Praise for Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day

New to the sometimes confusing and seemingly arcane world of making search engine-friendly websites? This book offers a systematic, common-sense approach to the art and science of SEO.

—Chris Sherman,

Just when some say textbook search engine optimization (SEO) has crashed and burned, a great new textbook comes along. Finally, a common-sense approach to day-by-day search engine optimization. The authors offer a comprehensive yet light-hearted guide to preparing a successful SEO strategy. If you are just getting started, this book is a must read to minimize your risks and maximize your rewards. SEO: An Hour a Day is habit-forming. Readers should be prepared to get hooked on SEO.

—P.J. Fusco, ClickZ Magazine columnist

If you've ever put off doing search engine optimization (SEO) because you know it's so timeconsuming, here's the book for you.

—Web Marketing Today, October 11, 2006

I'm always being asked to review the latest book on marketing. With a hectic schedule, it can be tough to get any time to read any of them, but I just made time to read Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day.

You have to give credit to authors Gradiva Couzin and Jennifer Grappone for putting together an excellent book that combines practical advice sprinkled with humor—very much needed to prevent this topic from being too dry.

...[T]he "right brain" "left brain" sidebars that pop up throughout the book are a welcome addition. Reading two experts attacking a subject from two perspectives—art vs. science—adds an interesting and comical twist.

I didn't pay for my copy of the book, but would have no hesitation in buying a copy for anyone new to the industry!

—Andy Beal, Marketing Pilgrim

Outstanding SEO book... Grappone and Couzin do a great job of describing approaches... to ensure your business succeeds. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy for yourself.

—Tim Peter, Tim Peter Consulting

I hate this topic... but I love this book! Jennifer Grappone and Gradiva Couzin have written a great book for us girls; it's a self-help guide on SEO; the book is called Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day. They've taken this really confusing subject and broken it down into little tasks that you can do in just an hour a day.

—Heather Juma, Girls Who Network

Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day is a great book. The authors focus consistently on your business needs. They're not trying to tell you that you need to do something for the good of the world—they're telling you that you need to do something to accomplish your specific business goal. The practical and realistic emphasis on business-oriented needs makes the book a great reference.

If you want to understand what your professional consultant is doing, or use this book as a kicking-off point to learn how to promote your own sites, you'll have made a great choice.

—Joe Dolson, inter:digital Strategies

A well written SEO tutorial ... by the time you have reached the end of the book, you will be pretty proficient in the obscure art of SEO.


I'm digging this book because it is easy to read, clear, and really highlights the importance of Search Engine Marketing.

There is a great overview, and then the authors break it all down. What steps do you take and when do you take them, and most importantly... WHY? This book provides the context and the writing style that is real, clear, and easy to apply to other businesses. It's a winner for sure!

—Elaine Young, Associate Professor, Champlain College

Written with clarity and detail, the book leaves little room for confusion about what you can do to improve your website's rank in the search engine results pages.

—Harvey Ramer, marketing designer and blogger, Design Delineations

Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day is an excellent primer for the beginner do-ityourself search engine marketer. It covers the basic essentials of SEO but also drills down into the challenges (both technical and business-specific) in an easy-to-read and entertaining manner. The book offers a comprehensive SEO plan with metrics for tracking your success, which can be done conveniently in 'an hour a day.' Even if you're considering outsourcing your SEO, this book is an excellent read and a great way to understand the industry and the terminology involved.

—Daniel Riveong, Head of SEO Services, e-Storm International

The book will give you the knowledge that you need and will then supply you with a plan so that you can carry out SEO in an orderly fashion. Much more than this, the book cleverly helps you to identify the results that you want from your website. The experience that the authors have working with all sizes and shapes of organisations is used to good effect, and you will find that there is added value in helping you to get different departments to work together.

—J.F. Higgins, ( review)

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