
We decided to use number images to render the score, so we will need to load them and pick the appropriate digits depending on the user's score:

/*** src/components/Score.js ***/

import React, { Component } from “react";
import { View, Image } from “react-native";

import { W, H } from “../constants";

export default class Score extends Component {
getSource(num) {
    switch (num) {
      case “0":
        return require(“../../images/0.png");
      case “1":
        return require(“../../images/1.png");
      case “2":
        return require(“../../images/2.png");
      case “3":
        return require(“../../images/3.png");
      case “4":
        return require(“../../images/4.png");
      case “5":
        return require(“../../images/5.png");
      case “6":
        return require(“../../images/6.png");
      case “7":
        return require(“../../images/7.png");
      case “8":
        return require(“../../images/8.png");
      case “9":
        return require(“../../images/9.png");
        return require(“../../images/0.png");

  render() {
    var scoreString = this.props.score.toString();
    var scoreArray = [];
    for (var index = 0; index < scoreString.length; index++) {

    return (
          position: “absolute",
          left: 47 * W,
          top: 10 * H,
          flexDirection: “row"
          function(item, i) {
            return (
                style={{ width: 10 * W }}

We are doing the following in the render method:

  • Converting the score to a string
  • Converting the string into a list of digits
  • Turning this list of digits into a list of images using the supporting getSource() function

One of the limitations in React Native <Image /> is that its source cannot be required as a variable. Hence, we are using this small trick of retrieving the source from our getSource() method, which actually acquires all the possible images and returns the correct one through a switch/case clause.

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