The 21 myths of work

Myth 1: If it’s important, you’ll remember it

Myth 2: The answer to my work search is in some magical new thing I have never tried before

Myth 3: I should be able to find one thing that interests me and stick to it

Myth 4: I can’t do what I want to do without a long expensive training

Myth 5: Doing what you love is selfish

Myth 6: I can’t start anything until I know exactly where I’m heading

Myth 7: Once my life is the way I want it to be, then I’ll be happy

Myth 8: I should go and research this all day on the internet

Myth 9: People who are successful don’t need support (advice, mentoring, coaching, therapy)

Myth 10: Famous people are just different from me

Myth 11: I must keep my good idea secret otherwise someone will steal it

Myth 12: You can’t get paid for doing what you love

Myth 13: All my friends have said they would buy what I’m offering, so I must be on the right track

Myth 14: I can’t possibly charge for what I’m doing yet – I need to read more books and take more courses and workshops

Myth 15: I can’t talk to anyone until I have some fancy business cards printed and my website launched

Myth 16: I’ve been applying for jobs and talking to agencies and I’ve got nowhere, so it must be impossible

Myth 17: It’s safer to have a job than to be self-employed

Myth 18: I’d be crazy to go self-employed in the current economic climate

Myth 19: I need an original idea to start a business

Myth 20: I can’t go self-employed because I’m no good at selling/marketing/IT/finances/creative ideas

Myth 21: I need a 30-page business plan before I can start

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