Chapter 8. Column Six: Motivation


Interest in business rules is not a recent phenomenon, but its role in systems development has escalated significantly in recent years. Figure 8.1 shows the Architecture Framework with Column Six highlighted.

The Architect Framework—Motivation.

Figure 8.1. The Architect Framework—Motivation.

When the computer industry began, there were programs. All attention was paid to writing programs that performed functions. Beginning in the 1970s and more fully during the 1980s, people began to focus on data. Then, John Zachman published his architecture in 1987, adding location, reflecting the fact that distributed systems were all the rage. In 1992, he and John Sowa expanded these notions of “what”, “how”, and “where” to include “who”, “when”, and “why”: people and organizations, timing, and motivation. The first five elements were fairly well understood. It was less clear what to do with “why”.

It seemed that from the scope point of view motivation consists of things like mission and vision, and the business owners' views are concerned with things like objectives and goals, but none of this was formalized, and it was uncertain what should be done with the other rows.

At about the same time, Ronald G. Ross recognized that the rules determining the integrity of a business's data were not adequately dealt with in the systems development process:

Specific integrity rules [of an enterprise], even though “shared” and universal,... traditionally have not been captured in the context of its [data] models. Instead, they usually have been stated vaguely (if at all) in largely uncoordinated analytical and design documents, and then buried deep in the logic of application programs. Since application programs are notoriously unreliable in the consistent and correct application of such rules, this has been the source of considerable frustration and error. It sometimes also has led, unjustly, to distrust of the data model itself [Ross, 1987, p. 102].

In the early 1990s business rules and the “why” column began to come together with the formation of The Business Rules Group as a project within GUIDE, IBM's user group. In 1994, Mr. Ross then published the first edition of his Business Rules Book, and Barbara von Halle began writing articles on business rules for the data industry magazine, Data Base Programming and Design.

Suddenly business rules began to attract attention as a way of improving systems by better describing the world they addressed.

It was discovered that just describing what processing should be done and what data should be manipulated was not sufficient. There are rules and constraints that control processing and that constrain data values—and failure to address these is failure to address a major part of the effort.

In 1988, for example, one analyst dutifully prepared data models and function models for a large communications company and turned these over to a programmer, so that the latter could produce a system to process invoices. It quickly became evident, however, that very complex rules were associated with the invoices and the accounts to which they should be credited. These were not described in the analyst's models. The programmer was now forced to spend many hours with the accountants to learn these rules—something that should have been done by the analyst. [1]

Since business rules are derived from business policies, and these in turn are the direct implementation of business goals and objectives, they seemed at home in Column Six, the “why” column.

One of Mr. Ross' insights was that, contrary to what might be supposed, in the context of system development a business rule is ultimately about data, not about processing. It is a constraint on what data may or must be updated. If a particular row in a table can be updated only when certain constraints are met, it does not matter which process is trying to do the updating: The rule lives with the data.

To be sure, the rules themselves are not part of the data, even though they act upon them. Indeed, business rules are often implemented through program processing. In recent years there has been a movement to build “rules engines” specifically to separate the definition and execution of business rules both from the database and from other processing. But again, if a rule constrains what can be updated in a database, that rule applies no matter what processes try to do the updating.

In 1995 The Business Rules Group (the GUIDE organization mentioned above) published a white paper, “Business Rules: What Are They Really?”, describing the nature of business rules from a Row Three perspective. This addressed the question of how rules interact with data, and it described categories of rules from the architect's Row Three perspective. In 2000 The Business Rules Group published a second paper, Organizing Business Plans: The Standard Model for Business Rule Motivation, describing the business owners' Row Two approach to business rules. The paper presents a data model of such concepts as “mission”, “vision”, “strategy”, “tactics”, and so forth. It discusses a business's ends and means and the role that rules and business policies play in establishing and managing these. It defines more precisely than ever before these motivation terms, which tend to be used cavalierly in modern business.

The second paper describes why a business does what it does, while the first paper describes why a system should behave the way it does.

The Business Rules Group Motivation Model is shown in Appendix C. This was created without cardinality or optionality designations. An extended model with these included is in Appendix D.

Most recently, in 2002, Ms. von Halle has published an extensive discussion of business rules, Business Rules Applied. In it she describes in detail just how business rules should be captured and organized as part of a system development project.

The first part of this chapter is based on the Business Rules Group Motivation model and on Ms. von Halle's book. The remainder is a description of various techniques for representing business rules.

Row One: Scope

Business Rules Applied begins its discussion of scope with a description of the “business context [that] includes the organization's mission, strategies, objectives, policies, and business performance metrics. These represent the reasons for the system and the measurements by which it will be deemed a success, even as it changes over time” [von Halle, 2002, p. 8]. In the book, Ms. von Halle goes on to say that as scope is being defined, it is important to establish that business rules will in fact be captured as a distinct part of the systems development effort.

The Business Rules Group, in its Motivation Model, asserts that the scope of an organization's motivation is its vision and mission. Vision is a statement about the future state of the enterprise, without regard to how it is to be achieved. That is, an automobile company's vision might be that it will be the foremost marketer of high-quality, prestige automobiles.

A mission, on the other hand, is the means to achieve a vision. It defines the ongoing operational activity of an enterprise. While expression of the mission is part of the “why” of an organization, it clearly drives the scope of the first five columns of the Architecture Framework. The car company's missions, then, might be to increase sales by 10% per year and to always be ranked in the top three by the J. D. Powers Company.

As we have done in this book, Ms. von Halle includes an organization's mission in the scope effort, in terms of its data, processes, locations, people and organizations, and events. To this she adds that scope should include definition of business performance metrics, business and technical constraints, and business and technical risks.

Thus, the vision and mission of an enterprise should be established before a system development project is launched. It is reasonable to believe that when a requirements analysis effort begins, the vision and its associated missions will be available to the requirements team. This provides priorities for a project, and with that an important part of its context. If these items are not initially available to the requirements team (which is often the case), it is to the team's advantage to seek them out.

Row Two: Business Owners' Views

When the time comes to analyze the enterprise from the business owners' viewpoint, the focus turns to the objectives, goals, strategies, and tactics that constitute business motivation at this level.

These are terms that are commonly used but rarely defined precisely. The Business Rules Group Motivation paper is an attempt to define them in a rigorous, precise way. That group's definitions follow here.[2] In addition, it is important to address the question of how to discover rules. In Business Rules Applied, Ms. von Halle has some useful tips as to how to do this, and these follow the definition sections below.

According to the Business Rules Group's Motivation Model, the business owners' views of motivation are in terms of

  • Ends

    • Goal

    • Objective

  • Means

    • Cause of action

    • Element of guidance

  • Assessment

  • Influence


An end is a statement about what the business seeks to accomplish. The important thing to remember about an end is that it does not include any indication of how it will be achieved.

Analysis of an organization (a department or a whole enterprise) begins with examination of the ends of that organization. Previously, we saw that the enterprise's first end is its vision. That is a statement about the future state of the enterprise, without regard to how it is to be achieved. Another kind of end is desired result—a state or target that the enterprise intends to attain and maintain. While a vision is an end that is a statement about the future state of the enterprise, a desired result is an end that amplifies a vision. A desired result is either a goal or an objective.


A goal is a desired result that has the following characteristics:

  • It is ongoing, usually described for an extended period of time.

  • It is qualitative, rather than quantitative.

  • It is expressed in general rather than specific terms.

More specifically, a goal is a statement about a general state or condition of the enterprise, which is to be brought about or sustained over time through appropriate means. A goal amplifies a vision and should be relatively narrowly defined. It can then be quantified by an objective. For example, a pizza parlor may have the goal of delivering pizza on time most of the time.


Another kind of desired result is an objective. This is a statement of a specific time-targeted, measurable, attainable target that an enterprise seeks to meet in order to achieve its goals. It quantifies a goal.

Compared to a goal, an objective is short-term and does not continue beyond its timeframe (which may be cyclical).

Specifically, an objective is:

  • MeasurableIt must include some explicit criteria for determining whether the objective is being met in practice. These criteria may be fairly exacting (for example, “to be on time 95% of the time”). At the very minimum, the criteria must provide a basis for making a yes-or-no determination (e.g., “the compressor must be up and running”). It should be noted that such criteria may be the basis for certain business rules, created specifically to compute or derive the relevant evaluation.

  • AttainableIt is self-evident that objectives should be attainable. If they are not, the business plans are unrealistic and will likely fail.

