Variables, facts, and scopes

When writing our manifests, we can set and use variables; they help us in organizing which resources we want to apply, how they are parameterized, and how they change according to our logic, infrastructure, and needs.

They may have different sources:

  • Facter (variables, called facts, automatically generated on the Puppet client)
  • User-defined variables in Puppet code (variables defined using Puppet DSL)
  • User-defined variables from an ENC
  • User-defined variables on Hiera
  • Puppet's built-in variables

System's facts

When we install Puppet on a system, the facter package is installed as a dependency. Facter is executed on the client each time Puppet is run and it collects a large set of key/value pairs that reflect many system's properties. They are called facts and provide valuable information like the system's operatingsystem, operatingsystemrelease, osfamily, ipaddress, hostname, fqdn, macaddress to name just some of the most used ones.

All the facts gathered on the client are available as variables to the Puppet Master and can be used inside manifests to provide a catalog that fits the client.

We can see all the facts of our nodes, running locally:

facter -p

(The -p argument is the short version of --puppet, and also shows eventual custom facts, which are added to the native ones, via our modules).

In facter 1.x, only plain values were available; facter 2.x introduces structured values, so any fact can contain arrays or hashes. Facter is replaced by cFacter for 3.0, a more efficient implementation in C++ that makes an extensive use of structured data. In any case, it keeps legacy keys, making these two queries equivalent:

$ facter ipaddress
$ facter networking.interfaces.eth0.ip

External facts

External facts, supported since Puppet 3.4/Facter 2.0.1, provide a way to add facts from arbitrary commands or text files.

These external facts can be added in different ways:

  • From modules, by placing them under facts.d inside the module root directory
  • In directories within nodes:
    • In a directory specified by the –external-dir option
    • In the Linux and Mac OS X in /etc/puppetlabs/facter/facts.d/ or /etc/facts.d/
    • In Windows in C:ProgramDataPuppetLabsfacterfacts.d
    • When running as a non-root user in $HOME/.facter/facts.d/

Executable facts can be scripts in any language, or even binaries; the only requirement is that its output has to be formed by lines with the format key=value, like:


Structured data facts have to be plain text files with an extension indicating its format, .txt files for files containing key=value lines, .yaml for YAML files, and .json for JSON files.

User variables in Puppet DSL

Variable definition inside the Puppet DSL follows the general syntax: $variable = value.

Let's see some examples. Here the value is set as a string, a boolean, an array. or a hash:

$redis_package_name = 'redis'
$install_java = true
$dns_servers = [ '' , '' ]
$config_hash = { user => 'joe', group => 'admin' }

From Puppet 3.5, using the future parser or starting on version 4.0 by default Here docs are also supported, what is a convenient way of define multiline strings:

$gitconfig = $("GITCONFIG")
    name = ${git_name}
    email = ${email}
file { "${homedir}/.gitconfig":
  content => $gitconfig,

They have multiple options. In the previous example, we set GITCONFIG as the delimiter, the quotes indicate that variables in the text have to be interpolated, and the pipe character marks the indentation level.

Here, the value is the result of a function call (which may have strings and other data types or other variables as arguments):

$config_file_content = template('motd/motd.erb')

$dns_servers = hiera(name_servers)
$dns_servers_count = inline_template('<%= @dns_servers.length %>')

Here, the value is determined according to the value of another variable (here the $::osfamily fact is used), using the selector construct:

$mysql_service_name = $::osfamily ? {
  'RedHat' => 'mysqld',
  default  => 'mysql', 

A special value for a variable is undef (a null value similar to Ruby's nil), which basically removes any value to the variable (can be useful in resources when we want to disable, and make Puppet ignore, an existing attribute):

$config_file_source = undef
file { '/etc/motd':
  source  => $config_file_source,
  content => $config_file_content,

Note that we can't change the value assigned to a variable inside the same class (more precisely inside the same scope; we will review them later). Consider a code like the following:

$counter = '1'
$counter = $counter + 1

The preceding code will produce the following error:

Cannot reassign variable counter


The new parser used as default in Puppet 4 has better support for data types, what includes optional type-checking. Each value in Puppet has a data type, for example, strings are of the type String, booleans are of the type Boolean, and types themselves have their own type Type. Every time we declare a parameter, we can enforce its type:

class ntp (
    Boolean $enable = true,
    Array[String] $servers = [],
  ) { … }

We can also check types with expressions like this one:

$is_boolean =~ String

Or make selections by the type:

$enable_real = $enable ? {
  Boolean => $enable,
  String  => str2bool($enable),
  Numeric => num2bool($enable),
  default => fail('Illegal value for $enable parameter')

Types can have parameters, String[8] would be a string of at least 8 characters-length, Array[String] would be an array of strings and Variant[Boolean, Enum['true', 'false']] would be a composed value that would match with any Boolean or with members of the enumeration formed by the strings true and false.

