Refactoring TypeScript

Refactoring TypeScript

Copyright © 2019 Packt Publishing

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Author: James Hickey

Managing Editor: Aritro Ghosh

Acquisitions Editor: Karan Wadekar

Production Editor: Salma Patel

Editorial Board: Shubhopriya Banerjee, Bharat Botle, Ewan Buckingham, Megan Carlisle, Simon Cox, Mahesh Dhyani, Manasa Kumar, Alex Mazonowicz, Dominic Pereira, Shiny Poojary, Abhishek Rane, Erol Staveley, Ankita Thakur, and Jonathan Wray

First Published: October 2019

Production Reference: 1181019

ISBN: 978-1-83921-804-0

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place, 35 Livery Street

Birmingham B3 2PB, UK

Table of Contents

Preface   i

Chapter 1: Introduction   1

About TypeScript   1

What Is It?   1

What's All the Fuss About?   2

TypeScript versus JavaScript   2

Why I Chose TypeScript for This Book   4

What Is Refactoring?   4

Let's Define It   4

Our Approach   5

Design Patterns   5

Why Refactor at All?   5

Slow Development   5

Saving Money   6

Navy SEALS Get It   6

Being a Craftsman   7

Case Study #1   7

Case Study #2   8

When Should I Refactor?   9

The Boy Scout Rule   9

Repetitive Work   9

Difficulty Adding Features   9

In the End   10

Chapter 2: Null Checks Everywhere!   13

Identification   13

Billion-Dollar Mistake   13

Example   14

Is It That Bad?   15

Non-Nullable Types   15

Null Object Pattern   16

Empty Collections   16

Fixing It Up   16

Take 2   17

What About Objects?   17

Special Case Pattern    19

Situation   19

An Order Class That Needs to Be Refactored   19

Refactoring the Order Class   20

Chapter 3: Wordy Conditionals   23

Identification   23

A Little Bit of This, a Little Bit of That   23

Misbehaving Conditionals   24

Combining Conditionals   24

Situation   24

The Code   25

Guideline   25

Extracting Methods from Conditionals   26

What's Wrong Here?   26

The Fix   26

Extracting Conditional Logic to Explicit Classes   27

Let's Get Classy   27

SRP   28

Using It   28

Pipe Classes   29

Your Classes Might Be Doing Too Much...   29

Piping Our Logic   29

Bonus Refactor   31

Chapter 4: Nested Conditionals   33

Identification   33

A Monster    33

A Closer Look   34

Guard Clauses   34

Scenario   34

Fail Fast   34

Fixing It Up   35

Gate Classes   36

Scenario   37

Gate Classes to the Rescue   37

Useful for Web APIs   38

Chapter 5: Primitive Overuse   41

Identification   41

What's Wrong Here?   42

Value Objects   42

Scenario   42

Initial Refactor   43

Addressing Primitives   44

Creating Our Object   44

Moving Along   45

Immediate Validation   46

Deceptive Booleans   47

Scenario   47

New Business Rules   48

More Rules...   49

Is It Really That Bad?   50

Just Use Enums   50

Strategy Pattern   52

Chapter 6: Lengthy Method Signatures   55

Identification   55

The Slippery Slope of Optional Parameters   56

The Issue   56

Guidelines   57

Creating a Reusable Private Method   57

A Simple Example   58

Creating Semantically Meaningful Methods   59

A Brief Look at Some Advanced Solutions   60

Extracting Data Objects   61

Extraction   62

Chapter 7: Methods That Never End   65

Identification   65

When Is a Method Too Long?   67

Give It a Name   67

Being Strategic   70

Chapter 8: Dumping Grounds   75

Identification   75

Object-Oriented?   76

The Great Debate   76

Coupling   78

Warning Sign   79

One of These Things Is Not Like The Others   79

You Have Mail   80

Breaking It Up   80

Keep Separate Things Separate   82

Speak or Listen   83

CQRS   83

Read and Write   83

Next Steps   85

Commands   86

Queries   86

Conclusion   87

A Word of Caution   87

Chapter 9: Messy Object Creation   89

Identification   89

Factory Functions   90

Functions versus Static Methods   91

Combining Refactoring Techniques   92

Complexity Remains...   94

Building It   95

The Builder Pattern   96

One Last Improvement   96

Chapter 10: Conclusion   99

This Is Just The Beginning!   99

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