Chapter 8. Communications and Operations Security

Chapter Objectives

After reading this chapter and completing the exercises, you will be able to do the following:

Image Author useful standard operating procedures

Image Implement change control processes

Image Understand the importance of patch management

Image Protect information systems against malware

Image Consider data backup and replication strategies

Image Recognize the security requirements of email and email systems

Image Appreciate the value of log data and analysis

Image Evaluate service provider relationships

Image Write policies and procedures to support operational and communications security

Section 11 of ISO 27002:2013, “Communications Security,” and Section 15 of ISO 27002:2013, “Operations Security,” focus on information technology (IT) and security functions, including standard operating procedures, change management, malware protection, data replication, secure messaging, and activity monitoring. These functions are primarily carried out by IT and information security data custodians such as network administrations and security engineers. Many companies outsource some aspect of their operations. Section 15 of ISO 27002:2013, “Supplier Relationships,” focuses on service delivery and third-party security requirements.

The Security Education, Training, and Awareness model (SETA) introduced in Chapter 6, “Human Resources Security,” is particularly appropriate for this domain. Data owners need to be educated on operational risk so they can make informed decisions. Data custodians should participate in training that focuses on operational security threats so that they understand the reason for implementing safeguards. Users should be surrounded by a security awareness program that fosters everyday best practices. Taken together, SETA will enhance policy acceptance and stewardship. Throughout the chapter, we cover policies, processes, and procedures recommended to create and maintain a secure operational environment.

FYI: ISO/IEC 27002:2013 and NIST Guidance

Section 12 of ISO 27002:2013, “Operations Security,” focuses on data center operations, integrity of operations, vulnerability management, protection against data loss, and evidence-based logging. Section 13 of ISO 27002:2013, “Communications Security,” focuses on protection of information in transit. Section 15 of ISO 27002:2013, “Supplier Relationships,” focuses on service delivery and third-party security requirements.

Corresponding NIST guidance is provided in the following documents:

Image SP 800-14: Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Securing Information Technology Systems

Image SP 800-53: Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations

Image SP 800-100: Information Security Handbook: A Guide for Managers

Image SP 800-40: Creating a Patch and Vulnerability Management Program

Image SP 800-83: Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling for Desktops and Laptops

Image SP 800-45: Guidelines on Electronic Mail Security

Image SP 800-92: Guide to Computer Security Log Management

Image SP 800-42: Guideline on Network Security Testing

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are detailed explanations of how to perform a task. The objective of an SOP is to provide standardized direction, improve communication, reduce training time, and improve work consistency. An alternate name for SOPs is standard operating protocols. An effective SOP communicates who will perform the task, what materials are necessary, where the task will take place, when the task will be performed, and how the person will execute the task.

Why Document SOPs?

The very process of creating SOPs requires us to evaluate what is being done, why it is being done that way, and perhaps how we could do it better. SOPs should be written by individuals knowledgeable with the activity and the organization’s internal structure. Once written, the details in an SOP standardize the target process and provide sufficient information that someone with limited experience with or knowledge of the procedure but with a basic understanding can successfully perform the procedure unsupervised. Well-written SOPs reduce organizational dependence on individual and institutional knowledge.

It is not uncommon for an employee to become so important that losing that individual would be a huge blow to the company. Imagine that this person is the only one performing a critical task, no one has been cross-trained, and no documentation as to how he performs this task exists. The employee suddenly becoming unavailable could seriously injure the organization. Having proper documentation of operating procedures is not a luxury: It is a business requirement.

Authorizing SOP Documentation

Once a procedure has been documented, it should be reviewed, verified, and authorized before being published. The reviewer analyzes the document for clarity and readability. The verifier tests the procedure to make sure it is correct and not missing any steps. The process owner is responsible for authorization, publication, and distribution. Post-publication changes to the procedures must be authorized by the process owner.

Protecting SOP Documentation

Access and version controls should be put in place to protect the integrity of the document from both unintentional error and malicious insiders. Imagine a case where a disgruntled employee gets hold of a business-critical procedure document and changes key information. If the tampering is not discovered, it could lead to a disastrous situation for the company. The same holds true for revisions. If multiple revisions of the same procedure exist, there is a good chance someone is going to be using the wrong version.

Developing SOPs

SOPs should be understandable to everyone who uses them. SOPs should be written in a concise, step-by-step, plain language format. If not well written, SOPs are of limited value. It is best to use short, direct sentences so that the reader can quickly understand and memorize the steps in the procedure. Information should be conveyed clearly and explicitly to remove any doubt as to what is required. The steps must be in logical order. Any exceptions must be noted and explained. Warnings must stand out.

The four common SOP formats are simple step, hierarchical, flowchart, and graphic. As shown in Table 8.1, two factors determine what type of SOP to use: how many decisions the user will need to make and how many steps are in the procedure. Routine procedures that are short and require few decisions can be written using the simple step format. Long procedures consisting of more than ten steps, with few decisions, should be written in a hierarchical format or in a graphic format. Procedures that require many decisions should be written in the form of a flowchart. It is important to choose the correct format. The best-written SOPs will fail if they cannot be followed.


TABLE 8.1 SOP Methods

As illustrated in Table 8.2, the simple step format uses sequential steps. Generally, these rote procedures do not require any decision-making and do not have any sub-steps. The simple step format should be limited to ten steps.


TABLE 8.2 Simple Step Format

As illustrated in the New User Account Creation Procedure example, shown in Table 8.3, the hierarchical format is used for tasks that require more detail or exactness. The hierarchical format allows the use of easy-to-read steps for experienced users while including sub-steps that are more detailed as well. Experienced users may only refer to the sub-steps when they need to, whereas beginners will use the detailed sub-steps to help them learn the procedure.


TABLE 8.3 Hierarchical Format

Pictures truly are worth a thousand words. The graphic format, shown in Figure 8.1, can use photographs, icons, illustrations, or screenshots to illustrate the procedure. This format is often used for configuration tasks, especially if various literacy levels or language barriers are involved.


FIGURE 8.1 Example of the graphic format.

A flowchart, shown in Figure 8.2, is a diagrammatic representation of steps in a decision-making process. A flowchart provides an easy-to-follow mechanism for walking a worker through a series of logical decisions and the steps that should be taken as a result. When developing flowcharts, you should use the generally accepted flowchart symbols. ISO 5807:1985 defines symbols to be used in flowcharts and gives guidance for their use.


FIGURE 8.2 Flowchart format.

FYI: A Recommended Writing Resource

A recommended resource for learning how to write procedures is Procedure Writing: Principles and Practices, Second Edition, by Douglas Wieringa, Christopher Moore, and Valerie Barnes (Battelle Press, 1998, ISBN 1-57477-052-7).

Operational Change Control

Operational change is inevitable. Change control is an internal procedure by which authorized changes are made to software, hardware, network access privileges, or business processes. The information security objective of change control is to ensure the stability of the network while maintaining the required levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA). A change management process establishes an orderly and effective mechanism for submission, evaluation, approval, prioritization, scheduling, communication, implementation, monitoring, and organizational acceptance of change.

Why Manage Change?

The process of making changes to systems in production environments presents risks to ongoing operations and data that are effectively mitigated by consistent and careful management. Consider this scenario: Windows 8 is installed on a mission-critical workstation. The system administrator installs a service pack. A service pack often will make changes to system files. Now imagine that for a reason beyond the installer’s control, the process fails halfway through. What is the result? An operating system that is neither the original version, nor the updated version. In other words, there could be a mix of new and old system files, which would result in an unstable platform. The negative impact on the process that depends on the workstation would be significant. Take this example to the next level and imagine the impact if this machine were a network server used by all employees all day long. Consider the impact on the productivity of the entire company if this machine were to become unstable because of a failed update. What if the failed change impacted a customer-facing device? The entire business could come grinding to a halt. What if the failed change also introduced a new vulnerability? The result could be loss of confidentiality, integrity, and/or availability (CIA).

Change needs to be controlled. Organizations that take the time to assess and plan for change spend considerably less time in crisis mode. The change control process starts with an RFC (Request for Change). The RFC is submitted to a decision-making body (generally senior management). The change is then evaluated and, if approved, implemented. Each step must be documented. Not all changes should be subject to this process. Matter of fact, doing so would negate the desired effect and in the end significantly impact operations. There should be an organization policy that clearly delineates the type(s) of change that the change control process applies to. Additionally, there needs to be a mechanism to implement “emergency” changes.

Submitting an RFC

The first phase of the change control process is an RFC submission. The request should include the following items:

Image Requestor name and contact information

Image Description of the proposed change

Image Justification of why the proposed changes should be implemented

Image Impact of not implementing the proposed change

Image Alternatives to implementing the proposed change

Image Cost

Image Resource requirements

Image Timeframe

Taking into consideration the preceding information as well as organizational resources, budget, and priorities, the decision makers can choose to continue to evaluate, approve, reject, or defer until a later date.

Developing a Change Control Plan

Once a change is approved, the next step is for the requestor to develop a change control plan. The complexity of the change as well as the risk to the organization will influence the level of detail required. Standard components of a change control plan include a security review to ensure that new vulnerabilities are not being introduced, implementation instructions, rollback and/or recovery options, and post-implementation monitoring.

Communicating Change

The need to communicate to all relevant parties that a change will be taking place cannot be overemphasized. The Prosci Research 2011 Management Best Practices study found that communicating the reason for change was identified as the number-one most important message to share with employees and the second most important message for managers and executives (with the number-one message being about their role and expectations). The messages to communicate to impacted employees fell into two categories: messages about the change and how the change impacts them.

Messages about the change include the following:

Image The current situation and the rationale for the change

Image A vision of the organization after the change takes place

Image The basics of what is changing, how it will change, and when it will change

Image The expectation that change will happen and is not a choice

Image Status updates on the implementation of the change, including success stories

Messages about how the change will affect the employee include the following:

Image The impact of the change on the day-to-day activities of the employee

Image Implications of the change on job security

Image Specific behaviors and activities expected from the employee, including support of the change

Image Procedures for getting help and assistance during the change

Projects that fail to communicate are doomed to fail.

Implementing and Monitoring Change

Once the change is approved, planned, and communicated, it is time to implement. Change can be unpredictable. If possible, the change should first be applied to a test environment and monitored for impact. Even minor changes can cause havoc. For example, a simple change in a shared database’s filename could cause all applications that use it to fail. For most environments, the primary implementation objective is to minimize stakeholder impact. This includes having a plan to roll back or recover from a failed implementation.

Throughout the implementation process, all actions should be documented. This includes actions taken before, during, and after the changes have been applied. Changes should not be “set and forget.” Even a change that appears to have been flawlessly implemented should be monitored for unexpected impact.

Some emergency situations require organizations to bypass certain change controls in order to recover from an outage, incident, or unplanned event. Especially in these cases, it is important to document the change thoroughly, communicate the change as soon as possible, and have it approved post-implementation.

Why Is Patching Handled Differently?

A patch is software or code designed to fix a problem. Applying security patches is the primary method of fixing security vulnerabilities in software. The vulnerabilities are often identified by researchers or ethical hackers who then notify the software company so that they can develop and distribute a patch. A function of change management, patching is distinct in how often and how quickly patches need to be applied. The moment a patch is released, attackers make a concerted effort to reverse engineer the patch swiftly (measured in days or even hours), identify the vulnerability, and develop and release exploit code. The time immediately after the release of a patch is ironically a particularly vulnerable moment for most organizations due to the time lag in obtaining, testing, and deploying a patch.

FYI: Patch Tuesday and Exploit Wednesday

Microsoft releases new security updates and their accompanying bulletins on the second Tuesday of every month at approximately 10 a.m. Pacific Time, hence the name Patch Tuesday. The following day is referred to as Exploit Wednesday, signifying the start of exploits appearing in the wild.

Understanding Patch Management

Timely patching of security issues is generally recognized as critical to maintaining the operational CIA of information systems. Patch management is the process of scheduling, testing, approving, and applying security patches. Vendors who maintain information systems within a company network should be required to adhere to the organizational patch management process.

The patching process can be unpredictable and disruptive. Users should be notified of potential downtime due to patch installation. Whenever possible, patches should be tested prior to enterprise deployment. However, there may be situations where it is prudent to waive testing based on the severity and applicability of the identified vulnerability. If a critical patch cannot be applied in a timely manner, senior management should be notified of the risk to the organization.

NIST Special Publication 800-40 Revision 3, Guide to Enterprise Patch Management Technologies, published July 2013, is designed to assist organizations in understanding the basics of enterprise patch management technologies. It explains the importance of patch management and examines the challenges inherent in performing patch management. The publication also provides an overview of enterprise patch management technologies and discusses metrics for measuring the technologies’ effectiveness and for comparing the relative importance of patches.

Malware Protection

Malware, short for “malicious software,” is software (or script or code) designed to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems and mobile devices. Malware is operating system agnostic. Malware can infect systems by being bundled with other programs or self-replicating however; the vast majority of malware requires user interaction such as clicking an email attachment or downloading a file from the Internet. It is critical that security awareness programs articulate individual responsibility in fighting malware.

Malware has become the tool of choice for cybercriminals, hackers, and hacktivists. It has become easy for attackers to create their own malware by acquiring malware toolkits, such as Zeus, SpyEye, and Poison Ivy, and customizing the malware produced by those toolkits to meet their individual needs. Many of these toolkits are available for purchase, whereas others are open source, and most have user-friendly interfaces that make it simple for unskilled attackers to create customized, high-capability malware. Unlike most malware several years ago, which tended to be easy to notice, much of today’s malware is specifically designed to quietly, slowly spread to other hosts, gathering information over extended periods of time and eventually leading to exfiltration of sensitive data and other negative impacts. The term advanced persistent threats (APTs) is generally used to refer to this approach.

NIST Special Publication 800-83, Revision 1, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling for Desktops and Laptops, published in July 2012, provides recommendations for improving an organization’s malware incident prevention measures. It also gives extensive recommendations for enhancing an organization’s existing incident response capability so that it is better prepared to handle malware incidents, particularly widespread ones.

Are There Different Types of Malware?

Malware categorization is based on infection and propagation characteristics. The categories of malware include viruses, worms, Trojans, bots, ransomware, rootkits, and spyware/adware. Hybrid malware is code that combines characteristics of multiple categories—for example, combining a virus’ ability to alter program code with a worm’s ability to reside in live memory and to propagate without any action on the part of the user.

A virus is malicious code that attaches to and becomes part of another program. Generally, viruses are destructive. Almost all viruses attach themselves to executable files. They then execute in tandem with the host file. Viruses spread when the software or document they are attached to is transferred from one computer to another using the network, a disk, file sharing, or infected email attachments. One of the most famous examples of a virus outbreak was the Melissa virus (also known as Mailissa, Simpsons, Kwyjibo, and Kwejeebo), which was first identified on March 26, 1999. Melissa was distributed as an email attachment that, when opened, disabled a number of safeguards and, if the user had the Microsoft Outlook email program, caused the virus to be re-sent to the first 50 people in each of the user’s address books. Melissa caused Microsoft to shut down incoming email. Intel, Dell, and a number of federal agencies reported being affected.

A worm is a piece of malicious code that can spread from one computer to another without requiring a host file to infect. Worms are specifically designed to exploit known vulnerabilities, and they spread by taking advantage of network and Internet connections. As of 2013, the 2003 worm W32/SQL Slammer (aka Slammer and Sapphire) still holds the record for the fastest spreading worm. It infected the process space of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Microsoft SQL Desktop Engine (MSDE) by exploiting an unpatched buffer overflow. Once running, the worm tried to send itself to as many other Internet-accessible SQL hosts as possible. Microsoft had released a patch six months prior to the Slammer outbreak.

A Trojan is malicious code that masquerades as a legitimate benign application. For example, when a user downloads a game, he may get more than he expected. The game may serve as a conduit for a malicious utility such as a keylogger or screen scraper. A keylogger is designed to capture and log keystrokes, mouse movements, Internet activity, and processes in memory such as print jobs. A screen scraper makes copies of what you see on your screen. A typical activity attributed to Trojans is to open connections to a command and control server (known as a C&C). Once the connection is made, the machine is said to be “owned.” The attacker takes control of the infected machine. In fact, cybercriminals will tell you that once they have successfully installed a Trojan on a target machine, they actually have more control over that machine than the very person seated in front of and interacting with it. Once “owned,” access to the infected device may be sold to other criminals. Trojans do not reproduce by infecting other files, nor do they self-replicate. Trojans must spread through user interaction, such as opening an email attachment or downloading and running a file from the Internet. Examples of Trojans include Zeus and SpyEye. Both Trojans are designed to capture financial website login credentials and other personal information.

Bots (also known as robots) are snippets of code designed to automate tasks and respond to instructions. Bots can self-replicate (like worms) or replicate via user action (like Trojans). A malicious bot is installed in a system without the user’s permission or knowledge. The bot connects back to a central server or command center. An entire network of compromised devices is known as a botnet. One of the most common uses of a botnet is to launch distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

Ransomware is a type of malware that takes a computer or its data hostage in an effort to extort money from victims. There are two types of ransomware: Lockscreen ransomware displays a full-screen image or web page that prevents you from accessing anything in your computer. Encryption ransomware encrypts your files with a password, preventing you from opening them. The most common ransomware scheme is a notification that authorities have detected illegal activity on your computer and you must pay a “fine” to avoid prosecution and regain access to your system.

A rootkit is a set of software tools that hides its presence in the lower layers of the operating system’s application layer, the operating system kernel, or in the device basic input/output system (BIOS) with privileged access permissions. Root is a Unix/Linux term that denotes administrator-level or privileged access permissions. The word kit denotes a program that allows someone to obtain root/admin-level access to the computer by executing the programs in the kit—all of which is done without end-user consent or knowledge. The intent is generally remote C&C. Rootkits cannot self-propagate or replicate; they must be installed on a device. Because of where they operate, they are very difficult to detect and even more difficult to remove.

Spyware is a general term used to describe software that without a user’s consent and/or knowledge tracks Internet activity such as searches and web surfing, collects data on personal habits, and displays advertisements. Spyware sometimes affects the device configuration by changing the default browser, changing the browser home page, or installing “add-on” components. It is not unusual for an application or online service license agreement to contain a clause that allows for the installation of spyware.

FYI: Do-Not-Track Legislation

As of the writing of this text, Congress has failed to pass S. 418: Do-Not-Track Online Act of 2013. The proposed legislation requires the Federal Trade Commission to establish and enforce (1) regulations that establish standards for the implementation of a mechanism by which an individual can indicate whether he or she prefers to have personal information collected by providers of online services, including by providers of mobile applications and services, and (2) rules that prohibit such providers from collecting personal information on individuals who have expressed a preference not to have such information collected.

The advertising and direct marketing industries have lobbied hard to block passage of this bill. In response, Microsoft, Apple, and Google are working on browser-based controls that would allow a user to disable cookies and spyware. However, advertisers are lobbying Congress to legislate that consumers be required to choose whether they want cookies blocked or not. Under those proposals, tracking would be on by default and consumers would have to choose to turn it off.

For more information, visit

How Is Malware Controlled?

The IT department is generally tasked with the responsibility of employing a strong anti-malware defense-in-depth strategy. In this case, defense in depth means implementing prevention, detection, and response controls, coupled with a security awareness campaign.

Using Prevention Controls

The goal of prevention control is to stop an attack before it even has a chance to start. This can be done in a number of ways:

Image Impact the distribution channel by training users not to clink links embedded in email, open unexpected email attachments, irresponsibly surf the Web, download games or music, participate in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, and allow remote access to their desktop.

Image Configure the firewall to restrict access.

Image Do not allow users to install software on company-provided devices.

Image Do not allow users to make changes to configuration settings.

Image Do not allow users to have administrative rights to their workstations. Malware runs in the security context of the logged-in user.

Image Do not allow users to disable (even temporarily) anti-malware software and controls.

Image Disable remote desktop connections.

Image Apply operating system and application security patches expediently.

Image Enable browser-based controls, including pop-up blocking, download screening, and automatic updates.

Image Implement an enterprise-wide antivirus/anti-malware application. It is important that the anti-malware solutions be configured to update as frequently as possible because many new pieces of malicious code are released daily.

Using Detection Controls

Detection controls should identify the presence of malware, alert the user (or network administrator), and in the best-case scenario stop the malware from carrying out its mission. Detection should occur at multiple levels—at the entry point of the network, on all hosts and devices, and at the file level. Detection controls include the following:

Image Real-time firewall detection of suspicious file downloads.

Image Real-time firewall detection of suspicious network connections.

Image Host and network-based intrusion detection systems or intrusion prevention systems (IDS/IPS).

Image Review and analysis of firewalls, IDS, operating systems, and application logs for indicators of compromise.

Image User awareness to recognize and report suspicious activity.

Image Help desk (or equivalent) training to respond to malware incidents.

What Is Antivirus Software?

Antivirus (AV) software is used to detect, contain, and in some cases eliminate malicious software. Most AV software employs two techniques—signature-based recognition and behavior-based (heuristic) recognition. A common misconception is that AV software is 100% effective against malware intrusions. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Although AV applications are an essential control, they are increasingly limited in their effectiveness. This is due to three factors—the sheer volume of new malware, the phenomena of “single-instance” malware, and the sophistication of blended threats.

The core of AV software is known as the “engine.” It is the basic program. The program relies on virus definition files (known as DAT files) to identify malware. The definition files must be continually updated by the software publisher and then distributed to every user. This was a reasonable task when the number and types of malware were limited. New versions of malware are increasing exponentially, thus making research, publication, and timely distribution a next-to-impossible task. In their 2013 “State of Malware” report, McAfee Labs researchers announced that they are cataloging upwards of 100,000 new malware samples each day—that is 69 new pieces of malware a minute or about one new threat every second. Complicating this problem is the phenomena of single-instance malware—that is, variants only used one time. The challenge here is that DAT files are developed using historical knowledge, and it is impossible to develop a corresponding DAT file for a single instance that has never been seen before. The third challenge is the sophistication of malware—specifically, blended threats. A blended threat occurs when multiple variants of malware (worms, viruses, bots, and so on) are used in concert to exploit system vulnerabilities. Blended threats are specifically designed to circumvent AV and behavioral-based defenses.

FYI: W32.Stuxnet: A Complex Blended Threat

Stuxnet, which was developed by the governments of the United States and Israel, is a good example of a complex blended threat. W32.Stuxnet was designed to target and disrupt industrial control systems. Stuxnet malware was initially introduced via a USB device connected to a target computer. Once executed, the malware searched for one of four different Windows vulnerabilities, which enabled it to install a rootkit. From there, worm techniques spread the malicious code to as many computers within the network as possible. The malware updated itself through a P2P mechanism. Stuxnet also had a separate module that used worm techniques to look for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) controller devices manufactured by Siemens. When Stuxnet located one of these devices, it installed yet another piece of malicious code that was designed to control or at least disrupt the device’s operation. Then encrypted VPN tunneling was used to connect to two websites, which issued commands from and reported to the perpetrators of the attack.

