "---"
print yaml.dump(enc)

Make /usr/local/bin/simple_node_classifier_2 executable and run it using the following commands:

worker1# chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/simple_node_classifier_2
worker1# /usr/local/bin/simple_node_classifier_2 
  base: {}
environment: production
parameters: {}

The order of the lines following --- may be different on your machine; the order is not specified when Python dumps the hash of values.

The Python script outputs the same YAML, as the Ruby code. We will now define the base class referenced in our ENC script, as follows:

class base {
  file {'/etc/motd':
    mode    => '0644',
    owner   => '0',
    group   => '0',
    content => inline_template("Managed Node: <%= @hostname %>
Managed by Puppet version <%= @puppetversion %>

Now that our base class is defined, modify the external_nodes setting to point at the Python ENC script. Restart puppetserver to ensure that the change is implemented.

Now, run Puppet on the client node. Notice that the message of the day (/etc/motd) has been updated using an inline template, as shown in the following command-line output:

[thomas@client ~]$ sudo puppet agent -t
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for client
Info: Applying configuration version '1441950102'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Base/File[/etc/motd]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}df3dfe6fe2367e36f0505b486aa24da5'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.05 seconds
[thomas@client ~]$ cat /etc/motd
Managed Node: client
Managed by Puppet version 4.2.1

Since the ENC is only given one piece of data, the certname (FQDN), we need to create a naming convention that provides us with enough information to determine the classes that should be applied to the node.

Hostname strategy

In an enterprise, it's important that your hostnames are meaningful. By meaningful, I mean that the hostname should give you as much information as possible about the machine. When you encounter a machine in a large installation, it is likely that you did not build the machine. You need to be able to know as much as possible about the machine just from its name. The following key points should be readily determined from the hostname:

  • Operating system
  • Application/role
  • Location
  • Environment
  • Instance

It is important that the convention should be standardized and consistent. In our example, let us suppose that the application is the most important component for our organization, so we put that first and the physical location comes next (which data center), followed by the operating system, environment, and instance number. The instance number will be used when you have more than one machine with the same role, location, environment, and operating system. Since we know that the instance number will always be a number, we can omit the underscore between the operating system and environment; thus, making the hostname a little easier to type and remember.

Your enterprise may have more or less information, but the principle will remain the same. To delineate our components, we will use underscores(_). Some companies rely on a fixed length for each component of the hostname, so as to mark the individual components of the hostname by position alone.

In our example, we have the following environments:

  • p: This stands for production
  • n: This stands for non-production
  • d: This stands for development/testing/lab

Our applications will be of the following types:

  • web
  • db

Our operating system will be Linux, which we will shorten to just l and our location will be our main datacenter (main). So, a production web server on Linux in the main datacenter will have the hostname web_main_lp01.


If you think you are going to have more than 99 instances of any single service, you might want to have another leading zero to the instance number (001).

Based only on the hostname, we know that this is a web server in our main datacenter. It's running on Linux and it's the first such machine in production. Now that we have this nice convention, we need to modify our ENC to utilize this convention to glean all the information from the hostname.

Modified ENC using hostname strategy

We'll build our Python ENC script (/usr/local/bin/simple_node_classifier_2) and update it to use the new hostname strategy, as follows:

#!/bin/env python
# Python ENC
# receives fqdn as argument

import yaml
import sys
"""output_yaml renders the hash as yaml and exits cleanly"""
def output_yaml(enc):
  # output the ENC as yaml
  print "---"
  print yaml.dump(enc)

Python is very particular about spacing; if you are new to Python, take care to copy the indentations exactly as given in the previous snippet.

We define a function to print the YAML and exit the script. We'll exit the script early if the hostname doesn't match our naming standards, as shown in the following example:

# create an empty hash
enc = {}
enc["classes"] = {}
enc["classes"]["base"] = {}
enc["parameters"] = {}

  # need a hostname

Exit the script early if the hostname is not defined. This is the minimum requirement and we should never reach this point.

