Querying for information in Solr

We have already seen how Apache Solr effectively uses different request handlers to provide consumers with extensive ways of getting search results. Each Request Handler uses its own query parser, which extracts the parameters and their values from the query string and forms Lucene Query Objects. The standard query parser allows greater precision over search data; DisMaxQueryParser and Extended DisMaxQueryParser provide a Google-like searching syntax while searching. Depending upon which request handler called, the query syntax is changed. Let's look at some of the important terms:




The query string <String> can support wildcards (*:*); for example, title:Scaling*


The field list that a search response will return

sort=author asc

Results/facets to be sorted by authors in an ascending order

price[* TO 100]&rows=10&start=5

Looks for price between 0 and 100; limits the result to 10 rows at a time, starting at the 5th matched result


Enable highlighting by field list name and features


Enables faceted search by the field "year"

Publish-date:[NOW-1YEAR/DAY TO NOW/DAY]

Published date between last year (same day) and today

description:"Java sql"~10

This is called proximity search. Searches for the descriptions containing Java and SQL in a single document with a proximity of 10 words maximum

"open jdk" NOT "Sun JDK"

Will search for an Open JDK term in the document


Searches for a specific ID and similar results

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