7 Files and storage

This chapter covers

  • Learning how data is represented on physical storage devices
  • Writing data structures to your preferred file format
  • Building a tool to read from a file and inspect its contents
  • Creating a working key-value store that’s immune from corruption

Storing data permanently on digital media is trickier than it looks. This chapter takes you though some of the details. To transfer information held by ephemeral electrical charges in RAM to (semi)permanent storage media and then be able to retrieve it again later takes several layers of software indirection.

The chapter introduces some new concepts such as how to structure projects into library crates for Rust developers. This task is needed because one of the projects is ambitious. By the end of the chapter, you’ll have built a working key-value store that’s guaranteed to be durable to hardware failure at any stage. During the chapter, we’ll work through a small number of side quests. For example, we implement parity bit checking and explore what it means to hash a value. To start with, however, let’s see if we can create patterns from the raw byte sequence within files.

7.1 What is a file format?

File formats are standards for working with data as an single, ordered sequence of bytes. Storage media like hard disk drives work faster when reading or writing large blocks of data in serial. This contrasts with in-memory data structures, where data layout has less of an impact.

File formats live in a large design space with trade-offs in performance, human-readability, and portability. Some formats are highly portable and self-describing. Others restrict themselves to being accessible within a single environment and are unable to be read by third-party tools, yet they are high performance.

Table 7.1 illustrates some of the design space for file formats. Each row reveals the file format’s internal patterns, which are generated from the same source text. By color-coding each byte within the file, it’s possible to see structural differences between each representation.

Table 7.1 The internals of four digital versions of William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing produced by Project Gutenberg.

The plain text version of the play contains printable characters only. These are indicated by dark grey for letters and punctuation, and white for whitespace.

Visually, the image appears to be noisy. It lacks internal structure. That’s due to the variation in length of the natural language that the file represents. A file with regular, repeating structures, such as a file format designed to hold arrays of floating-point numbers, tends to look quite different.

The EPUB format is actually a compressed ZIP archive with a bespoke file extension. There are many bytes within the file that fall out of the range of the printable category as indicated by the mid-grey pixels.

MOBI includes four bands of NULL bytes (0x00), represented as black pixels. These bands probably represent the result of an engineering trade-off. In some sense, these empty bytes are wasted space. They’re probably added as padding so that the file’s sections are easy to parse later on.

The other notable feature of this file is its size. It’s larger than the other versions of the play. This might imply that the file is harboring more data than just the text. Candidates include display elements like fonts, or encryption keys that enforce anti-copying restrictions within the file.

The HTML file contains a high proportion of whitespace characters. These are indicated by white pixels. Markup languages like HTML tend to add whitespace to aid readability.

7.2 Creating your own file formats for data storage

When working with data that needs to be stored over a long time, the proper thing to do is to use a battle-tested database. Despite this, many systems use plain text files for data storage. Configuration files, for example, are commonly designed to be both human-readable and machine-readable. The Rust ecosystem has excellent support for converting data to many on-disk formats.

7.2.1 Writing data to disk with serde and the bincode format

The serde crate serializes and deserializes Rust values to and from many formats. Each format has its own strengths: many are human-readable, while others prefer to be compact so that they can be speedily sent across the network.

Using serde takes surprisingly little ceremony. As an example, let’s use statistics about the Nigerian city of Calabar and store those in multiple output formats. To start, let’s assume that our code contains a City struct. The serde crate provides the Serialize and Deserialize traits, and most code implements these with this derived annotation:

struct City {
    name: String,
    population: usize,
    latitude: f64,
    longitude: f64,

Provides the tooling to enable external formats to interact with Rust code

Populating that struct with data about Calabar is straightforward. This code snippet shows the implementation:

let calabar = City {
    name: String::from("Calabar"),
    population: 470_000,
    latitude: 4.95,
    longitude: 8.33,

Now to convert that calabar variable to JSON-encoded String. Performing the conversion is one line of code:

let as_json = to_json(&calabar).unwrap();

serde understands many more formats than JSON. The code in listing 7.2 (shown later in this section) also provides similar examples for two lesser-known formats: CBOR and bincode. CBOR and bincode are more compact than JSON but at the expense of being machine-readable only.

The following shows the output, formatted for the page, that’s produced by listing 7.2. It provides a view of the bytes of the calabar variable in several encodings:

$ cargo run 
   Compiling ch7-serde-eg v0.1.0 (/rust-in-action/code/ch7/ch7-serde-eg)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.27s
     Running `target/debug/ch7-serde-eg`
[164, 100, 110, 97, 109, 101, 103, 67, 97, 108, 97, 98, 97, 114, 106,
112, 111, 112, 117, 108, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 26, 0, 7, 43, 240, 104,
108, 97, 116, 105, 116, 117, 100, 101, 251, 64, 19, 204, 204, 204, 204,
204, 205, 105, 108, 111, 110, 103, 105, 116, 117, 100, 101, 251, 64, 32,
168, 245, 194, 143, 92, 41]
[7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 97, 108, 97, 98, 97, 114, 240, 43, 7, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 205, 204, 204, 204, 204, 204, 19, 64, 41, 92, 143, 194, 245, 168,
32, 64]
json (as UTF-8):
cbor (as UTF-8):
dnamegCalabarjpopulation+hlatitude@ilongitude@ )

bincode (as UTF-8):
Calabar+@) @

To download the project, enter these commands in the console:

$ git clone https://github.com/rust-in-action/code rust-in-action
$ cd rust-in-action/ch7/ch7-serde-eg 

To create the project manually, create a directory structure that resembles the following snippet and populate its contents with the code in listings 7.1 and 7.2 from the ch7/ch7-serde-eg directory:

├── src
└── main.rs         
└── Cargo.toml      

See listing 7.2.

See listing 7.1.

Listing 7.1 Declaring dependencies and setting metadata for listing 7.2

name = "ch7-serde-eg"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Tim McNamara <[email protected]>"]
edition = "2018"
bincode = "1"
serde = "1"
serde_cbor = "0.8"
serde_derive = "1"
serde_json = "1"

Listing 7.2 Serialize a Rust struct to multiple formats

 1 use bincode::serialize as to_bincode;                   
 2 use serde_cbor::to_vec as to_cbor;                      
 3 use serde_json::to_string as to_json;                   
 4 use serde_derive::{Serialize};
 6 #[derive(Serialize)]                                    
 7 struct City {
 8     name: String,
 9     population: usize,
10     latitude: f64,
11     longitude: f64,
12 }
14 fn main() {
15     let calabar = City {
16         name: String::from("Calabar"),
17         population: 470_000,
18         latitude: 4.95,
19         longitude: 8.33,
20     };
22     let as_json    =    to_json(&calabar).unwrap();     
23     let as_cbor    =    to_cbor(&calabar).unwrap();     
24     let as_bincode = to_bincode(&calabar).unwrap();     
26     println!("json:
", &as_json);
27     println!("cbor:
", &as_cbor);
28     println!("bincode:
", &as_bincode);
29     println!("json (as UTF-8):
30        String::from_utf8_lossy(as_json.as_bytes())
31     );
32     println!("cbor (as UTF-8):
33         String::from_utf8_lossy(&as_cbor)
34     );
35     println!("bincode (as UTF-8):
36         String::from_utf8_lossy(&as_bincode)
37     );
38 }

These functions are renamed to shorten lines where used.

Instructs the serde_derive crate to write the necessary code to carry out the conversion from an in-memory City to on-disk City

Serializes into different formats

7.3 Implementing a hexdump clone

A handy utility for inspecting a file’s contents is hexdump, which takes a stream of bytes, often from a file, and then outputs those bytes in pairs of hexadecimal numbers. Table 7.2 provides an example. As you know from previous chapters, two hexadecimal numbers can represent all digits from 0 to 255, which is the number of bit patterns representable within a single byte. We’ll call our clone fview (short for file view).

Table 7.2 fview in operation

fview input

fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");

fview output

[0x00000000] 0a 66 6e 20 6d 61 69 6e 28 29 20 7b 0a 20 20 20
[0x00000010] 20 70 72 69 6e 74 6c 6e 21 28 22 48 65 6c 6c 6f
[0x00000020] 2c 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 21 22 29 3b 0a 7d

Unless you’re familiar with hexadecimal notation, the output from fview can be fairly opaque. If you’re experienced at looking at similar output, you may notice that there are no bytes above 0x7e (127). There are also few bytes less than 0x21 (33), with the exception of 0x0a (10). Ox0a represents the newline character ( ). These byte patterns are markers for a plain text input source.

Listing 7.4 provides the source code that builds the complete fview. But because a few new features of Rust need to be introduced, we’ll take a few steps to get to the full program.

We’ll start with listing 7.3, which uses a string literal as input and produces the output in table 7.2. It demonstrates the use of multiline string literals, importing the std::io traits via std::io::prelude. This enables &[u8] types to be read as files via the std::io::Read trait. The source for this listing is in ch7/ch7-fview-str/src/main.rs.

Listing 7.3 A hexdump clone with hard-coded input that mocks file I/O

 1 use std::io::prelude::*;                           
 3 const BYTES_PER_LINE: usize = 16;
 4 const INPUT: &'static [u8] = br#"                  
 5 fn main() {
 6     println!("Hello, world!");
 7 }"#;
 9 fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
10     let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = vec!();              
11     INPUT.read_to_end(&mut buffer)?;               
13     let mut position_in_input = 0;
14     for line in buffer.chunks(BYTES_PER_LINE) {
15         print!("[0x{:08x}] ", position_in_input);  
16         for byte in line {
17             print!("{:02x} ", byte);
18         }
19         println!();                                
20         position_in_input += BYTES_PER_LINE;
21     }
23     Ok(())
24 }

prelude imports heavily used traits such as Read and Write in I/O operations. It’s possible to include the traits manually, but they’re so common that the standard library provides this convenience line to help keep your code compact.

Multiline string literals don’t need double quotes escaped when built with raw string literals (the r prefix and the # delimiters). The additional b prefix indicates that this should be treated as bytes (&[u8]) not as UTF-8 text (&str).

Makes space for the program’s input with an internal buffer

Reads our input and inserts it into our internal buffer

Writes the current position with up to 8 left-padded zeros

Shortcut for printing a newline to stdout

Now that we have seen the intended operation of fview, let’s extend its capabilities to read real files. The following listing provides a basic hexdump clone that demonstrates how to open a file in Rust and iterate through its contents. You’ll find this source in ch7/ch7-fview/src/main.rs.

Listing 7.4 Opening a file in Rust and iterating through its contents

 1 use std::fs::File;
 2 use std::io::prelude::*;
 3 use std::env;
 5 const BYTES_PER_LINE: usize = 16;     
 7 fn main() {
 8   let arg1 = env::args().nth(1);
10   let fname = arg1.expect("usage: fview FILENAME");
12   let mut f = File::open(&fname).expect("Unable to open file.");
13   let mut pos = 0;
14   let mut buffer = [0; BYTES_PER_LINE];
16     while let Ok(_) = f.read_exact(&mut buffer) {
17         print!("[0x{:08x}] ", pos);
18         for byte in &buffer {
19             match *byte {
20                 0x00 => print!(".  "),
21                 0xff => print!("## "),
22                 _ => print!("{:02x} ", byte),
23             }
24         }
26         println!("");
27         pos += BYTES_PER_LINE;
28     }
29 }

Changing this constant changes the program’s output.

Listing 7.4 introduces some new Rust. Let’s look at some of those constructs now:

  • while let Ok(_) { ... }— With this control-flow structure, the program continues to loop until f.read_exact() returns Err, which occurs when it has run out of bytes to read.

  • f.read_exact()—This method from the Read trait transfers data from the source (in our case, f) to the buffer provided as an argument. It stops when that buffer is full.

f.read_exact() provides greater control to you as a programmer for managing memory than the chunks() option used in listing 7.3, but it comes with some quirks. If the buffer is longer than the number of available bytes to read, the file returns an error, and the state of the buffer is undefined. Listing 7.4 also includes some stylistic additions:

  • To handle command-line arguments without using third-party libraries, we make use of std::env::args(). It returns an iterator over the arguments provided to the program. Iterators have an nth() method, which extracts the element at the nth position.

  • Every iterator’s nth() method returns an Option. When n is larger than the length of the iterator, None is returned. To handle these Option values, we use calls to expect().

  • The expect() method is considered a friendlier version of unwrap(). expect() takes an error message as an argument, whereas unwrap() simply panics abruptly.

Using std::env::args() directly means that input is not validated. That’s a problem in our simple example, but is something to consider for larger programs.

7.4 File operations in Rust

So far in this chapter, we have invested a lot of time considering how data is translated into sequences of bytes. Let’s spend some time considering another level of abstraction—the file. Previous chapters have covered basic operations like opening and reading from a file. This section contains some other helpful techniques, which provide more granular control.

7.4.1 Opening a file in Rust and controlling its file mode

Files are an abstraction that’s maintained by the operating system (OS). It presents a façade of names and hierarchy above a nest of raw bytes.

Files also provide a layer of security. These have attached permissions that the OS enforces. This (in principle, at least) is what prevents a web server running under its own user account from reading files owned by others.

std::fs::File is the primary type for interacting with the filesystem. There are two methods available for creating a file: open() and create(). Use open() when you know the file already exists. Table 7.3 explains more of their differences.

Table 7.3 Creating File values in Rust and the effects on the underlying filesystem


Return value when the file already exists

Effect on the underlying file

Return value when no file exists



Opened as is in read-only mode.




All existing bytes are truncated, and the file is opened at the beginning of the new file.


When you require more control, std::fs::OpenOptions is available. It provides the necessary knobs to turn for any intended application. Listing 7.16 provides a good example of a case where an append mode is requested. The application requires a writeable file that is also readable, and if it doesn’t already exist, it’s created. The following shows an excerpt from listing 7.16 that demonstrates the use of std::fs:OpenOptions to create a writeable file. The file is not truncated when it’s opened.

Listing 7.5 Using std::fs:OpenOptions to create a writeable file

let f = OpenOptions::new()     

An example of the Builder pattern where each method returns a new instance of the OpenOptions struct with the relevant option set

Opens the file for reading

Enables writing. This line isn’t strictly necessary; it’s implied by append.

Creates a file at path if it doesn’t already exist

Doesn’t delete content that’s already written to disk

Opens the file at path after unwrapping the intermediate Result

7.4.2 Interacting with the filesystem in a type-safe manner with std::fs::Path

Rust provides type-safe variants of str and String in its standard library: std::path:: Path and std::path::PathBuf. You can use these variants to unambiguously work with path separators in a cross-platform way. Path can address files, directories, and related abstractions, such as symbolic links. Path and PathBuf values often start their lives as plain string types, which can be converted with the from() static method:

let hello = PathBuf::from("/tmp/hello.txt")

From there, interacting with these variants reveals methods that are specific to paths:


Returns Some("txt")

The full API is straightforward for anyone who has used code to manipulate paths before, so it won’t be fleshed out here. Still, it may be worth discussing why it’s included within the language because many languages omit this.

Note As an implementation detail, std::fs::Path and std::fs::PathBuf are implemented on top of std::ffi::OsStr and std::ffi::OsString, respectively. This means that Path and PathBuf are not guaranteed to be UTF-8 compliant.

Why use Path rather than manipulating strings directly? Here are some good reasons for using Path:

  • Clear intentPath provides useful methods like set_extension() that describe the intended outcome. This can assist programmers who later read the code. Manipulating strings doesn’t provide that level of self-documentation.

  • Portability—Some operating systems treat filesystem paths as case-insensitive. Others don’t. Using one operating system’s conventions can result in issues later, when users expect their host system’s conventions to be followed. Additionally, path separators are specific to operating systems and, thus, can differ. This means that using raw strings can lead to portability issues. Comparisons require exact matches.

  • Easier debugging—If you’re attempting to extract /tmp from the path /tmp/hello.txt, doing it manually can introduce subtle bugs that may only appear at runtime. Further, miscounting the correct number of index values after splitting the string on / introduces a bug that can’t be caught at compile time.

To illustrate the subtle errors, consider the case of separators. Slashes are common in today’s operating systems, but those conventions took some time to become established:

  • is commonly used on MS Windows.

  • / is the convention for UNIX-like operating systems.

  • : was the path separator for the classic Mac OS.

  • > is used in the Stratus VOS operating system.

Table 7.4 compares the two strings: std::String and std::path::Path.

Table 7.4 Using std::String and std::path::Path to extract a file’s parent directory

fn main() {
    let hello = String::from("/tmp/hello.txt");
    let tmp_dir = hello.split("/").nth(0); 
    println!("{:?}", tmp_dir);             

Splits hello at its backslashes, then takes the 0th element of the resulting Vec<String>

Mistake! Prints Some("").

use std::path::PathBuf;
fn main() {
    let mut hello = PathBuf::from("/tmp/hello.txt");
    println!("{:?}", hello.display()); 

Truncates hello in place

Success! Prints "/tmp".

The plain String code lets you use familiar methods, but it can introduce subtle bugs that are difficult to detect at compile time. In this instance, we’ve used the wrong index number to access the parent directory (/tmp).

Using path::Path doesn’t make your code immune to subtle errors, but it can certainly help to minimize their likelihood. Path provides dedicated methods for common operations such as setting a file’s extension.

7.5 Implementing a key-value store with a log-structured, append-only storage architecture

It’s time to tackle something larger. Let’s begin to lift the lid on database technology. Along the way, we’ll learn the internal architecture of a family of database systems using a log-structured, append-only model.

Log-structured, append-only database systems are significant as case studies because these are designed to be extremely resilient while offering optimal read performance. Despite storing data on fickle media like flash storage or a spinning hard disk drive, databases using this model are able to guarantee that data will never be lost and that backed up data files will never be corrupted.

7.5.1 The key-value model

The key-value store implemented in this chapter, actionkv, stores and retrieves sequences of bytes ([u8]) of arbitrary length. Each sequence has two parts: the first is a key and the second is a value. Because the &str type is represented as [u8] internally, table 7.5 shows the plain text notation rather than the binary equivalent.

Table 7.5 Illustrating keys and values by matching countries with their capital cities



"Cook Islands"





"South Tarawa"



The key-value model enables simple queries such as “What is the capital city of Fiji?” But it doesn’t support asking broader queries such as “What is the list of capital cities for all Pacific Island states?”

7.5.2 Introducing actionkv v1: An in-memory key-value store with a command-line interface

The first version of our key-value store, actionkv, exposes us to the API that we’ll use throughout the rest of the chapter and also introduces the main library code. The library code will not change as the subsequent two systems are built on top of it. Before we get to that code, though, there are some prerequisites that need to be covered.

Unlike other projects in this book, this one uses the library template to start with (cargo new --lib actionkv). It has the following structure:

├── src
│   ├── akv_mem.rs
│   └── lib.rs
└── Cargo.toml

Using a library crate allows programmers to build reusable abstractions within their projects. For our purposes, we’ll use the same lib.rs file for multiple executables. To avoid future ambiguity, we need to describe the executable binaries the actionkv project produces.

To do so, provide a bin section within two square bracket pairs ([[bin]]) to the project’s Cargo.toml file. See lines 14–16 of the following listing. Two square brackets indicate that the section can be repeated. The source for this listing is in ch7/ch7-actionkv/Cargo.toml.

Listing 7.6 Defining dependencies and other metadata

 1 [package]
 2 name = "actionkv"
 3 version = "1.0.0"
 4 authors = ["Tim McNamara <[email protected]>"]
 5 edition = "2018"
 7 [dependencies]
 8 byteorder = "1.2"       
 9 crc = "1.7"             
11 [lib]                   
12 name = "libactionkv"    
13 path = "src/lib.rs"     
15 [[bin]]                 
16 name = "akv_mem"
17 path = "src/akv_mem.rs"

Extends Rust types with extra traits to write those to disk, then reads those back into a program in a repeatable, easy-to-use way

Provides the checksum functionality that we want to include

This section of Cargo.toml lets you define a name for the library you’re building. Note that a crate can only have one library.

A [[bin]] section, of which there can be many, defines an executable file that’s built from this crate. The double square bracket syntax is required because it unambiguously describes bin as having one or more elements.

Our actionkv project will end up with several files. Figure 7.1 illustrates the relationships and how these work together to build the akv_mem executable, referred to within the [[bin]] section of the project’s Cargo.toml file.

Figure 7.1 An outline of how the different files and their dependencies work together in the actionkv project. The project’s Cargo.toml coordinates lots of activity that ultimately results in an executable.

7.6 Actionkv v1: The front-end code

The public API of actionkv is comprised of four operations: get, delete, insert, and update. Table 7.6 describes these operations.

Table 7.6 Operations supported by actionkv v1



get <key>

Retrieves the value at key from the store

insert <key> <value>

Adds a key-value pair to the store

delete <key>

Removes a key-value pair from the store

update <key> <value>

Replaces an old value with a new one

Naming is difficult

To access stored key-value pairs, should the API provide a get, retrieve, or, perhaps, fetch? Should setting values be insert, store, or set? actionkv attempts to stay neutral by deferring these decisions to the API provided by std::collections:: HashMap.

The following listing, an excerpt from listing 7.8, shows the naming considerations mentioned in the preceding sidebar. For our project, we use Rust’s matching facilities to efficiently work with the command-line arguments and to dispatch to the correct internal function.

Listing 7.7 Demonstrating the public API

32 match action {                                         
33   "get" => match store.get(key).unwrap() {
34     None => eprintln!("{:?} not found", key),
35     Some(value) => println!("{:?}", value),            
36   },
38   "delete" => store.delete(key).unwrap(),
40   "insert" => {
41     let value = maybe_value.expect(&USAGE).as_ref();   
42     store.insert(key, value).unwrap()
43   }
45   "update" => {
46     let value = maybe_value.expect(&USAGE).as_ref();
47     store.update(key, value).unwrap()
48   }
50   _ => eprintln!("{}", &USAGE),
51 }

The action command-line argument has the type &str.

println! needs to use the Debug syntax ({:?}) because [u8] contains arbitrary bytes and doesn’t implement Display.

A future update that can be added for compatibility with Rust’s HashMap, where insert returns the old value if it exists.

In full, listing 7.8 presents the code for actionkv v1. Notice that the heavy lifting of interacting with the filesystem is delegated to an instance of ActionKV called store. How ActionKV operates is explained in section 7.7. The source for this listing is in ch7/ch7-actionkv1/src/akv_mem.rs.

Listing 7.8 In-memory key-value store command-line application

 1 use libactionkv::ActionKV;              
 3 #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]           
 4 const USAGE: &str = "                   
 5 Usage:                                  
 6     akv_mem.exe FILE get KEY            
 7     akv_mem.exe FILE delete KEY         
 8     akv_mem.exe FILE insert KEY VALUE   
 9     akv_mem.exe FILE update KEY VALUE   
10 ";
12 #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
13 const USAGE: &str = "
14 Usage:
15     akv_mem FILE get KEY
16     akv_mem FILE delete KEY
17     akv_mem FILE insert KEY VALUE
18     akv_mem FILE update KEY VALUE
19 ";
21 fn main() {
22   let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
23   let fname = args.get(1).expect(&USAGE);
24   let action = args.get(2).expect(&USAGE).as_ref();
25   let key = args.get(3).expect(&USAGE).as_ref();
26   let maybe_value = args.get(4);
28   let path = std::path::Path::new(&fname);
29   let mut store = ActionKV::open(path).expect("unable to open file");
30   store.load().expect("unable to load data");
32   match action {
33     "get" => match store.get(key).unwrap() {
34       None => eprintln!("{:?} not found", key),
35       Some(value) => println!("{:?}", value),
36     },
38     "delete" => store.delete(key).unwrap(),
40     "insert" => {
41       let value = maybe_value.expect(&USAGE).as_ref();
42       store.insert(key, value).unwrap()
43     }
45     "update" => {
46       let value = maybe_value.expect(&USAGE).as_ref();
47       store.update(key, value).unwrap()
48     }
50     _ => eprintln!("{}", &USAGE),
51   }
52 }

Although src/lib.rs exists within our project, it’s treated the same as any other crate within the src/bin.rs file.

The cfg attribute allows Windows users to see the correct file extension in their help documentation. This attribute is explained in the next section.

7.6.1 Tailoring what is compiled with conditional compilation

Rust provides excellent facilities for altering what is compiled depending on the compiler target architecture. Generally, this is the target’s OS but can be facilities provided by its CPU. Changing what is compiled depending on some compile-time condition is known as conditional compilation.

To add conditional compilation to your project, annotate your source code with cfg attributes. cfg works in conjunction with the target parameter provided to rustc during compilation.

Listing 7.8 provides a usage string common as quick documentation for command-line utilities for multiple operating systems. It’s replicated in the following listing, which uses conditional compilation to provide two definitions of const USAGE in the code. When the project is built for Windows, the usage string contains a .exe file extension. The resulting binary files include only the data that is relevant for their target.

Listing 7.9 Demonstrating the use of conditional compilation

 3 #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
 4 const USAGE: &str = "
 5 Usage:
 6     akv_mem.exe FILE get KEY
 7     akv_mem.exe FILE delete KEY
 8     akv_mem.exe FILE insert KEY VALUE
 9     akv_mem.exe FILE update KEY VALUE
10 ";
12 #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
13 const USAGE: &str = "
14 Usage:
15     akv_mem FILE get KEY
16     akv_mem FILE delete KEY
17     akv_mem FILE insert KEY VALUE
18     akv_mem FILE update KEY VALUE
19 ";

There is no negation operator for these matches. That is, #[cfg(target_os != "windows")] does not work. Instead, there is a function-like syntax for specifying matches. Use #[cfg(not(...))] for negation. #[cfg(all(...))] and #[cfg(any(...))] are also available to match elements of a list. Lastly, it’s possible to tweak cfg attributes when invoking cargo or rustc via the --cfg ATTRIBUTE command-line argument.

The list of conditions that can trigger compilation changes is extensive. Table 7.7 outlines several of these.

Table 7.7 Options available to match against with cfg attributes


Valid options



aarch64, arm, mips, powerpc, powerpc64, x86, x86_64

Not an exclusive list.


android, bitrig, dragonfly, freebsd, haiku, ios, linux, macos, netbsd, redox, openbsd, windows

Not an exclusive list.


unix, windows


"", gnu, msvc, musl

This is often an empty string ("").


big, little



32, 64

The size (in bits) of the target architecture’s pointer. Used for isize, usize, * const, and * mut types.


8, 16, 32, 64, ptr

Integer sizes that have support for atomic operations. During atomic operations, the CPU takes responsibility for preventing race conditions with shared data at the expense of performance. The word atomic is used in the sense of indivisible.


apple, pc, unknown


No available options; just uses a simple Boolean check.


No available options; just uses a simple Boolean check. This attribute is present for non-optimized builds and supports the debug_assert! macro.

7.7 Understanding the core of actionkv: The libactionkv crate

The command-line application built in section 7.6 dispatches its work to libactionkv::ActionKV. The responsibilities of the ActionKV struct are to manage interactions with the filesystem and to encode and decode data from the on-disk format. Figure 7.2 depicts the relationships.

Figure 7.2 Relationship between libactionkv and other components of the actionkv project

7.7.1 Initializing the ActionKV struct

Listing 7.10, an excerpt from listing 7.8, shows the initialization process of libactionkv::ActionKV. To create an instance of libactionkv::ActionKV, we need to do the following:

  1. Point to the file where the data is stored

  2. Load an in-memory index from the data within the file

Listing 7.10 Initializing libactionkv::ActionKV

30 let mut store = ActionKV::open(path)
31                .expect("unable to open file");    
33 store.load().expect("unable to load data");       

Opens the file at path

Creates an in-memory index by loading the data from path

Both steps return Result, which is why the calls to .expect() are also present. Let’s now look inside the code of ActionKV::open() and ActionKV::load(). open() opens the file from disk, and load() loads the offsets of any pre-existing data into an in-memory index. The code uses two type aliases, ByteStr and ByteString:

type ByteStr = [u8];

We’ll use the ByteStr type alias for data that tends to be used as a string but happens to be in a binary (raw bytes) form. Its text-based peer is the built-in str. Unlike str, ByteStr is not guaranteed to contain valid UTF-8 text.

Both str and [u8] (or its alias ByteStr) are seen in the wild as &str and &[u8] (or &ByteStr). These are both called slices.

type ByteString = Vec<u8>;

The alias ByteString will be the workhorse when we want to use a type that behaves like a String. It’s also one that can contain arbitrary binary data. The following listing, an excerpt from listing 7.16, demonstrates the use of ActionKV::open().

Listing 7.11 Using ActionKV::open()

 12 type ByteString = Vec<u8>;                            
 14 type ByteStr = [u8];                                  
 16 #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]              
 17 pub struct KeyValuePair {
 18     pub key: ByteString,
 19     pub value: ByteString,
 20 }
 22 #[derive(Debug)]
 23 pub struct ActionKV {
 24     f: File,
 25     pub index: HashMap<ByteString, u64>,              
 26 }
 28 impl ActionKV {
 29     pub fn open(path: &Path) -> io::Result<Self> {
 30         let f = OpenOptions::new()
 31                 .read(true)
 32                 .write(true)
 33                 .create(true)
 34                 .append(true)
 35                 .open(path)?;
 36         let index = HashMap::new();
 37         Ok(ActionKV { f, index })
 38     }

 79 pub fn load(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {            
 81   let mut f = BufReader::new(&mut self.f);
 83   loop {
 84     let position = f.seek(SeekFrom::Current(0))?;     
 86     let maybe_kv = ActionKV::process_record(&mut f);  
 88     let kv = match maybe_kv {
 89       Ok(kv) => kv,
 90       Err(err) => {
 91         match err.kind() {
 92           io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof => {           
 93             break;
 94           }
 95           _ => return Err(err),
 96         }
 97       }
 98     };
100     self.index.insert(kv.key, position);
101   }
103   Ok(())
104 }

This code processes lots of Vec<u8> data. Because that’s used in the same way as String tends to be used, ByteString is a useful alias.

ByteStr is to &str what ByteString is to Vec<u8>.

Instructs the compiler to generate serialized code to enable writing KeyValuePair data to disk. Serialize and Deserialize are explained in section 7.2.1.

Maintains a mapping between keys and file locations

ActionKV::load() populates the index of the ActionKV struct, mapping keys to file positions.

File::seek() returns the number of bytes from the start of the file. This becomes the value of the index.

ActionKV::process_record() reads a record in the file at its current position.

Unexpected is relative. The application might not have expected to encounter the end of the file, but we expect files to be finite, so we’ll deal with that eventuality.

What is EOF?

File operations in Rust might return an error of type std::io::ErrorKind:: UnexpectedEof, but what is Eof? The end of file (EOF) is a convention that operating systems provide to applications. There is no special marker or delimiter at the end of a file within the file itself.

EOF is a zero byte (0u8). When reading from a file, the OS tells the application how many bytes were successfully read from storage. If no bytes were successfully read from disk, yet no error condition was detected, then the OS and, therefore, the application assume that EOF has been reached.

This works because the OS has the responsibility for interacting with physical devices. When a file is read by an application, the application notifies the OS that it would like to access the disk.

7.7.2 Processing an individual record

actionkv uses a published standard for its on-disk representation. It is an implementation of the Bitcask storage backend that was developed for the original implementation of the Riak database. Bitcask belongs to a family of file formats known in the literature as Log-Structured Hash Tables.

What is Riak?

Riak, a NoSQL database, was developed during the height of the NoSQL movement and competed against similar systems such as MongoDB, Apache CouchDB, and Tokyo Tyrant. It distinguished itself with its emphasis on resilience to failure.

Although it was slower than its peers, it guaranteed that it never lost data. That guarantee was enabled in part because of its smart choice of a data format.

Bitcask lays every record in a prescribed manner. Figure 7.3 illustrates a single record in the Bitcask file format.

Figure 7.3 A single record in the Bitcask file format. To parse a record, read the header information, then use that information to read the body. Lastly, verify the body’s contents with the checksum provided in the header.

Every key-value pair is prefixed by 12 bytes. Those bytes describe its length (key_len + val_len) and its content (checksum).

The process_record() function does the processing for this within ActionKV. It begins by reading 12 bytes that represent three integers: a checksum, the length of the key, and the length of the value. Those values are then used to read the rest of the data from disk and verify what’s intended. The following listing, an extract from listing 7.16, shows the code for this process.

Listing 7.12 Focusing on the ActionKV::process_record() method

43 fn process_record<R: Read>(
44   f: &mut R                                               
45 ) -> io::Result<KeyValuePair> {
46     let saved_checksum =                                  
47       f.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;                      
48     let key_len =                                         
49       f.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;                      
50     let val_len =                                         
51       f.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;                      
52     let data_len = key_len + val_len;
54     let mut data = ByteString::with_capacity(data_len as usize);
56     {
57       f.by_ref()                                          
58         .take(data_len as u64)
59         .read_to_end(&mut data)?;
60     }
61     debug_assert_eq!(data.len(), data_len as usize);      
63     let checksum = crc32::checksum_ieee(&data);           
64     if checksum != saved_checksum {
65       panic!(
66         "data corruption encountered ({:08x} != {:08x})",
67         checksum, saved_checksum
68       );
69     }
71     let value = data.split_off(key_len as usize);         
72     let key = data;
74     Ok( KeyValuePair { key, value } )
75 }

f may be any type that implements Read, such as a type that reads files, but can also be &[u8].

