Appendix C. Ruby Worst Practices

If you’ve read through most of this book, you’ll notice that it doesn’t have much of a “Do this, not that” theme. Ruby as a language doesn’t fit well into that framework, as there are always exceptions to any rule you can come up with.

However, there are certainly a few things you really shouldn’t do, unless you know exactly why you are doing them. This appendix is meant to cover a handful of those scenarios and show you some better alternatives. I’ve done my best to stick to issues that I’ve been bit by myself, in the hopes that I can offer some practical advice for problems you might actually have run into.

A bad practice in programming shouldn’t simply be characterized as some ill-defined aesthetic imposed upon folks by the “experts.” Instead, we can often track antipatterns in code down to either flaws in the high-level design of an object-oriented system, or failed attempts at cleverness in the underlying feature implementations. These bits of unsavory code produced by bad habits or the misunderstanding of certain Ruby peculiarities can be a drag on your whole project, creating substantial technical debt as they accumulate.

We’ll start with the high-level design issues and then move on to the common sticking points when implementing tricky Ruby features. Making an improvement to even a couple of these problem areas will make a major difference, so even if you already know about most of these pitfalls, you might find one or two tips that will go a long way.

Not-So-Intelligent Design

Well-designed object-oriented systems can be a dream to work with. When every component seems to fit together nicely, with clear, simple integration code between the major subsystems, you get the feeling that the architecture is working for you, and not against you.

If you’re not careful, all of this can come crashing down. Let’s look at a few things to watch out for, and how to get around them.

Class Variables Considered Harmful

Ruby’s class variables are one of the easiest ways to break encapsulation and create headaches for yourself when designing class hierarchies. To demonstrate the problem, I’ll show an example in which class variables were tempting but ultimately the wrong solution.

In my abstract formatting library fatty, I provide a formatter base class that users must inherit from to make use of the system. This provides helpers that build up anonymous classes for certain formats. To get a sense of what this looks like, check out this example:

class Hello < FattyRBP::Formatter
  format :text do
    def render
      "Hello World"

  format :html do
    def render
      "<b>Hello World</b>"

puts Hello.render(:text) #=> "Hello World"
puts Hello.render(:html) #=> "<b>Hello World</b>"

Though I’ve omitted most of the actual functionality that fatty provides, a simple implementation of this system using class variables might look like this:

module FattyRBP
  class Formatter
     @@formats = {}

     def self.format(name, options={}, &block)
       @@formats[name] =, &block)

     def self.render(format, options={})

   class Format
     def initialize(options)
       # not important

     def render
       raise NotImplementedError

This code will make the example shown earlier work as advertised. Now let’s see what happens when we add another subclass into the mix:

class Goodbye < FattyRBP::Formatter
  format :text do
    def render
      "Goodbye Cruel World!"

puts Goodbye.render(:text) #=> "Goodbye Cruel World!"

At first glance, things seem to be working. But if we dig deeper, we see two problems:

# Should not have changed
puts Hello.render(:text) #=> "Goodbye Cruel World!"

# Shouldn't exist
puts Goodbye.render(:html) #=> "<b>Hello World</b>"

And here, we see the problem with class variables. If we think of them as class-level state, we’d be wrong. They are actually class-hierarchy variables that can have their state modified by any subclass, whether direct or many levels down the ancestry chain. This means they’re fairly close to global state in nature, which is usually a bad thing. So unless you were actually counting on this behavior, an easy fix is to just dump class variables and use class instance variables instead:

module FattyRBP
  class Formatter

    def self.formats
      @formats ||= {}

     def self.format(name, options={}, &block)
       formats[name] =, &block)

     def self.render(format, options={})

   class Format
     def initialize(options)
       # not important

Although this prevents direct access to the variable from instances, it is easy to define accessors at the class level. The benefit is that each subclass carries its own instance variable, just like ordinary objects do. With this new code, everything works as expected:

puts Hello.render(:text)   #=> "Hello World"
puts Hello.render(:html)   #=> "<b>Hello World</b>"
puts Goodbye.render(:text) #=> "Goodbye Cruel World"

puts Hello.render(:text)   #=> "Hello World"
puts Goodbye.render(:html) #=> raises an error

So the moral of the story here is that class-level state should be stored in class instance variables if you want to allow subclassing. Reserve class variables for data that needs to be shared across an entire class hierarchy.

