Time for action — using geocoder for storing coordinates

Add geocoder to the Gemfile first:

gem 'geocoder'

Now let's update the Address model, as follows:

class Address
include Mongoid::Document
include Geocoder::Model::Mongoid

field :street, type: String
field :zip, type: Integer
field :city, type: String
field :state, type: String
field :country, type: String
field :coordinates, type: Array
belongs_to :location, polymorphic: true
geocoded_by :formatted_addr
after_validation :geocode
def formatted_addr
[street, city, state, country].join(',')


Now let's save some addresses. Execute the following commands:

irb> a = Author.new(name: "Gautam Rege")
=> #<Author _id: 4fbf4c78fed0ebcdd0000004, _type: "Author", name: "Gautam Rege">
irb > a.address = Address.new(street: "102 Union Street", city: "Pasedena", state: "CA", country: "US")
=> #<Address _id: 4fbf4caffed0ebcdd0000006, _type: "Address", street: "102 Union Street", zip: nil, city: "Pasedena", state: "CA", country: "US", coordinates: nil, location_type: "Author", location_id: BSON::ObjectId('4fbf4c78fed0ebcdd0000004')>
irb> a.save
=> true
irb> a.address
=> #<Address _id: 4fbf4caffed0ebcdd0000006, _type: "Address", street: "102 Union Street", zip: nil, city: "Pasedena", state: "CA", country: "US", coordinates: [-118.1481163, 34.1467468], location_type: "Author", location_id: BSON::ObjectId('4fbf4c78fed0ebcdd0000004')>
irb> a.address.coordinates
=> [-118.1481163, 34.1467468]

What just happened?

When we use geocoder gem, we have set up an after_validation callback. When the object is validated, we look up the geocoder, fetch its coordinates and save them in the object.


The geocoder gem has various lookup services that it can refer to, such as Google Map APIs, Yahoo! Maps, Bing, FreeGeoIP, among others and it defaults to Google — you can configure these lookups yourself.

Suppose you enter an unknown address and the service cannot find the geolocation, it returns and does not update the coordinates-you're on your own then!

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