Data Replication

The impact of malware, computer hardware failure, accidental deletion of data by users, and other eventualities is reduced with an effective data backup or replication process that includes periodic testing to ensure the integrity of the data as well as the efficiency of the procedures to restore that data in the production environment. Having multiple copies of data is essential for both data integrity and availability. Data replication is the process of copying data to a second location that is available for immediate or near-time use. Data backup is the process of copying and storing data that can be restored to its original location. A company that exists without a tested backup-and-restore or data replication solution is like a flying acrobat working without a net.

Is There a Recommended Backup or Replication Strategy?

Making the decision to back up or to replicate, and how often, should be based on the impact of not being able to access the data either temporarily or permanently. Strategic, operational, financial, transactional, and regulatory requirements must be considered. You should consider several factors when designing a replication or data backup strategy. Reliability is paramount; speed and efficiency are also very important, as are simplicity, ease of use, and, of course, cost. These factors will all define the criteria for the type and frequency of the process.

Backed-up or replicated data should be stored at an off-site location, in an environment where it is secure from theft, the elements, and natural disasters such as floods and fires. The backup strategy and associated procedures must be documented.

FYI: Cloud Storage

“The cloud” is a metaphor for the Internet. Cloud storage refers to using Internet-based resources to store your data. A number of the cloud-based computing vendors such as Google and Amazon offer scalable, affordable storage options that can be used in place of (or in addition to) local backup.

Understanding the Importance of Testing

The whole point of replicating or backing up data is that it can be accessed or restored if the data is lost or tampered with. In other words, the value of the backup or replication is the assurance that running a restore operation will yield success and that the data will once again be available for production and business-critical application systems.

Just as proper attention must be paid to designing and testing the replication or backup solution, the accessibility or restore strategy must also be carefully designed and tested before being approved. Accessibility or restore procedures must be documented. The only way to know whether a replication or backup operation was successful and can be relied upon is to test it. It is recommended that test access or restores of random files be conducted at least monthly.

Secure Messaging

In 1971, Ray Tomlinson, a Department of Defense (DoD) researcher, sent the first ARPANET email message to himself. The ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet, was a United States (U.S.) Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) project intended to develop a set of communications protocols to transparently connect computing resources in various geographical locations. Messaging applications were available on ARPANET systems; however, they could only be used for sending messages to users with local system accounts. Tomlinson modified the existing messaging system so that users could send messages to users on other ARPANET-connected systems. After Tomlinson’s modification was available to other researchers, email quickly became the most heavily used application on the ARPANET. Security was given little consideration because the ARPANET was viewed as a trusted community.

Current email architecture is strikingly similar to the original design. Consequently, email servers, email clients, and users are vulnerable to exploit and are frequent targets of attack. Organizations need to implement controls that safeguard the CIA of email hosts and email clients. NIST Special Publication 800-45, Version 2, Guidelines on Electronic Mail Security, published in February 2007, recommends security practices for designing, implementing, and operating email systems on public and private networks.

What Makes Email a Security Risk?

When you send an email, the route it takes in transit is complex, with processing and sorting occurring at several intermediary locations before arriving at the final destination. In its native form, email is transmitted using clear text protocols. It is almost impossible to know if anyone has read or manipulated your email in transit. Forwarding, copying, storing, and retrieving email is easy (and commonplace); preserving confidentiality of the contents and metadata is difficult. Additionally, email can be used to distribute malware and to exfiltrate company data.

Understanding Clear Text Transmission

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the de facto message transport standard for sending email messages. Jon Postel of the University of Southern California developed SMTP in August 1982. At the most basic level, SMTP is a minimal language that defines a communications protocol for delivering email messages. Once a message is delivered, users need to access the mail server to retrieve the message. The two most widely supported mailbox access protocols are Post Office Protocol (now POP3), developed in 1984, and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), developed in 1988. The designers never envisioned that someday email would be ubiquitous, and as with the original ARPANET communications, reliable message delivery, rather than security, was the focus. SMTP, POP, and IMAP are all clear-text protocols. This means that the delivery instructions (including access passwords) and email contents are transmitted in a human readable form. Information sent in clear text may be captured and read by third parties, resulting in a breach of confidentiality. Information sent in clear text may be captured and manipulated by third parties, resulting in a breach of integrity.

Encryption protocols can be used to protect both authentication and contents. Encryption protects the privacy of the message by converting it from (readable) plaintext into (scrambled) cipher text. We will be examining encryption protocols in depth in Chapter 10, “Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Maintenance.” Encrypted email is often referred to as “secure email.” As we discussed in Chapter 5, “Asset Management,” email-handling standards should specify the email encryption requirements for each data classification. Most email encryption utilities can be configured to auto-encrypt based on preset criteria, including content, recipient, and email domain.

Understanding Metadata

Documents sent as email attachments might contain more information than the sender intended to share. The files created by many office programs contain hidden information about the creator of the document, and may even include some content that has been reformatted, deleted, or hidden. This information is known as metadata.

Keep this in mind in the following situations:

Image If you recycle documents by making changes and sending them to new recipients (that is, using a boilerplate contract or a sales proposal).

Image If you use a document created by another person. In programs such as Microsoft Office, the document might list the original person as the author.

Image If you use a feature for tracking changes. Be sure to accept or reject changes, not just hide the revisions.

Understanding Embedded Malware

Email is an effective method to attack and ultimately infiltrate an organization. Common mechanisms include embedding malware in an attachment and directing the recipient to click a hyperlink that connects to a malware distribution site (unbeknownst to the user). Increasingly, attackers are using email to deliver zero-day attacks at targeted organizations. A zero-day exploit is one that takes advantage of a security vulnerability on the same day that the vulnerability becomes publicly or generally known.

Malware can easily be embedded in common attachments such as PDF, Word, and Excel files or even a picture. Not allowing any attachments would simplify email security; however, it would dramatically reduce the usefulness of email. Determining which types of attachments to allow and which to filter out must be an organizational decision. Filtering is a mail server function and is based on the file type. The effectiveness of filtering is limited because attackers can modify the file extension. In keeping with a defense-in-depth approach, allowed attachments should be scanned for malware at the mail gateway, email server, and email client.

A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that is programmatically configured to connect to another document, bookmark, or location. Hyperlinks have two components—the text to display (such as and the connection instructions. Genuine-looking hyperlinks are used to trick email recipients into connecting to malware distribution sites. Most email client applications have the option to disable active hyperlinks. The challenge here is that hyperlinks are often legitimately used to direct the recipient to additional information. In both cases, users need to be taught to not click on links or open any attachment associated with an unsolicited, unexpected, or even mildly suspicious email.

Controlling Access to Personal Email Applications

Access to personal email accounts should not be allowed from a corporate network. Email that is delivered via personal email applications such as Gmail bypass all of the controls that the company has invested in, such as email filtering and scanning. A fair comparison would be that you install a lock, lights, and an alarm system on the front door of your home but choose to leave the back door wide open all the time based on the assumption that the back door is really just used occasionally for friends and family.

In addition to outside threats, consideration needs to be given to both the malicious and unintentional insider threat. If an employee decides to correspond with a customer via personal email or if an employee chooses to exfiltrate information and send it via personal email, there would be no record of the activity. From both an HR and a forensic perspective, this would hamper an investigation and subsequent response.

FYI: Fraudulent Hyperlinks

Creating a fraudulent hyperlink is easy. You can use HTML code or built-in commands. Figure 8.3 is from a Microsoft Office application. Notice the two boxes—Text to Display ( and Address (pointing to There is no requirement that the two match!


FIGURE 8.3 Editing a hyperlink.

Understanding Hoaxes

Every year, a vast amount of money is lost, in the form of support costs and equipment workload, due to hoaxes sent by email. A hoax is a deliberately fabricated falsehood. An email hoax may be a fake virus warning or false information of a political or legal nature, and often borders on criminal mischief. Some hoaxes ask recipients to take action that turns out to be damaging—deleting supposedly malicious files from their local computer, sending uninvited mail, randomly boycotting organizations for falsified reasons, or defaming an individual or group by forwarding the message on.

Understanding the Risks Introduced by User Error

The three most common user errors that impact the confidentiality of email are sending email to the wrong person, choosing “Reply All” instead of “Reply,” and using “Forward” inappropriately.

It is easy to mistakenly send email to the wrong address. This is especially true with email clients that auto-complete addresses based on the first three or four characters entered. All users must be made aware of this, and must pay strict attention to the email address entered in the To field, along with the CC and BCC fields when used.

The consequence of choosing Reply All instead of Reply can be significant. The best-case scenario is embarrassment. In the worst cases, confidentiality is violated by distributing information to those who do not have a “need to know.” In regulated sectors such as healthcare and banking, violating the privacy of patients and/or clients is against the law.

Forwarding has similar implications. Assume that two people have been emailing back and forth using the “reply” function. Their entire conversation can be found online. Now suppose that one of them decides that something in the last email is of interest to a third person and forwards the email. In reality, what that person just did was forward the entire thread of emails that had been exchanged between the two original people. This may well have not been the person’s intent and may violate the privacy of the other original correspondent.

Are Email Servers at Risk?

Email servers are hosts that deliver, forward, and store email. Email servers are attractive targets because they are a conduit between the Internet and the internal network. Protecting an email server from compromise involves hardening the underlying operating system, the email server application, and the network to prevent malicious entities from directly attacking the mail server. Email servers should be single-purpose hosts, and all other services should be disabled or removed. Email server threats include relay abuse and DoS attacks.

Understanding Relay Abuse and Blacklisting

The role of an email server is to process and relay email. The default posture for many email servers is to process and relay any mail sent to the server. This is known as open mail relay. The ability to relay mail through a server can (and often is) taken advantage of by those who benefit from the illegal use of the resource. Criminals conduct Internet searches for email servers configured to allow relay. Once they locate an open relay server, they use it for distributing spam and malware. The email appears to come from the company whose email server was misappropriated. Criminals use this technique to hide their identity. This is not only an embarrassment but can also result in legal and productivity ramifications.

In a response to the deluge of spam and email malware distribution, blacklisting has become a standard practice. A blacklist is a list of email addresses, domain names, or IP addresses known to send unsolicited commercial email (spam) or email-embedded malware. The process of blacklisting is to use the blacklist as an email filter. The receiving email server checks the incoming emails against the blacklist, and when a match is found, the email is denied.

Understanding Denial of Service Attacks

The SMTP protocol is especially vulnerable to DDoS attacks because, by design, it accepts and queues incoming emails. To mitigate the effects of email DoS attacks, the mail server can be configured to limit the amount of operating system resources it can consume. Some examples include configuring the mail server application so that it cannot consume all available space on its hard drives or partitions, limiting the size of attachments that are allowed, and ensuring log files are stored in a location that is sized appropriately.

Activity Monitoring and Log Analysis

NIST defines a log as a record of the events occurring within an organization’s systems and networks. Logs are composed of log entries; each entry contains information related to a specific event that has occurred within a system or network. Security logs are generated by many sources, including security software, such as AV software, firewalls, and IDS/IPS systems; operating systems on servers, workstations, and networking equipment; and applications. Logs are a key resource when performing auditing and forensic analysis, supporting internal investigations, establishing baselines, and identifying operational trends and long-term problems. Routine log analysis is beneficial for identifying security incidents, policy violations, fraudulent activity, and operational problems. Third-party security specialists should be engaged for log analysis if in-house knowledge is not sufficient.

What Is Log Management?

Log management activities involve configuring the log sources, including log generation, storage, and security, performing analysis of log data, initiating appropriate responses to identified events, and managing the long-term storage of log data. Log management infrastructures are typically based on one of the two major categories of log management software: syslog-based centralized logging software and security information and event management software (SIEM). Syslog provides an open framework based on message type and severity. Security information and event management (SIEM) software includes commercial applications and often uses proprietary processes. NIST Special Publication SP 800-92, Guide to Computer Security Log Management, published September 2006, provides practical, real-world guidance on developing, implementing, and maintaining effective log management practices throughout an enterprise. The guidance in SP 800-92 covers several topics, including establishing a log management infrastructure.

Prioritizing and Selecting Which Data to Log

Ideally, data would be collected from every significant device and application on the network. The challenge is that network devices and applications can generate hundreds of events per minute. A network with even a small number of devices can generate millions of events per day. The sheer volume can overwhelm a log management program. Prioritization and inclusion decisions should be based on system or device criticality, data protection requirements, vulnerability to exploit, and regulatory requirements. For example, websites and servers that serve as the public face of the company are vulnerable specifically because they are Internet accessible. E-commerce application and database servers may drive the company’s revenue and are targeted because they contain valuable information such as credit card information. Internal devices are required for day-to-day productivity; access makes them vulnerable to insider attacks. In addition to identifying suspicious activity, attacks, and compromises, log data can be used to better understand normal activity, provide operational oversight, and provide a historical record of activity. The decision-making process should include information system owners as well as information security, compliance, legal, HR, and IT personnel.

Analyzing Logs

Done correctly and consistently, log analysis is a reliable and accurate way to discover potential threats, identify malicious activity, and provide operational oversight. Log analysis techniques include correlation, sequencing, signature, and trend analysis:

Image Correlation ties individual log entries together based on related information.

Image Sequencing examines activity based on patterns.

Image Signature compares log data to “known bad” activity.

Image Trend analysis identifies activity over time that in isolation might appear normal.

A common mistake made when analyzing logs is to focus on “denied” activity. Although it is important to know what was denied, it is much more important to focus on allowed activity that may put the organization at risk.

FYI: Log Review Regulatory Requirements and Contractual Obligations

Monitoring event and audit logs is an integral part of complying with a variety of federal regulations, including the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. In addition, as of July 2013, at least 48 states and U.S. territories have instituted security breach notification laws that require businesses to monitor and protect specific sets of consumer data:

Image Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) requires financial institutions to protect their customers’ information against security threats. Log management can be helpful in identifying possible security violations and resolving them effectively.

Image Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) includes security standards for certain health information, including the need to perform regular reviews of audit logs and access reports. Section 4.22 specifies that documentation of actions and activities needs to be retained for at least six years.

Image Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA) requirements found in NIST SP 800-53, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems, describes several controls related to log management, including the generation, review, protection, and retention of audit records, as well as the actions to be taken because of audit failure.

Image Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) applies to organizations that store, process or transmit cardholder data for payment cards. The fifth core PCI DSS principle, Regulatory Monitor and Test Networks, includes the requirement to track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data.

Firewall logs can be used to detect security threats such as network intrusion, virus attacks, DoS attacks, anomalous behavior, employee web activities, web traffic analysis, and malicious insider activity. Reviewing log data provides oversight of firewall administrative activity and change management, including an audit trail of firewall configuration changes. Bandwidth monitoring can provide information about sudden changes that may be indicative of an attack.

Web server logs are another rich source of data to identify and thwart malicious activity. HTTP status codes indicating redirection, client error, or server error can indicate malicious activity as well as malfunctioning applications or bad HTML code. Checking the logs for Null Referrers can identify hackers who are scanning the website with automated tools that do not follow proper protocols. Log data can also be used to identify web attacks, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and directory traversal. As with the firewall, reviewing web server log data provides oversight of web server/website administrative activity and change management, including an audit trail of configuration changes.

Authentication server logs document user, group, and administrative account activity. Activity that should be mined and analyzed includes account lockouts, invalid account logons, invalid passwords, password changes, and user management changes, including new accounts and changed accounts, computer management events (such as when audit logs are cleared or computer account names are changed), group management events (such as the creation or deletion of groups and the addition of users to high-security groups), and user activity outside of logon time restrictions. Operational activity, such as the installation of new software, the success/failure of patch management, server reboots, and policy changes, should be on the radar as well.

