What this book covers

Chapter 1, Creating a Personalized React Development Ecosystem, introduces the motivations for tooling in React projects.

Chapter 2, Efficiently Bootstrapping React Applications with Create React App, gets you up and running with create-react-app.

Chapter 3, Development Mode and Mastering Hot Reloading, shows you how to develop your React application using a development server and hot module reloading.

Chapter 4, Optimizing Test-Driven React Development, teaches you how to incorporate Jest unit testing into your project.

Chapter 5, Streamlining Development and Refactoring with Type-Safe React Components, introduces type-safety with React components using Flow.

Chapter 6, Enforcing Code Quality to Improve Maintainability, gets you started with ESLint and Prettier—tools for enhancing the quality of your code.

Chapter 7, Isolating Components with Storybook, shows you have to isolate component development from the rest of your application using Storybook.

Chapter 8, Debugging Components in the Browser, goes into depth on the React Development Tools browser plugin to assist with React component debugging.

Chapter 9, Instrumenting Application State with Redux, introduces the Redux DevTools browser plugin, providing you with a clear picture of your application state.

Chapter 10, Building and Deploying Static React Sites with Gatsby, teaches you how to create static websites using Gatsby and React components.

Chapter 11, Building and Deploying React Applications with Docker Containers, shows you how to deploy production-ready React applications to containers.

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