Available software tools

To automate the testing of your applications on mobile devices, there are many software tools available. The following are some of the tools that are built based on Selenium WebDriver:

  • Appium: A cross-platform and cross-technology mobile testing framework based on Selenium for native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. Appium enables the use and extension of the existing Selenium WebDriver framework to build mobile tests. As it uses Selenium WebDriver to drive the tests, we can use any language to create tests for which a Selenium client library exists. You can create and execute your test scripts against Android and iOS platforms without having to change the underlying driver. Appium can also work with Firefox OS platforms. In the rest of the chapter, we will see how we can work with Appium.  
  • Selendroid: This driver is similar to iOSDriver and can execute your native, hybrid, and m.site application test scripts on the Android platform. It uses the native UI Automator library provided by Google. The test scripts communicate with the Selendroid driver over the JSON wire protocol while using its favourite client-language bindings.
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