Service Provider Oversight

Many companies outsource some aspect of their operations. These relationships, however beneficial, have the potential to introduce vulnerabilities. From a regulatory perspective, you can outsource the work but you cannot outsource the legal responsibility. Organizational CIA requirements must extend to all service providers and business partners that store, process, transmit, or access company data and information systems. Third-party controls must be required to meet or, in some cases, exceed internal requirements. When working with service providers, organizations need to exercise due diligence in selecting providers, contractually obligate providers to implement appropriate security controls, and monitor service providers for ongoing compliance with contractual obligations.

FYI: Outsourcing Technology Services Guidance

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Information Technology Examination Handbook (IT Handbook) Outsourcing Technology Services Booklet was published in 2004 with the objective of providing guidance and examination procedures to assist examiners and bankers in evaluating a financial institution’s risk management processes to establish, manage, and monitor IT outsourcing relationships. However, the guidance is useful for organizations of all types and sizes. A number of the recommendations in this section are from the FFIEC guidance. To download the booklet from the FFIEC site, visit

What Is Due Diligence?

Vendor due diligence describes the process or methodology used to assess the adequacy of a service provider. The depth and formality of the due diligence performed may vary based on the risk of the outsourced relationship. Due diligence investigation may include the following:

Image Corporate history

Image Qualifications, backgrounds, and reputations of company principals

Image Financial status, including reviews of audited financial statements

Image Service delivery capability, status, and effectiveness

Image Technology and systems architecture

Image Internal controls environment, security history, and audit coverage

Image Legal and regulatory compliance, including any complaints, litigation, or regulatory actions

Image Reliance on and success in dealing with third-party service providers

Image Insurance coverage

Image Incident response capability

Image Disaster recovery and business continuity capability

Documentation requested from a service provider generally includes financial statements, security-related policies, proof of insurance, subcontractor disclosure, disaster recovery, and continuity of operations plan, incident notification, and response procedures, security testing results, and independent audit reports such as an SSAE16.

Understanding Independent Audit Reports

The objective of an independent audit is to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of operational, security, and compliance controls. Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) 16, known as SSAE16 audit reports, have become the most widely accepted due diligence documentation. Developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), there are three audit options: SOC1, SOC2, and SOC3. SOC is an acronym for controls at a service organization. SOC1 reports focus solely on controls at a service organization that are likely to be relevant to an audit of a user entity’s financial statements. SOC2 and SOC3 reports specifically address one or more of the following five key system attributes:

Image Security—The system is protected against unauthorized access (both physical and logical).

Image Availability—The system is available for operation and use as committed or agreed.

Image Processing integrity—System processing is complete, accurate, timely, and authorized.

Image Confidentiality—Information designated as confidential is protected as committed or agreed.

Image Privacy—Personal information is collected, used, retained, disclosed, and disposed of in conformity with the commitments in the entity’s privacy notice, and with criteria set forth in Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP) issued by the AICPA and Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.

SSAE audits must be attested to by a certified public accounting (CPA) firm. SSAE Service organizations that had an SOC 1, SOC 2, or SOC 3 engagement within the past year may register with the AICPA to display the applicable logo.

What Should Be Included in Service Provider Contracts?

Service provider contracts should include a number of information security–related clauses, including performance standards, security and privacy compliance requirements, incident notification, business continuity, disaster recovery commitments, and auditing options. The objective is to ensure that the service provider exercises due care, which is the expectation that reasonable efforts will be made to avoid harm and minimize risk.

Performance standards define minimum service level requirements and remedies for failure to meet standards in the contract—for example, system uptime, deadlines for completing batch processing, and number of processing errors. MTTR (or mean time to repair) may be a clause condition in a service level agreement (SLA), along with a standard reference to Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 performance factors. Security and privacy compliance requirements address the service provider stewardship of information and information systems as well as organizational processes, strategies, and plans. At a minimum, the service provider control environment should be consistent with organizational policies and standards. The agreement should prohibit the service provider and its agents from using or disclosing the information, except as necessary for or consistent with providing the contracted services, and to protect against unauthorized use. If the service provider stores, processes, receives, or accesses non-public personal information (NPPI), the contract should state that the service provider would comply with all applicable security and privacy regulations.

Incident notification requirements should be clearly spelled out. In keeping with state breach notification laws, unless otherwise instructed by law enforcement, the service provider must disclose both verified security breaches and suspected incidents. The latter is often a point of contention. The contract should specify the timeframe for reporting as well as the type of information that must be included in the incident report.

Lastly, the contract should include the types of audit reports it is entitled to receive (for example, financial, internal control, and security reviews). The contract should specify the audit frequency, any charges for obtaining the audits, as well as the rights to obtain the results of the audits in a timely manner. The contract may also specify rights to obtain documentation of the resolution of any deficiencies and to inspect the processing facilities and operating practices of the service provider. For Internet-related services, the contract should require periodic control reviews performed by an independent party with sufficient expertise. These reviews may include penetration testing, intrusion detection, reviews of firewall configuration, and other independent control reviews.

Managing Ongoing Monitoring

The due diligence is done, the contract is signed, and the service is being provided—but it’s not yet time to relax. Remember that you can outsource the work but not the responsibility. Ongoing monitoring should include the effectiveness of the service providers’ security controls, financial strength, ability to respond to changes in the regulatory environment, and the impact of external events. Business process owners should establish and maintain a professional relationship with key service provider personnel.

FYI: Small Business Note

The majority of small businesses do not have dedicated IT or information security staff. They rely on outside organizations or contractors to perform a wide range of tasks, including procurement, network management and administration, web design, and off-site hosting. Rarely are the “IT guys” properly vetted. A common small business owner remark is, “I wouldn’t even know what to ask. I don’t know anything about technology.” Rather than being intimidated, small business owners and managers need to recognize that they have a responsibility to evaluate the credentials of everyone who has access to their information systems. Peer and industry groups such as the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, ISC2, and ISACA chapters can all be a source for references and recommendations. As with any service provider, responsibilities and expectations should be codified in a contract.


This security domain is all about day-to-day operational activities. We started the chapter by looking at SOPs. We discussed that well-written SOPs provide direction, improve communication, reduce training time, and improve work consistency. Routine procedures that are short and require few decisions can be written using the simple step format. Long procedures consisting of more than ten steps, with few decisions, should be written in hierarchical steps format or in a graphic format. Procedures that require many decisions should be written in the form of a flowchart.

Organizations are dynamic, and change is inevitable. The objective of change control is to ensure that only authorized changes are made to software, hardware, network access privileges, or business processes. A change management process establishes an orderly and effective mechanism for submission, evaluation, approval, prioritization, scheduling, communication, implementation, monitoring, and organizational acceptance of change.

Two mandatory components of a change management process are an RFC (Request for Change) document and a change control plan. Scheduled changes can be exempt from the process as long as they have a preapproved procedure. A good example of this is patch management. A patch is software or code designed to fix a problem. Applying security patches is the primary method of fixing security vulnerabilities in software. Patch management is the process of scheduling, testing, approving, and applying security patches.

Criminals design malware, short for malicious software (or script or code), to exploit device, operating system, application, and user vulnerabilities with the intent of disrupting computer operations, gathering sensitive information, or gaining unauthorized access. A zero-day exploit is one that takes advantage of security vulnerability on the same day that the vulnerability becomes publicly or generally known. Malware categorization is based on infection and propagation characteristics. A virus is malicious code that attaches to and becomes part of another program. A worm is a piece of malicious code that can spread from one computer to another without requiring a host file to infect. A Trojan is malicious code that masquerades as a legitimate benign application. Bots (also known as robots) are snippets of code designed to automate tasks and respond to instructions. An entire network of compromised devices is known as a botnet. Ransomware is a type of malware that takes a computer or its data hostage in an effort to extort money from victims. A rootkit is set of software tools that hides its presence in the lower layers of the operating system application layer, operating system kernel, or in the device BIOS with privileged access permissions. Spyware is a general term used to describe software that, without a user’s consent and/or knowledge, tracks Internet activity such as searches and web surfing, collects data on personal habits, and displays advertisements. Hybrid malware is code that combines characteristics of multiple categories. A blended threat is a when multiple variants of malware (worms, viruses, bots, and so on) are used in concert to exploit system vulnerabilities. An anti-malware defense-in-depth arsenal includes both prevention and detection controls. The most familiar of these is AV software that is designed to detect, contain, and in some cases eliminate malicious software.

Malware, user error, and system failure are among the many threats that can render data unusable. Having multiple copies of data is essential for both data integrity and availability. Data replication is the process of copying data to a second location that is available for immediate or near-time use. Data backup is the process of copying and storing data that can be restored to its original location. In both cases, it is essential to have SOPs for both replication/backup and restoration/recovery. Restoration and recovery processes should be tested to ensure that they work as anticipated.

Email is a primary malware distribution channel. Criminals embed malware in attachments or include a hyperlink to a malware distribution site. Email systems need to be configured to scan for malware and to filter attachments. Users need to be trained not to click email links and not to open unexpected attachments. Organizations should also restrict access to personal web mail applications because they bypass internal email controls. Criminals take advantage of the inherent weaknesses in the email communication system. The vulnerabilities can be traced back to the ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet, which was a US Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) project intended to develop a set of communications protocols to transparently connect computing resources in various geographical locations. Because the ARPANET was a trusted network, security controls were not considered. Today’s email system uses essentially the same protocols and processes. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), designed in 1982, is the de facto message transport standard for sending email messages. Common mailbox access protocols Post Office Protocol (now POP3) and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) were developed in 1984 and 1988, respectively. Messages sent using SMTP are transmitted in plaintext and are human readable. Multiple transport and storage encryption options can be used to protect the data from prying eyes. Encryption protects the privacy of the message by converting it from (readable) plaintext into (scrambled) cipher text. The default posture for many email servers is to process and relay any mail sent to the server; this feature is known as open mail relay. Criminals exploit open mail relay to distribute malware, spam, and illegal material such as pornography. A blacklist is a list of email addresses, domain names, or IP addresses known to be compromised or intentionally used as a distribution platform. The process of blacklisting is to use the blacklist as an email filter. Because email servers are Internet facing and are open to receiving packets, they are easy targets for distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. The objective of a DDoS attack is to render the service inoperable.

Almost every device and application on a network can record activity. This record of events is known as a log. Logs can be processed either using standard syslog protocols or using SIEM applications. Syslog provides an open framework based on message type and severity. Security information and event management software (SIEM) are commercial applications and often use proprietary processes. Analysis techniques include correlation, sequencing, signature comparison, and trend analysis. Correlation ties individual log entries together based on related information. Sequencing examines activity based on patterns. Signature compares log data to “known bad” activity. Trend analysis identifies activity over time that in isolation might appear normal. The process of configuring the log sources, including log generation, storage, and security, performing analysis of log data, initiating appropriate responses to identified events, and managing the long-term storage of log data is known as log management.

Operational security extends to service providers. Service providers are vendors, contractors, business partners, and affiliates who store, process, transmit, or access company information or company information systems. Service provider internal controls should meet or exceed those of the contracting organization. The conventional wisdom (and in some cases, the regulatory requirement) is that you can outsource the work but not the liability. Due diligence describes the process or methodology used to assess the adequacy of a service provider. SSAE16 audit reports have become the most widely accepted due diligence documentation. SSAE16 reports are independent audits certified by CPA firms. The three audit options are SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3. SOC 1 audits focus on controls that are likely to be relevant to a service provider’s financial statements and condition. SOC 2 and SOC 3 are designed to examine security, CIA, and privacy attributes. Once a vendor is selected, their obligations should be codified in a contract. Service provider contracts should include a number of information security–related clauses, including performance standards, security and privacy compliance requirements, incident notification, business continuity and disaster recovery commitments, and auditing and ongoing monitoring options.

Operations and Communications Security policies include Standard Operating Procedures Documentation Policy, Operational Change Control Policy, Security Patch Management Policy, Malicious Software Policy, Email and Email Systems Security Policy, Security Log Management Policy, and Service Provider Management Policy.

Test Your Skills

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is true about documenting SOPs?

A. It promotes business continuity.

B. The documentation should be approved before publication and distribution.

C. Both A and B.

D. Neither A nor B.

2. Which two factors influence the type of SOP used?

A. Cost and complexity

B. Number of decisions and number of steps

C. Language and age of the workforce

D. Number of warnings and number of exceptions

3. Which of the following formats should be used when an SOP includes multiple decision-making steps?

A. Simple

B. Hierarchical

C. Graphic

D. Flowchart

4. The change control process starts with which of the following?

A. Budget

B. RFC submission

C. Vendor solicitation

D. Supervisor authorization

5. What is the most important message to share with the workforce about “change”?

A. The reason for the change

B. The cost of the change

C. Who approved the change

D. Management’s opinion of the change

6. Which of the following statements best describes the action that should occur prior to implementing a change that has the potential to impact business processing?

A. The impact should be communicated.

B. The change should be thoroughly tested.

C. A rollback or recovery plan should be developed.

D. All of the above.

7. Which of the following is not a part of a malware defense-in-depth strategy?

A. Security awareness

B. Prevention controls

C. Reverse engineering

D. Detection controls

8. Which of the following statements best describes a security patch?

A. A security patch is designed to fix a security vulnerability.

B. A security patch is designed to add security features.

C. A security patch is designed to add security warnings.

D. A security patch is designed to fix code functionality.

9. Which of the following is a component of an AV application?

A. Definition files

B. Handler

C. Patch

D. Virus

10. Which of the following statements best describes the testing of security patches?

A. Security patches should never be tested because waiting to deploy is dangerous.

B. Security patches should be tested prior to deployment, if possible.

C. Security patches should be tested one month after deployment.

D. Security patches should never be tested because they are tested by the vendor.

11. Which of the following operating systems are vulnerable to malware?

A. Apple OS only.

B. Android OS only.

C. Microsoft Windows OS only.

D. Malware is operating system agnostic.

12. Which of the following terms best describes malware that is specifically designed to hide in the background and gather info over an extended period of time?

A. Trojan


C. Ransomware

D. Zero-day exploit

13. A _________________ can spread from one computer to another without requiring a host file to infect.

A. virus

B. Trojan

C. worm

D. rootkit

14. _________________ wait for remote instructions and are often used in DDoS attacks.


B. Bots


D. None of the above

15. Which of the following statements best describes a blended threat?

A. A blended threat is designed to be difficult to detect.

B. A blended threat is designed to be difficult to contain.

C. A blended threat is designed to be difficult to eradicate.

D. All of the above.

16. Which of the following statements best describes data replication?

A. Replicated data needs to be restored from tape.

B. Only administrators have access to replicated data.

C. Replicated data is generally available in near or real time.

D. Replication is expensive.

17. Organizations that are considering storing legally protected data in “the cloud” should ________________________.

A. contractually obligate the service provider to protect the data

B. assume that the appropriate security controls are in place

C. give their customers an option as to where data is stored

D. only use cloud storage for data replication

18. Which of the following actions best describes the task that should be completed once backup media such as tape is no longer in rotation?

A. It should be erased and reused.

B. It should be recycled.

C. It should physically be destroyed.

D. It should be labeled as old and put in a supply closet.

19. Which of the following terms best describes the Department of Defense project to develop a set of communications protocols to transparently connect computing resources in various geographical locations?