The byteorder crate allows on-disk integers to be read in a deterministic manner as discussed in the following section.

f.by_ref() is required because take(n) creates a new Read value. Using a reference within this short-lived block sidesteps ownership issues.

debug_assert! tests are disabled in optimized builds, enabling debug builds to have more runtime checks.

A checksum (a number) verifies that the bytes read from disk are the same as what was intended. This process is discussed in section 7.7.4.

The split_off(n) method splits a Vec<T> in two at n.

7.7.3 Writing multi-byte binary data to disk in a guaranteed byte order

One challenge that our code faces is that it needs to be able to store multi-byte data to disk in a deterministic way. This sounds easy, but computing platforms differ as to how numbers are read. Some read the 4 bytes of an i32 from left to right; others read from right to left. That could potentially be a problem if the program is designed to be written by one computer and loaded by another.

The Rust ecosystem provides some support here. The byteorder crate can extend types that implement the standard library’s std::io::Read and std::io::Write traits. std::io::Read and std::io::Write are commonly associated with std::io::File but are also implemented by other types such as [u8] and TcpStream. The extensions can guarantee how multi-byte sequences are interpreted, either as little endian or big endian.

To follow what’s going on with our key-value store, it will help to have an understanding of how byteorder works. Listing 7.14 is a toy application that demonstrates the core functionality. Lines 11–23 show how to write to a file and lines 28–35 show how to read from one. The two key lines are

use byteorder::{LittleEndian};
use byteorder::{ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt};

byteorder::LittleEndian and its peers BigEndian and NativeEndian (not used in listing 7.14) are types that declare how multi-byte data is written to and read from disk. byteorder::ReadBytesExt and byteorder::WriteBytesExt are traits. In some sense, these are invisible within the code.

These extend methods to primitive types such as f32 and i16 without further ceremony. Bringing those into scope with a use statement immediately adds powers to the types that are implemented within the source of byteorder (in practice, that means primitive types). Rust, as a statically-typed language, makes this transformation at compile time. From the running program’s point of view, integers always have the ability to write themselves to disk in a predefined order.

When executed, listing 7.14 produces a visualization of the byte patterns that are created by writing 1_u32, 2_i8, and 3.0_f32 in little-endian order. Here’s the output:

[1, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 0, 0, 0, 2]
[1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 64]

The following listing shows the metadata for the project in listing 7.14. You’ll find the source code for the following listing in ch7/ch7-write123/Cargo.toml. The source code for listing 7.14 is in ch7/ch7-write123/src/main.rs.

Listing 7.13 Metadata for listing 7.14

name = "write123"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Tim McNamara <[email protected]>"]
edition = "2018"
byteorder = "1.2"

Listing 7.14 Writing integers to disk

 1 use std::io::Cursor;                               
 2 use byteorder::{LittleEndian};                     
 3 use byteorder::{ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt};      
 5 fn write_numbers_to_file() -> (u32, i8, f64) {
 6   let mut w = vec![];                              
 8   let one: u32   = 1;
 9   let two: i8    = 2;
10   let three: f64 = 3.0;
12   w.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(one).unwrap();       
13   println!("{:?}", &w);
15   w.write_i8(two).unwrap();                        
16   println!("{:?}", &w);
18   w.write_f64::<LittleEndian>(three).unwrap();     
19   println!("{:?}", &w);
21   (one, two, three)
22 }
24 fn read_numbers_from_file() -> (u32, i8, f64) {
25   let mut r = Cursor::new(vec![1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 64]);
26   let one_ = r.read_u32::<LittleEndian>().unwrap();
27   let two_ = r.read_i8().unwrap();
28   let three_ = r.read_f64::<LittleEndian>().unwrap();
30   (one_, two_, three_)
31 }
33 fn main() {
34   let (one, two, three) = write_numbers_to_file();
35   let (one_, two_, three_) = read_numbers_from_file();
37   assert_eq!(one, one_);
38   assert_eq!(two, two_);
39   assert_eq!(three, three_);
40 }

As files support the ability to seek(), moving backward and forward to different positions, something is necessary to enable a Vec<T> to mock being a file. io::Cursor plays that role, enabling an in-memory Vec<T> to be file-like.

Used as a type argument for a program’s various read_*() and write_*() methods

Traits that provide read_*() and write_*()

The variable w stands for writer.

Writes values to disk. These methods return io::Result, which we swallow here as these won’t fail unless something is seriously wrong with the computer that’s running the program.

Single byte types i8 and u8 don’t take an endianness parameter.

7.7.4 Validating I/O errors with checksums

actionkv v1 has no method of validating that what it has read from disk is what was written to disk. What if something is interrupted during the original write? We may not be able to recover the original data if this is the case, but if we could recognize the issue, then we would be in a position to alert the user.

A well-worn path to overcome this problem is to use a technique called a checksum. Here’s how it works:

  • Saving to disk—Before data is written to disk, a checking function (there are many options as to which function) is applied to those bytes. The result of the checking function (the checksum) is written alongside the original data.

    No checksum is calculated for the bytes of the checksum. If something breaks while writing the checksum’s own bytes to disk, this will be noticed later as an error.

  • Reading from disk—Read the data and the saved checksum, applying the checking function to the data. Then compare the results of the two checking functions. If the two results do not match, an error has occurred, and the data should be considered corrupted.

Which checking function should you use? Like many things in computer science, it depends. An ideal checksum function would

  • Return the same result for the same input

  • Always return a different result for different inputs

  • Be fast

  • Be easy to implement

Table 7.8 compares the different checksum approaches. To summarize

  • The parity bit is easy and fast, but it is somewhat prone to error.

  • CRC32 (cyclic redundancy check returning 32 bits) is much more complex, but its results are more trustworthy.

  • Cryptographic hash functions are more complex still. Although being significantly slower, they provide high levels of assurance.

Table 7.8 A simplistic evaluation of different checksum functions

Checksum technique

Size of result




Parity bit

1 bit





32 bits




Cryptographic hash function

128–512 bits (or more)




Functions that you might see in the wild depend on your application domain. More traditional areas might see the use of simpler systems, such as a parity bit or CRC32.

Implementing parity bit checking

This section describes one of the simpler checksum schemes: parity checking. Parity checks count the number of 1s within a bitstream. These store a bit that indicates whether the count was even or odd.

Parity bits are traditionally used for error detection within noisy communication systems, such as transmitting data over analog systems such as radio waves. For example, the ASCII encoding of text has a particular property that makes it quite convenient for this scheme. Its 128 characters only require 7 bits of storage (128 = 27). That leaves 1 spare bit in every byte.

Systems can also include parity bits in larger streams of bytes. Listing 7.15 presents an (overly chatty) implementation. The parity_bit() function in lines 1–10 takes an arbitrary stream of bytes and returns a u8, indicating whether the count of the input’s bits was even or odd. When executed, listing 7.15 produces the following output:

input: [97, 98, 99]               
97 (0b01100001) has 3 one bits
98 (0b01100010) has 3 one bits
99 (0b01100011) has 4 one bits
output: 00000001
input: [97, 98, 99, 100]          
97 (0b01100001) has 3 one bits
98 (0b01100010) has 3 one bits
99 (0b01100011) has 4 one bits
100 (0b01100100) has 3 one bits
result: 00000000

input: [97, 98, 99] represents b"abc" as seen by the internals of the Rust compiler.

input: [97, 98, 99, 100] represents b"abcd".

Note The code for the following listing is in ch7/ch7-paritybit/src/main.rs.

Listing 7.15 Implementing parity bit checking

 1 fn parity_bit(bytes: &[u8]) -> u8 {     
 2   let mut n_ones: u32 = 0;
 4   for byte in bytes {
 5     let ones = byte.count_ones();       
 6     n_ones += ones;
 7     println!("{} (0b{:08b}) has {} one bits", byte, byte, ones);
 8   }
 9   (n_ones % 2 == 0) as u8               
10 }
12 fn main() {
13   let abc = b"abc";
14   println!("input: {:?}", abc);
15   println!("output: {:08x}", parity_bit(abc));
16   println!();
17   let abcd = b"abcd";
18   println!("input: {:?}", abcd);
19   println!("result: {:08x}", parity_bit(abcd))
20 }

Takes a byte slice as the bytes argument and returns a single byte as output. This function could have easily returned a bool value, but returning u8 allows the result to bit shift into some future desired position.

All of Rust’s integer types come equipped with count_ones() and count_zeros() methods.

There are plenty of methods to optimize this function. One fairly simple approach is to hard code a const [u8; 256] array of 0s and 1s, corresponding to the intended result, then index that array with each byte.

7.7.5 Inserting a new key-value pair into an existing database

As discussed in section 7.6, there are four operations that our code needs to support: insert, get, update, and delete. Because we’re using an append-only design, this means that the last two operations can be implemented as variants of insert.

You may have noticed that during load(), the inner loop continues until the end of the file. This allows more recent updates to overwrite stale data, including deletions. Inserting a new record is almost the inverse of process_record(), described in section 7.7.2. For example

164 pub fn insert(
165   &mut self,
166   key: &ByteStr,
167   value: &ByteStr
168 ) -> io::Result<()> {
169   let position = self.insert_but_ignore_index(key, value)?;
171   self.index.insert(key.to_vec(), position);   
172   Ok(())
173 }
175 pub fn insert_but_ignore_index(
176   &mut self,
177   key: &ByteStr,
178   value: &ByteStr
179 ) -> io::Result<u64> {
180   let mut f = BufWriter::new(&mut self.f);     
182   let key_len = key.len();
183   let val_len = value.len();
184   let mut tmp = ByteString::with_capacity(key_len + val_len);
186   for byte in key {                            
187       tmp.push(*byte);                         
188   }                                            
190   for byte in value {                          
191       tmp.push(*byte);                         
192   }                                            
194   let checksum = crc32::checksum_ieee(&tmp);
196   let next_byte = SeekFrom::End(0);
197   let current_position = f.seek(SeekFrom::Current(0))?;
198   f.seek(next_byte)?;
199   f.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(checksum)?;
200   f.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(key_len as u32)?;
201   f.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(val_len as u32)?;
202   f.write_all(&mut tmp)?;
204   Ok(current_position)
205 }

key.to_vec() converts the &ByteStr to a ByteString.

The std::io::BufWriter type batches multiple short write() calls into fewer actual disk operations, resulting in a single one. This increases throughput while keeping the application code neater.

Iterating through one collection to populate another is slightly awkward, but gets the job done.

7.7.6 The full code listing for actionkv

libactionkv performs the heavy lifting in our key-value stores. You have already explored much of the actionkv project throughout section 7.7. The following listing, which you’ll find in the file ch7/ch7-actionkv1/src/lib.rs, presents the project code in full.

Listing 7.16 The actionkv project (full code)

  1 use std::collections::HashMap;
  2 use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
  3 use std::io;
  4 use std::io::prelude::*;
  5 use std::io::{BufReader, BufWriter, SeekFrom};
  6 use std::path::Path;
  8 use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt};
  9 use crc::crc32;
 10 use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 12 type ByteString = Vec<u8>;
 13 type ByteStr = [u8];
 15 #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
 16 pub struct KeyValuePair {
 17   pub key: ByteString,
 18   pub value: ByteString,
 19 }
 21 #[derive(Debug)]
 22 pub struct ActionKV {
 23   f: File,
 24   pub index: HashMap<ByteString, u64>,
 25 }
 27 impl ActionKV {
 28   pub fn open(
 29     path: &Path
 30   ) -> io::Result<Self> {
 31     let f = OpenOptions::new()
 32       .read(true)
 33       .write(true)
 34       .create(true)
 35       .append(true)
 36       .open(path)?;
 37     let index = HashMap::new();
 38     Ok(ActionKV { f, index })
 39   }
 41   fn process_record<R: Read>(                   
 42     f: &mut R
 43   ) -> io::Result<KeyValuePair> {
 44     let saved_checksum =
 45       f.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
 46     let key_len =
 47       f.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
 48     let val_len =
 49       f.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
 50     let data_len = key_len + val_len;
 52     let mut data = ByteString::with_capacity(data_len as usize);
 54     {
 55       f.by_ref()                                
 56         .take(data_len as u64)
 57         .read_to_end(&mut data)?;
 58     }
 59     debug_assert_eq!(data.len(), data_len as usize);
 61     let checksum = crc32::checksum_ieee(&data);
 62     if checksum != saved_checksum {
 63       panic!(
 64         "data corruption encountered ({:08x} != {:08x})",
 65         checksum, saved_checksum
 66       );
 67     }
 69     let value = data.split_off(key_len as usize);
 70     let key = data;
 72     Ok(KeyValuePair { key, value })
 73   }
 75   pub fn seek_to_end(&mut self) -> io::Result<u64> {
 76     self.f.seek(SeekFrom::End(0))
 77   }
 79   pub fn load(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
 80     let mut f = BufReader::new(&mut self.f);
 82     loop {
 83       let current_position = f.seek(SeekFrom::Current(0))?;
 85       let maybe_kv = ActionKV::process_record(&mut f);
 86       let kv = match maybe_kv {
 87         Ok(kv) => kv,
 88         Err(err) => {
 89           match err.kind() {
 90             io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof => {    
 91               break;
 92             }
 93             _ => return Err(err),
 94           }
 95         }
 96       };
 98       self.index.insert(kv.key, current_position);
 99     }
101     Ok(())
102   }
104   pub fn get(
105     &mut self,
106     key: &ByteStr
107   ) -> io::Result<Option<ByteString>> {          
108     let position = match self.index.get(key) {
109       None => return Ok(None),
110       Some(position) => *position,
111     };
113     let kv = self.get_at(position)?;
115     Ok(Some(kv.value))
116   }
118   pub fn get_at(
119     &mut self,
120     position: u64
121   ) -> io::Result<KeyValuePair> {
122     let mut f = BufReader::new(&mut self.f);
123     f.seek(SeekFrom::Start(position))?;
124     let kv = ActionKV::process_record(&mut f)?;
126     Ok(kv)
127   }
129   pub fn find(
130     &mut self,
131     target: &ByteStr
132   ) -> io::Result<Option<(u64, ByteString)>> {
133     let mut f = BufReader::new(&mut self.f);
135     let mut found: Option<(u64, ByteString)> = None;
137     loop {
138       let position = f.seek(SeekFrom::Current(0))?;
140       let maybe_kv = ActionKV::process_record(&mut f);
141       let kv = match maybe_kv {
142         Ok(kv) => kv,
143         Err(err) => {
144           match err.kind() {
145             io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof => {     
146               break;
147             }
148             _ => return Err(err),
149           }
150         }
151       };
153       if kv.key == target {
154         found = Some((position, kv.value));
155       }
157       // important to keep looping until the end of the file,
158       // in case the key has been overwritten
159     }
161     Ok(found)
162   }
164   pub fn insert(
165     &mut self,
166     key: &ByteStr,
167     value: &ByteStr
168   ) -> io::Result<()> {
169     let position = self.insert_but_ignore_index(key, value)?;
171     self.index.insert(key.to_vec(), position);
172     Ok(())
173   }
175   pub fn insert_but_ignore_index(
176     &mut self,
177     key: &ByteStr,
178     value: &ByteStr
179   ) -> io::Result<u64> {
180     let mut f = BufWriter::new(&mut self.f);
182     let key_len = key.len();
183     let val_len = value.len();
184     let mut tmp = ByteString::with_capacity(key_len + val_len);
186     for byte in key {
187       tmp.push(*byte);
188     }
190     for byte in value {
191       tmp.push(*byte);
192     }
194     let checksum = crc32::checksum_ieee(&tmp);
196     let next_byte = SeekFrom::End(0);
197     let current_position = f.seek(SeekFrom::Current(0))?;
198     f.seek(next_byte)?;
199     f.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(checksum)?;
200     f.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(key_len as u32)?;
201     f.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(val_len as u32)?;
202     f.write_all(&tmp)?;
204     Ok(current_position)
205   }
207   #[inline]
208   pub fn update(
209     &mut self,
210     key: &ByteStr,
211     value: &ByteStr
212   ) -> io::Result<()> {
213     self.insert(key, value)
214   }
216   #[inline]
217   pub fn delete(
218     &mut self,
219     key: &ByteStr
220   ) -> io::Result<()> {
221     self.insert(key, b"")
222   }
223 }

process_record() assumes that f is already at the right place in the file.

f.by_ref() is required because .take(n) creates a new Read instance. Using a reference within this block allows us to sidestep ownership issues.

