Chapter 5
Provisioning Azure SQL Database

This chapter delves into Microsoft Azure SQL Database, the Microsoft SQL Server–compatible relational database offering in the Microsoft Azure cloud. Azure SQL Database is designed so that cloud applications can take advantage of relational database services without the overhead of managing the actual database engine. Azure SQL Database is also designed to meet requirements from hosting a single database associated with an organization’s line-of-business application to hosting thousands of databases for a global software-as-a-service offering. In this chapter, we look at basic Azure SQL Database concepts and how to provision databases and manage them.

We first introduce fundamental concepts of Azure and database-as-a-service. Next, you’ll learn how to create your first server and database. These sections include thorough coverage of the available options and why each one matters. Also covered are the current limitations of Azure SQL Database compared to SQL Server 2017. You will find there aren’t many left, but, still, a successful deployment requires planning for missing features.

Security must be on your checklist when deploying any database, and perhaps even more so in the cloud. This chapter includes coverage of all the security features specific only to Azure SQL Database. For security features common to SQL Server, refer to Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. This chapter then reviews features designed to prepare your cloud-hosted database for disaster recovery. Finally, we present an overview of different methods that you can use to move on-premises SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database.

Throughout the chapter, you will also find many PowerShell samples to complete tasks. This is important because the flexibility of cloud computing offers quick setup and teardown of resources. Automation through scripting becomes a must-have skill—unless you prefer to work overtime clicking around in the web GUI. If you need an introduction to PowerShell, a solid place to start is

One area that is beyond the scope for this book is creating an Azure subscription. There are many options for creating an Azure subscription and there are ways to obtain free monthly Azure credits for developers or IT professionals. You can consult the resources at to begin your journey to the cloud.

Azure and database-as-a-service concepts

You have likely already heard or read many different definitions of cloud computing. Rather than add yet one more, we will briefly discuss some key features of cloud computing and how they apply to Azure SQL Database. The first concept relates to accounting: expenses. With traditional on-premises environments, there is usually a significant initial outlay of capital. This is called capital expenditure, or “CapEx.” Expenses in Azure, on the other hand, fall under the category of operational expenditure, or “OpEx.” With OpEx, there is no initial monetary outlay and mostly no longterm financial commitment. The fees you pay are pay-per-use charges and are all inclusive: hardware, licensing, electricity, monitoring, and so on.

Under some Azure subscription models, you are incentivized for committing to a minimum annual spend in return for a reduced service cost. It is important to note that OpEx might not be cheaper than CapEx overall—that depends on how efficiently services are provisioned and used. Those considerations are beyond the scope of this text, but we strongly encourage you to plan for optimizing your resource allocation early.

The second concept in cloud computing is elasticity. Elasticity means that the resources you provision are not fixed in terms of capacity. In on-premises environments, you would provision hardware and software (licensing) sufficient to accommodate peak demand. In Azure, elasticity gives you the ability to scale up and down or out and in as needed to accommodate demand at any given moment.

Finally, control also becomes a discussion topic. With on-premises deployments of SQL Server, the DBA team decides which hardware to select, when to apply patches, and when to upgrade to a major new release. With Azure SQL Database, it’s the team at Microsoft that makes these decisions. The team announces major changes and updates using a variety of channels, and, as a cloud DBA, one of your tasks will include regularly reviewing these announcements. You will need to thoroughly understand your Azure environment to determine which changes or updates will affect your application(s).


Azure provides many types of services, including virtual machines (VMs), web applications, and, of course, Azure SQL Database. Cloud services are often categorized in one of three types: infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and software-as-a-service (SaaS). In this book, we refer to Azure SQL Database as database-as-a-service (DBaaS), which is a specialized type of PaaS.

There is an alternative way to host SQL Server databases in the cloud, which is using Azure VM images, which can come with a SQL Server version preinstalled. In that case, you are using IaaS. With IaaS, you gain increased control and complete feature parity with on-premises deployments. IaaS also introduces more responsibility for sizing the VM specifications appropriately and managing software updates for both the operating system (OS) and SQL Server.

We encourage you to consider the implications of choosing between IaaS and PaaS for hosting your databases in the cloud. A discussion of these implications is available in Chapter 3.

Managing Azure: The Azure portal and PowerShell

When you are ready to begin using Azure, you will need to deploy, manage, and eventually tear down resources when applications are retired or upgraded. To manage on-premises Microsoft environments, you might use various GUI tools (often based on the Microsoft Management Console) or PowerShell. In Azure, the primary GUI is the Azure portal. As mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, you should also become comfortable using PowerShell. A third option for managing Azure is the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI). You can use the Azure CLI across platforms (Windows, macOS, and Linux) and within the portal using Azure Cloud Shell (in preview as of writing). In this chapter, the focus is on the GUI and the portal, with only a few key operations illustrated using Azure CLI.

For managing Azure and Azure SQL Database using PowerShell, you should always use the latest Azure PowerShell module. The module is updated frequently, so be sure to check for updates regularly. You can install the PowerShell module using the following PowerShell command, run with Administrator privileges:

Install-Module AzureRM

If you need to update the module, use the following:

Update-Module AzureRM

If you prefer a GUI to install or update the Azure PowerShell module, use the Web Platform Installer (WebPI) from If you use the WebPI to install the module, you also need to use WebPI to update it. The PowerShell Update-Module cmdlet will not be able to update the module if it was installed using the WebPI.

After installing or updating the module, you might want to test whether you can successfully connect to your Azure subscription. Use the following command to sign in to Azure using a Microsoft account or an Azure Active Directory account:


The Login-AzureRmAccount cmdlet will output the active subscription. If you need to switch the subscription, you can use the Get-AzureRmSubscription cmdlet to see a list of all subscriptions your account can manage. You can then use the Select-AzureRmSubscription cmdlet to change the active subscription to another one. This is illustrated using the commands that follow and assumes that you have a subscription with the name “Pay-As-You-Go.”

Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName 'Pay-As-You-Go'

Azure governance

Even relatively modest on-premises environments require governance—the organizational processes and procedures by which the environment is managed and responsibilities are delineated. Governance is also a necessity in cloud environments. In this chapter, we can’t delve into all of the governance issues related to cloud operations. We do, however, discuss some features of Azure that allow governance to be formalized.

Azure resources are organized in a hierarchy of containers. The container at the top level is the subscription. The subscription is primarily a billing boundary—all resources in a single subscription appear on a single bill and have the same billing cycle. There are also life cycle consequences: should a subscription be discontinued, all resources within the subscription will stop. (Eventually, the subscription will be deleted.) Security configuration is also associated with the subscription: a subscription trusts a single Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) instance. This means that all user accounts used to manage resources within the subscription must exist within the trusted Azure AD instance. Microsoft accounts or user accounts from other Azure AD instances can be added as external users to the trusted instance. An organization can choose to have multiple Azure subscriptions that trust the same Azure AD instance.

A single subscription can have many resources of several types, of which Azure SQL Database is just one. To allow organizing these resources by life cycle and to provide a security boundary, resource groups exists. Resource groups are logical containers that have a name and a little metadata. The resources in a resource group are deleted if the resource group itself is deleted, hence the life cycle relationship between the resources and the resource group. Using Role-Based Access Control, permissions can be granted on a resource group and those permissions will apply to the resources within the group. Configuring permissions this way can be a huge timesaver and increase visibility into permission assignments. This is discussed in more detail in the section “Security in Azure SQL Database” later in the chapter.

Figure 5-1 illustrates the relationship between the subscription, resource group, and resource.


Figure 5-1 The container relationship between Azure subscription, resource groups, and resources.

Logical SQL Servers

The Azure SQL Database service introduces a concept called a logical SQL Server. This “server” is quite different from what you might be used to on-premises. An Azure SQL Server is best described as a connection endpoint and less as an instance or a server. For example, a logical SQL Server does not provide compute or storage resources. It does not provide much configuration. And although there is a virtual master database, there is no model, TempDB, or msdb—those are abstracted away.

In addition to missing several features of an on-premises SQL Server, there are also features that are unique to logical SQL servers: firewall configuration and elastic pools to name just two.

Image You can find more information about firewall configuration later in this chapter. We covered elastic pools in Chapter 3.