  • Time orientedThis is either an absolute time reference (e.g., “by January 1, 2001”) or relative time reference (e.g., “within two years”) that should be included in each objective. This timeframe indicates when the objective is to be met.

Our pizza company's objective is, for the next three months, to deliver each pizza within 30 minutes of the call.


Revealing an organization's ends sheds new light on the means at its disposal to meet them. The Business Rules Group's Motivation Model presents means in a particularly interesting way.

The particular components of means are properly the subject of the other five columns of the Architecture framework—especially the activity models. Mission, strategies and tactics define the direction of the company, however, so they are discussed here. They should be captured as part of any requirements analysis project, regardless of how they are categorized.

A means is a device, capability, regime, technique, restriction, agency, instrument, or method that may be called upon, activated, or enforced to achieve one or more ends.

According to the Business Rules Group's Motivation Model, a means is either a course of action or an element of guidance.

Course of Action

A course of action is a means that is an approach or plan for configuring some aspect of the enterprise, involving things, processes, locations, people, timing, or motivation undertaken to achieve ends. It must be either a strategy or a tactic.

A strategy is a resource, skill, or competency that the enterprise can call upon—accepted by the enterprise as the right approach to achieve its goals, given the environmental constraints and risks. More than that, a strategy represents the right approach to achieve its goals, given the environmental constraints and risks the enterprise faces. A strategy for the pizza company could be to provide enough people and vehicles to meet demand. This is to address the goal of delivering pizza on time most of the time.

A tactic represents part of the detailing of a strategy. A strategy tends to be longer term and broader in scope, while a tactic tends to be shorter term and narrower in scope. In the pizza company, tactics include hiring three new people and buying one more van. This is to address the objective of delivering each pizza within 30 minutes of the call.

A strategy, then, implements one or more goals, while a tactic implements one or more objectives.

A strategy is a course of action that is a component of a plan for a mission. A tactic, in turn, is a course of action to implement a strategy. That is, a tactic is a particular set of steps taken to achieve a strategy, which in turn is a set of steps taken to achieve a mission.

Note that mission, strategies, and tactics are legitimate first levels in a function hierarchy, as it is developed as a Column Two activity model. This is described further in Chapter 4.

Courses of action may enable other courses of action. For example, one tactic, which is to implement a marketing strategy (such as an advertising campaign), might enable or increase the effectiveness of another tactic (such as a direct mail program).

Note, by the way, that a system development project itself is a course of action. Typically, it is in the nature of a tactic to implement a system development strategy. This means that in addition to the company's vision and mission referred to above, the context for any project must include articulation of the strategy it is to implement, along with the goals and objectives driving both the strategy and the tactics. Here is where the system development project is wedded to the enterprise's overall mission and strategies.

Element of Guidance

A second kind of means in the Business Rules Group Motivation Model is element of guidance. An element of guidance is either a business policy or a business rule. This is a declarative statement (or set of such statements) defining or constraining some aspect of an enterprise. It is intended to assert business structure or to control or influence the behavior of the enterprise.

A course of action may be constrained by one or more elements of guidance, and an element of guidance may be a constraint on one or more courses of action. Indeed, each element of guidance may either be the source of a course of action or a guide to it.

A business policy is an element of guidance that is a statement (or set of statements) whose purpose is to guide the enterprise. A business rule, on the other hand, is a specific directive, intended to influence or guide business behavior, derived from (in support of) a business policy. Business rules are the constraints that determine the everyday workings of business.

Each business policy may be composed of one or more other business policies and may be the basis for one or more business rules.

For example, a business policy may be that expenses are not reimbursed unless they are for business purposes. A business rule that supports this business policy may be that “entertainment expenses” that are not directly associated with marketing the company's products are not reimbursable.

An element of guidance must be subject to an enforcement level—a value that specifies the severity of action imposed in order to put or keep a business rule or business policy in force. A set of enforcement levels might include the following:

  • “Strictly enforced”—. if you violate the rule, you cannot escape the penalty.

  • “Deferred enforcement”—. strictly enforced, but enforcement may be delayed (e.g., waiting for a resource with required skills).

  • “Pre-authorized override”—. enforced, but exceptions are allowed with prior approval. (For example, if you call in, you may be late for work.)

  • “Post-justified override”—. if not approved, you may be punished. (If you explain why you were late, you may be able to get away with it.)

  • “Override with explanation”—. comment must be provided with violation.

  • “Guideline”—. not enforced.

An element of guidance may support one or more goals or objectives.


An assessment is a measure of the effect an influence has on either a means or an end, where an influence in turn, is the act, process, or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of tangible force or direct exercise of command. An influence is often without deliberate effort or intent. This could be an external influence such as technology, a supplier or vendor, or a regulation. Or it could be an internal influence such as the company's infrastructure, resource quality, or corporate culture.

An assessment asserts that the influence constitutes a strength, weakness, opportunity, or threat for an organization. (Some business analysts refer to these elements by the acronym “SWOT”.) The influence is also expressed as either a risk or a potential reward (an impact value). This determination is a judgment about the influences in which these things operate.

A strength is an assessment that asserts that an influence can positively affect an enterprise's employment of either a means or the achievement of an end (an advantage or area of excellence, for example).

A weakness is an assessment that asserts that an influence exists within the enterprise that can have a negative impact on its employment of a means or achievement of an end (such as an area of inadequacy).

An opportunity is an assessment asserting that an influence (in this case, something in the environment) can have a favorable impact on the organization's employment of a means or the achievement of an end.

A threat is an assessment asserting that an influence (also something in the environment) can have an unfavorable impact on the organization's employment of a means or the achievement of an end.

An impact value is an evaluation that quantifies or qualifies an assessment in specific terms, types, or dimensions. An impact value is either a risk or a potential reward. An assessment in terms of risk indicates the possibility of a loss. This loss could be expressed either as a probability (e.g., “5% probability of a project's failing”) or as an absolute number (e.g., “There is a risk that we will lose $500,000 on this venture.”) An assessment in terms of potential reward indicates the possibility of a gain. As with risk, a potential reward may be expressed as a probability or an absolute number.

An assessment, then, is a judgment that an influence affects the employment of a means or the achievement of an end, in terms of that influence's risk or potential reward. Specifically, it asserts that an influence constitutes a weakness, a strength, an opportunity, or a threat for either an end or a means, in terms of an impact value (a risk or a potential reward).

The Business Rules Group paper presents as a case study a fictional car rental agency, EU-Rent. The assessments in that example include the following:

  • It has an opportunity to reach its objective of increasing its market share (thereby achieving a potential reward) faster via the internal influence of changing its infrastructure—by opening a new office.

  • It has a threat of failure to reach its objective (which represents a risk) from the same influence of changing its infrastructure—by opening a new office.

  • It has a strength that offers a potential reward of meeting its objective of increased staff recruitment. This assertion of strength is a judgment about the internal influence of changing its infrastructure—by opening a new office.

  • It appears to have a weakness, which is a risk it incurs that it will miss its objective of increased market share if the strategy doesn't work.

Discovering Rules

The business owner's view of motivation, then, comes down to his understanding of corporate mission, goals, and objectives, plus the business policies and rules he must work under to carry out these mission, goals, and objectives. The question now is, how do we find out what those rules are?

Ms. von Halle describes the discovery process in detail in Business Rules Applied. She distinguishes between discovering the initial requirements for addressing rules and discovering the details of the rules themselves.

To discover the initial requirements, she begins by analyzing the processes and events, such as those described in Chapters 4 and 7 here for essential data flow diagrams. Even if processes and events are not that rigorously modeled yet, they can be listed and mapped to each other early in the analysis process. One way to do this is via use cases, which can be structured to describe each event and the processes that are in response to it.

Once these interactions between events and processes have been identified, it is possible to identify the decisions implicit in each process. Whichever way a decision goes, by implication, one or more rules are in effect to determine the way that decision is made. It is possible to identify the mental processes associated with the decision, and from these to infer the existence of rules. Then, in the descriptions of these rules are things referenced and knowledge created. These elements can be correlated with the data model (or object class model) to be sure they are accounted for. Finally, this evaluation identifies the action taken as a result of this set of rules interacting with the event.

In short, orientation toward business rules during requirements analysis constitutes a move from simply discovering organizational behavior to unearthing decisions and rules behind it. “You quickly shift your focus from events and processes (the doing aspect) to the discovery and formal analysis of the decision making (the intellectual aspect) behind a business event” [von Halle, 2002, p. 73].