A. DoDNet




20. Which of the following terms best describes the message transport protocol used for sending email messages?





21. In its native form, email is transmitted in _________.

A. cipher text

B. clear text

C. hypertext

D. meta text

22. Which of the following statements best describes how users should be trained to manage their email?

A. Users should click embedded email hyperlinks.

B. Users should open unexpected email attachments.

C. Users should access personal email from the office.

D. Users should delete unsolicited or unrecognized emails.

23. Open email relay service can be used to do which of the following?

A. Secure messages

B. Ensure message delivery

C. Misappropriate resources

D. Create blacklists

24. Which of the following statements best describes a system log?

A. A system log is a record of allowed and denied events.

B. A system log is a record of problem events only.

C. A system log is a record of user productivity.

D. A system log is a record of system codes.

25. Which of the following statements best describes trend analysis?

A. Trend analysis is used to tie individual log entries together based on related information.

B. Trend analysis is used to examine activity based on patterns.

C. Trend analysis is used to compare log data to known bad activity.

D. Trend analysis is used to identify activity over time.

26. Which of the following statements best describes authentication server logs?

A. Authentication server logs capture user, group, and administrative activity.

B. Authentication server logs capture bad HTML code.

C. Authentication server logs capture SQL injection attempts.

D. Authentication server logs capture web traffic.

27. Which of the following terms best describes the process of assessing a service provider’s reputation, financial statements, internal controls, and insurance coverage?

A. Downstream investigation

B. Standard of care

C. Due diligence

D. Outsource audit

28. SSAE16 audits must be attested to by a _____________.

A. Certified Information System Auditor (CISA)

B. Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

C. Certified Information Systems Manager (CISM)

D. Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP)

29. Service providers should be required to provide notification of which of the following types of incidents?

A. Confirmed incidents

B. Confirmed incidents by known criminals

C. Confirmed incidents that have been reported to law enforcement

D. Confirmed and suspected incidents

30. Which of the following reasons best describes why independent security testing is recommended?

A. Independent security testing is recommended because of the objectivity of the tester.

B. Independent security testing is recommended because of the expertise of the tester.

C. Independent security testing is recommended because of the experience of the tester.

D. All of the above.


Exercise 8.1: Documenting Operating Procedures

1. SOPs are not restricted to use in IT and information security. Cite three non-IT or security examples where SOP documentation is important.

2. Choose a procedure that you are familiar enough with that you can write SOP documentation.

3. Decide which format you are going to use to create the SOP document.

Exercise 8.2: Researching Email Security

1. Does your personal email application you are currently using have an option for “secure messaging”? If so, describe the option. If not, how does this limit what you can send via email?

2. Does the email application you are using have an option for “secure authentication” (this may be referred to as secure login or multifactor authentication)? If so, describe the option. If not, does this concern you?

3. Does the email application scan for malware or block attachments? If so, describe the option. If not, what can you do to minimize the risk of malware infection?

Exercise 8.3: Researching Metadata

1. Most applications include metadata in the document properties. What metadata does the word processing software you currently use track?

2. Is there a way to remove the metadata from the document?

3. Why would you want to remove metadata before distributing a document?

Exercise 8.4: Understanding Patch Management

1. Do you install operating system or application security patches on your personal devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphone? If yes, how often. If not, why not?

2. What method do you use (for example, Windows Update)? Is the update automatic? What is the update schedule? If you do not install security patches, research and describe your options.

3. Why is it sometimes necessary to reboot your device after applying security patches?

Exercise 8.5: Understanding Malware Corporate Account Takeovers

1. Hundreds of small businesses across the country have been victims of corporate account takeovers. To learn more, read the following NYT small business article and visit the Krebs on Security blog. If the links are no longer active, Google the topic.

2. Should financial institutions be required to warn small business customers of the dangers associated with cash management services such as ACH and wire transfers? Explain your reasoning.

3. What would be the most effective method of teaching bank customers about corporate account takeover attacks?


Project 8.1: Performing Due Diligence with Data Replication and Backup Service Providers

1. Do you store your schoolwork on your laptop? If not, where is the data stored? Write a memo explaining the consequences of losing your laptop, or if the alternate location or device becomes unavailable. Include the reasons why having a second copy will contribute to your success as a student. After you have finished step 2 of this project, complete the memo with your recommendations.

2. Research “cloud-based” backup or replication options. Choose a service provider and answer the following questions:

What service/service provider did you choose?

How do you know they are reputable?

What controls do they have in place to protect your data?

Do they reveal where the data will be stored?

Do they have an SSAE16 or equivalent audit report available for review?

Do they have any certifications, such as McAfee Secure?

How much will it cost?

How often are you going to update the secondary copy?

What do you need to do to test the restore/recovery process?

How often will you test the restore/recovery process?

Project 8.2: Developing an Email and Malware Training Program

You are working as an information security intern for Best Regional Bank, who has asked you to develop a PowerPoint training module that explains the risks (including malware) associated with email. The target audience is all employees.

1. Create an outline of the training to present to the training manager.

2. The training manager likes your outline. She just learned that the company would be monitoring email to make sure that data classified as “protected” is not being sent insecurely and that access to personal web-based email is going to be restricted. You need to add these topics to your outline.

3. Working from your outline, develop a PowerPoint training module. Be sure to include email “best practices.” Be prepared to present the training to your peers.

Project 8.3: Developing Change Control and SOPs

The Dean of Academics at ABC University has asked your class to design a change control process specifically for mid-semester faculty requests to modify the day, the time, or the location where their class meets. You need to do the following:

1. Create an RFC form.

2. Develop an authorization workflow that specifies who (for example, the department chair) needs to approve the change and in what order.

3. Develop an SOP flowchart for faculty members to use that includes submitting the RFC, authorization workflow, and communication (for example, students, housekeeping, campus security, registrar).


Regulations Cited

“16 CFR Part 314: Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information; Final Rule, Federal Register,” accessed on 05/2013,

“Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA),” accessed on 06/2013,

“Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act,” the official website of the Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection Business Center, accessed on 05/2013,

“HIPAA Security Rule,” the official website of the Department of Health and Human Services, accessed on 05/2013,

Other References

Ducklin, Paul. “Memories of Slammer—Ten Years Later,” January 27, 2013, Sophos Naked Security, accessed 07/2013,

“Enterprise Blended Malware Threats Slip through Traditional Defenses,” Blue Ridge Networks, Inc., whitepaper, March 16, 2012, accessed 07/2013,

FFIEC Information Security IT Examination Handbook, accessed 07/2013,

FFEIC Information Audit IT Examination Handbook, accessed 07/2013,

“Infographic: The State of Malware 2013,” April 1, 2013, accessed 07/2013,

“ISO 5807:1985,” ISO, accessed 07/2013,

Kern, Harris. “How to Implement Change Management with These Six Steps,” Yahoo! Voices, May 25, 2009, accessed 07/2013,

“Management Best Practices Benchmarking Report,” Change Management Learning Center, accessed 07/2013,

NSA Sixty-Minute Security Guide, accessed 07/2013,

NIST Special Publication 800-42: Guideline on Network Security Testing, accessed 07/2013,

“Project Documentation Guidelines, Virginia Tech,” accessed 07/2013,

“Service Organization Controls, Managing Risks by Obtaining a Service Auditors Report,” February 2013, American Institute of CPAs, accessed 2013,’smanagement.aspx.

Skoudis, Ed. Malware: Fighting Malicious Code, Prentice Hall, 2003.

Still, Michael and Eric Charles McCreath. “DDoS Protections for SMTP Servers.” International Journal of Computer Science and Security, Volume 4, Issue 6, 2011.

“What Is Ransomware?” Microsoft Protection Center, accessed 07/2013,

“What Is Spyware,” Microsoft Safety & Security Center, accessed 07/2013,

“What Is the Difference: Viruses, Worms, Trojans, and Bots,” accessed 07/2013,

Wieringa, Douglas, Christopher Moore, and Valerie Barnes. Procedure Writing: Principles and Practices, Second Edition, Columbus, Ohio: Battelle Press, 1988.

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