Creating Pattern<T>

The Pattern<T> is an odd kind of message that we can use to create flattened sequences of values sourcing from multiple sources.

As we have already seen in the Combining operators section of Chapter 3, Reactive Extension Programming, we can use the Zip operator to create a single output from multiple sources:

var values2 = Observable.Range(0, 100).Where(x => x % 2 == 0); 
var values3 = Observable.Range(0, 100).Where(x => x % 3 == 0); 
var values5 = Observable.Range(0, 100).Where(x => x % 5 == 0); 
//flatten sourcing sequences into a new sequence 
//based on the sourcing message index 
var zip = values2.Zip(values3, values5, (a, b, c) => new { a, b, c }); 
zip.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine(x)); 

Other than the Zip operator, the Rx library give us the ability to create Pattern, a group of messages sourcing from different sequences at the same speed by correlating messages with their index in the sourcing sequence.

Here is an example:

//create a pattern by grouping messages based on their index 
var pattern = values2.And(values3).And(values5) 
    //then produce a single output 
    .Then((a, b, c) => new { a, b, c }); 
//creates a sequence from the pattern 
var then = Observable.When(pattern); 
then.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine(x)); 

The key operators of the preceding example are And, Then, and When. The And operator creates the pattern from the sourcing sequences. Multiple uses of the And operator will increase the sourcing sequence's availability, making it later available to the Then operator. The Then operator will shape all the sourcing messages into a single message similar to what happens with the selector Action of the Zip operator. The difference is that the And operator produces an output we can store somewhere, flow somehow, or schedule in time, while the selector Action of the Zip operator offers less programmability.

At the end of the example, the Observable.When operator will flatten the pattern into an observable sequence usable as we're now used to. Just to be clear, the Pattern class is unable to directly interact with the core Rx interfaces.

Another interesting feature is the ability to flatten multiple patterns within the When operator.

Here is an example:

//multiple patterns 
var values7 = Observable.Range(0, 100).Where(x => x % 7 == 0); 
var values9 = Observable.Range(0, 100).Where(x => x % 9 == 0); 
var values11 = Observable.Range(0, 100).Where(x => x % 11 == 0); 
var pattern79 = values7.And(values9).And(values11).Then((a, b, c) => new { a, b, c, }); 
//flatten multiple sourcing pattern into a new sequence 
var then79 = Observable.When(pattern, pattern79); 
//the message order will follow the sourcing patterns message index 
then79.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine(x));  

As is evident in this last example, although the Zip operator is very powerful, the implementation based on Pattern made with the And/Then/When operators may give a higher programmability level and a great flexibility to use in our applications.

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