Once the decisions involving rules have been discovered, it is then a matter of following up to describe the rules themselves. This involves:

  • Identifying sources—i.e., who can reveal and authenticate each rule?

  • Defining a road map—from business events, optionally through use case steps, to business decisions, and then to rules

  • Selecting or confirming standard ways of describing rules (some options are described below)

  • Planning rule discovery time and commitment

  • Authenticating the rules—verifying their correctness

  • Giving the rules business value

From this point, the process merges with the Column One process of modeling data. That is, each rule is identified as to the entities, attributes, and relationships involved in its expression.

Row Three: Architect's View

The move during requirements analysis from the business owners' views of motivation to an architect's view is best described in terms of

  • Classes of rules

  • Quality criteria for defining a formal business rule

  • Ways of expressing rules, including,

    • Natural language

    • Ron Ross notation

    • Object role modeling

    • Rule patterns

Classes of Rules

Ms. von Halle cites at least seven different schemes for classifying rules today [von Halle, 2002, pp. 29–30]. She then consolidates these, eliminating those specific to where they are from, or how they might be manipulated in a computer system to come up with the following scheme:

  • Terms and definitions

  • Facts

  • Rules

    • Derivations

      • Mathematical derivations

      • Inferences

    • Constraints

      • Mandatory constraints

      • Suggested guidelines

    • Action-enabler rules

This is very similar to the scheme described in the first Business Rules Group Paper.

In addition to the classifications described here, mandatory constraints may be viewed in two additional categories:

  • Data integrity constraints—. constraints based on maintenance of the integrity of the data model

  • Business-oriented constraints—. constraints imposed by the business for its own reasons

Data integrity constraints can be inferred by studying the data model and looking to common sense. An example would be a rule that the “ship date” in a CONTRACT cannot be before the “order date”.

A business-oriented constraint is based purely on business policies. For example, a business-oriented constraint might prohibit entry of an ORDER from a customer PARTY if the current CREDIT RATING “value of the PARTY is below a specified threshold.

In some cases the model can help identify rules, but they must still be confirmed by the business community. For example, it may be the case that the dates of occurrences of an entity such as STATUS should not overlap. That is, the “Effective date” of one occurrence must be equal to (or not be before) the “Until date” of the previous occurrence. This seems reasonable, but it should be confirmed.

Terms and Definitions

A term is exactly what it sounds like. It is a word used in the business. More important is the definition of a term, the specification of a meaning for that term as it is used. By defining it, we recognize that it is a term of importance, and we specify exactly what it means. In an analysis project, this may not necessarily be easy, since terms are often not used consistently or coherently in common usage. One of the major assignments of the requirements analysis team is always to recognize what terms are important and to capture coherent and consistent definitions. This is often difficult.

Terms and definitions originate as the primary components of the business owners' views of a Column One data model. They are then refined to become the entity types of an architect's Column One data model.

Terms are often shown on the data model as entity type names and attribute names. In Figure 8.2, the entity types PARTY, CONTRACT, LINE ITEM, and so forth are all terms. So are the attributes “Contract Number”, “Standard Cost”, and so on. The definitions are not shown on the drawing, but these must be documented behind the scenes. CASE tools used to produce diagrams typically have a mechanism for capturing the definition of each entity type/term in a repository of some sort. Note, by the way, that there are many terms in an organization that will not show up in an entity/relationship model. These also should be captured and documented. As a product of the requirements analysis project, it is worthwhile to publish a glossary describing the entire vocabulary of the enterprise.

A Model of Contracts.

Figure 8.2. A Model of Contracts.


Facts also reside in the Column One data model. A fact is the linking of terms to produce useful concepts. Facts are what are presented in data models, when entities are related to each other, when attributes apply to entities, and when sub-types are defined.

In Figure 8.2, that a PARTY may be a buyer in a CONTRACT is a fact. That “Quantity” is an attribute of LINE ITEM is a fact. That PERSON is a sub-type of (that is, a kind of) PARTY is a fact. In the Business Rules Group's first paper, terms and facts are collectively referred to as “structural assertions”.

Facts are represented on a data model by explicit relationships, the presence of attributes, and by the super-type/sub-type structures.


Rules can be either derivations, constraints, or action enabler rules. These are fully the domain of Column Six.


A derivation is a rule that creates new information from existing information. This may be a mathematical derivation, which is a mathematical calculation. (For example, “Age” is equal to the “System Date” minus the “Birth Date”.) Or it may be an inference, which is the drawing of logical conclusions from facts. (For example, if the scheduled “delivery date” has passed and the material hasn't been delivered, this implies that the shipment is “late”.)

Derivations can be shown on the data model as attributes. The algorithm used to derive the attributes, however, cannot be shown in the model and must be documented in the repository supporting the drawings (along with the definition of the attribute). Some derivations are shown in Figure 8.2, indicated by attribute names in parentheses.

Note that in an entity/relationship model, nothing is said about whether the values will be calculated when data are entered or when they are retrieved. It is possible in some database tools to define a “computed attribute”, which is stored simply as a formula. Then when the attribute is queried, it is calculated. This can be very expensive, however, if the attribute is queried frequently and it is derived from attributes that are relatively stable. In that case, it would be better to store the computed value. The point is that this is a design decision, which depends on the expected use of each attribute. During analysis, all we are concerned with is recognizing that the derivation takes place. We don't care if it is calculated “going in” or “coming out”.

A mathematical derivation is a mathematical calculation of an attribute. It may be obtained through several kinds of manipulations of attributes on the models.

The first derivation is a simple arithmetic operation on multiple attributes within an entity. An example of this in Figure 8.2 is “(Value)” in LINE ITEM, which is derived for a LINE ITEM by multiplying the “Quantity” ordered in the LINE ITEM by its “Actual Price”.

The second way to derive an attribute value is to infer a value from a parent to a child entity. An example of this on the model above is “(Standard Cost)” in a LINE ITEM which is the same as the “Standard Cost” in the ASSET TYPE that is bought via that LINE ITEM.

A third way to do a calculation is to aggregate a collection of values for occurrences of a child entity to a parent entity. This could be a sum or an average, for example. An example of this is “(Total Value)” in a CONTRACT, which is the sum of occurrences of the “(Value)” attribute in the LINE ITEM occurrences that are part of that CONTRACT.

An inference is the drawing of logical conclusions from facts. It is typically evaluated to a value of “true” or “false”, although it may have more than two values. In Figure 8.2, an example of an inference is shown by “(Premium Customer Indicator)” in PARTY. This attribute takes a value “True” or “False”, based on a predefined threshold for “Credit Limit”.


A constraint is any restriction applied to data. This is referred to in the first Business Rules Group paper as an action assertion. A constraint affects values that can be assigned to attributes, or indeed even occurrences of entities that can be created in the first place. Examples of constraints that might apply to the model in Figure 8.2 are as follows:

  • “Total Value” of a CONTRACT may not be greater than the “Credit Limit” of the PARTY that is buyer in that CONTRACT.

  • “Due Date” in a CONTRACT may not be earlier than “Issued Date” in the same CONTRACT.

  • “Price” in a LINE ITEM may not be less than “Standard Cost” of the ASSET TYPE ordered plus 10%.

In each case, the assertions must be documented in the repository supporting the drawings, typically in the documentation of the attributes constrained by the rules (in this case, “Total Value”, “Due Date”, and “Price”).

Note that the expression of constraints above is very precise, in terms of the navigation required of the data model. These are Row Three business rules. In Row Two, there are corresponding rules, expressed in more conventional English:

  • One may not buy more from us than one's credit limit permits.

  • The contract may not be delivered before it is placed.

  • Sales price must be at least 10% more than the standard wholesale cost.

A good example of constraints on the data model are referential integrity constraints. These concern “parent-child” one to many relationships. Specifically, a referential integrity rule defines which circumstance applies if a parent is deleted that participates in a one-to-many relationship:

  • The rule is cascade delete if deletion of the parent automatically means deletion of all the children. Deletion of a PURCHASE ORDER resulting in the deletion of all LINE ITEMS is an example of this.

  • The rule is restricted if deletion of a parent is not permitted if children exist. For example, it may not be possible to delete a PRODUCT TYPE if there exist LINE ITEMS ordering that PRODUCT TYPE.

