Templates for Selling Professionals

Clean up Database

Every six months to one year it becomes vital to remain atop your client database and maintain some cleanliness. Customer Databases can become quite large, cumbersome and most importantly outdated. The best advice is to send an email or succinct letter to a client/prospect alerting them of your intent to update important account information. Suggest to them this will only take a few moments and is impetrative in assisting you to maintain contact.

Letter Form

Dear ____________________________

I am hopeful that all is well with you. I am grateful that we had the opportunity to connect the other day. Pursuant to our conversation, I am sending this note to assist me in updating your account profile.

At your convenience would you please review the current information and indicate where necessary any changes. I am particularly focusing my efforts on your email, your current address and contact telephone numbers.

Please do not underestimate my gratefulness of your time but this is a great exercise to ensure we do not lose contact.

Kind Regards,

Email Format

I am sending the following email to let you know that I am in the process of performing my annual database maintenance. In an effort to ensure I have the most current information I am seeking a few moments of your help.

At your convenience would you please review the current information and indicate where necessary any changes. I am particularly focusing my efforts on your email, your current address and contact telephone numbers.

Please do not underestimate my gratefulness of your time but this is a great exercise to ensure we do not lose contact.

Kind Regards,

Closing Questions

Every sale requires a focus on client value and customer appreciation. Additionally, each sale is contingent upon not only how well the selling professional has moved the client relationship closer but most importantly has the representative fit the need with the product or service. Good questioning skills are required to help the representative understand client’s desires. II is important to lead a sale down a path to assist both sides in gaining closure. The questions on the preceding page provide a pathway to your success.


  1. How would your superior make a similar decision?

  2. Do the terms and objectives meet with your approval? If so what is the best manner to proceed?

  3. Who is the person responsible for allocating funds and resources?

  4. When will the appropriate person or you approve this project?

  5. What is the impending event?

  6. Who are the influencers?

  7. Who are the recommenders?

  8. What is the decision process and who is involved?

  9. If you could buy today without worry of price or circumstance, would you make the purchase?

  10. What is the budget for this type of purchase?

  11. Why are you buying/looking?

  12. If you proceed how will this improve the organization?

  13. How might this service or project improve your competitive position?

  14. When might be the appropriate time to begin this project?

Cold Calling Fitness

The art of cold calling is serious business. And not many like to do it, however there will be times when it is necessary. Cold Calling requires patience, persistence and professionalism. The trick is to remain constantly positive and vigilant. More important, you must remember that cold calling is meant to generate leads - just relationships! Too many of you reading this believe that when you cold call you are to sell something, this is far from the truth. Whether stocks, insurance or any other product the idea behind cold calling is to begin a relationship.

The comedian Jeff Foxworthy uses a moniker with every joke that states, “You might be a redneck if”. Before you read each of the ten tips say to yourself, “You might be a cold calling nuisance if...”

  1. You pick up the telephone and have no idea who you are calling. Someone called me recently and asked for the proprietor. Know whom you are calling.

  2. After hello you begin with chitchat. Speak with conviction and have a purpose for every call.

  3. You call and have conversations with gatekeepers. Call only decision makers. Stop wasting time with gatekeepers that are paid to detain you. Research the person you want to reach before you pick up the phone.

  4. You do not know anything about the business or industry you call. I had a gentleman call me this morning to sell me a copier without an iota of knowledge of my business. Imagine the shock when he discovered I was a sales trainer.

  5. Start your call with information about your company. Begin your call with a purpose and a value proposition. If you cannot articulate the value to the recipient do not make the call.

  6. Begin your calls with inane questions. Questions such as “How you doin’” is for Joey Tribiani from the series Friends. Unless you desire a data dump comparable of being in a therapist office, stop. If you want conversation then speak articulately.

  7. Operate each call without a clear purpose. Use a checklist for each call and have a path. A call should have a beginning, middle and an end.

  8. Get over the myth that you are calling to sell something. NO YOU ARE NOT. You are simply calling for an introduction and to gain an appointment, any other reason is a mistake on your part.

  9. You fear rejection. Get over it. Lead Generation whether you conduct it for your business or other complex organization is about the rejection business. In order to be successful get out of your comfort zone and deal with it.

  10. Commence from call to call. I know of an organization that requires representatives make over 50 calls per day. This is unrealistic. What should be measured is not the call volume but the calls that lead to appointments. Success is should be measured by quality over quantity.

Here are the steps and techniques necessary for cold calling:

10 Steps

  1. State your name

  2. State the name of the suspect for verification

  3. Provide a very brief statement for your call

  4. State a reason for your relevance based on current events

  5. Raise a question of interest based on a need for clarification and interest

  6. Provide your value proposition to the prospect

  7. