Chapter 4. Designing Puppet Architectures

Puppet is an extensible automation framework, a tool, and a language. We can do great things with it and we can do them in many different ways. Besides the technicalities of learning the basics of its DSL, one of the biggest challenges for new and not-so-new users of Puppet is how to organize code and put things together in a manageable and appropriate way.

It's hard to find comprehensive documentation on how to use public code (modules), custom manifests and custom data, where to place our logic, how to maintain and scale it, and, generally, how to manage, safely and effectively, the resources that we want in our nodes and the data that defines them.

There's not really a single answer that fits all cases; there are best practices and recommendations, but ultimately it all depends on our own needs and infrastructure, which vary according to multiple factors. One of these principal factors is the characteristics of the infrastructure to manage itself, its size, and the number of application stacks to manage. Other factors are more related with Puppet code management, such as the skills of the people working with it, the number of teams involved, the integration with other tools, or the presence of policies for changes in production.

In this chapter, we will outline the elements needed to design a Puppet architecture, reviewing the following in particular:

  • The tasks to deal with (manage nodes, data, code, files, and so on) and the available components to manage them
  • The Foreman is probably the most used ENC around, along with Puppet enterprise console
  • The roles and profiles pattern
  • Data separation challenges and issues
  • How the various components can be used together in different ways, with some sample setups

Components of a Puppet architecture

With Puppet, we manage our systems via the catalog that the Puppet Master compiles for each node, which is the total of the resources we have declared in our code, based on parameters and variables whose values reflect our logic and needs.

Most of the time, we also provide configuration files either as static files or viB templates, populated according to the variables we have set.

We can identify the following major tasks when we have to manage what we want to configure on our nodes:

  • Definition of the classes to be included in each node
  • Definition of the parameters to use for each node
  • Definition of the configuration files provided to the nodes

These tasks can be provided by different, partly interchangeable, components:

  • site.pp, the first file parsed by the Puppet Master and eventually all the files imported from there (import nodes/*.pp would import and parse all the code defined in the files with .pp suffix in the /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/ directory). Here we have code in Puppet language.
  • An External Node Classifier (ENC) is an alternative source which can be used to define classes and parameters to apply to nodes. It's enabled with the following lines on the Puppet Master's puppet.conf:
    node_terminus = exec
    external_nodes = /etc/puppet/node.rb

What's referred by the external_nodes parameter can be any script that uses any backend; it's invoked with the client's certname as first argument (for example, /etc/puppet/node.rb and should return a YAML-formatted output that defines the classes to include for that node, the parameters, and the Puppet environment to use.

Besides the well-known Puppet-specific ENCs, such as the Foreman and Puppet Dashboard (a former Puppet Labs project now maintained by community members), it's not uncommon to write custom ones that leverage on existing tools and infrastructure management solutions:

  • LDAP can be used to store nodes information (classes, environment, and variables) as an alternative to the usage of an ENC. To enable LDAP integration, add the following to the Master's puppet.conf:
    node_terminus = ldap
    ldapserver =
    ldapbase = ou=Hosts,dc=example,dc=com

    Then we have to add Puppet's schema to our LDAP server. For more information and details, check:

  • Hiera is the hierarchical key-value data store we discussed in Chapter 2, Managing Puppet Data with Hiera. It's embedded in Puppet from version 3 and is available as an add-on on previous versions. Here we can set parameters, but also include classes and eventually provide contents for files.
  • Public modules can be retrieved from the Puppet Forge, GitHub, or other sources; they typically manage applications and system settings. Being public, they might not fit all our custom needs, but they are supposed to be reusable, support different OS, and adapt to different usage cases. We are supposed to use them without any modification, as if they were public libraries, committing back to the upstream repository our fixes and enhancements. A common, but less recommended alternative is to fork a public module and adapt it to our needs. This might seem a quicker solution, but doesn't definitively help the open source ecosystem and would prevent us from having benefits from updates on the original repository.
  • Site module(s) are custom modules with local resources and files where we can place all the logic we need, or the resources we can't manage, with public modules. They may be one or more, and may be called site or have the name of our company, customer, project, or anything in general. Site modules have particular sense as companions to public modules when used without local modifications; on site modules, we can place local settings, files, custom logic, and resources.