We first split the hostname using underscores (_) into an array called parts and then assign indexes of parts to role, location, os, environment, and instance, as shown in the following code snippet:

# split hostname on _
  parts = hostname.split('_')
  role = parts[0]
  location = parts[1]
  os = parts[2][0]
  environment = parts[2][1]
  instance = parts[2][2:]

We are expecting hostnames to conform to the standard. If you cannot guarantee this, then you will have to use something similar to the regular expression module to deal with the exceptions to the naming standard:

  # hostname didn't conform to our standard
  # include a class which notifies us of the problem
  enc["classes"]["hostname_problem"] = {'enc_hostname': hostname}
  raise SystemExit

We wrapped the previous assignments in a try statement. In this except statement, we exit printing the YAML and assign a class named hostname_problem. This class will be used to alert us in the console or report to the system that the host has a problem. We send the enc_hostname parameter to the hostname_problem class with the {'enc_hostname': hostname} code.

The environment is a single character in the hostname; hence, we use a dictionary to assign a full name to the environment, as shown here:

# map environment from hostname into environment
environments = {}
environments['p'] = 'production'
environments['n'] = 'nonprod'
environments['d'] = 'devel'
environments['s'] = 'sbx'
  enc["environment"] = environments[environment]
  enc["environment"] = 'undef'

The following is used to map a role from hostname into role:

# map role from hostname into role
enc["classes"][role] = {}

Next, we assign top scope variables to the node based on the values we obtained from the parts array previously:

# set top scope variables
enc["parameters"]["enc_hostname"] = hostname
enc["parameters"]["role"] = role
enc["parameters"]["location"] = location
enc["parameters"]["os"] = os
enc["parameters"]["instance"] = instance


We will have to define the web class to be able to run the Puppet agent on our web_main_lp01 machine, as shown in the following code:

class web {
  package {'httpd':
    ensure => 'installed'
  service {'httpd':
    ensure  => true,
    enable  => true,
    require => Package['httpd'],

Heading back to web_main_lp01, we run Puppet, sign the certificate on our puppetca machine, and then run Puppet again to verify that the web class is applied, as shown here:

[thomas@web_main_lp01 ~]$ sudo puppet agent -t
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1441951808'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Web/Package[httpd]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Web/Service[httpd]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
Info: /Stage[main]/Web/Service[httpd]: Unscheduling refresh on Service[httpd]
Notice: Applied catalog in 16.03 seconds

Our machine has been installed as a web server without any intervention on our part. The system knew which classes were to be applied to the machine based solely on the hostname. Now, if we try to run Puppet against our client machine created earlier, our ENC will include the hostname_problem class with the parameter of the hostname passed to it. We can create this class to capture the problem and notify us. Create the hostname_problem module in /etc/puppet/modules/hostname_problem/manifests/init.pp, as shown in the following snippet:

class hostname_problem ($enc_hostname) {
  notify {"WARNING: $enc_hostname ($::ipaddress) doesn't conform to naming standards": }

Now, when we run Puppet on our node1 machine, we will get a useful warning that node1 isn't a good hostname for our enterprise, as shown here:

[thomas@client ~]$ sudo puppet agent -t
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1442120036'
Notice: WARNING: ( doesn't conform to naming standards
Notice: /Stage[main]/Hostname_problem/Notify[WARNING: ( doesn't conform to naming standards]/message: defined 'message' as 'WARNING: ( doesn't conform to naming standards'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.03 seconds

Your ENC can be customized much further than this simple example. You have the power of Python, Ruby, or any other language you wish to use. You could connect to a database and run some queries to determine the classes to be installed. For example, if you have a CMDB in your enterprise, you could connect to the CMDB and retrieve information based on the FQDN of the node and apply classes based on that information. You could connect to a URI and retrieve a catalog (dashboard and foreman do something similar). There are many ways to expand this concept.

In the next section, we'll look at using LDAP to store class information.