Hardcoding Yourself Into a Corner

One good practice is to provide alternative constructors for your classes when there are common configurations that might be generally useful. One such example is in Prawn, when a user wants to build up a document via a simplified interface and then immediately render it to file:

Prawn::Document.generate("hello.pdf") do
  text "Hello Prawn!"

Implementing this method was very simple, as it simply wraps the constructor and calls an extra method to render the file afterward:

module Prawn
  class Document

    def self.generate(filename,options={},&block)
      pdf =,&block)


However, some months down the line, a bug report made me realize that I made a somewhat stupid mistake here. I accidentally prevented users from being able to write code like this:

class MyDocument < Prawn::Document
  def say_hello
    text "Hello MyDocument"

MyDocument.generate("hello.pdf") do

The problem, of course, is that Prawn::Document.generate hardcodes the constructor call, which prevents subclasses from ever being instantiated via generate. The fix is so easy that it is somewhat embarrassing to share:

module Prawn
  class Document

    def self.generate(filename,options={},&block)
      pdf = new(options,&block)


By removing the explicit receiver, we now construct an object based on whatever self is, rather than only building up Prawn::Document objects. This affords us additional flexibility at virtually no cost. In fact, because hardcoding the name of the current class in your method definitions is almost always an accident, this applies across the board as a good habit to get into.

Although much less severe, the same thing goes for class method definitions as well. Throughout this book, you will see class methods defined using def self.my_method rather than def MyClass.my_method. The reason for this is much more about maintainability than it is about style. To illustrate this, let’s do a simple comparison. We start off with two boring class definitions for the classes A and B:

class A
    # ..

    # ..

class B
    # ...

    # ...

These two are functionally equivalent, each defining the class methods foo and bar on their respective classes. But now, let’s refactor our code a bit, renaming A to C and B to D. Observe the work involved in doing each:

class C
    # ..

    # ..

class D
    # ...

    # ...

To rename A to C, we simply change the name of our class, and we don’t need to touch the method definitions. But when we change B to D, each and every method needs to be reworked. Though this might be OK for an object with one or two methods at the class level, you can imagine how tedious this could be when that number gets larger.

So we’ve now found two points against hardcoding class names, and could probably keep growing the list if we wanted. But for now, let’s move on to some even higher-level design issues.

When Inheritance Becomes Restrictive

Inheritance is very nice when your classes have a clear hierarchical structure between them. However, it can get in the way when used inappropriately. Problems begin to crop up when we try to model cross-cutting concerns using ordinary inheritance. For examples of this, it’s easy to look directly into core Ruby.

Imagine if Comparable were a class instead of a module. Then, you would be writing code like this:

class Person < Comparable

  def initialize(first_name, last_name)
    @first_name = first_name
    @last_name  = last_name

  attr_reader :first_name, :last_name

  def <=>(other_person)
    [last_name, first_name] <=> [other_person.last_name, other_person.first_name]


However, after seeing this, it becomes clear that it’d be nice to use a Struct here. If we ignore the features provided by Comparable here for a moment, the benefits of a struct to represent this simple data structure become obvious.

class Person <, :last_name)
  def full_name
    "#{first_name} #{last_name}"

