Transforming JSX into JavaScript

"Shawn, as I mentioned, the JSX is transformed to the native JavaScript syntax."

// Input (JSX):
var app = <App name="Mike" />;

"This will eventually get transformed to"

// Output (JS):
var app = React.createElement(App, {name:"Mike"});


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"If you would like to see this live in action, try this example at It's a live REPL that can transform a JSX code to the native JavaScript code."

"There is another editor available for converting HTML to JSX. You can check it out at This allows you to paste an arbitrary HTML code that gets converted to JSX with extraction of styles, classes, and other information and then create a component on top of it." said Mike.

"Pretty handy. However, this is just for ease of development, right? What happens when we deploy our code?" asked Shawn.

"JSX is not meant to be compiled at runtime. Though there is a JSX transformer that converts JSX to JavaScript in a browser. Using it to compile JSX at runtime in the browser would slow down our application. We will use tools such as Babel, which is a JavaScript transpiler to convert our JSX code to the native JavaScript code before deploying the application."

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