The distinction between public reusable modules and site modules is purely formal; they are both Puppet modules with standard structure. It may anyway make sense to place in separate directories (module paths) the ones you develop internally or modify from a public source from the public ones you use unaltered.

Let's see how these components may fit our Puppet tasks.

Definition of the classes to include in each node

This is typically done when, in Puppet, we talk about nodes' classification: the task that the Puppet Master accomplishes when it receives a client's request and determines the classes and parameters to use when compiling the relevant catalog.

Nodes' classification can be done in different ways:

  • We can use the node object on site.pp and other manifests eventually imported from there. In this way we identify each node by certname and declare all the resources and classes we want for it:
    node '' {
      include ::general
      include ::apache
  • Here we may even decide to follow a node-less layout, where we don't use the node object at all and rely on facts to manage what classes and parameters to assign to our nodes. An example of this approach is examined later.
  • On an ENC where can be defined the classes (and parameters) that each node should have. The returned YAML for our simple case would be something like the following:
      - general:
      - apache:
    environment: production
  • Via LDAP, where we can have a hierarchical structure where a node can inherit the classes (referenced with the puppetClass attribute) set in a parent node (parentNode).
  • On Hiera, using the hiera_include function; just add in site.pp:


    We then define in our hierarchy, under the key classes, what to include for each node. For example, with a YAML backend, our case would be represented with the following:

      - general
      - apache
  • On site module(s) any custom logic can be placed as, for example, the classes and resources to include for all the nodes or for specific groups of nodes.

Definition of the parameters to use for each node

This is another crucial part, as with parameters we can characterize our nodes and define the resources we want for them.

Generally, to identify and characterize a node in order to differentiate it from the others and provide the specific resources we want for it, we need very few key parameters, such as (names used here may be common, but are arbitrary and are not Puppet's internal ones):

  • role, is almost a standard de facto name to identify the kind of server; a node is supposed to have just one role, which might be something like webserver, app_be, db or anything that identifies the function of the node. Note that web servers that serve different web applications should have different roles (that is webserver_site, webserver_blog). We can have one or more nodes with the same role.
  • env, or any name that identifies the operational environment of the node (is it a development, test, qa, or production server?).


    Note that this doesn't necessarily match Puppet's internal environment variable. Some prefer to merge the env information inside the role, having roles like webserver_prod, or webserver_devel.

  • zone, site, datacenter, country, or any parameter that might identify the network, country, availability zone, or datacenter where the node is placed. A node is supposed to belong to only one of these. We might not require this in our infrastructure.
  • tenant, component, application, project, or cluster might be other kinds of variables that characterize our node. There's no real standard for their naming, and their usage and necessity strictly depend on the underlying infrastructure.

With parameters like these, any node can be fully identified and be served with any specific configuration. It makes sense to provide them, where possible, as facts.

The parameters and the variables we use in our manifests may have different natures, such as:

  • Role/env/zone as defined before, to identify the nodes; they are typically used to determine the values of other parameters
  • OS related parameters, like package names and file paths
  • Variables that define services of our infrastructure (DNS servers, NTP servers...)
  • Usernames and passwords, which should be reserved, used to manage credentials
  • Parameters that express any further custom logic and classifying need (master, slave, host_number…)
  • Parameters exposed by the parameterized classes or defines we use

Many times, the values of these variables and parameters have to change according to the values of other variables, and it's important to have a general idea, from the beginning, of what the variations involved and the possible exceptions are, as we will probably define our logic according to them. As a general rule we will most of the time use the identifying parameters (role/env/zone...) to define most of the other parameters, so we'll probably need to use them in our Hiera hierarchy or in Puppet selectors. This also means that we will probably need to set them as top scope variables (for example via an ENC) or facts.

As with classes to include, parameters may be set by various components; some of them are actually the same, since in Puppet, node classification involves both classes to include and parameters to apply:

  • On site.pp, we can set variables. If they are outside nodes' definitions they are at top scope, and if they are inside they are at node scope. Top scope variables should be referenced with a :: prefix, for example $::role. Node scope variables are available inside the node's classes with their plain name: $role.
  • An ENC returns parameters, treated as top scope variables, alongside classes, and the logic of how they can be set depends entirely on their structure. Popular ENCs such as the Foreman, Puppet Dashboard, and Puppet Enterprise allow users to set variables for single nodes or for groups, often in a hierarchical fashion. The kind and amount of parameters set here depend on how much information we want to manage on the ENC and how much to manage somewhere else.
  • LDAP, when used as node classifier, returns variables for each node as defined with the puppetVar attribute. They are all set at top scope.