Because Ruby supports single inheritance only, this example clearly demonstrates the problems we run into when relying too heavily on hierarchical structure. A Struct is certainly not always Comparable. And it is just plain silly to think of all Comparable objects being Struct objects. The key distinction here is that a Struct defines what an object is made up of, whereas Comparable defines a set of features associated with certain objects. For this reason, the real Ruby code to accomplish this modeling makes a whole lot of sense:

class Person <, :last_name)

  include Comparable

  def <=>(other_person)
    [last_name, first_name] <=> [other_person.last_name, other_person.first_name]

  def full_name
     "#{first_name} #{last_name}"


Keep in mind that although we are constrained to exactly one superclass, we can include as many modules as we’d like. For this reason, modules are often used to implement features that are completely orthogonal to the underlying class definition that they are mixed into. Taking an example from the Ruby API documentation, we see Forwardable being used to very quickly implement a simple Queue structure by doing little more than delegating to an underlying Array:

require "forwardable"

class Queue
  extend Forwardable

  def initialize
    @q = [ ]

  def_delegator :@q, :push, :enq
  def_delegator :@q, :shift, :deq

  def_delegators :@q, :clear, :first, :push, :shift, :size

Although Forwardable would make no sense anywhere in a class hierarchy, it accomplishes its task beautifully here. If we were constrained to a purely inheritance-based model, such cleverness would not be so easy to pull off.

The key thing to remember here is not that you should avoid inheritance at all costs, by any means. Instead, you should simply remember not to go out of your way to construct an artificial hierarchical structure to represent cross-cutting or orthogonal concerns. It’s important to remember that Ruby’s core is not special or magical in its abundant use of mixins, but instead, is representative of a very pragmatic and powerful object model. You can and should apply this technique within your own designs, whenever it makes sense to do so.

The Downside of Cleverness

Ruby lets you do all sorts of clever, fancy tricks. This cleverness is a big part of what makes Ruby so elegant, but it also can be downright dangerous in the wrong hands. To illustrate this, we’ll look at the kind of trouble you can get in if you aren’t careful.

The Evils of eval()

Throughout this book, we’ve dynamically evaluated code blocks all over the place. However, what you have not seen much of is the use of eval(), class_eval(), or even instance_eval() with a string. Some might wonder why this is, because eval() can be so useful! For example, imagine that you are exposing a way for users to filter through some data. You would like to be able to support an interface like this:

user1 ="Gregory Brown", balance: 2500)
user2 ="Arthur Brown", balance: 3300)
user3 ="Steven Brown", balance: 3200)

f =[user1, user2, user3])"balance > 3000") #=> [user2, user3]

Armed with instance_eval, this task is so easy that you barely bat an eye as you type out the following code:

class User
  def initialize(name, options)
    @name    = name
    @balance = options[:balance]

  attr_reader :name, :balance

class Filter
  def initialize(enum)
    @collection = enum

  def search(query) { |e| e.instance_eval(query) }

Running the earlier example, you see that this code works great, exactly as expected. But unfortunately, trouble strikes when you see queries like this:

>>"@balance = 0")
=> [#<User:0x40caa4 @name="Gregory Brown", @balance=0>,
    #<User:0x409138 @name="Arthur Brown", @balance=0>,
    #<User:0x402874 @name="Steven Brown", @balance=0>]

Or, perhaps even scarier:

>>"system('touch hacked')")
=> [#<User:0x40caa4 @name="Gregory Brown", ...]
>> File.exist?('hacked')
=> true

Because the ability for user-generated strings to execute arbitrary system commands or damage the internals of an object aren’t exactly appealing, you code up a regex filter to protect against this:

def search(query)
  raise "Invalid query" unless query =~ /^(w+) ([><!]=?|==) (d+)$/ { |e| e.instance_eval(query) }

This protects against the two issues we saw before, which is great:

>>"system('touch hacked')")
RuntimeError: Invalid query
        from (irb):33:in `search'
        from (irb):38
        from /Users/sandal/lib/ruby19_1/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'

>>"@balance = 0")
RuntimeError: Invalid query
        from (irb):33:in `search'
        from (irb):39
        from /Users/sandal/lib/ruby19_1/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'

