

This section briefly introduces the author and the coverage of this book.

About the Book

Refactoring improves your code without changing its behavior. With refactoring, the best approach is to apply small targeted changes to a codebase. Instead of implementing a huge sweeping change to your code, refactoring is better as a long-term and continuous enterprise. Refactoring TypeScript explains how to spot bugs and remove them from your code.

You'll start by seeing how wordy conditionals, methods, and null checks make code unhealthy and unstable. Whether it is identifying messy nested conditionals or removing unnecessary methods, this book will show you various techniques to avoid these pitfalls and write code that is easier to understand, maintain, and test.

By the end of the book, you'll have learned some of the main causes of unhealthy code, tips to identify them and techniques to address them.

About the Author

With a background in creative arts, philosophy, and software development, James Hickey has been helping developers become software artisans and navigate their careers. He has worked professionally in web and mobile-based projects mentoring development teams and leading business-critical projects. His technical interests focus on software design and architecture.

Learning Objectives

  • Spot and fix common code smells to create code that is easier to read and understand
  • Discover ways to identify long methods and refactor them
  • Create objects that keep your code flexible, maintainable, and testable
  • Apply the Single Responsibility Principle to develop less-coupled code
  • Discover how to combine different refactoring techniques
  • Learn ways to solve the issues caused by overusing primitives


This book is designed for programmers who are looking to explore various refactoring techniques to develop healthy and maintainable code. Some experience in JavaScript and TypeScript can help you easily grasp the concepts explained in this book.


Each section in this book represents a 'code smell'. A code smell is an indication that a part of your code is rotting and becoming unhealthy. The first chapter of each section will introduce how to identify a specific code smell and why it is considered unhealthy. Then, you'll learn techniques that can be used to address the code issue - once you've explored the problem.

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