LDAP backend

If you already have an LDAP implementation in which you can extend the schema, then you can use the LDAP node terminus that is shipped with Puppet. The support for this backend for puppetserver has not been maintained as well as it was in the previous releases of Puppet. I still feel that this backend is useful for certain installations. I will outline the steps to be taken to have this backend operate with a puppetserver installation. Using this schema adds a new objectclass called puppetclass. Using this objectclass, you can set the environment, set top scope variables, and include classes. The LDAP schema that is shipped with Puppet includes puppetClass, parentNode, environment, and puppetVar attributes that are assigned to the objectclass named puppetClient. The LDAP experts should note that all four of these attributes are marked as optional and the objectclass named puppetClient is non-structural. To use the LDAP terminus, you must have a working LDAP implementation; apply the Puppet schema to that installation and add the ruby-ldap package to your Puppet masters (to allow the master to query for node information).

OpenLDAP configuration

We'll begin by setting up a fresh OpenLDAP implementation and adding a Puppet schema. Create a new machine and install openldap-servers. My installation installed the openldap-servers-2.4.39-6.el7.x86_64 version. This version requires configuration with OLC (OpenLDAP configuration or runtime configuration). Further information on OLC can be obtained at OLC configures LDAP using LDAP.

After installing openldap-servers, your configuration will be in /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config. There is a file named olcDatabase={2}.hdb.ldif in this directory; edit the file and change the following lines:

olcSuffix: dc=example,dc=com
olcRootDN: cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
olcRootPW: packtpub

Note that the olcRootPW line is not present in the default file, so you will have to add it here. If you're going into production with LDAP, you should set olcDbConfig parameters as outlined at

These lines set the top-level location for your LDAP and the password for RootDN. This password is in plain text; a production installation would use SSHA encryption. You will be making schema changes, so you must also edit olcDatabase={0}config.ldif and set RootDN and RootPW. For our example, we will use the default RootDN value and set the password to packtpub, as shown here:

olcRootDN: cn=config
olcRootPW: packtpub

These two lines will not exist in the default configuration file provided by the rpm. You might want to keep this RootDN value and the previous RootDN values separate so that this RootDN value is the only one that can modify the schema and top-level configuration parameters.

Next, use ldapsearch (provided by the openldap-clients package, which has to be installed separately) to verify that LDAP is working properly. Start slapd with the systemctl start slapd.service command and then verify with the following ldapsearch command:

# ldapsearch -LLL -x -b'dc=example,dc=com'
No such object (32)

This result indicates that LDAP is running but the directory is empty. To import the Puppet schema into this version of OpenLDAP, copy the puppet.schema from to /etc/openldap/schema.


To download the file from the command line directly, use the following command:

# curl -O

Then create a configuration file named /tmp/puppet-ldap.conf with an include line pointing to that schema, as shown in the following snippet:

include /etc/openldap/schema/puppet.schema

Then run slaptest against that configuration file, specifying a temporary directory as storage for the configuration files created by slaptest, as shown here:

# mkdir /tmp/puppet-ldap
# slaptest -f puppet-ldap.conf -F /tmp/puppet-ldap/
config file testing succeeded

This will create an OLC structure in /tmp/puppet-ldap. The file we need is in /tmp/puppet-ldap/cn=config/cn=schema/cn={0}puppet.ldif. To import this file into our LDAP instance, we need to remove the ordering information (the braces and numbers ({0},{1},) in this file). We also need to set the location for our schema, cn=schema,cn=config. All the lines after structuralObjectClass should be removed. The final version of the file will be in /tmp/puppet-ldap/cn=config/cn=schema/cn={0}puppet.ldif and will be as follows:

dn: cn=puppet,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: puppet
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'puppetClass' DESC 'Puppet Node Class' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'parentNode' DESC 'Puppet Parent Node' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'environment' DESC 'Puppet Node Environment' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'puppetVar' DESC 'A variable setting for puppet' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SYNTAX )
olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'puppetClient' DESC 'Puppet Client objectclass' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY ( puppetclass $ parentnode $ environment $ puppetvar ) )

Now add this new schema to our instance using ldapadd, as follows using the RootDN value cn=config:

# ldapadd -x -f cn={0}puppet.ldif -D'cn=config' -W
Enter LDAP Password: packtpub
adding new entry "cn=puppet,cn=schema,cn=config"

Now we can start adding nodes to our LDAP installation. We'll need to add some containers and a top-level organization to the database before we can do that. Create a file named start.ldif with the following contents:

dn: dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: organization
o: Example
dc: example

dn: ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: hosts

dn: ou=production,ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: production

If you are unfamiliar with how LDAP is organized, review the information at

Now add the contents of start.ldif to the directory using ldapadd, as follows:

# ldapadd -x -f start.ldif -D'cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com' -W
Enter LDAP Password: packtpub
adding new entry "dc=example,dc=com"
adding new entry "ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=com"
adding new entry "ou=production,ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=com"

At this point, we have a container for our nodes at ou=production,ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=com. We can add an entry to our LDAP with the following LDIF, which we will name web_main_lp01.ldif:

dn: cn=web_main_lp01,ou=production,ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: puppetClient
objectclass: device
puppetClass: web
puppetClass: base
puppetvar: role='Production Web Server'

We then add this LDIF to the directory using ldapadd again, as shown here:

# ldapadd -x -f web_main_lp01.ldif -D'cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com' -W
Enter LDAP Password: packtpub
adding new entry "cn=web_main_lp01,ou=production,ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=com"

With our entry in LDAP, we are ready to configure our worker nodes to look in LDAP for node definitions. Change /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf to have the following lines in the [master] section:

node_terminus = ldap
ldapserver =
ldapbase = ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=com

We are almost ready; puppetserver runs Ruby within a Java process. To have this process access our LDAP server, we need to install the jruby-ldap gem. puppetserver includes a gem installer for this purpose, as shown here:

# puppetserver gem install jruby-ldap
Fetching: jruby-ldap-0.0.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed jruby-ldap-0.0.2
1 gem installed

There is a bug in the jruby-ldap that we just installed; it was discovered by my colleague Steve Huston on the following Google group:!topic/puppet-users/DKu4e7dzhvE. To patch the jruby-ldap module, edit the conn.rb file in /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/jruby-gems/gems/jruby-ldap-0.0.2/lib/ldap and add the following lines to the beginning:

if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /^java.*/i
  class LDAP::Entry
     def to_hash
        h = {}
        get_attributes.each { |a| h[a.downcase.to_sym] = self[a] }
        h[:dn] = [dn]

Restart the puppetserver process after making this modification with the systemctl restart puppetserver.service command.


The LDAP backend is clearly not a priority project for Puppet. There are still a few unresolved bugs with using this backend. If you wish to integrate with your LDAP infrastructure, I believe writing your own script that references LDAP will be more stable and easier for you to support.

To convince yourself that the node definition is now coming from LDAP, modify the base class in /etc/puppet/modules/base/manifests/init.pp to include the role variable, as shown in the following snippet:

class base {
  file {'/etc/motd':
    mode => '0644',
    owner => '0',
    group => '0',
    content => inline_template("Role: <%= @role %>
Managed Node: <%= @hostname %>
Managed by Puppet version <%= @puppetversion %>

You will also need to open port 389, the standard LDAP port, on your LDAP server,, to allow Puppet masters to query the LDAP machine.

Then, run Puppet on web_main_lp01 and verify the contents of /etc/motd using the following command:

# cat /etc/motd
Role: 'Production Web Server'
Managed Node: web_main_lp01
Managed by Puppet version 4.2.1

Keeping your class and variable information in LDAP makes sense if you already have all your nodes in LDAP for other purposes, such as DNS or DHCP. One potential drawback of this is that all the class information for the node has to be stored within a single LDAP entry. It is useful to be able to apply classes to machines based on criteria. In the next section, we will look at Hiera, a system that can be used for this type of criteria-based application.

Before starting the next section, comment out the LDAP ENC lines in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf as follows:

#  node_terminus = ldap
#  ldapserver =
#  ldapbase = ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=com
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