For now, you should consider that your logical SQL server determines the geographic region where your data will be stored. When a single server hosts multiple databases, these databases are collocated in the same Azure region, but they might not be hosted on the same hardware. That is of no consequence to you when using the databases, but the point serves to illustrate the purely logical nature of the concept.


If you’ve been working with SQL Server for a few years, you’ve likely noticed the increased release cadence. This is a direct result of the cloud-first approach in SQL Server product development that Microsoft adopted a few years ago. Cloud-first in this context means that new features are generally first made available in Azure SQL Database as a preview feature. Those preview features are usually opt-in and are closely monitored by the product team. The close monitoring allows the team to quickly identify usage patterns and issues. These features are then included in the next SQL Server release. Examples of features released this way are Always Encrypted, dynamic data masking, and graph tables.

Database Transaction Unit

Database Transaction Units (DTUs) are likely the Azure SQL Database concept that new adopters struggle with the most. DBAs must comprehend what it means and come to terms with the fact that this single measure is how you determine the level of performance to expect for your database.

A DTU is a blended measure of hardware resources that are provided for the database. This blend includes CPU, memory, and data and transaction log I/O. An increase in DTU results in a linear increase in each of the hardware resources. Thus, when doubling the DTUs for a database, you are effectively doubling how much CPU, memory, and I/O is assigned to your database. The relative mix of these hardware measures was determined by Microsoft using a benchmark developed for this purpose. This benchmark is called the Azure SQL Database Benchmark. It is designed to be representative of common Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) workloads.

Image To read a detailed description of the benchmark, go to

As you’ll learn in the section on provisioning Azure SQL Database, when creating a database, you specify the number of DTUs for that database by specifying the pricing tier and service objective. Additional differences between the pricing tiers are also discussed in that section.

Inside OUT

How do you know how many DTUs to provision?

Accurately provisioning DTUs for your database workload prevents slow response times or excessive charges. There are techniques that you can use to optimize your DTU estimations. When planning for migration from on-premises to Azure SQL Database, you can use the Azure SQL Database DTU Calculator.

The DTU Calculator is a tool available as an executable or a PowerShell script that will measure processor time, drive reads and writes, and log bytes per second for your on-premises database server using performance counters. The tool creates a CSV file with the values measured over 60 minutes. This CSV file is then uploaded to the DTU Calculator website, which returns an analysis and recommendation. The DTU Calculator is not affiliated with Microsoft. You can find the DTU Calculator at

After your database is in the cloud, you can review your DTU usage and identify the queries that use the most resources by using the Query Performance Insight (QPI) blade in the portal. QPI uses information from Query Store, so verify that it is turned on if you want to use QPI. For more information on QPI, go to

Resource scalability

Scalability is a key feature of cloud computing. You can scale up or scale down an Azure SQL database with minimal impact to applications. This scaling activity is completed while the database is online. You can initiate the scaling operation from the portal or by using PowerShell. Depending on the size of the database and the nature of the scale operation, the operation can take several hours to complete.

When managing many databases, each with potentially many different scaling needs, you should also consider running these databases in an elastic pool. An elastic pool is a grouping of databases on a single logical server that share the DTUs available within the pool. We discuss elastic pools in depth in the section “Provisioning an elastic pool” later in the chapter.

Elastic scale in Azure SQL Database is also achieved using the elastic database tools client library which is available for .NET and Java applications. Applications developed using this library can save their data in different Azure SQL databases based on data-dependent routing rules while retaining the ability to run SELECT queries across all shards. This is a popular model for SaaS applications because you can assign each SaaS customer its own database.

Image You can find more information on the elastic database tools at

Provisioning a logical SQL server

Creating a logical SQL server (just called “server” from here on) is the first step in the process of deploying a database. The server determines the region that will host the database(s), provides fundamental access control and security configuration (more on that later), and the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the endpoint.

You’ll be interested to know that provisioning a server does not incur usage charges. Azure SQL Database is billed based on the DTUs assigned to each database or elastic pool. The server acts only as a container for databases and provides the connection endpoint. This is also why there are no performance or sizing specifications attached to a server.

Inside OUT

When should you create a new logical SQL server?

The logical SQL server determines the region where the databases are located. Your databases should be in the same region as the applications that access them, both to avoid cross-region traffic charges as well as to have the lowest possible latency when running queries.

Security considerations can also dictate how many logical SQL servers you operate. Because the server admin login and Azure AD principal assigned as server admins have complete control and access to all databases on a server, you might set up different servers for different applications or different environments, such as development, test, and production. On the other hand, the threat detection feature (discussed in detail in the section “Security in Azure SQL Database” later in the chapter) is charged per logical server. Therefore, it’s likely that you’ll want to strike a balance between manageability, cost, and security.

The final factors when considering creating a new server or reusing an existing one is the database life cycle and billing aggregation. The database life cycle is tied directly to the server, so if you operate databases with very different life cycles, you could benefit from improved manageability by hosting those on different servers. As it relates to billing, whereas your usage is charged per database, you might find benefits in aggregating charges for specific databases. You can aggregate charges easily by using a resource group. Recall that all databases are tied to the resource group of the server where they are hosted. Therefore, if you want to aggregate charges for specific databases, these databases should be deployed to separate servers, each in a different resource group.

Creating a server using the Azure portal

To provision a server using the Azure portal, you use the SQL Server (logical server only) blade. You need to provide the following information to create a server:

  • Server name. The server name becomes the DNS name of the server. The domain name is fixed to This means that your server name must be globally unique and lowercase. There are also restrictions as to which characters are allowed, though those restrictions are comparable to on-premises server names.

  • Server admin login. This user name is best compared to the “sa” account in SQL Server. However, you cannot use “sa” or other common SQL Server identifiers for this user name; they are reserved for internal purposes. You should choose a generic name rather than a name derived from your name because you cannot change the server admin login later.

  • Password. Unlike on-premises SQL Server, it’s not possible to turn off SQL Server Authentication. Therefore, the password associated with the server admin login should be very strong and carefully guarded. Unlike the login itself, Azure users with specific roles can change it.

Image You can read more about Role-Based Access Control to your Azure SQL Database resources later in the chapter.

  • Subscription. The subscription in which you create the server determines which Azure account will be associated with databases on this server. Database usage charges are billed to the subscription.

  • Resource group. The resource group where this server will reside. Review the section on Azure governance earlier in the chapter to learn about the importance of resource groups.

  • Location. This is the Azure region where the database(s) are physically located. Azure SQL Database is available in most regions worldwide. You should carefully consider the placement of your servers and, by consequence, databases. Your data should be in the same region as the compute resources (Azure Web Apps, for example) that will read and write the data. When you locate the applications that connect to the server in the same region, you can expect latency in the order of single-digit milliseconds.

When creating a new server using the Azure portal, the new server’s firewall allows connections from all Azure resources. In the current GUI, the check box indicating this setting is unavailable. You can read more about the firewall in the section “Server and database-level firewall” later in the chapter. We recommend that you configure the firewall to allow connections from known IP addresses only before deploying any databases.

Creating a server by using PowerShell

To provision a server using PowerShell, use the New-AzureRmSqlServer cmdlet, as demonstrated in the code example that follows. Of course, you’ll need to modify the values of the variables in lines 1 through 3 to fit your needs. These commands assume that a resource group with the name SSIO2017 already exists and that the resource group name will also become the server name. The server will be created in the active Azure subscription.

$resourceGroupName = 'SSIO2017'
$serverName = $resourceGroupName.ToLower()
$Cred = Get-Credential -UserName dbadmin -Message "Pwd for server admin"
New-AzureRmSqlServer -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -ServerName $serverName `
    -Location $location -SqlAdministratorCredentials $Cred

In this script, the Get-Credential cmdlet is used to obtain the password for the dbadmin server administrator. This cmdlet opens a dialog box that asks for the password. All values needed to create a server are provided as parameters to the New-AzureRmSqlServer cmdlet.

Establishing a connection to your server

With a server created, you can establish a connection. Azure SQL Database supports only one protocol for connections: TCP. In addition, you have no control over the TCP port number; it is always 1433.

Using SQL Server Management Studio 17 as an example to connect to the newly created server, Figure 5-2 shows the different values entered in the Connect To Server dialog box. When you first establish the connection, you will be prompted by SQL Server Management Studio to create a firewall rule to allow this connection (see Figure 5-3). You will need to sign in with your Azure account to create the firewall rule.


Figure 5-2 The Connect To Server dialog box, showing values to connect to the newly created logical SQL server.


