
RSelenium is designed to make it easy to connect to a Selenium server or a remote Selenium server. RSelenium allows connection from the R environment to the Selenium Webdriver API. Selenium is a project that focuses on automating web browsers.

Selenium Server is an independent java program that allows you to run HTML test suites in different browsers.

If you want to navigate your website using a browser on the same machine that RSelenium is running on, you need to run Selenium Server on that machine.

RSelenium is one of the most useful poles of R. With just a few lines of code, you can automate web pages and create scraping systems. This is useful for testing web applications as well as for collecting data from multiple web pages.

If you are not familiar with this R library, it will be useful to read the guide created for beginners.

RSelenium is an R library that allows you to use the Selenium 2.0 WebDriver project, designed to automatically test Web applications, in the R environment.

To use Selenium in R, you need to have R language loaded on your system. Using R Studio IDE is highly recommended. To download the RSelenium package, you can use following command install_github("ropensci/RSelenium") and then you can load it into your current R session with library("RSelenium").

More information about RSelenium can be found here: 

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