  • The rule is nullify if the children can exist without any occurrence of the parent. Deletion of the parent then means deleting occurrences of the relationship between all children and that parent. For example, if it is optional for a PRODUCT to be in a PRODUCT CATEGORY, deleting a PRODUCT CATEGORY simply means that now any PRODUCTS that were in that PRODUCT CATEGORY now are in none.

For the most part, constraints cannot be portrayed on an entity/relationship diagram. Only a few specific kinds of constraints can be expressed in most kinds of entity/relationship models:

  • At least one occurrence of an entity must be related in a specified way to an occurrence of another entity. (In Figure 8.2, each CONTRACT must be composed of at least one LINE ITEM.) This is an optionality constraint.

  • No more than one—or some other specified number of—occurrences of an entity may be related in a particular way to another entity. (Each CONTRACT must be to only one PARTY.) This is a cardinality constraint, the assertion that an occurrence of an entity type may be related to no more than a specified number of occurrences of another entity type.

  • An attribute is required to have a value when an occurrence of an entity is created. (“Description” is a required attribute of ASSET TYPE.)

  • An occurrence of a super-type must be an occurrence of one and only one sub-type. (A PARTY must be either a PERSON or an ORGANIZATION, but one PARTY cannot be both.) This is a constraint that is implicit in some modeling notations. It is not always present.

The Barker entity/relationship notation provides for one additional constraint: each occurrence of an entity must be related in a specified way to one or another different entity, but not both. In Figure 8.2, this is shown by the arc across two relationships from LINE ITEM. This is saying that each LINE ITEM must be either for one PRODUCT or for one SERVICE, but not both. Other notations, such as information engineering and IDEF1X, cannot show this.

Some notations can show additional constraints. The UML, for example, can show some labeled interrelationship constraints. A dashed line between entities (“object classes” in a UML model) may represent not only the “exclusive or” of the Barker notation but also “inclusive or”, or any other inter-relationship constraint. Where a constraint cannot be shown in this way, a note can be added to the model, describing it.

Object role modeling (ORM) can show many other kinds of constraints, as described below. In addition to simple inter-relationship rules, ORM is more closely based on formal logic and set theory, and constraints involving sets of roles or comparisons between sets of role sequences may also be shown.

A constraint may be a mandatory constraint that must be followed or just a guideline that is a recommendation without penalty for not following it.

Action Enabler Rules

An action enabler rule is a statement that tests a condition, and upon finding it true, initiates another business event, message, or activity.

For example an action enabler rule in Figure 8.2 might be “If a CONTRACT'S “Due date” is greater than two weeks from today, send a backorder notice to the customer PARTY.”

Quality Criteria

Business Rules Applied includes nine specific criteria to be applied to business rule definitions to ensure that they are sound and coherent [von Halle, 2002, pp. 309–310]:

  • Relevant/justified—. Is the rule truly required within the scope of the analysis?

  • Atomic—. Does it represent a single condition that cannot be further decomposed?

  • Declarative—. Does it describe states of an entity, decisions, or computations, rather than the processes by which these are achieved?

  • Intelligible/precise—. Can the rule's intended audience clearly understand it unambiguously?

  • Complete—. Does the rule possess all the intellectual properties required for its use?

  • Reliable—. Does the rule originate from a source authorized to decide that the rule is as the business desires?

  • Authentic—. If it is copied from one form to another, is each representation faithful to the original rule? That is, is the precise description of a business rule's effects on entities and attributes true to the original natural language expression by subject-matter experts?

  • Predictable—. Does the rule return the same conclusion, regardless of who invokes it or how it is invoked?

  • Unique/non-redundant/minimal—. Are there no uncontrolled redundant rules?

  • Consistent—. Are there no rules which arrive at different conclusions, given the same set of conditions?

Rule Descriptions

There are many ways that business rules can be described, and as of this writing, the industry has not established any standards. Some traits are becoming clear, however.

Natural Language

Simple natural language (such as English) is a good choice. This, however, is tricky. For Row Two audiences, this must be clear and uncomplicated. For Row Three audiences, it must be rigorous and tied to the data or object-class model. These may be two very different descriptions.

As an example, in the oil industry an oil field consists of “facilities”, which are collections of equipment organized for a business purpose. An oil well is a facility, as are a steam generating plant and an oil processing plant. Each facility is an example of a facility type, such as “oil well”, “steam-generating plant”, or “oil-processing plant”.

Each of these has one or more names. Each facility name is an example of a facility name type. For example, for regulatory reasons, each well has a “permit name” that is its official name for the regulatory agency, although an oil-processing plant does not. Most facilities also have nicknames, and some kinds of facilities have formal names. The model of this is shown in Figure 8.3.

Facility Names.

Figure 8.3. Facility Names.

One rule can be expressed with the following two expressions:

  • The FACILITY NAME chosen must be of a FACILITY NAME TYPE that is appropriate for the FACILITY TYPE involved (Row Two description).

  • The FACILITY NAME TYPE that the FACILITY NAME is an example of must be designated as appropriate for the FACILITY TYPE that this FACILITY is an example of. This is done via the existence of a FACILITY NAME APPROPRIATENESS that is of the NAME TYPE and to the FACILITY TYPE (Row Three description).

Object Constraint Language

The second version of the rule above is an example of a formal way of describing a business rule. This makes the rule more difficult to understand, but it guarantees that it makes logical sense, and this is the form a programmer will require in order to convert the rule into code.

Another formal language for describing rules is part of the UML. The object constraint language is a syntax for describing constraints in an unambiguous language. It is described in a 1999 book by the developers of the language, J. Warmer and Anneke Kleppe. The syntax is intimately associated with UML, however, including its design structures such as interfaces. As such, it is too intricate for inclusion here, but it does show promise as a way of describing rules rigorously, if not clearly.

Ronald Ross Notation

For many companies the limitations of data modeling to show constraints has meant that this kind of business rule must be documented in natural language in the repository supporting the model. Not satisfied with documenting rules behind the scenes, Ronald G. Ross has developed a graphical notation for representing constraints. He explains it in his book (originally published in 1994, but updated in 1997), The Business Rule Book.

Mr. Ross sees two basic kinds of constraints:

  • An integrity constraintThis is something that must be true about an entity, relationship, or attribute, by definition.

  • A conditionThis is something that determines whether a subsequent rule or action is invoked. It may evaluate to either true or false. Depending on the condition, other constraints may apply. Alternatively, this is an assertion that may be made true by another constraint.

In addition, he has developed a set of 31 standard rule types that he has organized into categories to form what he calls a kind of “periodic table”. Each rule type describes the effect of one or more constraining objects (correspondent in Mr. Ross's language) on a constrained object (anchor). A constrained object is an entity, attribute, or relationship in a business rule whose value will be affected by implementation of the rule. A constraining object is an entity, attribute, or relationship in a business rule whose value affects the outcome of the rule.

On the left side of Figure 8.4 is an integrity constraint, represented by the arrowhead with the “X” in it.[3] An integrity constraint must be true. The “X”, a label for the rule type, means that any occurrence of party must have a value for the attribute “address”. Party is the constrained object (anchor), and “address” is the constraining object (correspondent). The “X” is the symbol for one of Mr. Ross' rule types. This rule type is called “must exist”. That is, this rule type asserts that each occurrence of PARTY must have a value for the attribute “Address”.

A Business Rule.

Figure 8.4. A Business Rule.

On the right side of Figure 8.4 is a condition. In this case, the “X” rule means “test for existence”. This says that if an occurrence of PARTY has a value for the attribute “Address”, then carry out the next part of the rule. Note that rule elements can indeed be strung together to make complex rules.

As in the above case, most rule types may be used as either an integrity constraint or a condition to describe a particular situation. Some rule types, by their nature, can be only one or the other.

Note that even if an atomic rule is a condition, it invariably fires off another rule, so both integrity constraints and conditions in this notation qualify as “constraints” as described above by Ms. von Halle.

Mr. Ross contends that this list of rule types is atomic and fundamental. While extensive, Mr. Ross does not claim that the list is exhaustive. There are undoubtedly more to be discovered. The list is divided into the following seven categories:

  • Instance verifiers require—or test for—an occurrence of an object (entity type, attribute, or relationship) to be present at the creation of, during the life of, etc. an occurrence of another object.

  • Type verifiers require—or test for—occurrences of objects to be mutually exclusive, mutually dependent, and so on.

  • Position verifiers require—or test for—occurrences of objects to be created in a particular order.

  • Functional verifiers require—or test for—occurrences of an object to be unique, ascending, fluctuating, and so on.

  • Comparative evaluators define comparisons (less than, equal to, etc.) between the attributes of two occurrences of the same or different objects.

  • Mathematical evaluators are used in a rule to derive values.

  • Projection controllers cause things to happen.

The first five represent “mandatory constraints” in Ms. von Halle's classification scheme described above. “Mathematical evaluators are “derivations” and “projection controllers” are “action enablers” in that scheme.

Instance Verifiers

In Figure 8.4 the X is an example of the instance verifier “Mandatory”. A Mandatory rule either asserts that something must exist, or it is a test of whether or not something exists.

Another kind of instance verifier is “Limit”, which prescribes a number of occurrences of an entity. For example, a CONTRACT may be limited to six LINE ITEMS.

Type Verifiers

Figure 8.5 shows a kind of type verifier, an example of the second category of constraints. This one is “Mutually Exclusive” (ME). (This constraint can, in fact, be represented in some entity/relationship notations.) Here, each LINE ITEM must be either for one PRODUCT, or for one SERVICE. Other type verifiers include “Mutually Inclusive”, “Mutually Prohibited”, and “Mutual”.

Type Verifiers.

Figure 8.5. Type Verifiers.

Position Verifiers

Figure 8.6 shows an example of a position verifier. This one is called “Position” (POS). It is an example of a rule that takes an argument, which is the particular position in sequence being sought. In this case, the rule means that if the SECTION in question is the fifth in a REPORT, then....

Position Verifiers.

Figure 8.6. Position Verifiers.

Because by definition this rule type refers only to one of the occurrences of SECTION, it must always be a condition, not an integrity constraint. You cannot assert that every SECTION must be fifth in a REPORT.

Other position verifiers include “Low” and “High” (the SECTION that is the lowest or highest in sequence invokes the next rule), and “Old” and “New” (the SECTION that is oldest or newest invokes the next rule). The position verifier “Chron” takes an argument that is the object's position in chronological order. For example, the rule may fire if the object is the third to take place.

Functional Verifiers

Figure 8.7 shows two examples of a kind of functional verifier. A functional verifier is a rule about an occurrence of an entity, relative to other occurrences in the entity. In this example, the “Unique” rule addresses whether occurrences of RENTAL AGREEMENT have unique “Effective Dates”. In the integrity constraint on the left, the “Effective Date” of each occurrence of RENTAL AGREEMENT must be unique. In the condition on the right, the argument “not” makes the rule mean, “If the 'Effective Date' of an occurrence of RENTAL AGREEMENT is not unique, then....”

Functional Verifiers.

Figure 8.7. Functional Verifiers.

Other functional verifiers include “Fluctuating”, “Ascending”, “Descending”, “Nonrenewable”, and the nonspecific “Functional”.

Comparative Evaluators

A comparative evaluator, as its name implies, compares two elements in the data model. In the “Less-Than” integrity constraint shown in Figure 8.8, the “Order Date” must be less than the “Due Date”. Other comparative evaluators include “Equal-To”, “Not-Equal-To”, “Greater-Than”, “Greater-Than-or-Equal-To”, and “Less-Than-Or-Equal-To”.

Comparative Evaluators.

Figure 8.8. Comparative Evaluators.

Mathematical Evaluators

A mathematical evaluator derives an attribute from other attribute values. In Figure 8.9, “Value” is calculated from “Quantity” and “Price” according to the formula “Value = Quantity x Price”. The solid line points to the result, and the dashed lines point to components of that result. There are numerous other kinds of mathematical evaluators, such as “Sum”, “Add”, “Subtract”, and the like.

Mathematical Evaluators.

Figure 8.9. Mathematical Evaluators.

Projection Controllers

Where other kinds of rules restrain values, projection controllers cause things to happen. A value may “Enable” another value or another rule, “Copy” the value of the anchor to a correspondent, or cause an action to be “Executed”. In the latter case, the notation reaches beyond the data model to represent the function executed. Here a Column Six business rule is invoking a Column Two activity.

Figure 8.10 shows an example of an “Enabler”. In this case, being in charge of a PROJECT makes an EMPLOYEE a MANAGER.

Projection Controllers.

Figure 8.10. Projection Controllers.

The examples here are simple atomic rules. Real rules are combinations of these. Complex configurations are possible, and it is also possible to create templates reflecting patterns that can be reused.

Object-Role Modeling (ORM)

Object-role modeling is a modeling technique that views the world simply in terms of objects playing roles (parts in relationships). Originally developed in Europe in the early 1970s, and once going under the name of “NIAM”, it has been significantly extended over the years by researchers in Europe, Australia, and the United States. It is described in detail in Appendix B. It is significant in the business rules world because it provides a means of describing many inter-attribute and inter-entity rules.

Entity Types, Attributes, and Relationships

Entity types are represented in ORM as simple ellipses or circles. As in entity/relationship (e/r) diagrams, entity types are related to each other via named relationships. Each relationship consists of one role for each participant in it. (There can be more than two entities participating in a relationship.)

The objects in an ORM diagram are entity types and value types. An entity type is the same as we have seen before—a thing of significance to the organization. A value type is a classification of value, similar to a domain in e/r modeling. Examples include “monetary amount”, “date”, and so forth

Entity types and value types are the “objects” in object role modeling.

Essentially, a fact is simply an object's playing a role. A role is the half of a relationship reading in one direction. Two or more entity types playing roles with respect to each other constitute a relationship In Figure 8.11, Sales Order and Person are real-world entity types, while Date is a value type. (Solid ellipses denote entity types, while dashed ellipses denote value types.) When a value type serves as an identifier (as in the Person “ID” and the Sales Order “nr”), it is shown inside the ellipse as a label of the entity type, indicating that it is a unique identifier. In a value type, its data type (such as “mdy”, meaning “month/day/year”) is shown below the value name.

An Object Role Model.

Figure 8.11. An Object Role Model.

There are no rules about role names, beyond the fact that they should be readable as sentences. Given that, your author has taken the liberty of constraining names to a modification of the form used in the Barker e/r notation. In the example, each Sales Order is received from a Person, and each Person is the source of a Sales Order. A Sales Order also plays a role with respect to the value type Date. Specifically, each Sales Order is received on a Date, and each Date is of a Sales Order. These relationships are further described in the following sections.

Note that the relational concept of “attribute” doesn't really apply here. The “Receipt date” that would be an attribute of Sales Order here is represented by the received on role.

About Constraints

ORM is much more versatile than other modeling languages in its ability to represent business rules and constraints. The following sections show how this is so. ORM certainly does not represent all possible constraints on data, but it is able to represent a large proportion of them.

Mandatory Roles

First, like e/r modeling, ORM has the ability to show that a role is mandatory. In ORM, this is shown with a dark dot between the object and the role involved. In Figure 8.12, the role from Sales Order to Person is mandatory. Each Sales Order must be received from one Person. The same symbol is also used to show that an attribute is mandatory. In the figure, each Sales Order must be received on a Date.

Mandatory Roles.

Figure 8.12. Mandatory Roles.


The notion of whether an occurrence of an entity type is associated with one entity type or multiple occurrences of an entity type is known in the e/r modeling world as “cardinality”. Usually this is shown by the absence or presence of a crow's foot or asterisk next to the entity type which is singular or multiple.

In ORM, the question is asked differently. It is not, “How many occurrences of another entity type are objects of this role?” Rather it is, “How many times may the same entity instance play this role (at any given state of the database)?” That is, “May an object instance playing that role do so multiple times?” In Figure 8.13 each Sales Order has a single occurrence of the role “received from” a Person. That is, each Sales Order must be received from one and only one Person. This is shown by the horizontal arrow over the “received from” role box. “Source of”, the Person role, on the other hand is not unique. There is no horizontal arrow. This means that a Person may be source of a Sales Order multiple times.


Figure 8.13. Uniqueness.

Figure 8.13 also shows that relationships in ORM do not have to be binary. Arity is the number of entity types permitted to participate in a relationship. In entity/relationship modeling, relationships can only have an arity of 2. (This means that each relationship can only be between two entity types.) In ORM, relationships can have an arity of more than 2. In Figure 8.13, Sales Order, Product, Quantity, and Money amount come together in a single relationship. In this case, there are two entities and two value types, but there could easily also be additional entities or value types in the relationship.