Figure 5-3 The New Firewall Rule dialog box that opens if the IP address attempting to connect is not included in any existing firewall rule.

Connections to Azure SQL Database are always encrypted, even if it is not specified in the connection string. For older client libraries, you might need to specify encryption explicitly in the connection string because these libraries might not support the automatic upgrade of the connection. If you neglect to specify it explicitly, you will receive an error message. Use Encrypt=True in the connection string if needed.

You might be tempted to look up the IP address of your server and use the IP address instead of the FQDN to connect. This is not recommended, because the IP address for the server is really the IP address of a connection gateway. This IP address is subject to change at any time as the Azure fabric conducts updates or failovers.

Deleting a server

Deleting a server is a permanent, irreversible operation. You should delete a server only if you no longer need that server’s name and are confident that you will not need to restore any databases that are or were hosted on it.

Because there is no cost associated with maintaining a server, likely the only reason to delete one is when you have reached the limit of servers permitted in a single subscription. As of this writing, that limit is six servers, but you can request an increase by contacting Azure Support.

Provisioning a database in Azure SQL Database

After provisioning a server, you are ready to provision your first database. Provisioning a database incurs charges associated with the pricing tier that you select. As a reminder, pricing for Azure SQL Database is per database or elastic pool, not per server.

You can create a database from one of three sources: Blank, Sample, or Backup. A Blank database is just that: there are no user database objects. If you choose Sample (AdventureWorksLT), the new database will have the lightweight Adventure Works schema and data. If you choose Backup, you can restore the most recent daily backup of another Azure SQL Database in the subscription. The sections that follow discuss the process of provisioning a database using the Azure portal, PowerShell, Azure CLI, and Transact-SQL (T-SQL).

Creating a database using the Azure portal

There are several methods to begin creating a new database in Azure SQL Database using the Azure portal. One method is to start from the Overview blade of an existing server. You can also start from the Create New Service blade. The method you choose determines which values you will need to provide; for example:

  • Database name. The database name must be unique within the server and meet all requirements for a database name in SQL Server.

  • Subscription. Select the subscription that will be used to bill the charges for this database. The subscription you select here will narrow down the list of server choices later. This parameter is not shown when the process is started from a server.

  • Resource group. Here, you will choose to create a new resource group or use an existing one. If you choose to create a new resource group, you will also need to create a new server. But note that choosing an existing resource group will not narrow the list of server choices later.

  • Collation. The collation selected here becomes the database’s default collation. Unlike on-premises, there is no GUI to set the new database’s collation name. You will need to correctly type the collation name from memory or refer to a list of valid SQL Server collation names.

  • Source. You select one of three values that match the aforementioned options: Blank database, Sample (AdventureWorksLT), or Backup.

  • Backup. You will be prompted to provide this only when you’ve selected Backup as the source of the new database. The database you select will be restored to its most recent daily backup, which means it might be up to 24 hours old.

Image You can read more about options for restoring database backups in the section “Understanding default disaster recovery features” later in the chapter.

  • Server. You can select an existing server in the selected subscription or create a new server. The existing servers that are listed are filtered to the subscription you selected earlier, but not to the resource group. If you select a server in a different resource group than the group you selected earlier, the resource group value will be updated automatically to reflect the correct selection. That is because the life cycle of a database is tied to the life cycle of the server, and the life cycle of the server is tied to the resource group. Therefore, a database cannot exist in a different resource group than its server. This server value is locked when the process is started from a logical SQL server.

  • Pricing tier. When creating a standalone database, you need to select a pricing tier. The pricing tier determines the hourly usage charges and several architectural aspects of your database. We discuss pricing tiers in a later section. It is possible to mix pricing tiers within a server, underscoring the notion that the server is a mere logical container for databases and has no relationship to any performance aspects. While selecting the pricing tier, you also can set a maximum database size. Your database will not be able to run INSERT or UPDATE T-SQL statements when the maximum size is reached.

  • Elastic database pool. You can make this selection only when adding this database to an existing or new elastic database pool. We discuss elastic pools in detail in the section “Provisioning an elastic pool” later in the chapter.

Creating a database by using PowerShell

The script that follows illustrates how to create a new Standard-tier standalone database with the S0 service objective on an existing server named ssio2017. The database collation is set to Latin1_General_CI_AS. The -Collation, -Edition, and -RequestedService ObjectiveName parameters are optional; we show them here because they would be commonly specified. Their respective defaults are SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (generally not desired), Standard, and S0. Pay attention to the server name: it is lowercase because the parameter value must match exactly. Logical SQL server names cannot contain uppercase characters.

$resourceGroupName = 'SSIO2017'
$serverName = $resourceGroupName.ToLower()
$databaseName = 'Contoso'
New-AzureRmSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName -Edition Standard `
    -RequestedServiceObjectiveName "S0" -CollationName Latin1_General_CI_AS

Other optional parameters include the following:

  • CatalogCollation. This collation parameter determines the collation of character data in the database’s metadata catalog. Note that you cannot set this database property in the GUI. This value defaults to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, which is different from SQL Server, where it defaults to DATABASE_DEFAULT.

  • ElasticPoolName. When specified, this database will be added to the existing elastic pool on the server. The next section covers elastic pools.

  • MaxSizeBytes. Sets the maximum database size in bytes. You cannot set just any value here; there is a list of supported maximum sizes. The available maximum sizes depend on the selected pricing tier.

  • SampleName. Specify AdventureWorksLT if you want the database to have the available sample schema and data.

  • Tags. This parameter is common to many Azure cmdlets. You can use it to specify an arbitrary number of name–value pairs. Tags are used to add custom metadata to Azure resources. You can use both the Azure portal and PowerShell to filter resources based on tag values. You can also obtain a consolidated billing view for resources with the same tag values.

    A usage example is -Tags @{"Tag1"="Value 1";"Tag 2"="Value 2"}, which would associate two name–value pairs to the database. The name of the first tag is Tag1 with Value 1, and the name of the second tag is Tag 2 with Value 2.

After creating the database, you can retrieve information about it by using the
Get-AzureRmSqlDatabase cmdlet, as shown here:

Get-AzureRmSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName SSIO2017 -ServerName ssio2017 `
    -DatabaseName Contoso

Creating a database by using Azure CLI

The Azure CLI makes it possible for you to use the same set of commands to manage Azure resources regardless of the platform of your workstation: Windows, macOS, Linux, and even using the portal’s Cloud Shell.

The Azure CLI command that follows creates a database with the same parameters as those found in the preceding PowerShell script. After creating the database, the new database’s properties are retrieved.

Image You can find the full list of supported CLI commands for Azure SQL Database at

az sql db create --resource-group SSIO2017 --server ssio2017
    --name Contoso --collation Latin1_General_CI_AS
    --edition Standard --service-objective S0
az sql db list --resource-group SSIO2017 --server ssio2017
    --name Contoso

Creating a database by using T-SQL

The T-SQL script that follows creates a new Azure SQL database with the same properties as used in both of the previous examples. To create a new database, connect to the server on which the new database will reside; for example, using SQL Server Management Studio 17:

    (EDITION = 'standard', SERVICE_OBJECTIVE = 'S0');

Because the T-SQL command is run in the context of a server, you do not need to, nor can you, provide a server name or resource group name. You cannot use T-SQL to create a database based on the AdventureWorksLT sample, but you can use it to restore a database from a backup using the AS COPY OF clause, as shown here:

CREATE DATABASE Contoso_copy AS COPY OF Contoso;

Selecting a pricing tier and service objective

Azure SQL Database is billed by the hour. The selection of a pricing tier and service objective determines how much you will be charged for your database. However, there are additional considerations. Specific pricing and other details might change by the time the ink on this page has dried; thus, we will discuss some general concepts that you should be aware of and how they would influence your selection of a tier.

The Basic tier provides the lowest available DTUs. For giving up some availability guarantees and performance, you also pay significantly less. This tier is suitable for development purposes and perhaps very small-scale applications.

The Standard and Premium tiers are the two main choices for production databases. At first glance, you will notice that the Premium tier provides considerably more DTUs and does so at a higher cost per DTU compared to Standard. This is because of architectural differences between these tiers. The database files in Standard tier databases are stored in Azure blob storage. This means that the files are not local to the database engine. In the Premium tier, they are stored on local solid-state drives (SSDs). This difference in locality of the database files has performance implications, as you might expect. Further, there is also a difference in how intraregion high availability (HA) is handled. HA for Standard tier databases is ensured by using replication of the Azure blobs. In the Premium tier, HA is achieved by using Always On features.