"Unexpected" is relative. The application may not have expected it, but we expect files to be finite.

Wraps Option within Result to allow for the possibility of an I/O error as well as tolerating missing values

"Unexpected" is relative. The application may not have expected it, but we expect files to be finite.

If you’ve made it this far, you should congratulate yourself. You’ve implemented a key-value store that will happily store and retrieve whatever you have to throw at it.

7.7.7 Working with keys and values with HashMap and BTreeMap

Working with key-value pairs happens in almost every programming language. For the tremendous benefit of learners everywhere, this task and the data structures that support it have many names:

  • You might encounter someone with a computer science background who prefers to use the term hash table.

  • Perl and Ruby call these hashes.

  • Lua does the opposite and uses the term table.

  • Many communities name the structure after a metaphor such as a dictionary or a map.

  • Other communities prefer naming based on the role that the structure plays.

  • PHP describes these as associative arrays.

  • JavaScript’s objects tend to be implemented as a key-value pair collection and so the generic term object suffices.

  • Static languages tend to name these according to how they are implemented.

  • C++ and Java distinguish between a hash map and a tree map.

Rust uses the terms HashMap and BTreeMap to define two implementations of the same abstract data type. Rust is closest to C++ and Java in this regard. In this book, the terms collection of key-value pairs and associative array refer to the abstract data type. Hash table refers to associative arrays implemented with a hash table, and a HashMap refers to Rust’s implementation of hash tables.

What is a hash? What is hashing?

If you’ve ever been confused by the term hash, it may help to understand that this relates to an implementation decision made to enable non-integer keys to map to values. Hopefully, the following definitions will clarify the term:

  • A HashMap is implemented with a hash function. Computer scientists will understand that this implies a certain behavior pattern in common cases. A hash map has a constant time lookup in general, formally denoted as O(1) in big O notation. (Although a hash map’s performance can suffer when its underlying hash function encounters some pathological cases as we’ll see shortly.)

  • A hash function maps between values of variable-length to fixed-length. In practice, the return value of a hash function is an integer. That fixed-width value can then be used to build an efficient lookup table. This internal lookup table is known as a hash table.

The following example shows a basic hash function for &str that simply interprets the first character of a string as an unsigned integer. It, therefore, uses the first character of the string as an hash value:

fn basic_hash(key: &str) -> u32 {
    let first = key.chars()                       
    unsafe {                                      
        std::mem::transmute::<char, u32>(first)   

The .chars() iterator converts the string into a series of char values, each 4 bytes long.

Returns an Option that’s either Some(char) or None for empty strings

If an empty string, provides NULL as the default. unwrap_or() behaves as unwrap() but provides a value rather than panicking when it encounters None.

Interprets the memory of first as an u32, even though its type is char

basic_hash can take any string as input—an infinite set of possible inputs—and return a fixed-width result for all of those in a deterministic manner. That’s great! But, although basic_hash is fast, it has some significant faults.

If multiple inputs start with the same character (for example, Tonga and Tuvalu), these result in the same output. This happens in every instance when an infinite input space is mapped into a finite space, but it’s particularly bad here. Natural language text is not uniformly distributed.

Hash tables, including Rust’s HashMap, deal with this phenomenon, which is called a hash collision. These provide a backup location for keys with the same hash value. That secondary storage is typically a Vec<T> that we’ll call the collision store. When collisions occur, the collision store is scanned from front to back when it is accessed. That linear scan takes longer and longer to run as the store’s size increases. Attackers can make use of this characteristic to overload the computer that is performing the hash function.

In general terms, faster hash functions do less work to avoid being attacked. These will also perform best when their inputs are within a defined range.

Fully understanding the internals of how hash tables are implemented is too much detail for this sidebar. But it’s a fascinating topic for programmers who want to extract optimum performance and memory usage from their programs.

7.7.8 Creating a HashMap and populating it with values

The next listing provides a collection of key-value pairs encoded as JSON. It uses some Polynesian island nations and their capital cities to show the use of an associative array.

Listing 7.17 Demonstrating the use of an associative array in JSON notation

  "Cook Islands": "Avarua",
  "Fiji": "Suva",
  "Kiribati": "South Tarawa",
  "Niue": "Alofi",
  "Tonga": "Nuku'alofa",
  "Tuvalu": "Funafuti"

Rust does not provide a literal syntax for HashMap within the standard library. To insert items and get them out again, follow the example provided in listing 7.18, whose source is available in ch7/ch7-pacific-basic/src/main.rs. When executed, listing 7.18 produces the following line in the console:

Capital of Tonga is: Nuku'alofa

Listing 7.18 An example of the basic operations of HashMap

 1 use std::collections::HashMap;
 3 fn main() {
 4   let mut capitals = HashMap::new();         
 6   capitals.insert("Cook Islands", "Avarua");
 7   capitals.insert("Fiji", "Suva");
 8   capitals.insert("Kiribati", "South Tarawa");
 9   capitals.insert("Niue", "Alofi");
10   capitals.insert("Tonga", "Nuku'alofa");
11   capitals.insert("Tuvalu", "Funafuti");
13   let tongan_capital = capitals["Tonga"];    
15   println!("Capital of Tonga is: {}", tongan_capital);
16 }

Type declarations of keys and values are not required here as these are inferred by the Rust compiler.

HashMap implements Index, which allows for values to be retrieved via the square bracket indexing style.

Writing everything out as method calls can feel needlessly verbose at times. With some support from the wider Rust ecosystem, it’s possible to inject JSON string literals into Rust code. It’s best that the conversion is done at compile time, meaning no loss of runtime performance. The output of listing 7.19 is also a single line:

Capital of Tonga is: "Nuku'alofa"      

Uses double quotes because the json! macro returns a wrapper around String, its default representation

The next listing uses a serde-json crate to include JSON literals within your Rust source code. Its source code is in the ch7/ch7-pacific-json/src/main.rs file.

Listing 7.19 Including JSON literals with serde-json

 1 #[macro_use]                    
 2 extern crate serde_json;        
 4 fn main() {
 5   let capitals = json!({        
 6     "Cook Islands": "Avarua",
 7     "Fiji": "Suva",
 8     "Kiribati": "South Tarawa",
 9     "Niue": "Alofi",
10     "Tonga": "Nuku'alofa",
11     "Tuvalu": "Funafuti"
12   });
14   println!("Capital of Tonga is: {}", capitals["Tonga"])
15 }

Incorporates the serde_json crate and makes use of its macros, bringing the json! macro into scope

json! takes a JSON literal and some Rust expressions to implement String values. It converts these into a Rust value of type serde_json::Value, an enum that can represent every type within the JSON specification.

7.7.9 Retrieving values from HashMap and BTreeMap

The main advantage that a key-value store provides is the ability to access its values. There are two ways to achieve this. To demonstrate, let’s assume that we have initialized capitals from listing 7.19. The approach (already demonstrated) is to access values via square brackets:


Returns "Nuku’alofa"

This approach returns a read-only reference to the value, which is deceptive when dealing with examples containing string literals because their status as references is somewhat disguised. In the syntax used by Rust’s documentation, this is described as &V, where & denotes a read-only reference and V is the type of the value. If the key is not present, the program will panic.

Note Index notation is supported by all types that implement the Index trait. Accessing capitals["Tonga"] is syntactic sugar for capitals.index("Tonga").

It’s also possible to use the .get() method on HashMap. This returns an Option<&V>, providing the opportunity to recover from cases where values are missing. For example


Returns Some("Nuku’alofa")

Other important operations supported by HashMap include

  • Deleting key-value pairs with the .remove() method

  • Iterating over keys, values, and key-value pairs with the .keys(), .values(), and .iter() methods, respectively, as well as their read-write variants, .keys_mut(), .values_mut(), and .iter_mut()

There is no method for iterating through a subset of the data. For that, we need to use BTreeMap.

7.7.10 How to decide between HashMap and BTreeMap

If you’re wondering about which backing data structure to choose, here is a simple guideline: use HashMap unless you have a good reason to use BTreeMap. BTreeMap is faster when there is a natural ordering between the keys, and your application makes use of that arrangement. Table 7.9 highlights the differences.

Let’s demonstrate these two use cases with a small example from Europe. The Dutch East India Company, known as VOC after the initials of its Dutch name, Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, was an extremely powerful economic and political force at its peak. For two centuries, VOC was a dominant trader between Asia and Europe. It had its own navy and currency, and established its own colonies (called trading posts). It was also the first company to issue bonds. In the beginning, investors from six business chambers (kamers) provided capital for the business.