Among other things, this example shows that this concept of uniqueness turns out to be much more versatile than the simple concept of cardinality. For example, a horizontal arrow is across both the “sold via” and “to sell” roles in the relationship between Sales Order and Product. What this means is that it is only the combination of a Sales Order's selling and a Product's being sold that is unique. A Sales Order may be to sell one or more Products, and a Product may be sold via one or more Sales Orders. This is the ORM version of the many-to-many relationship.

It is not necessary to create an intersect entity. Because the arity of the relationship is not limited to two, attributes of the intersection (such as Price and Quantity, in this case) can simply be added with more roles.

The model in Figure 8.13 has an interesting problem in ORM terms: The facts shown are not elementary. The relationship between Sales Order and Product appears to be analogous to the way one would set up a line item table. There are references to the Sales Order and to the Product, plus references to two attributes of the relationship, “Price” and “Quantity”. In fact, the model in Figure 8.13 can be made more elementary by converting it to the two models in Figure 8.14.

Elementary Facts.

Figure 8.14. Elementary Facts.

The rule is that there can be no more than one role more than the roles which determine uniqueness. Neither “the amount of” nor “the price of” participates in the uniqueness constraint on the relationships. Only one such nonunique role is permitted. In relational terms, this means that no table can have more than one non-key attribute. It seems like a strict rule, but it does guarantee that you are looking at the most atomic information possible. Figure 8.14 shows the elementary facts that result from implementing this rule.

The concept of uniqueness applies equally to entities and attributes. In Figure 8.15, people take courses, and each person receives a ranking. Only one person can be first, second, and so forth in a course. In the model, then, each combination of Person and Course is unique. That is, there must be only one Ranking for each Person/Course combination. This is shown by the upper arrow across “enrolled” and “presented”. But it is also true that in a Course, given a Ranking, there is only one Person occupying that rank. Thus, a second uniqueness bar represents the fact that each Course/Ranking combination is also unique.

More on Uniqueness.

Figure 8.15. More on Uniqueness.

Note that, with more than two roles in a relationship, the Barker naming convention breaks down, since the resulting sentence has more than one object. You cannot say “each COURSE may be presented to one PERSON and one RANKING”. So, the roll names are now simply “enrolled” and “presented”.

Objectified Relationships

While it is not necessary to resolve many-to-many relationships in ORM, it is sometimes useful to do so. Figure 8.16 shows the creation of “Line Item” from the intersection between the “sold via” and “to sell” roles. Line Item in this case is an objectified relationship and behaves in all respects like an entity type. This then makes it possible to apply the additional roles for Quantity and Price as attributes of this new entity type. We also add a new attribute Line Number.

Objectified Relationships.

Figure 8.16. Objectified Relationships.

Notice the circled “U” symbol connecting the Line Number “for” role with the Sales Order “to sell” role. This means that that combination of roles is unique. This is called an external uniqueness identifier. This means that a given Sales Order plus a given line number is a unique combination. Note that adding the Line Number role as part of the identifier of the “Line Item” relationship allows the combination of Sales Order and Product to be not unique, if we choose to make it so. This allows the same product to appear twice on one Sales Order. If we don't want that to happen, we must add back the double-headed arrow that was in the previous drawing.

Notice also that now the “attributes” of Line Item are shown as separate relationships to value types. Therefore we need not limit ourselves to one non-key attribute. Each relationship is already an atomic fact.

Occurrence Frequency

The notation for “one or more” in ORM is simply the absence of a uniqueness constraint. For example, in Figure 8.16, each Person may be source of one or more Sales Orders. Back in Figure 8.15, each Ranking may be given to any number of Course/Person combinations. Similarly, each Person may be enrolled in one or more Courses, each with its own Ranking, and each Course may be given to one or more People.

A cardinality constraint may be specified by adding a number to the role. For example, “<=8” could be placed next to the “enrolled in” role to designate that each Person may be enrolled in no more than 8 Courses. This is shown in Figure 8.17. Similarly, each course is restricted to no more than 30 People, so “<=30” appears next to the “presented” role. More complex rules could also be specified for the “enrolled in” role, such as “2... 8” or “3, 5, 8” for requiring at least 2 but allowing no more than 8, or for insisting on exactly either 3, 5, or 8 courses.

Occurrence Frequency.

Figure 8.17. Occurrence Frequency.

Unlike with e/r modeling, you can also specify the cardinality of an object itself. An object cardinality constraint is a number that defines the maximum or minimum number of occurrences that are possible for a given object at a given time. In the example in the figure, no more than 50 courses may be offered at one time. The octothorp (#) means that the count of objects can be no greater than 50.

Using the number “1” with a role or roles is equivalent to adding the double-headed arrow uniqueness constraint across that role. This is also shown in Figure 8.17, showing that “enrolled in” and “presented to” constitute one uniqueness constraint, and “presented to” and “give” are another.


One important kind of business rule is the derivation. With the ORM notation you may or may not choose to show derived values graphically on the diagram, but in either case, ORM accommodates defining them in the technique. Derived attributes are not shown as value types, but they are shown on diagrams as being formally defined in terms of other attributes. In Figure 8.18, for example, each Line Item has explicit roles of [Quantity], which is the amount of the Line Item, and [Unit Price], which is the price of the Line Item. Note the addition of rolenames for the roles shown in square brackets. “Unit Price” is the name of the “the price of” role. [Value] is the name of the “the value of” role, and describes the complete value of the line—Unit Price times Quantity.


Figure 8.18. Derivations.

The formula for Value is displayed separately, as text. Specifically, Line Item.Value = Line Item.Unit price * Line Item.Quantity. This is an informal specification. The formal definition is shown on the diagram below the informal one. In the formal definition, “iff” is from logic and means “if and only if”, which is to say that the left side of the expression is identical in meaning to the right side.

Note that this example shows how value types really do represent domains and not attributes. Both “the value of” and “the price of” roles are played by the value type (domain) Money Amount, which is expressed in United States dollars.

Value Constraints

One constraint that is very common has to do with the values that an attribute can take. In e/r modeling, if the list is discrete, this is often addressed with a “Type” entity, or with a domain. If the attribute is continuous (accepting any real number), minimum and maximum values may be set in a domain definition. In either case, the model doesn't actually show the legal values. Since these domains constitute a significant element in the configuration of the final system, it would be good if they were more visible. In ORM they are. A value constraint is a list of possible values for an attribute.

In Figure 8.19 we have added some new entities. First we determined that each Person has a Sex. The values available for “Sex” are “M” and “F”, as shown in the brackets. For purposes of this exercise, we have asserted that only 10 line items per order are possible. This is done indirectly by saying that Line Number can have only the values 1 through 10. Since the uniqueness constraint says that a Line Item can have only one Line Number, then that effectively limits us to 10 Line Items. In addition, because of the nature of the products we are selling (undisclosed here), the Quantity that appears on a single line item can be no larger than 300 units.

Value Constraints.

Figure 8.19. Value Constraints.

Another addition to the model is Sales Order Type. ORM is not clear as to whether it is an attribute of Sales Order or another entity type. As it happens, it doesn't matter. If the only thing you need is the name of the Sales Order Type, it can simply be an attribute—constrained by the list of available values. (It is usually implemented in a relational database as a separate table, with one row for each of the legal values, but that doesn't concern us here.) In this case, a Sales Order can be an example of a “Blanket” order, an “Emergency” order, or a “Call” against a blanket order.

Set Constraints—Subsets

Figure 8.20 shows part of the model of an airline's flight schedule. This part describes the actual departure and arrival of a Flight Segment, where a Flight Segment is defined as a single trip, without stops, between two airports. Continental Airlines flight 635, for example, departed Los Angeles for Houston at 2:10 p.m. on August 17, 2001, and it arrived at 7:30 p.m. Both the departure and arrival roles are examples of the value type Time, expressed in “day, hour, minute”.

Subset Constraint.

Figure 8.20. Subset Constraint.

There is a rule here that says that a plane may not arrive if it has not departed. That is, the set of Flight Segments that show Arrival Times have to be a subset of the Flight Segments that show Departure Times.

This is shown on the diagram by the dashed arrow. It shows that a Flight Segment may have departed without arriving yet, but it cannot have arrived if it has not departed.

Note that both these roles are optional. A Flight Segment may not have taken off at all.

Set Constraints—Join Subset Constraint

In an example described previously, an oil field consists of “facilities”, which are collections of equipment organized for a business purpose. An oil well is a Facility, as is a steam generating plant, or an oil processing plant. Each Facility is an example of a Facility Type, such as “oil well”, “steam generating plant”, or “oil processing plant”.

