Directory Services Defined

Historically, Unix systems have stored user and password information in “flat” text files located in the /etc directory and let applications access that data directly. This works well enough when you only have to administer one machine. However, in the 1980s, with the advent of the Unix-based workstation and the proliferation of personal computers allowing mass deployments of computers in offices and universities, managing user information on each machine became a serious administration problem. The problem only became worse as administrators tried to cope not just with setting up users, but setting up printers, servers, and other network resources.

Various solutions have been invented over the years to alleviate this problem. Sun introduced Network Information Services (NIS, also known as “Yellow Pages”), NeXT developed NetInfo , Novell built a business around NetWare (and failed), and Microsoft ended up taking it away from Novell with Active Directory. All these solutions have a common goal: to centralize the information needed so that a group of users across a variety of machines can be managed effectively.

When development on Mac OS X started, Apple inherited the NetInfo code that came with NEXTSTEP. The company knew it was not going to be enough to just provide for management of homogenous networks of Macs, so Apple set out on a path to build a set of technologies collectively known as Open Directory. These technologies brought support for the Lightweight Access Directory Protocol (LDAP) and Kerberos (a network authentication standard developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) to the operating system. Starting with the release of Panther, Mac OS X interoperates with all the major directory services systems in use including Active Directory, as shown in Figure 7-1.

The way in which applications use Open Directory is illustrated in Figure 7-1. When a native Mac OS X application, such as the login window, needs to authenticate a user, it calls into Open Directory. It then authenticates the user information against whatever data store it is configured to use. To accommodate Unix-based command-line applications, the BSD authentication routines have been modified to use PAM, which then uses Open Directory to authenticate against. Likewise, whenever any system component needs to find a resource, such as a network file share, it uses Open Directory.

The end result is a system in which the applications that need authentication and configuration data can get it without knowing, or even caring, where that data is stored. It should be noted that it’s not just end-user applications that use this abstracted data. The data about a user that’s obtained from Open Directory is used by every part of the system. For example, the filesystem permissions scheme described in Chapter 8 relies on the user and group information stored in Open Directory.

How applications and Open Directory fit together

Figure 7-1. How applications and Open Directory fit together

Kinds of Directory Information

Open Directory can handle many different kinds of information. The following are the most common types of data that Mac OS X looks to Open Directory to provide:

  • User identification data including real name, username, and user ID

  • Authentication information used to verify passwords given by a user

  • Group identification data

  • The location of a user’s Home folder, either on a local machine or on a network server

  • Network filesystems

  • Quotas for disk, print, and mail usage

  • Network-enabled printers that are either shared by other machines or are directly connected to the network

Sources of Directory Information

Open Directory is a flexible bridge allowing information to be obtained from many different sources. These sources fall into roughly three categories: configuration information, authentication services, and discovered services.

Sources of configuration information


The open standard used in many mixed environments and the native Open Directory database in Mac OS X Server 10.4.


As mentioned earlier, NetInfo is the legacy directory service picked up from NEXTSTEP and earlier versions of Mac OS X. It is the standard local directory service for the client version of Mac OS X.

Active Directory

This is Microsoft’s LDAP-based directory service provided by Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 servers.


Network Information Services servers are still used by many Unix shops but less frequently since LDAP hit the street.

BSD flat files

These files are located in the /etc directory.

Sources of authentication information

To authenticate users, Open Directory supports the following technologies:

The Shadow Password Database

The default authentication mechanism used in Mac OS X. Passwords are stored in the /var/db/shadow directory, which is accessible only by directory services and the root user.

Apple Password Server

This authentication server ships only as part of Mac OS X Server.


A network authentication protocol developed at MIT, Kerberos ships as part of Mac OS X Server as well as a standalone server implemented in many large government, educational, and corporate networking environments.

Active Directory

This is the directory services layer of Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2003 Server. It uses Kerberos to perform authentication.

Sources of discovered services

Open Directory obtains information about network filesystems, printers, and other network devices from the following services:


Formerly named Rendezvous, this is the Internet Engineering Task Force’s (IETF) Zeroconf-based protocol for discovering services on the local network.


Service Message Block is used to announce and connect to Windows-based shared filesystems and printers.


Service Location Protocol is an open service discovery protocol used on some networks.


Apple’s legacy Mac OS-based protocol for discovering shared filesystems and printers.

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