About the Reviewers

Ramzi Alqrainy is one of the most recognized experts within Artificial Intelligence and Information Retrieval fields in the Middle East. He is an active researcher and technology blogger, with a focus on information retrieval.

He is currently managing the search and reporting functions at OpenSooq.com where he capitalizes on his solid experience in open source technologies in scaling up the search engine and supportive systems.

His solid experience in Solr, ElasticSearch, Mahout, and Hadoop stack contributed directly to the business growth through the implementations and projects that helped the key people at OpenSooq to slice and dice information easily throughout the dashboards and data visualization solutions.

By developing more than six full-stack search engines, he was able to solve many complicated challenges about agglutination and stemming in the Arabic language.

He holds a Master's degree in Computer Science. He was among the top three in his class and was listed on the honor roll. His website address is http://ramzialqrainy.com. His LinkedIn profile is http://www.linkedin.com/in/ramzialqrainy. He can be contacted at .

Aamir Hussain is a well-versed software design engineer with more than 5 years of experience. He excels in solving problems that involve Breadth. He has gained expert internal knowledge by developing software that are used by millions of users. He developed complex software systems using Python, Django, Solr, MySQL, mongoDB, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and many more open source technologies. He is determined to get a top-quality job done by continually learning new technologies.

His other experiences include analyzing and designing requirements, WEB2 and new technologies, content management, service management that includes fixing problems, change control and management, software release, software testing, service design, service strategy, and continual service improvement. His specialties include complex problem solving, web portal architecture, talent acquisition, team building, and team management.

Ruben Teijeiro is an experienced frontend and backend web developer who has worked with several PHP frameworks for more than a decade. He is now using his expertise to focus on Drupal; in fact, he collaborated with them during the development of several projects for some important companies, such as UNICEF and Telefonica in Spain, and Ericsson in Sweden.

As an active member of the Drupal community, you can find him contributing to Drupal core, helping and mentoring other contributors and speaking at Drupal events around the world. He also loves to share all that he has learned through his blog (http://drewpull.com).

Nick Veenhof is a Belgian inhabitant who has lived in a couple of different countries, but has recently moved back home. He is currently employed at Acquia as a Lead Search Engineer. He also helps in maintaining the Drupal Apache Solr Integration module and also actively maintains and develops new infrastructure tools for deploying Drupal sites on Acquia Cloud with Apache Solr.

He is also advocating open source and especially the open source project, Drupal. This software crossed his path during his young university years and became part of his career when he started to use it for professional purposes in several Drupal-focused development shops.

As a logical step, he is also active in the Drupal community, as you can see in his drupal.org profile (https://www.drupal.org/user/122682), and tries to help people online with their first steps.

You can easily find out more about him by searching for his name, Nick Veenhof, or his nickname, Nick_vh, on Google.

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