Finally, the Premium RS tier provides the same performance objectives as the Premium tier but at a lower cost. This is due to a less-stringent Service-Level Agreement (SLA) for the Premium RS tier. You should consider using this tier for scenarios in which performance trumps availability, such as development and test or during migration activities.

Scaling up or down

Azure SQL Database scale operations are conducted with minimal disruption to the availability of the database. A scale operation is performed by the service using a replica of the original database at the new service level. When the replica is ready, connections are switched over to the replica. Although this will not cause data loss and is completed in a time frame measured in seconds, active transactions might be rolled back. The application should be designed to handle such events and retry the operation.

Scaling down might not be possible if the database size exceeds the maximum allowed size for the lower service objective or pricing tier. If you know that you will likely scale down your database, you should set the maximum database size to a value equal to or less than the maximum database size for the service objective to which you might scale down.

Scaling is always initiated by an administrator. Unlike some Azure services, there is no autoscale functionality in Azure SQL Database. You could, however, consider deploying databases to an elastic pool (discussed in the next section) to achieve automatic balancing of resource demands for a group of databases. Another option to scale without administrator intervention would be to use Azure Automation to monitor DTU usage and within defined limits initiate scaling. You can use the PowerShell Set-AzureRmSqlDatabase cmdlet to set a new pricing tier by using the -Edition parameter, and a new service objective by using the -RequestedServiceObjectiveName parameter.

Provisioning an elastic pool

For an introduction to elastic pools, refer to Chapter 3. Elastic pools are created per server, and a single server can have more than one elastic pool. The number of eDTUs available depends on the pricing tier, as is the case with standalone databases. Beyond the differences between tiers described in the preceding section, which also apply to elastic pools, the relationship between the maximum pool size and the selected eDTU, and the maximum number of databases per pool are also different per tier.

You can create elastic pools in the Azure portal, by using PowerShell, the Azure CLI, or the REST API. After an elastic pool is created, you can create new databases directly in the pool. You also can add existing databases to the pool or move them out of it.

In most of the next sections, no distinction is made between standalone databases or elastic pool databases. Management of standalone databases is not different from management of databases in elastic pools. Also, whether a database is in an elastic pool or standalone makes no difference for establishing a connection.

To create a new elastic pool on the ssio2017 server and move the existing Contoso database to the pool, use the following PowerShell script:

$resourceGroupName = 'SSIO2017'
$serverName = $resourceGroupName.ToLower()
$databaseName = 'Contoso'
$poolName = 'Contoso-Pool'
# Create a new elastic pool
New-AzureRmSqlElasticPool -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -ServerName $serverName -ElasticPoolName $poolName `
    -Edition 'Standard' -Dtu 50 `
    -DatabaseDtuMin 10 -DatabaseDtuMax 20
# Now move the Contoso database to the pool
Set-AzureRmSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName `
    -ElasticPoolName $poolName

This script creates a new pool named Contoso-Pool in the Standard tier and provides 50 total eDTUs. A single database will be assigned no less than 10 DTU and no more than 20 DTU. The parameters -Dtu, -DatabaseDtuMin and -DatabaseDtuMax have a list of valid values depending on the selected tier and one another.

Limitations of Azure SQL Database

Although Azure SQL Database provides a very high level of compatibility with SQL Server 2017, there are differences in the available feature set, a lower maximum database size, and missing related services. The limitations of the Database Engine are covered in Chapter 3. This section covers limitations specific to Azure SQL Database sizing and other SQL services. The last subsection in this section covers managed instances, which provide additional compatibility and remove many of the limitations we’ll look at here.

Database limitations

Azure SQL Database is subject to certain size limitations. Primary among these is the maximum database size. The maximum size of a database varies based on the pricing tier. The size of a database includes only the size of the data; the size of transaction logs is not counted. If you are designing an application for the cloud, the size limitations are less of a restriction when deciding to adopt Azure SQL Database. This is because an application designed for the cloud should shard its data across several database instances. In addition to overcoming database size limitations, the benefits of sharding also include faster disaster recovery and the ability to locate the data closer to the application if the application runs in different Azure regions.

To provide predictable performance for Azure SQL Database, there are limits to the number of concurrent requests, concurrent logins, and concurrent sessions. These limits differ by service tier and service objective. If any limit is reached, the next connection or query attempt will fail with error code 10928.

Image You can find an exhaustive list of these operational limits online at

One final limitation to be aware of is that a single server has an upper limit on the total DTUs it can host as well as on the total number of databases. For a large deployment, this might require distributing databases across servers. We recommend against operating at or near this limit because overall performance can become suboptimal. As of this writing, you should limit the number of databases per server to around 1,000.

Other SQL Server services

In addition to the database engine, an on-premises deployment of SQL Server can include SQL Server Agent to schedule maintenance tasks or other activities, SQL Server Integration Services to load or extract data, SQL Server Analysis Services to support analytical workloads, and SQL Server Reporting Services to provide report functionality. These services are not included in Azure SQL Database. Instead, comparable functionality is often available through separate Azure services. A complete discussion of the available alternatives in Azure is beyond the scope of this book. The descriptions that follow are intended to merely name some of the alternatives and their high-level uses and direct you to an online starting point to learn more:

  • SQL Server Agent. To schedule recurring tasks for Azure SQL Database instances, DBAs should consider using Azure Automation. Azure Automation is a service that makes it possible for you to reliably run potentially long-running PowerShell scripts. You can use Azure Automation to automate management of any Azure or third-party cloud service, including Azure SQL Database. In addition, there is a gallery of reusable scripts available.

Image You can find more information about using Azure Automation with Azure SQL Database at You can find an introduction to Azure Automation at

  • SQL Server Integration Services. Instead of SQL Server Integration Services, you would use Azure Data Factory to perform tasks such as extracting data from various sources, transforming it by using a range of services, and finally publish it to data stores for consumption by business intelligence tools or applications. We should note that you can use SQL Server Integration Services to extract data from and load data to Azure SQL Database, and that you can use Data Factory to extract data from and load data to on-premises data stores. The decision about which service to use depends largely on where most of your data resides, which services you plan on using for transforming the data, and whether you allow a cloud service to connect to your on-premises environment using a gateway service. Recently, Microsoft also announced the Azure-SSIS integration runtime in Data Factory, which you can use to deploy SQL Server Integration Services packages.

Image You can learn more about Data Factory at

  • SQL Server Reporting Services. Several years ago, Microsoft offered a reporting service in Azure that was highly compatible with SQL Server Reporting Services: SQL Reporting Services. It was discontinued, however, and instead Microsoft Power BI is now recommended. Power BI is a powerful tool to create interactive visualizations using data from various sources. You can embed Power BI dashboards and reports in applications. You can also access them directly using a web browser or mobile app.

Image You can learn more about Power BI at

  • SQL Server Analysis Services. To replace SQL Server Analysis Services, there are several alternative Azure services. Foremost, there is Azure Analysis Services. It is built on SQL Server Analysis Services and, as such, existing tabular models can be migrated from on-premises SQL Server Analysis Services deployments to the cloud.

Image You can learn more about Azure Analysis Services at

Second, for data warehousing terabytes or petabytes of relational data, there is Azure SQL Data Warehouse. SQL Data Warehouse is based on SQL Server and provides a compatible interface. Compared with Azure SQL Database, however, SQL Data Warehouse can scale storage and compute independently. This makes SQL Data Warehouse suitable for storing enormous amounts of data that might only occasionally need to be processed.

Image To learn more about Azure SQL Data Warehouse go to

Another alternative to SQL Server Analysis Services is Azure Data Lake. Data Lake is much more extensive than SQL Server Analysis Services, but we mention it here because of its ability to capture data and prepare it for analytical workloads. Unlike SQL Server Analysis Services, though, Data Lake can store unstructured data in addition to relational data.

Image You can learn more about Data Lake at

Overcoming limitations with managed instances

As of this writing in limited preview, managed instances in Azure SQL Database are one of the newest features. Managed instances have been designed to further reduce feature disparity between SQL Server and Azure SQL Database, provide additional integration with other Azure features, and maintain the benefits of DBaaS. The goal for managed instances is to make more lift-and-shift migrations possible from on-premises or Azure VM deployments to DBaaS.