    On Hiera we set keys which we can map to Puppet variables with the functions hiera(), hiera_array(), and hiera_hash() inside our Puppet code. Since version 3, Puppet's data bindings automatically look up class parameters from Hiera data, mapping parameter names to Hiera keys, so for these cases we don't have to explicitly use hiera* functions. The defined hierarchy determines how the keys' values change according to the values of other variables. On Hiera, ideally, we should place variables related to our infrastructure and credentials, but not OS related variables (they should stay in modules if we want them to be reusable).

    A lot of documentation about Hiera shows sample hierarchies with facts like osfamily and operatingsystem. In my very personal opinion, such variables should not stay there (weighting the hierarchy size), since OS differences should be managed in the classes and modules used and not in Hiera. Specific parameters for a deployment should be in data; common things that may vary between operating systems should be in the module implementation.

  • On shared modules, we typically deal with OS specific parameters. Modules should be considered as reusable components that know all about how to manage the homonymous application on different OS but nothing about custom logic: they should expose parameters and defines that allow users to determine their behavior and fit their own needs.
  • On site module(s), we can place infrastructural parameters or any custom logic more or less based on other variables.
  • Finally, it's possible, and generally recommended, to create custom facts that identify the node directly from the client. A case of this approach is a totally facts-driven infrastructure, where all the nodes identifying variables, upon which all the other parameters are defined, are set as facts.

Definition of the configuration files provided to the nodes

It's almost certain that we will need to manage configuration files with Puppet and that we need to store them somewhere, either as plain static files to serve via Puppet's fileserver functionality using the source argument of the File type, or via .erb templates.

While it's possible to configure custom fileserver shares for static files and absolute paths for templates, it's definitely recommended to rely on the modules' auto-loading conventions and place such files inside custom or shared modules, unless we decide to use Hiera for them.

Configuration files, therefore, are typically placed in the following:

  • Shared modules: These may provide default templates that use variables exposed as parameters by the modules' classes and defines them. As users, we don't directly manage the module's template but the variables used inside it. A good and reusable module should allow us to override the default template with a custom one. In this case, our custom template should be placed in a site module. If we've forked a public shared module and maintain a custom version, we might be tempted to place all our custom files and templates there. In doing so, we lose in reusability and gain, maybe, in short term usage simplicity.
  • Site module(s): These are, instead, a more correct place for custom files and templates if we want to maintain a setup based on public shared modules, which are not forked, and custom site ones where all our stuff stays confined in a single or few modules. This allows us to recreate similar setups just by copying and modifying our site modules, as all our logic, files, and resources are concentrated there.
  • Hiera: Thanks to the smart hiera-file backend, this can be an interesting alternative place to store configuration files, both static ones and templates. We can benefit from the hierarchy logic that works for us and can manage any kind of file without touching modules.
  • Custom fileserver mounts can be used to serve any kind of static files from any directory of the Puppet Master. They can be useful if we need to provide via Puppet files generated/managed by third party scripts or tools. An entry in /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf is like the following:
    path /etc/puppet/static_files
    allow *
  • Allows us to serve a file such as /etc/puppet/static_files/generated/file.txt with the argument:
    source => 'puppet:///data/generated/file.txt',

Definition of custom resources and classes

We'll probably need to provide custom resources to our nodes that are not declared in the shared modules because they are too specific, and we'll probably want to create some grouping classes, for example, to manage the common baseline of resources and classes we want applied to all our nodes.

This is typically a bunch of custom code and logic that we have to place somewhere. The usual locations are as follows:

  • Shared modules: These are forked and modified to include custom resources; as already outlined, this approach doesn't pay in the long term.
  • Site module(s): The preferred place-to-place custom stuff, including some classes where we can manage common baselines, role classes and other container classes.
  • Hiera: Partially, if we are fond of the create_resources function fed by hashes provided in Hiera. In this case, in a site, shared module, or maybe even in site.pp, we have to place the create_resources statements somewhere.
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