Each of these has one or more names. Each Facility Name is an example of a Facility Name Type. For example, for regulatory reasons, each well has a “permit name” that is its official name for the regulatory agency, although an oil processing plant does not. Most facilities also have nicknames, and some kinds of facilities have formal names.

On page 305, we saw the rule

“The FACILITY NAME TYPE that the FACILITY NAME is an example of must be designated as appropriate for the FACILITY TYPE that this FACILITY is an example of. This is done via the existence of a FACILITY NAME APPROPRIATENESS that is the of the NAME TYPE and to the FACILITY TYPE (Row Three description).”

Note that, while the e/r model in Figure 8.3 has the entity type FACILITY NAME APPROPRIATENESS to support the rule, the rule itself cannot be represented on that diagram.

The ORM version of this rule is that

“The Facility/Facility Name relationship is a subset of the possible associations between Facility Type and Facility Name Type.”

This is represented in Figure 8.21. The notation that describes this rule has two parts. First, the line between the two “an example of” roles is called a conceptual join path. A conceptual join path is a connection between two relationships suggesting that they are in fact related to each other. This asserts a complete fact that each Facility Name is an example of one Facility Name Type that is appropriate for a Facility Type that is embodied in a Facility. Going in the other direction, each Facility is an example of one Facility Type that is the basis for a Facility Name Type that is embodied in a Facility Name.

Join Subset Constraint.

Figure 8.21. Join Subset Constraint.

The second part of the rule, then, is the assertion that the set of facts expressed by the “for”/“labeled by” relationship must be a subset of the set of facts expressed by the FacilityName/Facility projection to the conceptual join path.

Note that in Figure 8.21 the subset constraint was applied to two roles. Here it is to the entire relationship between two role sequences.

Set Constraints—Equality

Figure 8.22 shows a variation on the subset constraint shown above. In this example we see scheduled flights, rather than actual ones, so for each occurrence of a scheduled departure time there must be a scheduled arrival time as well, and vice versa. This equality constraint is shown by the double-headed dashed arrow.

Equality Constraint.

Figure 8.22. Equality Constraint.

Set Constraints—Exclusion

Getting back to our Sales Order model, we can extend it to permit purchasing services as well as products. In Figure 8.23, a Sales Order must be either to sell a Service, or to sell a Product, or both. The relationships involved are circled, and a line is drawn between them. The solid dot in the circle on that line is the same “mandatory” indicator we saw for relationships and entity types, but here it is saying that the pair is mandatory, although either or both elements could be selected. Because both may apply, this is called an inclusive or constraint.

Inclusive Or.

Figure 8.23. Inclusive Or.

To use our sales example to demonstrate the next constraint, we must promote the objectified relationship Line Item to a real entity. This allows us to discuss the alternative things a Line Item might be about. Figure 8.24 makes the assertion that a Line Item may be for either a Product or a Service, but not both. The “X” in the circle means “exclusive or”. Because there is no solid dot, it also means that the Line Item could be for neither a Product nor a Service.

Exclusive Or—Version 1.

Figure 8.24. Exclusive Or—Version 1.

This introduces one flaw in this model. If we want to require that a line item must be for either a Product or a Service, we need the symbol shown in Figure 8.25. This is the “X” with the mandatory dot over it.

Exclusive Or—Version 2.

Figure 8.25. Exclusive Or—Version 2.

To summarize, there are two forms of inclusive or:

  • Absence of a constraint means that the central entity type may be in either role (or neither) (or both).

  • Dot without X means that it must be one or the other (or both).

And there are two forms of exclusive or:

  • X without dot means that it may be one or the other (or neither) (but not both).

  • X with dot means that it must be one or the other (but not both).

Ring Constraints

When occurrences of an entity are related to other occurrences of the same entity, this is a ring in ORM. It is common in the description of manufacturing product structures, but it also appears when describing such things as logistics networks and other inter-entity type relationships. Figure 8.26 shows a product structure, where a Product may be composed of one or more other Products, and a Product may be a component of one or more other Products. The Quantity value tells how many of the component are required to create one of the parent.

A Ring.

Figure 8.26. A Ring.

This structure can be represented easily enough in an e/r diagram, but it is not possible to describe a series of constraints that might apply.

The table below the diagram shows some possible values for the structure. Given the drawing as it is, these are all legal values. Upon examination, however, it is apparent that some of these combinations should not be legal.

The first problem is that it should not be possible for a “Bicycle” to be a component of a “Bicycle”. This violates our understanding of the nature of things in the world. The ring should not be what is called reflexive. It should be irreflexive.

Figure 8.27 shows this constraint added. It is in the form of the notation oir. Note that the designation applies to the set of both roles.


Figure 8.27. Irreflexive.

There are still some problems with the sample data. Note that a Bicycle can contain a Wheel, and a Wheel can contain a Bicycle. In the world, it is unlikely that this symmetry is the case, so we need a constraint that will prevent it. The constraint (oas) in Figure 8.28 makes it asymmetric.


Figure 8.28. Asymmetric.

Note that if it is not permitted to have a pair that is another pair in reverse, that includes the situation where the pair is itself in reverse. That is, if the relationship is asymmetric, it is also irreflexive. The oir is unnecessary.

Another problem with our sample data is that a “Bicycle” consists of a “Wheel”, a “Wheel” consists of a “Spoke”, and a “Bicycle” also consists of a “Spoke”. While the construction of some products may allow such transitiveness, we are going to say for purposes of this exercise that it isn't allowed. The constraint “oit” shows the relationship to be intransitive in Figure 8.29.


Figure 8.29. Intransitive.

The remaining problem with the sample data in our example is that a “Bicycle” is composed of “Wheels”, and a “Wheel” is composed of “Spokes”, but a “Spoke” is composed of “Bicycles”. This kind of loop is not permitted in the real world, so our model must reflect this. This is a more general case of the asymmetry constraint shown in Figure 8.28. This is called acyclic. It is added as a constraint in Figure 8.30.


Figure 8.30. Acyclic.

Other Constraints

This section has described some of the constraints that can be expressed directly with the ORM notation. Like all notations, ORM cannot describe all of the constraints that might apply. Supplementing the notation with formal predicate logic statements, however, allows all to be expressed overall.

For example, in Figure 8.31 we are interested in a little more information about the Person at the other end of the Sales Order transaction. Specifically, each Person must be evaluated with a Credit Limit. By adding another derived value, “sales order value”, computed as the sum of the “line item values” of all associated Line Items, we can express the rule that the total value of the Sales Order may not be greater than the credit limit of the Person doing the buying.

Credit Limit.

Figure 8.31. Credit Limit.

Notice in this model that the value type “Money Amount” is used both to mean line item value and sales order value. This is the difference between an ORM value type and an e/r model's attribute. Here a value type plays the role of an attribute, in this case more than once. In e/r modeling, a domain may be shared by different attributes, but that does not show on the model.

Rule Patterns

Ms. von Halle proposes the use of what she calls rule patterns. Predicated on the realization that rules (as opposed to terms and facts) are nearly always conditional, she argues for setting up rule-pattern tables, where the columns are:

  • Rule identifier

  • One or more conditions

  • The effect of the rule

Such tables can then be used to identify rule-integrity problems.

The rule just described above (The FACILITY NAME chosen must be of a FACILITY NAME TYPE that is appropriate for the FACILITY TYPE involved), then, can be represented by the rule pattern in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1. Rule Patterns

Rule ID






This means that if an occurrence of FACILITY NAME APPROPRIATENESS exists that links a particular FACILITY NAME TYPE with a particular FACILITY TYPE, then it is permitted for a FACILITY NAME (of the specified FACILITY NAME TYPE) to be assigned to a FACILITY (of the specified FACILITY TYPE).

Another set of rules apply to the model in Figure 8.32. Here, PRODUCTION is the fact that a WELL is producing a particular PRODUCT TYPE at a given point in time. The rules are that (a) a WELL may be producer of one or more PRODUCTIONS of different PRODUCT TYPES, but (b) a WELL may be producer of only one PRODUCTION at a time. That is, the “Start date and time” of a PRODUCTION must be after the “End date and time” of prior PRODUCTIONS, and the “End date and time”, if any, must be before any subsequent PRODUCTIONS. Only one PRODUCTION may have a null “End date and time”. That is, a well may produce both crude oil and natural gas, but not at the same time.


Figure 8.32. Production.