In terms of achieving near 100 percent compatibility with SQL Server, a managed instance provides features not available in standard Azure SQL databases, including the following:


  • SQL Server Agent

  • Cross-database and cross-instance queries and transactions

  • FILESTREAM and FileTable

Most notable in terms of added functionality, managed instances run in an Azure Virtual Network. This Virtual Network can act as a network boundary between the Azure resources within the Virtual Network and those outside (including other Azure customers’ resources). You also can use a Virtual Network to create a LAN-like network environment between your on-premises environment and the Azure cloud.

Security in Azure SQL Database

As with many cloud services that fall in the PaaS category, there are certain security operations that are handled for you by the cloud provider. As it relates to security in Azure SQL Database, this includes patching the OS and the database service.

Other aspects of security must be managed by you, the cloud DBA. Some of these aspects, such as Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) are shared with on-premises SQL Server 2017. Others are specific to Azure SQL Database and include firewall configuration, access control, and auditing and threat detection. We discuss these features of Azure SQL Database in the upcoming sections. Microsoft’s commitment regarding Azure SQL Database is to not differentiate the tiers with security features. All the features discussed in this section are available in all pricing tiers, though some require additional charges.

Security features shared with SQL Server 2017

An important security consideration is access control. Azure SQL Database implements the same permission infrastructure that’s available in SQL Server 2017. This means that database and application roles are supported, and you can set very granular permissions on database objects and operations using the Data Control Language (DCL) statements GRANT and REVOKE. Refer to Chapter 6 for more information.

TDE is on by default for any new database. This hasn’t always been the case, so if your database has been around for a long time, you should verify whether it is turned on. When TDE is on for a database, not only are the database files encrypted, but the geo-replicated backups are also encrypted. You will learn more about backups in the section “Preparing Azure SQL Database for disaster recovery” later in the chapter. TDE is covered in Chapter 7.

Other security features shared with SQL Server 2017 are dynamic data masking, row-level security, and Always Encrypted. Chapter 7 looks at these features in detail.

Server and database-level firewall

A server is accessed using an FQDN, which maps to a public IP address. To maintain a secure environment, managing firewall entries to control which IP addresses can connect to the logical server or database is a requirement.

When creating a new server using the Azure portal, by default any Azure resource is permitted through the server-level firewall. This might appear convenient, but it leaves the server open to unauthorized connection attempts from an attacker who merely needs to create an Azure service such as a web app. Servers created using other methods—for example, PowerShell—do not have any default firewall rules, which means any connection attempt is refused until at least one firewall rule is created.

Database-level firewall rules take precedence over server firewall rules. After you have created database firewall rules, you can remove the server firewall rule(s) and still connect to the database. However, if you will be hosting several databases that need to accept connections from the same IPs on a single server, keeping the firewall rules at the server level might be more sensible. It is also convenient to keep server-level firewall rules in place for administrative access.

You can find server-level firewall rules in the virtual master database in the sys.firewall_rules catalog view. Database-level firewall rules are in the user database in the sys.database_firewall_rules catalog view. This makes the database more portable, which can be advantageous in combination with contained users. Especially when using geo-replication, which we discuss in the section “Preparing Azure SQL Database for disaster recovery” coming up later in the chapter, having portable databases avoids unexpected connection issues when failing-over databases to another server.

Image You can learn more about contained databases in Chapter 6.

Setting the server-level firewall

You can create server-level firewall rules by using the Azure portal, PowerShell, Azure CLI, or T-SQL. As seen earlier, SQL Server Management Studio might prompt you to create a firewall rule when establishing a connection, though you would not use this method to create firewall rules for your application’s infrastructure. To create a firewall rule, you need to provide the following:

  • Rule name. The rule name has no impact on the operation of the firewall; it exists only to create a human-friendly reminder about the rule. The rule name is limited to 128 characters. The name must be unique in the server.

  • Start IP address. The first IPv4 address of the range of allowed addresses.

  • End IP address. The end IPv4 address can be the same as the start IP address to create a rule that allows connections from exactly one address. The end IP address cannot be lower than the start IP address.

Inside OUT

Automate firewall rule management

Managing the firewall rules in a dynamic environment, such as one in which databases on a server are accessed from numerous Azure Web App instances, which often scale up and down and out and in, can quickly become error-prone and resource intensive. Rather than resorting to allowing any Azure resource to pass through the server-level firewall, you should consider automating the firewall rule management.

The first step in such an endeavor is to create a list of allowed IP addresses. This list could include static IP addresses, such as from your on-premises environment for management purposes, and dynamic IP addresses, such as from Azure Web Apps or Virtual Machines. In the case of dynamic IP addresses, you can use the AzureRM PowerShell module to obtain the current IP addresses of Azure resources.

After you build the list of allowed IP addresses, you can apply it by looping through each IP, attempting to locate it in the current firewall rule list, and adding it if necessary. In addition, you can remove any IP addresses in the rule list but not on the allowed list.

If you want to create a server-level firewall rule that allows access from any Azure resource, you would create a rule using as both the start and end IP address of the rule. Using PowerShell, the New-AzureRmSqlServerFirewallRule cmdlet provides the -AllowAllAzureIPs parameter as a shortcut: you do not need to provide a rule name, start, or end IP address.

Setting the database-level firewall

Configuring database-level firewall rules requires that you have already established a connection to the database. This means you will need to at least temporarily create a server-level firewall rule to create database-level firewall rules.

You can create and manage database-level firewall rules only by using T-SQL. Azure SQL Database provides the following stored procedures to manage the rules:

  • sp_set_database_firewall_rule. This stored procedure creates a new firewall rule or updates an existing firewall rule.

  • sp_delete_database_firewall_rule. This stored procedure deletes an existing databaselevel firewall rule using the name of the rule.

The following T-SQL script creates a new database-level firewall rule allowing a single (fictitious) IP address and then updates the rule by expanding the single IP address to a range of addresses, and finally deletes the rule:

EXEC sp_set_database_firewall_rule N'Headquarters', '', '';
EXEC sp_set_database_firewall_rule N'Headquarters', '', '';
SELECT * FROM sys.database_firewall_rules;
EXEC sp_delete_database_firewall_rule N'Headquarters';

Access control using Azure AD

To set up single sign-on (SSO) scenarios, easier login administration, and secure authentication for application identities, you can turn on Azure AD authentication. When Azure AD authentication is turned on for a server, an Azure AD user or group is given the same permissions as the server admin login. In addition, you can create contained users referencing Azure AD principals. This means that user accounts and groups in an Azure AD domain can authenticate to the databases without needing a SQL login.

For cases in which the Azure AD domain is federated with an Active Directory Domain Services domain, you can achieve true SSO comparable to an on-premises experience. The latter case would exclude any external users or Microsoft accounts that have been added to the directory; only federated identities can take advantage of this. Furthermore, this also requires a client that supports it, which, as of this writing, is only SQL Server Management Studio.

To set an Active Directory admin for a server, you can use the Azure portal, PowerShell, or Azure CLI. You use the PowerShell Set-AzureRmSqlServerActiveDirectoryAdministrator cmdlet to provision the Azure AD admin. The -DisplayName parameter references the Azure AD principal. When you use this parameter to set a user account as the administrator, the value can be the user’s display name or user principal name (UPN). When setting a group as the administrator, only the group’s display name is supported.

After you set an Azure AD principal as the Active Directory admin for the server, you can create contained users in the server’s databases. Contained users for Azure AD principals must be created by other Azure AD principals. Users authenticated with SQL authentication cannot validate the Azure AD principal names, and, as such, even the server administrator login cannot create contained users for Azure AD principals. Contained users are created by using the T-SQL CREATE USER statement with the FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER clause. The following example statements create an external user for an Azure AD user account with UPN [email protected] and for an Azure AD group Sales Managers:


By default, these newly created contained users will be members of the PUBLIC database role and will be granted CONNECT permission. You can add these users to additional roles or grant them additional permissions directly like any other database user. Chapter 6 has further coverage on permissions and roles.

You also can add Azure AD application identities as external users. For an application identity to access a database, a certificate must be installed on the system running the application.