Let’s use these investments as key-value pairs. When listing 7.20 is compiled, it produces an executable that generates the following output:

$ cargo run -q 
Rotterdam invested 173000
Hoorn invested 266868
Delft invested 469400
Enkhuizen invested 540000
Middelburg invested 1300405
Amsterdam invested 3697915
smaller chambers: Rotterdam Hoorn Delft

Listing 7.20 Demonstrating range queries and ordered iteration of BTreeMap

 1 use std::collections::BTreeMap;
 3 fn main() {
 4   let mut voc = BTreeMap::new();
 6   voc.insert(3_697_915, "Amsterdam");
 7   voc.insert(1_300_405, "Middelburg");
 8   voc.insert(  540_000, "Enkhuizen");
 9   voc.insert(  469_400, "Delft");
10   voc.insert(  266_868, "Hoorn");
11   voc.insert(  173_000, "Rotterdam");
13   for (guilders, kamer) in &voc {
14     println!("{} invested {}", kamer, guilders);     
15   }
17   print!("smaller chambers: ");
18   for (_guilders, kamer) in voc.range(0..500_000) {  
19     print!("{} ", kamer);                            
20   }
21   println!("");
22 }

Prints in sorted order

BTreeMap lets you select a portion of the keys that are iterated through with the range syntax.

Table 7.9 Deciding on which implementation to use to map keys to values

std::collections::HashMap with a default hash function (known as SipHash in the literature)

Cryptographically secure and resistant to denial of service attacks but slower than alternative hash functions


Useful for keys with an inherent ordering, where cache coherence can provide a boost in speed

7.7.11 Adding a database index to actionkv v2.0

Databases and filesystems are much larger pieces of software than single files. There is a large design space involved with storage and retrieval systems, which is why new ones are always being developed. Common to all of those systems, however, is a component that is the real smarts behind the database.

Built in section 7.5.2, actionkv v1 contains a major issue that prevents it from having a decent startup time. Every time it’s run, it needs to rebuild its index of where keys are stored. Let’s add the ability for actionkv to store its own data that indexes within the same file that’s used to store its application data. It will be easier than it sounds. No changes to libactionkv are necessary. And the front-end code only requires minor additions. The project folder now has a new structure with an extra file (shown in the following listing).

Listing 7.21 The updated project structure for actionkv v2.0

├── src
│   ├── akv_disk.rs      
│   ├── akv_mem.rs
│   └── lib.rs
└── Cargo.toml           

New file included in the project

Two updates that add a new binary and dependencies are required in Cargo.toml.

The project’s Cargo.toml adds some new dependencies along with a second [[bin]] entry, as the last three lines of the following listing show. The source for this listing is in ch7/ch7-actionkv2/Cargo.toml.

Listing 7.22 Updating the Cargo.toml file for actionkv v2.0

name = "actionkv"
version = "2.0.0"
authors = ["Tim McNamara <[email protected]>"]
edition = "2018"
bincode = "1"              
byteorder = "1"
crc = "1"
serde = "1"                
serde_derive = "1"         
name = "libactionkv"
path = "src/lib.rs"
name = "akv_mem"
path = "src/akv_mem.rs"
name = "akv_disk"           
path = "src/akv_disk.rs"    

New dependencies to assist with writing the index to disk

New executable definition

When a key is accessed with the get operation, to find its location on disk, we first need to load the index from disk and convert it to its in-memory form. The following listing is an excerpt from listing 7.24. The on-disk implementation of actionkv includes a hidden INDEX_KEY value that allows it to quickly access other records in the file.

Listing 7.23 Highlighting the main change from listing 7.8

48 match action {
49   "get" => {
50     let index_as_bytes = a.get(&INDEX_KEY)        
51                           .unwrap()               
52                           .unwrap();              
54     let index_decoded = bincode::deserialize(&index_as_bytes);
56     let index: HashMap<ByteString, u64> = index_decoded.unwrap();
58     match index.get(key) {                        
59       None => eprintln!("{:?} not found", key),   
60       Some(&i) => {                               
61         let kv = a.get_at(i).unwrap();            
62         println!("{:?}", kv.value)                
63       }                                           
64     }
65   }

INDEX_KEY is an internal hidden name of the index within the database.

Two unwrap() calls are required because a.index is a HashMap that returns Option, and values themselves are stored within an Option to facilitate possible future deletes.

Retrieving a value now involves fetching the index first, then identifying the correct location on disk.

The following listing shows a key-value store that persists its index data between runs. The source for this listing is in ch7/ch7-actionkv2/src/akv_disk.rs.

Listing 7.24 Persisting index data between runs

 1 use libactionkv::ActionKV;
 2 use std::collections::HashMap;
 4 #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
 5 const USAGE: &str = "
 6 Usage:
 7     akv_disk.exe FILE get KEY
 8     akv_disk.exe FILE delete KEY
 9     akv_disk.exe FILE insert KEY VALUE
10     akv_disk.exe FILE update KEY VALUE
11 ";
13 #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
14 const USAGE: &str = "
15 Usage:
16     akv_disk FILE get KEY
17     akv_disk FILE delete KEY
18     akv_disk FILE insert KEY VALUE
19     akv_disk FILE update KEY VALUE
20 ";
22 type ByteStr = [u8];
23 type ByteString = Vec<u8>;
25 fn store_index_on_disk(a: &mut ActionKV, index_key: &ByteStr) {
26   a.index.remove(index_key);
27   let index_as_bytes = bincode::serialize(&a.index).unwrap();
28   a.index = std::collections::HashMap::new();
29   a.insert(index_key, &index_as_bytes).unwrap();
30 }
32 fn main() {
33   const INDEX_KEY: &ByteStr = b"+index";
35   let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
36   let fname = args.get(1).expect(&USAGE);
37   let action = args.get(2).expect(&USAGE).as_ref();
38   let key = args.get(3).expect(&USAGE).as_ref();
39   let maybe_value = args.get(4);
41   let path = std::path::Path::new(&fname);
42   let mut a = ActionKV::open(path).expect("unable to open file");
44   a.load().expect("unable to load data");
46   match action {
47     "get" => {
48       let index_as_bytes = a.get(&INDEX_KEY)
49                                     .unwrap()
50                                     .unwrap();
52       let index_decoded = bincode::deserialize(&index_as_bytes);
54       let index: HashMap<ByteString, u64> = index_decoded.unwrap();
56       match index.get(key) {
57         None => eprintln!("{:?} not found", key),
58         Some(&i) => {
59           let kv = a.get_at(i).unwrap();
60           println!("{:?}", kv.value)               
61         }
62       }
63     }
65     "delete" => a.delete(key).unwrap(),
67     "insert" => {
68       let value = maybe_value.expect(&USAGE).as_ref();
69       a.insert(key, value).unwrap();
70       store_index_on_disk(&mut a, INDEX_KEY);      
71     }
73     "update" => {
74       let value = maybe_value.expect(&USAGE).as_ref();
75       a.update(key, value).unwrap();
76       store_index_on_disk(&mut a, INDEX_KEY);      
77     }
78     _ => eprintln!("{}", &USAGE),
79   }
80 }

To print values, we need to use Debug as an [u8] value contains arbitrary bytes.

The index must also be updated whenever the data changes.


  • Converting between in-memory data structures and raw byte streams to be stored in files or sent over the network is known as serialization and deserialization. In Rust, serde is the most popular choice for these two tasks.

  • Interacting with the filesystem almost always implies handling std::io::Result. Result is used for errors that are not part of normal control flow.

  • Filesystem paths have their own types: std::path::Path and std::path:: PathBuf. While it adds to the learning burden, implementing these allows you to avoid common mistakes that can occur by treating paths directly as strings.

  • To mitigate the risk of data corruption during transit and storage, use checksums and parity bits.

  • Using a library crate makes it easier to manage complex software projects. Libraries can be shared between projects, and you can make these more modular.

  • There are two primary data structures for handling key-value pairs within the Rust standard library: HashMap and BTreeMap. Use HashMap unless you know that you want to make use of the features offered by BTreeMap.

  • The cfg attribute and cfg! macro allow you to compile platform-specific code.

  • To print to standard error (stderr), use the eprintln! macro. Its API is identical to the println! macro that is used to print to standard output (stdout).

  • The Option type is used to indicate when values may be missing, such as asking for an item from an empty list.

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