
In this book, we have learned when to use QlikView along with many of the multiple features of QlikView. We have loaded data from Excel and learned about other data sources. We have experimented with performing analysis with QlikView in the section where we found the out of balance amount. We have modified the Load Script, loaded additional spreadsheets, and linked data.

We examined key performance indicators and learned about the different options available with QlikView to display them. We created the three most common financial KPIs and, during the process, learned about set expressions. We have created or modified most of the sheet objects available in QlikView in the preceding chapters, and created a common size income statement for analysis.

We have learned that dashboards should display key information in a quick-to-digest format, and that gauges, dials, and thermometers are often used incorrectly, causing confusion rather than clarification. We examined both the display choices and the underlying objects making up the multiple tabs of the QlikView CFO dashboard. The knowledge about the many sources of data that we can load into QlikView for analysis is very powerful. We can load information from files, database data sources, and from the Internet.

We found that there are many other sources for ideas to create a whole dashboard or just a tab that can be used for the type of analysis that best suits our business needs. We learned that our data sources are nearly limitless.

For the Sales Analysis tab of the CFO dashboard, we created a version better than the existing one by examining the existing version and the good and bad choices made in the display. We learned how to create a Group button to make more data available on a single display, without overcrowding or overloading information for the dashboard user.

  • We created a new Sales Analysis dashboard tab using exactly the same data as in the original dashboard
  • We learned how to create a toggle for rounding the numbers displayed so that they are easier to compare, and it is easier to remember how they compare for further investigation
  • We rearranged and changed the original objects for a meaningful display
  • We learned about containers and how to remove them and the objects inside
  • We also created new containers and put objects in those containers
  • We learned about the options for forecasting, trending, and the what-if analysis
  • We examined the options for visualizing inventory turns and management
  • We learned about the supply chain analysis options with the Order Details tab of the CFO dashboard
  • Last, but not least, we examined the AR Analysis tab for ideas on reporting accounts receivable, aging for better cash flow planning, and collections management

In this final chapter, we covered the information required for taking QlikView to the next step, that is, as an enterprise analysis resource.


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