Image You can find more information and a sample on the SQL Server Security Blog at

Role-Based Access Control

All operations discussed thus far have all assumed that your user account has permission to create servers, databases, and pools and can then manage these resources. If your account is the service administrator or a co-administrator, no restrictions are placed on your ability to add, manage, and delete resources. Most enterprise deployments, however, will require more fine-grained control over permissions to create and manage resources. Using Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), administrators can assign permissions to Azure AD users, groups, or service principals at the subscription, resource group, or resource level.

RBAC includes several built-in roles to which you can add Azure AD principals. The built-in roles have a fixed set of permissions. You also can create custom roles if the built-in roles do not meet your needs.

Image You can find a comprehensive list of built-in roles and their permissions at

Three of the built-in roles relate specifically to Azure SQL Database:

  • SQL DB Contributor. This role can primarily create and manage Azure SQL databases but not any security-related settings. For example, this role can create a new database on an existing server and create alert rules.

  • SQL Security Manager. This role can primarily manage security settings of databases and servers. For example, this role can create auditing policies on an existing database but cannot create a new database.

  • SQL Server Contributor. This role can primarily create and manage servers but not databases or any security-related settings.

Note that the permissions do not relate to server or database access; instead, they relate to managing the resources in Azure. Indeed, users assigned to these RBAC roles are not granted any permissions in the database, not even CONNECT permission.

Auditing and threat detection

Azure SQL Database provides auditing and threat detection to carry out monitoring of database activity using Azure tools. In on-premises deployments, extended events are often used for monitoring. SQL Server builds upon extended events for its SQL Server Audit feature (discussed in Chapter 7). This feature is not present in Azure SQL Database in the same form, but a large subset of extended events is supported in Azure SQL Database.

Image You can find more details about support for extended events at

Azure SQL Database auditing creates a record of activities that have taken place in the database. The types of activities that can be audited include permission changes, T-SQL batch execution, and auditing changes themselves. As of this writing, there is no official list of supported audit actions available.

Image Audit actions are grouped in audit action groups, and a list of audit action groups is available in the PowerShell reference for the Set-AzureRmSqlDatabaseAuditing cmdlet at

Auditing and threat detection are separate but related features: threat detection is possible only if auditing is turned on. The features are configured on the same blade in the Azure portal. Auditing is available at no charge, but there is a monthly fee per server for activating threat detection.

You can turn on both features at the server and database level. When auditing is turned on at the server level, all databases hosted on that server are audited. After you turn on auditing on the server, you can still turn it on at the database level, as well. This will not override any server-level settings; rather, it creates two separate audits. This is not usually desired.

Auditing logs server and database events to an Azure storage account. The Azure storage account must be in the same region as the server. This is a sensible requirement; you would not want to incur data transfer charges for the audit data or deal with the latency of such a transfer.

Configuring auditing

To configure auditing, you need to create or select an Azure storage account. We recommend that you aggregate logging for all databases in a single storage account. When all auditing is done in a single storage account, you will benefit from having an integrated view of audit events.

You also need to decide on an audit log retention period. You can choose to keep the audit logs indefinitely or you can select a retention period. The retention period can be at most nine years with a daily granularity.

The following PowerShell script sets up auditing for the Contoso database on the ssio2017 server:

$resourceGroupName = 'SSIO2017'
$location = "southcentralus"
$serverName = $resourceGroupName.ToLower()
$databaseName = 'Contoso'
$storageAccountName = "azuresqldbaudit"
# Create a new storage account
$storageAccount = New-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -Name $storageAccountName -Location $location -Kind Storage `
    -SkuName Standard_LRS -EnableHttpsTrafficOnly $true
# Use the new storage account to configure auditing
$auditSettings = Set-AzureRmSqlDatabaseAuditing `
    -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName `
    -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -StorageKeyType Primary `
    -RetentionInDays 365 -State Enabled

The first cmdlet in the script creates a new storage account with the name azuresqldbaudit. Note that this name must be globally unique, so you will need to update the script with a name of your choosing before running the script. Storage account names can contain only lowercase letters and digits. (For more details on the New-AzureRmStorageAccount cmdlet, see The second cmdlet, Set-AzureRmSqlDatabaseAuditing, configures and turns on auditing on the database using the newly created storage account. The audit log retention period is set to 365 days.

By default, all actions are audited. You cannot use the Azure portal to customize which events are audited; instead, you use PowerShell (or the REST API) to indicate specific action groups that you want to audit. The -AuditActionGroup parameter takes an array of strings that identify the groups to audit.

Image You can find the list of group names at

Viewing audit logs

There are several methods that you can use to access the audit logs. The method you use largely depends on your preferences as well as the tools that you have available on your workstation. We discuss the methods in this section in no particular order.

Image You can find a full list of methods to access the audit logs at

If your goal is to quickly review recent audit events, you can see the audit logs in the Azure portal. In the Auditing & Threat Detection blade for a database, click View Audit Logs to open the Audit Records blade. This blade shows the most recent audit logs, which you can filter to restrict the events shown by latest event time or show only suspect SQL injection audit records. This approach is rather limited because you cannot aggregate audit logs from different databases and the filtering capabilities are minimal.

A more advanced approach is to use SQL Server Management Studio. SQL Server Management Studio 17 and later support opening the audit logs directly from Azure storage. Alternatively, you can use the Azure Storage Explorer to download the audit logs and open them using older versions of SQL Server Management Studio or third-party tools. The audit logs are stored in the sqldbauditlogs blob container in the selected storage account. The container follows a hierarchical folder structure: logicalservernameDatabaseNameSqlDbAuditing_AuditNameyyyymmdd. The blobs within the date folder are the audit logs for that date (in Coordinated Universal Time [UTC]). The blobs are binary extended event files (.xel).

After you have obtained the audit files, you can open them in SQL Server Management Studio. On the File menu, click Open, and then click Merge Audit Files to open the Merge Audit Files dialog box, as shown in Figure 5-4.


Figure 5-4 SQL Server Management Studio 17 and later support opening and merging multiple Azure SQL Database audit files directly from an Azure storage account.

A third way of examining audit logs is by using the sys.fn_get_audit_file T-SQL function. You can use this to perform programmatic evaluation of the audit logs. The function can work with locally downloaded files or you can obtain files directly from the Azure storage account. To obtain logs directly from the Azure storage account, you must run the query using a connection to the database whose logs are being accessed. The following T-SQL script example queries all audit events logged to the azuresqldbaudit storage account from August 29, 2017, for the Contoso database on the ssio2017 server:

SELECT * FROM sys.fn_get_audit_file ('', default, default);

Image You can find more information on the sys.fn_get_audit_file function at

Configuring threat detection

With auditing turned on, you can optionally turn on threat detection. Threat detection examines the audit logs for anomalies and alerts the Azure service administrators and co-administrators or a list of configured email addresses. There are three types of threats that can be detected:

  • SQL injection. This threat type detects the possible occurrence of a SQL injection attack.

  • SQL injection vulnerability. This type detects the possible existence of a SQL injection vulnerability in the queries that are run.

  • Anomalous client login. This type detects logins that are unusual, such as from a geographic location from which a user has not previously signed in.

You can turn off these threat types individually if you do not want to detect them.

Inside OUT

Which audit action groups should be turned on for threat detection to work?

Threat detection requires that auditing is turned on for the database or server, but it does not require that any specific audit action groups are turned on.

However, to effectively analyze threat detections, the following audit action groups are recommended: BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP, SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP, and FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP.

Turning on these groups will provide details about the events that caused the threat detection to alert.

Preparing Azure SQL Database for disaster recovery

Hosting your data on Microsoft’s infrastructure does not mean that you can avoid preparing for disasters. Even though Azure has high levels of availability, both due to human error and significant adverse events, your data can still be at risk. Azure SQL Database provides default and optional features that will ensure HA for your databases when properly configured.

Understanding default disaster recovery features

Without taking any further action after provisioning a database, the Azure infrastructure takes care of several basic disaster recovery (DR) preparations. First among these is the replication of data files across fault and upgrade domains within the regional datacenters. This replication is not something you see or control, but it is there. This would be comparable to the on-premises use of Always On availability groups or storage tier replication. The exact method of replication of the database files within a datacenter depends on the chosen tier. (We discussed this earlier in the section “Selecting a pricing tier and service objective.”) As Azure SQL Database evolves, the methods Microsoft employs to achieve local HA are of course subject to change.

