‘Choose wisely’ may be one of the best pieces of advice you are ever given, but, like all good advice, the trick lies in how to put it into practice.

In business we are faced with choices on a regular basis and the decisions we make may have far-reaching consequences. Certainly in the business of information technology it is important that our systems and services are up to the job and capable of meeting our information processing requirements. Briefly articulate those requirements in a search engine and a quick trawl of the web will undoubtedly uncover many ways to meet the need, however, despite the endeavours of the smartest algorithms or the cleverest search optimisations, the product at the top of the list may not be the one for you. Choosing wisely from the options available, sorting the wheat from the chaff, deserves a rigour and a process that’s more than the click of a mouse, or the poke of a finger.

When the expenditure is minimal and the obligation none too onerous we may be inclined to trust our decision making to good judgement and the past experience of ourselves or others, but when the budgetary figures increase and the commitment becomes demanding, we should look for a method that brings insight, robustness and reliability to our decision making. Selecting the right system or the right service from the multiplicity that is today’s marketplace is a valuable skill and many of us would willingly devote time and study to hone that skill.

Learning the art and science of any topic frequently benefits from an expert guide and this book provides excellent guidance through this essential process.

Martyn Croft, CIO

The Salvation Army UK Territory with the Republic of Ireland

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