
During the writing of this book, I received technical advice from specialists in various fields to whom I would like to express my appreciation. Justin Croft, of Justin Croft Antiquarian Books, in Faversham, England, was a source of valuable information on the world of manuscripts and the rare book trade. Ted Stanley, Special Collections Paper Conservator at Princeton University Library and an expert in the conservation of rare paper-based objects, initiated me to the properties of papyrus and suggested some ancient techniques for the storage and preservation of papyri scrolls. Jerôme Morissette, an art conservator at the Centre de Conservation du Québec, generously shared with me some of his expert knowledge of the effect of time and the immediate environment on the structure of various metals. Roberta Partridge, book conservator at the Canadian Conservation Institute, directed me to some useful articles on book and papyrus conservation.

A number of people—colleagues, friends, and family—read earlier versions of the manuscript, and I greatly benefited from their generous comments, tactful criticism, and helpful suggestions. In no particular order, I would like to thank Andrew Watson, Aubert Daigneault, Roland Omnès, Frank O’Shea, Denys Cloutier, Gilles Plante, the anonymous (to me) PUP reviewers, and my daughter Natacha Sangalli, who also created the illustrations for the book.

A special merci! to my wife Francine Godbout, who helped me research background material, suggested a key location for the plot, supported me, encouraged me, and endured me throughout all the years it took for the book to materialize.

I am also indebted to all those at Princeton University Press who were involved in the production of this book, most especially to Vickie Kearn, who charted the course for the project and with a steady hand at the helm steered it to its successful conclusion.

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