Regularly scheduled backups are also configured by default. A full backup is scheduled weekly, differential backups take place every few hours, and transaction log backups every 5 to 10 minutes. The exact timing of backups is managed by the Azure fabric based on overall system workload and the database’s activity levels. These backups are retained for a specified period, which depends on the pricing tier.

You can use these backups to restore the database to a point-in-time within the retention period. You also can restore a database that was accidentally deleted to the same server from which it was deleted. Remember: deleting a server irreversibly deletes all databases and backups. You should generally not delete a server until the backup retention period has expired, just in case. After all, there is no cost associated with a server without databases.

You also can restore databases to another Azure region. This is referred to as a geo-restore. This restores databases from backups that are geo-replicated to other regions using Azure Storage replication. If your database has TDE turned on, the backups are also encrypted.

Although these default features provide valuable DR options, they are likely not adequate for production workloads. For example, the Estimated Recovery Time (ERT) for a geo-restore is less than 12 hours with a Recovery Point Objective (RPO) of less than one hour. Further, the maximum backup retention period is 35 days for the Standard, Premium, and Premium RS tiers, and only seven days for the Basic tier. Some of these values are likely unsuitable for mission-critical databases, so you should review the optional DR features in the next sections and configure those as needed to achieve an acceptable level of risk for your environment.

Manually backing up a database

In addition to the automatic, built-in backup discussed in the preceding section, you might have a need to back up a database manually. This might be necessary if you need to restore a database in an on-premises or IaaS environment. You might also need to keep database backups for longer than the automatic backups’ retention period, though we encourage you to read the section “Using Azure Backup for long-term backup retention” later in the chapter to understand all options for long-term archival.

The term “backup” is somewhat inappropriate insomuch as the method to create a manual backup is exporting the database to a BACPAC file. (You can read more about BACPAC files in Chapter 4. A significant difference between a database backup and an export is that the export is not transactionally consistent. During the data export, Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements in a single transaction might have completed before and after the data in different tables was extracted. This can have unintended consequences and can even prevent you from restoring the export without dropping foreign key constraints.

Azure SQL Database can, however, provide you with a transactionally consistent export using a three-step procedure: first, make a copy of the database. The copy is guaranteed to be transactionally consistent. Then, export the copy. Because no applications are accessing this copy, no data manipulation is taking place during the export. Finally, delete the copy to avoid incurring continued charges. You can perform this procedure by using the Azure portal, but because it involves multiple steps, and some steps can be long-running, it lends itself perfectly to using a PowerShell script.

A database export’s destination is an Azure blob, so a storage account is required. The following script determines a name for the database copy based on the existing database and the current time:

# Set variables
$resourceGroupName = 'SSIO2017'
$location = "southcentralus"
$serverName = $resourceGroupName.ToLower()
$databaseName = 'Contoso'
# Create a name for the database copy
$d = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
$databaseCopyName = "$databaseName-Copy-" + ($d.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))
$storageAccountName = 'azuresqldbexport'
# Ask interactively for the server admin login username and password
$cred = Get-Credential
# Create a new Azure storage account
$storAcct = New-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -Name $storageAccountName -Location $location `
    -SkuName Standard_LRS

# Get the access keys for the newly created storage account
$storageKey = Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -Name $storageAccountName
# Create a database copy - this copy will have the same tier as the original
$newDB = New-AzureRmSqlDatabaseCopy -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $databaseName `
    -CopyDatabaseName $databaseCopyName
# Prepare additional variables to use as the storage location for the BACPAC
$containerName = "mydbbak"
$container = New-AzureStorageContainer -Context $storAcct.Context -Name
$bacpacUri = $container.CloudBlobContainer.StorageUri.PrimaryUri.ToString() + "/" + `
    $databaseCopyName + ".bacpac"
# Initiate a database export of the database copy - see Firewall troubleshooting
$exportRequest = New-AzureRmSqlDatabaseExport –ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    –ServerName $NewDB.ServerName –DatabaseName $databaseCopyName `
    –StorageKeytype StorageAccessKey –StorageKey $storageKey[0].Value `
    -StorageUri $bacpacUri `
    –AdministratorLogin $cred.UserName –AdministratorLoginPassword $cred.Password
# Run a loop while the export is progressing
Do {
    $exportStatus = Get-AzureRmSqlDatabaseImportExportStatus `
        -OperationStatusLink $ExportRequest.OperationStatusLink
    Write-Host "Exporting… sleeping for 5 second…"
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
} While ($exportStatus.Status -eq "InProgress")
# Delete the copied database to avoid further charges
Remove-AzureRmSqlDatabase –ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    –ServerName $serverName –DatabaseName $databaseCopyName

First, a new storage account is created in the same Azure region as the database server to avoid cross-region traffic charges. The script then creates the database copy on the same database server. Next, the new storage account is used for the export of the database copy. The export operation is asynchronous, so a loop is used to wait for completion of the export. Finally, when the export is completed, the database copy is deleted. As in previous scripts, the storage account name you create must be globally unique, so change the value of the variable in the script before running it.

This script produces several lines of output. At the end of the script, if everything was successful, you can use the Azure Storage Explorer to access the new storage account and download the BACPAC file for further use. Alternatively, you can leave the BACPAC file in Azure Storage and use related commands to import the database file later, should a restore become necessary.

Configuring geo-replication

If your disaster recovery needs are such that your data cannot be unavailable for a period of up to 12 hours, you will likely need to configure geo-replication. When you geo-replicate a database, there are one or more active secondary databases to which all transactions are replicated. Geo-replication takes advantage of the Always On feature also found in on-premises SQL Server.

You can configure geo-replication in any pricing tier and any region. To configure georeplication, you will need to provision a server in another region, though you can do this as part of the configuration process if you are using the Azure portal.

In the event of a disaster, you would be alerted via the Azure portal of reliability issues in the datacenter hosting your primary database. You would need to manually failover to a secondary database—using geo-replication only, there is no automatic failover (but keep reading to learn about failover groups, which do provide automatic failover capability). Failover is accomplished by selecting (one of) the secondary database(s) to be the primary.

Because the replication from primary to secondary is asynchronous, an unplanned failover can lead to data loss. The RPO for geo-replication, which is an indicator of the maximum amount of data loss expressed as a unit of time, is five seconds. Although no more than five seconds of data loss during an actual disaster is a sound objective, when conducting DR drills, no data loss is acceptable. A planned change to another region, such as during a DR drill or to migrate to another region permanently, can be initiated as a planned failover. A planned failover will not lead to data loss because the selected secondary will not become primary until replication is completed.

Unfortunately, a planned failover cannot be initiated from the Azure portal. The PowerShell cmdlet Set-AzureRmSqlDatabaseSecondary with the -Failover parameter and without the -AllowDataLoss parameter will initiate a planned failover. If the primary is not available due to an incident, you can use the portal (see Figure 5-5) or PowerShell to initiate a failover with the potential for some data loss, as just described. If you have multiple secondaries, after a failover, the new primary will begin replicating to the remaining available secondaries without a need for further manual configuration.


Figure 5-5 The Azure portal showing geo-replication configured with the maximum of four secondaries. The recommended region for geo-replication, North Central US, is indicated using the purple hexagon. There is no replica hosted in that region.

For each secondary database, you will be charged the same hourly charges as a primary database, with the same pricing tier and service objective. A secondary database must have the same pricing tier as its primary, but it does not need to have the same service objective or performance level. For example, a primary database in the Standard tier with service objective S2 can be geo-replicated to a secondary in the Standard tier with service objective S1 or S3, but it cannot be geo-replicated to a secondary in the Basic or Premium tier.

To decide whether your service objective for secondaries can be lower than that of the primary, you will need to consider the read-write activity ratio. If the primary is write-heavy—that is, most database operations are writes—the secondary will likely need the same service objective to be able to keep up with the primary. However, if the primary’s utilization is mostly toward read operations, you could consider lowering the service objective for the secondary. You can monitor the replication status in the Azure portal or use the PowerShell Get-AzureRmSqlDatabaseReplicationLink cmdlet to ensure that the secondary can keep up with the primary.

As of this writing, geo-replication introduces a limitation on the scalability of databases. When a primary database is in a geo-replication relationship, its pricing tier cannot be upgraded (for example, from Standard to Premium) without first upgrading all secondaries. To downgrade, you must downgrade the primary before any secondaries can be downgraded. As a best practice, when scaling up or down, you should make sure that the secondary database has the higher service objective longer than the primary. In other words, when scaling up, first scale up secondary databases; when scaling down, scale down secondary databases second.