But if you weren’t paying very close attention, you would have missed that we got our anchors wrong. That means there’s still a hole to be exploited here:

>>"balance == 0
system('touch hacked_again')")
=> [#<User:0x40caa4 @name="Gregory Brown", @balance=0  ...]
>> File.exist?('hacked_again')
=> true

Because our regex checked the first line and not the whole string, we were able to sneak by the validation. Arguably, if you’re very careful, you could come up with the right pattern and be reasonably safe. But as you are already validating the syntax, why play with fire? We can rewrite this code to accomplish the same goals with none of the associated risks:

def search(query)
  data = query.match(/^(?<attr>w+) (?<op>[><!]=?|==) (?<val>d+)$/) do |e|
    attr = e.public_send(data[:attr])
    attr.public_send(data[:op], Integer(data[:val]))

Here, we don’t expose any of the object’s internals, preserving encapsulation. Because we parse out the individual components of the statement and use public_send to pass the messages on to our objects, we have completely eliminated the possibility of arbitrary code execution. All in all, this code is much more secure and easier to debug. As it turns out, this code will actually perform considerably better as well.

Every time you use eval(string), Ruby needs to fire up its parser and tree walker to execute the code you’ve embedded in your string. This means that in cases in which you just need to process a few values and then do something with them, using a targeted regular expression is often a much better option, as it greatly reduces the amount of work the interpreter needs to do.

For virtually every situation in which you might turn to a raw string eval(), you can work around it using the tools Ruby provides. These include all sorts of methods for getting at whatever you need, including instance_variable_get, instance_variable_set, const_get, const_set, public_send, send, define_method, method(), and even These tools allow you to dynamically manipulate Ruby code without evaluating strings directly. For more details, you’ll definitely want to read Chapter 3, Mastering the Dynamic Toolkit.

Blind Rescue Missions

Ruby provides a lot of different ways to handle exceptions. They run the gamut all the way from capturing the full stack trace to completely ignoring raised errors. This flexibility means that exceptions aren’t necessarily treated with the same gravity in Ruby as in other languages, as they are very simple to rescue once they are raised. In certain cases, folks have even used rescue as a stand-in replacement for conditional statements. The classic example follows:

name = @user.first_name.capitalize rescue "Anonymous"

Usually, this is done with the intention of capturing the NoMethodError raised by something like first_name being nil here. It accomplishes this task well, and looks slightly nicer than the alternative:

name = @user.first_name ? @user.first_name.capitalize : "Anonymous"

However, the downside of using this trick is that you will most likely end up seeing this code again, at the long end of a painful debugging session. For demonstration purposes, let’s assume our User is implemented like this:

require "pstore"

class User

    @data ||="")

  def self.add(id, user_data)
    data.transaction do
      data[id] = user_data

  def self.find(id)
    data.transaction do
      data[id] or raise "User not found"

  def initialize(id)
    @user_id = id

  def attributes

  def first_name


What we have here is basically a PStore-backed user database. It’s not terribly important to understand every last detail, but the code should be fairly easy to understand if you play around with it a bit.

Firing up irb, we can see that the rescue trick works fine for cases in which User#first_name returns nil:

>> require "user"
=> true

>> User.add('sandal', email: '[email protected]')

=> {:email=>"[email protected]"}
>> @user ='sandal')
=> #<User:0x48c448 @user_id="sandal">
>> name = @user.first_name.capitalize rescue "Anonymous"
=> "Anonymous"
=> #<User:0x49ab74 @user_id="sandal">
>> @user.first_name
=> nil
>> @user.attributes
=> {:email=>"[email protected]"}

Ordinary execution also works fine:

>> User.add('jia', first_name: "Jia", email: "[email protected]")

