Accessing a Python Sequence Item-by-Item with the Iterator Protocol

Credit: Luther Blissett


You want to write a Python callable C extension that takes as an argument a Python sequence (or iterator) and accesses it sequentially, requiring no extra storage.


If you can afford to access the sequence item by item without knowing in advance the number of items it has, and you are running Python 2.2 or better, you can sometimes save memory by using PyObject_GetIter instead of PySequence_Fast:

#include <Python.h>

static PyObject *totalIter(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    PyObject* seq;
    PyObject* item;
    double result;

    /* get one argument as an iterator */
    if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &seq))
        return 0;
    seq = PyObject_GetIter(seq);
        return 0;

    /* process data sequentially */
    result = 0.0;
    while((item=PyIter_Next(seq))) {
        PyObject *fitem;
        fitem = PyNumber_Float(item);
        if(!fitem) {
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "all items must be numbers");
            return 0;
        result += PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(fitem);

    /* clean up and return result */
    return Py_BuildValue("d", result);

static PyMethodDef totitMethods[] = {
    {"totit", totalIter, METH_VARARGS, "Sum a sequence of numbers."},
    {0} /* sentinel */

    (void) Py_InitModule("totit", totitMethods);


PyObject_GetIter is available only in Python 2.2, and it is appropriate only when it’s okay for the rest of your C code to get the items one at a time without knowing beforehand how many items there will be in total. When these conditions are met, PyObject_GetIter gives you roughly the same performance as PySequence_Fast if the input argument is a list or tuple, but it can save memory allocation, and therefore running time, if the input argument is an iterator or another kind of sequence or iterable.

PyObject_GetIter takes one argument: a Python object from which an iterator is desired (much like Python’s iter built-in function). It either returns 0, indicating an error, or an iterator object, on which you can call PyIter_Next to get the next item (or 0, which is not an error at the end of the iteration). Both PyObject_GetIter and PyIter_Next return new references, so we must Py_DECREF when we’re done with the respective objects.

As usual, the best way to build this extension (assuming you’ve saved it in a totit.c file) is with the distutils package. Place a file named such as:

from distutils.core import setup, Extension

setup(name = "totit", maintainer = "Luther Blissett", maintainer_email =
    "[email protected]", ext_modules = [Extension('total',sources=['totit.c'])]

in the same directory as the C source, then build and install by running:

$ python install

The nice thing about this is that it works on any platform (assuming, of course, you have Python 2.0 or later and have access to the same C compiler used to build your version of Python).

Since Python extensions are often coded in C to maximize performance, it’s interesting to measure performance compared to that of pure Python code dealing with the same task. A typical measurement setup might be a script such as:

import time, operator, total, totit

def timo(f, xs):
    start = time.clock(  )
    for x in xs: res = f(x)
    stend = time.clock(  )
    print f._ _name_ _, stend-start

def totpy(x):
    result = 0.0
    for item in x: result += item
    return result

def totre(x):
    return reduce(operator.add, x)

seq = range(200000)
print 'on lists:'
timo(totre, 10*[seq])
timo(totpy, 10*[seq])
timo(, 10*[seq])
timo(totit.totit, 10*[seq])
print 'on iters:'
timo(totre, [iter(seq) for i in range(10)])
timo(totpy, [iter(seq) for i in range(10)])
timo(, [iter(seq) for i in range(10)])
timo(totit.totit, [iter(seq) for i in range(10)])

On my machine, running with the command-line switch -O so that Python can optimize operations, the timing results are:

on lists:
totre 2.88
totpy 0.91
total 0.31
totit 0.32
on iters:
totre 3.02
totpy 0.91
total 0.64
totit 0.32

As you can see, the most important optimization is to avoid the attractive nuisance of the reduce built-in function. We can be about three times as fast with a simple Python-coded function! But the C-coded extension total, which we saw in Recipe 16.3, is three times faster yet when run on lists, as is the totit extension in this recipe. The advantage of totit over total is seen when they are run on iterators rather than lists. In that case, totit can be roughly twice as fast as total, because it saves the overhead of memory allocation in PySequence_Fast.

See Also

The Extending and Embedding manual is available as part of the standard Python documentation set at; documentation on the Python C API at; the Distributing Python Modules section of the standard Python documentation set is still incomplete, but it is the best source of information on the distutils package.

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