© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021
A. MallettSalt Openhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7237-4_12

12. Deploy Virtual Machines Using Salt Cloud

Andrew Mallett1  
Peterborough, UK

As well as sending configurations to your current systems, Salt can be used to manage virtual machines without regard to their location. These virtual machines may be cloud based or on-prem. Imagine this, you need to deploy a virtual machine to test website development. You can easily deploy the system, and once deployed the web server and current content can be delivered reliably with Salt, locally or to the cloud.

Salt Cloud is an additional suite of tools that can be deployed with or without an existing Salt Master. The Salt Master deploys as a dependency to Salt Cloud if not already present. Salt Cloud is used to manage virtual machine instances and, optionally, works with Salt delivering Salt Minion software and the address of the Salt Master as part of the VM deployment. In this chapter, we will
  • Install Salt Cloud.

  • Configure cloud providers.

  • Configure cloud profiles.

  • Deploy AWS cloud systems.

  • List cloud systems.

  • Delete cloud systems.

Installing Salt Cloud

For this demonstration, we will work with the Salt Master system adding in the Salt Cloud Python tools. We will use AWS for our cloud system. Free accounts are available for 12 months on AWS as well as other cloud platforms.

Installing the Salt Master using the option -L from the bootstrap installer will also add Salt Cloud and the associated Python cloud libraries. If you did not include the option when installing the Salt Master, then you can install Salt Cloud easily from the command line. It will do no harm to try the install in any case. Once installed, the option --version will show the version of Salt Cloud, whereas the option -V displays the full version report. This is shown in Listing 12-1.
root@master:~# apt install salt-cloud
root@master:~# salt-cloud --version
salt-cloud 3003
root@master:~# salt-cloud -V
Salt Version:
            Salt: 3003
Dependency Versions:
 Apache Libcloud: 2.8.0
            cffi: Not Installed
        cherrypy: Not Installed
        dateutil: 2.7.3
       docker-py: Not Installed
           gitdb: 2.0.6
       gitpython: 3.0.7
          Jinja2: 2.10.1
         libgit2: Not Installed
        M2Crypto: Not Installed
            Mako: Not Installed
         msgpack: 1.0.2
    msgpack-pure: Not Installed
    mysql-python: Not Installed
       pycparser: Not Installed
        pycrypto: 2.6.1
    pycryptodome: 3.10.1
          pygit2: Not Installed
          Python: 3.8.5 (default, May 27 2021, 13:30:53)
    python-gnupg: 0.4.5
          PyYAML: 5.3.1
           PyZMQ: 22.0.3
           smmap: 2.0.5
         timelib: Not Installed
         Tornado: 4.5.3
             ZMQ: 4.3.4
System Versions:
            dist: ubuntu 20.04 focal
          locale: utf-8
         machine: x86_64
         release: 5.4.0-74-generic
          system: Linux
         version: Ubuntu 20.04 focal
root@master:~# file $(which salt-cloud)
/usr/bin/salt-cloud: Python script, ASCII text executable
Listing 12-1

Installing Salt Cloud on the Salt Master

Emphasizing the relationship with Python, Salt Cloud, as with the other subsystems, is written in Python.

Configuring Salt Cloud

Default configuration settings for Salt Cloud are displayed in the file /etc/salt/cloud. Changes to the defaults can be made with any .conf file placed in the /etc/salt/cloud.conf.d/ directory. This is the same idea as implemented with the Salt Minion and Salt Master, as we have already seen. Additionally, the Salt Cloud configuration requires a list of cloud providers and cloud profiles.

Cloud Providers

Cloud providers describe how connections should be managed to your public and private clouds. This could even be Vagrant should you want; however, for Vagrant to work, the host system that you have Vagrant installed on must be a Minion enrolled to the Salt Master that Salt Cloud runs on. I prefer to keep my host OS separate from any of my labs that it runs. For that reason, I will demonstrate Salt Cloud with AWS. In Listing 12-2, you will see a sample AWS provider configuration for AWS.
root@master:~# vim /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/aws.conf
  driver: ec2
  id: <your aws id>
  key: <your aws authentication key>
  securitygroup: AllOpen
  keyname: awslondon
  private_key: /root/.ssh/awslondon.pem
  location: eu-west-2
Listing 12-2

AWS Cloud Provider

As is the normal, configuration files of this type are written in YAML. The dictionary aws configures the name of the provider. This can be any name, but aws does seem a useful name. The driver though has to be set to ec2 to use AWS as a cloud provider.