=> {:first_name=>"Jia", :email=>"[email protected]"}
>> @user ='jia')
=> #<User:0x492154 @user_id="jia">
>> name = @user.first_name.capitalize rescue "Anonymous"
=> "Jia"
>> @user.attributes
=> {:first_name=>"Jia", :email=>"[email protected]"}
>> @user.first_name
=> "Jia"
>> @user ='sandal')

It seems like everything is in order; however, you don’t need to look far. Notice that this line will succeed even if @user is undefined:

>> @user = nil
=> nil
>> name = @user.first_name.capitalize rescue "Anonymous"
=> "Anonymous"

This means you can’t count on catching an error when a typo or a renamed variable creeps into your code. This weakness of course propagates down the chain as well:

>> name = @user.a_fake_method.capitalize rescue "Anonymous"
=> "Anonymous"
>> name = @user.a_fake_method.cannot_fail rescue "Anonymous"
=> "Anonymous"

Of course, issues with a one-liner like this should be easy enough to catch even without an exception. This is most likely the reason why this pattern has become so common. However, this is usually an oversight, because the problem exists deeper down the bunny hole as well. Let’s introduce a typo into our user implementation:

class User

  def first_name


Now, we go back and look at one of our previously working examples:

>> @user ='jia')
=> #<User:0x4b8548 @user_id="jia">
>> name = @user.first_name.capitalize rescue "Anonymous"
=> "Anonymous"
>> @user.first_name
NameError: undefined local variable or method `attribute' for #<User:0x4b8548 ...>
        from (irb):23:in `first_name'
        from (irb):32
        from /Users/sandal/lib/ruby19_1/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'

Hopefully, you’re beginning to see the picture. Although good testing and extensive quality assurance can catch these bugs, using this conditional modifier rescue hack is like putting blinders on your code. Unfortunately, this can also go for code of the form:

def do_something_dangerous
  "default value"

Pretty much any rescue that does not capture a specific error may be a source of silent failure in your applications. The only real case in which an unqualified rescue might make sense is when it is combined with a unqualified raise, which causes the same error to resurface after executing some code:

  # do some stuff
rescue => e
  MyLogger.error "Error doing stuff: #{e.message}"

In other situations, be sure to either know the risks involved, or avoid this technique entirely. You’ll thank yourself later.

Doing method_missing Wrong

One thing you really don’t want to do is mess up a method_missing hook. Because the purpose of method_missing is to handle unknown messages, it is a key feature for helping to find bugs in your code.

In Chapter 3, Mastering the Dynamic Toolkit, we covered some examples of how to use method_missing properly. Here’s an example of how to do it wrong:

class Prawn::Document

  # Provides the following shortcuts:
  #    stroke_some_method(*args) #=> some_method(*args); stroke
  #    fill_some_method(*args) #=> some_method(*args); fill
  #    fill_and_stroke_some_method(*args) #=> some_method(*args); fill_and_stroke
  def method_missing(id,*args,&block)
    when /^fill_and_stroke_(.*)/
      send($1,*args,&block); fill_and_stroke
    when /^stroke_(.*)/
      send($1,*args,&block); stroke
    when /^fill_(.*)/
      send($1,*args,&block); fill


Although this may look very similar to an earlier example in this book, it has a critical flaw. Can you see it? If not, this irb session should help:

>> pdf.fill_and_stroke_cirlce([100,100], :radius => 25)
=> "0.000 0.000 0.000 rg
0.000 0.000 0.000 RG
>> pdf.stroke_the_pretty_kitty([100,100], :radius => 25)
=> "0.000 0.000 0.000 rg
0.000 0.000 0.000 RG
>> pdf.donuts
=> nil

By coding a method_missing hook without delegating to the original Object definition, we have effectively muted our object’s ability to complain about messages we really didn’t want it to handle. To add insult to injury, failure cases such as fill_and_stroke_cirlce and stroke_the_pretty_kitty are doubly confusing, as they return a non-nil value, even though they do not produce meaningful results.