User variables in an ENC

When an ENC is used for the classification of nodes, it returns the classes to include in the requested node and variables. All the variables provided by an ENC are at top scope (we can reference them with $::variablename all over our manifests).

User variables in Hiera

A very popular and useful place to place user data (yes, variables) is also Hiera; we will review it extensively in Chapter 2, Managing Puppet Data with Hiera; let's just point out a few basic usage patterns here. We can use it to manage any kind of variable, whose value can change according to custom logic in a hierarchical way. Inside manifests, we can lookup a Hiera variable using the hiera() function. Some examples are as follows:

$dns = hiera(dnsservers)
class { 'resolver':
  dns_server => $dns,

The preceding example can also be written as:

class { 'resolver':
  dns_server => hiera(dnsservers),

In our Hiera YAML files, we would have something like this:


If our Puppet Master uses Puppet version 3 or greater, then we can benefit from the Hiera automatic lookup for class parameters, that is, the ability to define values for any parameter exposed by the class in Hiera. The preceding example would become something like this:

include resolver

Then, in the Hiera YAML files:


Puppet built-in variables

A bunch of other variables are available and can be used in manifests or templates:

  • Variables set by the client (agent):
    • $clientcert: This is the name of the node (certname setting in its puppet.conf, by default is the host's FQDN)
    • $clientversion: This is the Puppet version on the agent
  • Variables set by the server (Master):
    • $environment: This is a very important special variable, which defines the Puppet's environment of a node (for different environments the Puppet Master can serve manifests and modules from different paths)
    • $servername, $serverip: These are respectively, the Master's FDQN and IP address
    • $serverversion: This is the Puppet version on the Master (is always better to have Masters with Puppet version equal or newer than the clients)
    • $settings::<setting_name>: This is any configuration setting of the Puppet Master's puppet.conf variable
  • Variables set by the parser during catalog compilation:
    • $module_name: This is the name of the module that contains the current resource definition
    • $caller_module_name: This is the name of the module that contains the current resource declaration

Variables scope

One of the parts where Puppet development can be misleading and not so intuitive is how variables are evaluated according to the place in the code where they are used.

Variables have to be declared before they can be used and this is parse order dependent, so, for this reason, Puppet language can't be considered completely declarative.

In Puppet, there are different scopes; partially isolated areas of code where variables and resource defaults values can be confined and accessed.

There are four types of scope, from general to local:

  • Top scope: This is any code defined outside nodes and classes, as what is generally placed in /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp)
  • Node scope: This is code defined inside nodes definitions
  • Class scope: This is code defined inside a class or define
  • Sub class scope: This is code defined in a class that inherits another class

We always write code within a scope and we can directly access variables (that is just specifying their name without using the fully qualified name) defined only in the same scope or in a parent or containing one. The following are the ways, we can access top scope variables, node scope variables, and class variables:

  • Top scope variables can be accessed from anywhere
  • Node scope variables can be accessed in classes (used by the node), but not at the top scope
  • Class (also called local) variables are directly available, with their plain name, only from within the same class or define where they are set or in a child class

Variables' value or resources default arguments defined at a more general level can be overridden at a local level (Puppet uses always the most local value).

It's possible to refer to variables outside a scope by specifying their fully qualified name, which contains the name of the class where the variables are defined. For example, $::apache::config_dir is a variable, called config_dir, defined in the apache class.

One important change introduced in Puppet 3.x is the forcing of static scoping for variables; this involves that a parent scope for a class can be only its parent class.

Earlier Puppet versions had dynamic scoping, where parent scopes were assigned both by inheritance (as in static scoping) and by simple declaration; that is, any class has the first scope where it has been declared as parent. This means that, since we can include classes multiple times, the order used by Puppet to parse our manifests may change the parent scope and therefore how a variable is evaluated.

This can obviously lead to any kind of unexpected problems, if we are not particularly careful on how classes are declared, with variables evaluated in different (parse order dependent) ways. The solution is Puppet 3's static scoping and the need to reference to out of scope variables with their fully qualified name.

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