The id and key are obtained from your account details in AWS. Log in to you EC2 Console. From your account details from the top right of the AWS page, choose “My Security Credentials.” From the Security Credentials page, select the tab “Access keys (access key ID and secret access key).” From here you can create a new id and key that you use as authentication credentials. Having created a provider – and of course, we can have multiple providers within the same file or even different files – we can list configured providers. This is shown in the following command with output:
root@master:~# salt-cloud --list-providers
This shows the provider that we have named aws using the Salt Cloud driver ec2. The driver ec2 that we have selected in a Python module exists as a file called ec2.py. In the following output from the Linux find command, we see the Salt Cloud module that we reference but that in turn will use the libcloud driver ec2.py:
root@master:~# find /usr/lib -name 'ec2.py'

We can configure the provider even if you do not have an AWS account. You can still create and list the provider using the dummy details provided here.

Cloud Profiles

Salt Cloud profiles are configured within the /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ directory. Creating files with the .conf extension in this directory will allow us to define profiles or templates used to provision virtual machine instances. The format will differ slightly depending on the cloud provider used. The size attribute is defined by available sizes from the provider, and the image attribute depends on the available images. Salt Cloud can deploy the Salt Minion software and configure the Salt Minion settings. The profile example in Listing 12-3 does not deploy the Salt Minion.
root@master:~# vim /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/profiles.conf
  #Ubuntu 20.04
  provider: aws
  image: ami-096cb92bb3580c759
  size: t2.micro
  ssh_username: ubuntu
  deploy: False
  del_all_vol_on_destroy: True
  del_root_vol_on_destroy: True
Listing 12-3

Example Profile Without Agent

This again is in YAML format , and we define the profile, which we have called ubuntu. The provider attribute is used to link to our named provider, aws. The deploy attribute defaults to True; we have explicitly set it to False to prevent deployment of the Salt Minion for this profile. We will create another profile that will deploy the same Ubuntu system and the Salt Minion. We append to the same file, adding the additional profile as shown in Listing 12-4.
root@master:~# vim /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/profiles.conf
  #Ubuntu 20.04
  provider: aws
  image: ami-096cb92bb3580c759
  size: t2.micro
  ssh_username: ubuntu
  deploy: False
  del_all_vol_on_destroy: True
  del_root_vol_on_destroy: True
  provider: aws
  image: ami-096cb92bb3580c759
  size: t2.micro
  ssh_username: ubuntu
  ssh_interface: public_ips
  del_all_vol_on_destroy: True
  del_root_vol_on_destroy: True
    id: minion3
Listing 12-4

Profile Deploying Salt Minion

Each profile needs a unique name. Here we set it to ubuntu-salt. We have added the attribute ssh_interface. This can be set to public_ips or private_ips and defines how the Salt Cloud system should connect when deploying the bootstrap installer. Using another AWS system for Salt Cloud, you can use private_ips; else, you will need public_ips to be able to connect from outside of AWS. We also add the Minion configuration within the deployment, setting the address of the Salt Master and the Minion ID to use. If we are deploying more than one system, I would not set the ID, allowing the Salt Minion to use the FQDN of the system.

To retrieve a list of profiles, we are able to use the --list-profiles option with the argument of all or the named provider to search. Listing 12-5 provides the configured AWS profiles .
root@master:~# salt-cloud --list-profiles aws
Listing 12-5

Listing Profiles from Salt Cloud

Managing Virtual Machine Instances Using Salt Cloud

Salt Cloud is much more than just this configuration. It allows for the creation and ongoing management of your virtual machine instances. These instances may be in-house or in the public cloud. Either way, they can be managed with the single command line tool salt-cloud.

Provisioning Virtual Machines

Our first port of call is to create or provision the virtual machine instances. To create a simple single virtual machine is really easy. The following demonstrates this but requires a working AWS account and configured profile:
root@master:~# salt-cloud -p ubuntu vm101
The option -p is the profile we want to use, and the argument vm101 is the name of the virtual machine instance that we are creating. The output will be quite verbose, and it takes a little time for the public IP address to be detected. Once complete, we are able to see the complete instance details. We can also create multiple instances at the same time, as shown in the following listing:
root@salt-cloud:~# salt-cloud -p ubuntu vm102 vm103
Later, we can review these settings, or the most important setting using the option -Q (Listing 12-6).
root@master:~# salt-cloud -Q
Listing 12-6

Query VM Instances

We can now see both the internal and public IP addresses of the three virtual machines. Outside of AWS we can connect using the public address and from inside we can use either address .

Deleting Instances

When we are finished with the instances, we can delete them as easily as they were created. The option -d is used to delete the instances. Adding the additional option -y enters yes to all prompts. The output in Listing 12-7 has been included allowing you to see that the instance name changes during the deletion to include DEL in the name.
root@salt-cloud:~# salt-cloud -yd vm101 vm102 vm103
Listing 12-7

Using Salt on New Minion


Being able to manage virtual machines with a simple interface without regard to the hosting system used is both desirable and deliverable when using Salt Cloud. In addition to this simplicity, installing the Salt Minion can be included as part of the instance creation, making the new systems manageable by Salt very quickly after the installation and adding to the reasons to use Salt as your main configuration management system.

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