Inside OUT

What are other uses for geo-replication?

The judicious configuration of geo-replication and application programming can make it possible for you to downgrade your primary Azure SQL database to a lower service objective. Because secondaries are readable, you can use them to run read-only queries. By directing some of the read queries, such as for reporting or Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) purposes, to secondary databases, fewer DTUs may be used by the primary.

In addition to potentially lowering service objective requirements, you also can use active geo-replication during application upgrades and to move a database to another server or region with minimal downtime.

Setting up failover groups

As discussed in the previous section, geo-replication represents a very capable option for DR planning. Geographically distributing relational data with an RPO of five seconds or less is a goal that not many on-premises environments can achieve. However, the lack of automatic failover and the need to configure failover on each database individually creates overhead in any deployment, whether it has a single database in a shop with a single (overworked?) DBA or many hundreds or thousands of databases. Further, because a failover causes the writable database to be hosted on a different logical server with a different DNS name, connection strings must be updated or the application must be modified to try a different connection.

Failover groups, currently in public preview, build on top of geo-replication to address these shortcomings. Configured at the server level, a failover group can include one, multiple, or all databases hosted on that server. All databases in a group are recovered simultaneously. By default, failover groups are set to automatically recover the databases in case of an outage, though you can turn this off. With automatic recovery turned on, you need to configure a grace period. This grace period offers a way to direct the Azure infrastructure to emphasize either availability or data guarantees. By increasing the grace period, you are emphasizing data guarantees because the automatic failover will not occur if it would result in data loss until the outage has lasted as long as the grace period. By decreasing the grace period, you are emphasizing availability. As of this writing, the minimum grace period is at least one hour, although this is expected to change to allow much shorter grace periods. In practical terms, this means that if the secondary database in the failover group is not up to date one hour after the outage, the failover will occur, resulting in data loss.

When you configure a failover group, two new DNS CNAME records are created. The first CNAME record refers to the read-write listener and it points to the primary server URL. During a failover, this record is updated automatically so that it always points to the writable replica. The read-write listener’s FQDN is the name of the failover group prepended to This means that your failover group name must be globally unique. The second CNAME record points to the read-only listener, which is the secondary server’s URL. The read-only listener’s DNS name is the name of the failover group prepended to If the failover group name is ssio2017, the FQDN of the read-write listener will be and the FQDN of the secondary will be

You can create failover groups with existing geo-replication already in place. If the failover group’s secondary server is in the same region as an existing geo-replication secondary, the existing secondary will be used for the failover group. If you select a region for the failover secondary server where no replica is yet configured, a new secondary server and database will be created during the deployment process. If a new secondary database is created, it will be created in the same tier and with the same service objective as the primary.

Unlike with geo-replication, the Azure portal supports initiating a planned failover for failover groups. You can also initiate a planned failover by using PowerShell. Planned failovers will not cause data loss. Both interfaces also support initiating a forced failover, which, as with geo-replication’s unplanned failover, can lead to data loss within the five-second RPO window.

Inside OUT

Auditing, threat detection, and geo-replication

When configuring auditing for geo-replicated databases, you should configure auditing at the server level on both the primary and secondary server. You should not turn on auditing at the database level. By configuring auditing at the server level, the audit logs will be stored in the same region as the server, thereby avoiding cross-region traffic.

As a side effect of configuring auditing on the secondary databases’ server, you can set a different retention period, though we do not recommend this configuration, because valuable correlations between events on the primary and secondary can be lost. As described in the security section, you can use SQL Server Management Studio to merge audit files from different servers and databases to analyze them together.

You should apply the same configuration for threat detection. The current Azure portal GUI indicates that threat detection is not supported on secondary databases. However, if threat detection is turned on for the secondary server, it will cover the secondary database.

Using Azure Backup for long-term backup retention

To meet compliance and regulatory requirements, you might need to maintain a series of long-term database backups. Azure SQL Database can provide a solution using long-term backup retention. When you configure long-term backup retention, you are taking advantage of another Azure service: Azure Backup. With Backup, you can elect to have the weekly full backups retained for a maximum of 10 years. You can configure the retention period with a granularity of weeks.

Long-term backup retention is configured at the server level, but databases on the server can be selectively included or excluded. Before you can set up long-term backup retention, you must create a Recovery Services vault in the same resource group and region. When a vault is available, you must create or select a retention policy. As its name indicates, the retention policy determines how long the weekly backups are retained in the vault. After you configure long-term backup retention, the next scheduled full backup will be the first backup added. In other words, existing backups are not added to the vault.

Each database in a single server can have a separate retention policy, but all backups from a single server are kept in the same vault, as illustrated in Figure 5-6. Pricing for Azure Backup is based on the number of protected “nodes” and the storage consumed. In the case of Azure SQL Database, a “node” is a single database, and the storage consumed is the size of the database backup file. When a database is deleted, you will continue to be charged for the vault’s contents; however, the charges will decrease over time as backup files older than the retention period are deleted.


Figure 5-6 Long-term backup retention of two databases on the same server. The Contoso database’s retention period is set to one year and Contoso2 database’s retention period is set to two months. Both databases use the ssio2017 vault.

You can configure long-term backup retention by using the Azure portal or PowerShell. Although only primary or standalone databases are backed up and will therefore be the only databases that have backups to be added to the vault, you should configure long-term backup retention on geo-replicated secondaries, as well. This ensures that in case of a failover, backups from the new primary database will be added to its vault, without further intervention. After a failover, a full backup is immediately taken and that backup is added to the vault. Until a failover takes place, no additional costs are incurred for configuring retention on the secondary server.

Moving to Azure SQL Database

Now that we have covered the critical aspects of provisioning and managing Azure SQL Database, we will briefly review options for moving data from SQL Server to Azure SQL Database. The source could be an on-premises SQL Server database or one hosted in an Azure or third-party cloud VM. The migration method you choose largely depends on the tolerance for downtime and the complexity of the preparation.

Among the options for migration, here are some of the most common ones:

  • BACPAC. BACPAC files have been mentioned previously in this chapter for possible on-premises use. You also can use them in the reverse direction. When a BACPAC file has been generated for an on-premises database, it needs to be uploaded to a standard-tier Azure storage account. From there, you can import the BACPAC file to an existing server using the Azure portal or PowerShell. Although this migration method is simple and scalable to many databases, for large databases, the entire process might take longer than is acceptable. The Microsoft SQL Server CAT offers a lengthy article on using BACPAC for moving SQL Server to Azure SQL Database, which you can read at

  • Transactional replication. Setting up replication makes it possible to move schema and data with minimal downtime. If using replication, it is also possible to migrate only a subset of the data from the source. The downside is that replication requires changing the schema of the database that is to be moved. Also, you will need to allow direct communication from your SQL Server to Azure. Chapter 12 has detailed coverage on replication with SQL Server.

  • Custom development. You can transfer schema and data by using custom scripts or SQL Server Integration Services. With increasing schema complexity, the complexity of the custom development also increases. SQL Server Data Tools or third-party schema and data migration tools can help in this effort.

  • Microsoft Data Migration Assistant (DMA). This option is the newest available. You can use the DMA tool to assess the schema of the source database and verify compatibility with Azure SQL Database. If issues are detected, detailed guidance on how to resolve them is provided. Finally, the tool can prepare and run a migration workflow. The tool should be at least version 3.2; earlier versions did not have the migration workflow. You can also find references to another tool: the SQL Azure Migration Wizard. This tool, however, was created for the previous iteration of Azure SQL Database (v11) and is no longer developed. It still works, but it will apply Azure SQL Database v11 compatibility rules, which are much more restrictive than the current v12.

  • Azure Database Migration Service. As of this writing, this service is in preview. It is a comprehensive service that supports Azure SQL Database, managed instances, and SQL Server on Azure VMs. You can learn more about it at

When considering moving databases, you should review schema compatibility as early as possible. You can use the SQL Server Data Tools to find incompatible object definitions. By importing the database schema in SQL Server Data Tools and then changing the destination platform to Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12, SQL Server Data Tools will list the incompatible schema elements. Unlike DMA, SQL Server Data Tools does not provide guidance on resolution, though.

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