The rule pattern for this situation is shown in Table 8.2.

Table 8.2. Production Rules



IF START DATE of occurrence 1 after START DATE of occurrence 2

AND START DATE of occurrence 1 after END DATE of occurrence 2

AND END DATE of occurrence 1 after START DATE of occurrence 2

THEN allowed?




Must happen





Must happen




Can't happen





Can't happen



The table shows all permutations of placements of start and end dates of two occurrences of the PRODUCTION entity type. For each permutation, the rightmost column says whether it is allowed.

In some cases, the value in one column dictates the value of another column. In R2 and R3, for example, if the START DATE of occurrence 1 is after the START DATE of occurrence 2, then the END DATE of occurrence 1 must be after the START DATE of occurrence 2. Similarly, in R4 and R5, if the START DATE of occurrence 1 is not after the START DATE of occurrence 2, then the END DATE of occurrence 1 cannot be after the END DATE of occurrence 2.

In R2, the START DATE of the first occurrence is after both the START and END DATES of the second occurrence, so it is allowed. In R3, the START DATE of the first occurrence is after the START DATE of the second OCCURRENCE, but before its END DATE, so it is not allowed. In R4, the start date of the first is before the START DATE of the second occurrence, but its END DATE is AFTER the START DATE of the second occurrence, so it is not permitted, In R5, both the START DATE and the END DATE of occurrence 1 are before the start date of occurrence 2, so it is allowed.

Business Rule Patterns—CASEtech, Inc.

Peter Brenner, Ed Campbell, and David Wendelken of CASEtech, Inc. have developed an extensive catalogue of business rule patterns. Unlike Ms. von Halle's patterns or the other notation and classification schemes described above, these are described in simple English, and they are accompanied by PL/SQL subroutines. They are intended to be captured in a tool, so that a particular rule can be implemented inheriting characteristics of the pattern. The patterns they have collected correspond to many of Ron Ross's and ORM's examples described above.

The approach here differs from the others, however, in that one purpose of the patterns is to provide a vocabulary with which to describe business rules to the public at large. As described earlier, it is often difficult to describe a rule in a style that is both rigorous enough to be implementable and simple enough to be clearly understood. Patterns can be taught, however, and then it is simply a matter of referring to them.

For example, two sets of relationships are “cousins” if they connect the same two entity types. The “cousin” rule states that “If two different relationship paths from an entity type back to the same 'ancestor' entity type exist, the two paths from any occurrence in this entity type must be traced back to the same occurrence in the ancestor entity type” [based on Brenner, et. al. 2002, p. 7]. The “no cousin” rule states that the two paths from any occurrence must be traced to different occurrences in the ancestor entity type.

For example, Figure 8.33 shows that there are two paths from PITCH to PLAYER. Each PITCH must be by one PLAYER, and it must be during one AT BAT which in turn must be by one PLAYER. In this case, the “no cousin” rule pattern is invoked: it is not permitted for a player to pitch to himself.

“Cousins” and Rules.

Figure 8.33. “Cousins” and Rules.

Figure 8.33 also shows another cousin situation in the multiple paths from AT BAT to TEAM. In this case the “cousin” rule is invoked. The PLAYER who is the batter for an AT BAT must be in fact on a TEAM that is either the home team for or the away team for the GAME with the INNING that is the time of that AT BAT.

Other patterns include:

  • A or B—. Only one or the other of two specified items may have a value. This is similar to an “arc” on two or more relationships, but it applies to two attributes or an attribute and a relationship.

  • Mandatory wait—. A data item, although optional at first, becomes mandatory when other data items have a certain value. For example, we must have an employee's social security number within three days after they start work.

  • Min max—. The first value must be less than the second value, if both are present.

  • No circle—. A many-to-one or many-to-many relationship from an entity type to itself exists. We do not allow circular relationship patterns. For example, an entity type occurrence cannot be a “parent” of itself, no matter how many other “children” rows intervene. The alternative rule permitting such an arrangement is called the “circle” pattern.

  • No overlap—. An occurrence has starting and ending range values, which must not overlap those of another occurrence.

  • Positive number—. The constrained item must be a positive, numeric value.

Requirements Analysis Deliverable—Column Six

At the conclusion of a requirements analysis project, the following should be produced.

  • Restatement of vision, goals, and objectives of the enterprise, especially with respect to this project. As appropriate, include a discussion of the mission, strategies and tactics that will address the vision, goals, and objectives.

  • Business policies that pertain to the subject area under consideration.

  • All applicable business rules, specifically constraints and action-enabler rules. Terms and facts should have been defined under Column One (Data). Derivations, cardinality, and optionality may be shown in the Column One data model, but their definition is a Column Six responsibility. Several means of describing the rules are available.

    • English (or your natural language) is required (Row Two).

    • Rule patterns provide a structured way to represent them (Rows Two or Three).

    • Ross notation or ORM provide graphic approaches (Row Three).

    • Other techniques may be developed in years to come.

Motivation and the Other Columns

Motivation and Data

Fundamentally, business rules are about data. In Row Three, especially, a business rule constrains what data may be or must be created in the course of business operations. The discovery and definition of business rules must be carried out in conjunction with the development of the data model.

Motivation and Activities

An organization's mission, strategies, and tactics form the structure around which its activities are organized. These, therefore, are the top levels of any hierarchical representation of activities.

Business rules are normally defined in terms of constraints on data, not on processes. We have seen here and in Chapter 4, however, that the detailed documentation of activities can reveal business rules. Indeed, they are often implemented by activities and restrictions on activities. The activities and the business rules must be documented together.

Motivation and Locations

Ideally, a single set of business rules applies to the entire enterprise. In reality, however, it may be necessary to vary the rules by facility. Different locations may be run differently, may have different customs, or may be subject to different laws. For example, different offices of a car rental agency may have different rules for late return of a car, depending on when they are open. Office hours might be different in different sites, and different legal systems may apply.

Motivation, People, and Organizations

This chapter discusses an organization's mission, goals, and objectives. It specifically deals with “elements of guidance” (business policies and business rules) that amplify management decisions, and “assessments” that provide a filtered view of the effect of the environment (there described as “influences”) and operations on the organization's ends and means.

An element of guidance represents a message sent by management to its operating divisions. Business policies and business rules must be carefully designed to account for the issues described here.

Similarly, an assessment is the retrieval of information from the operating organizations, interpreting what happened, the influences which caused it to happen, and the effects of these events on the enterprise's ends and means.

Business rules may be specific to the organization involved. There may be good and valid reasons for a rule to be applied to one division and not another. This must be documented.

Motivation and Timing

Goals and strategies typically are not, but objectives and tactics must be expressed in terms of the events to which they are responding. For example, we want to increase market share by 10% in the next six months. Business policies and business rules often deal with external events and recommended ways of dealing with them.

One way to discover rules is to study events and determine the decisions made in response to each.


If someone invents a new microchip or a new kind of display-screen technology, it can be a simple matter to build a manufacturing plant, create a marketing organization, and distribute the new technology worldwide in a matter of months. OK, not simple, maybe, but in fact our era is marked by the number of times just this has been done.

If someone comes up with a good idea for the process by which technology is created, however, this can be distributed only one way: The innovator must teach someone the new method. That person must then teach someone else. Maybe that person can teach a class of 20. The innovator can write a book, although that means less control over what is learned from that book. Altogether, this is a much slower process. Moreover, it is prone to all the errors we experienced in playing “Telephone” when we were children. The method that is taught a year after it has been invented may be very different from what the originator had in mind.

Creating system development methods has not been easy. For us to have come as far as we have in developing approaches to requirements analysis is truly remarkable. We all live in hope that the next method or the next technique will suddenly make it easy to build large complex systems. It is a foolish hope. Developing systems will never not be hard.

But techniques are being developed all the time, and progress is being made. It hasn't necessarily gotten easier to build systems, but the systems we are building are vastly more sophisticated than those built just 20 or 30 years ago. And this is not just because the technology is better. It is because we are continually getting smarter in our ability to build systems that are actually useful to someone.

This book is the first chapter of a story that is just beginning. This is an incredible time to be alive. We get to participate in an incredibly dynamic industry, and we get to be in on building its future.

[1] Yes, that analyst would be your author.

[2] The definitions are reproduced by permission of the Business Rules Group.

[3] This is a modification made to Mr. Ross's notation to adapt it to the Barker notation. In his original notation, attributes are shown in circles, outside the entity box.

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