Luckily, the remedy to this is simple. We just add a call to super in the catchall case:

def method_missing(id,*args,&block)
  when /^fill_and_stroke_(.*)/
    send($1,*args,&block); fill_and_stroke
  when /^stroke_(.*)/
    send($1,*args,&block); stroke
  when /^fill_(.*)/
    send($1,*args,&block); fill

Now, if we rerun our earlier examples, you will see much more predictable behavior, in line with what we’d expect if we had no hook set up in the first place:

>> pdf.fill_and_stroke_cirlce([100,100], :radius => 25)
NoMethodError: undefined method `cirlce' for #<Prawn::Document:0x4e59f8>
        from prawn/lib/prawn/graphics/color.rb:68:in `method_missing'
        from prawn/lib/prawn/graphics/color.rb:62:in `method_missing'
        from (irb):4
        from /Users/sandal/lib/ruby19_1/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'

>> pdf.stroke_the_pretty_kitty([100,100], :radius => 25)
NoMethodError: undefined method `the_pretty_kitty' for #<Prawn::Document:0x4e59f8>
        from prawn/lib/prawn/graphics/color.rb:68:in `method_missing'
        from prawn/lib/prawn/graphics/color.rb:64:in `method_missing'
        from (irb):5
        from /Users/sandal/lib/ruby19_1/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'

>> pdf.donuts
NoMethodError: undefined method `donuts' for #<Prawn::Document:0x4e59f8>
        from prawn/lib/prawn/graphics/color.rb:68:in `method_missing'
        from (irb):6
        from /Users/sandal/lib/ruby19_1/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'

An important thing to remember is that in addition to ensuring that you call super from within your method_missing() calls, you are also responsible for maintaining the method’s signature. It’s possible to write a hook that captures only a missing method’s name while ignoring its arguments and associated block:

def method_missing(id)
  # ...

However, if you set things up this way, even when you call super, you’ll be breaking things farther up the chain, as Object#method_missing expects the whole signature of the function call to remain intact. So it’s not only delegating to the original that is important, but delegating without information loss.

If you’re sure to act responsibly with your method_missing calls, it won’t be that dangerous in most cases. However, if you get sloppy here, it is virtually guaranteed to come back to haunt you. If you get into this habit right away, it’ll be sure to save you some headaches down the line.


This appendix doesn’t come close to covering all the trouble that you can get yourself into with Ruby. It does, however, cover some of the most common sources of trouble and confusion and shows some much less painful alternatives.

When it comes to design, much can be gained by simply reducing complexity. If the path you’re on seems too difficult, odds are that it can be made a lot easier if you just think about it in a different way. As for “clever” implementation tricks and shortcuts, they can be more trouble than they’re worth if they come at the expense of clarity or maintainability of your code.

Put simply, the worst practices in Ruby are ones that make you work much harder than you have to. If you start to introduce code that seems really cool at first, but later is shown to introduce complicated faults at the corner cases, it is generally wise to just rip it out and start fresh with something a little less exciting that’s more reliable.

If you maintain the balancing act between creative approaches to your problems and ones that work without introducing excess complexity, you’ll have a very happy time writing Ruby code. Because Ruby gives you the power to do both good and evil, it’s ultimately up to you how you want to maintain your projects. However, code that is maintainable and predictable is much more of a joy to work with than fragile and sloppy hacks that have been simply duct-taped together.

Now that we have reached the very end of this book, I trust that you have the skills necessary to go out and find Ruby Best (and Worst) Practices on your own. The real challenge is knowing the difference between the two, and that ability comes only with practical experience gained by working on and investigating real problems. This book has included enough real-world examples to give you a head start in that area, but the heavy lifting needs to be done by you.

I hope you have enjoyed this wild ride through Ruby with me, and I really hope that something or the other in this book has challenged or inspired you. Please go out now and write some good open source Ruby code, and maybe you’ll make a guest appearance in the second edition!

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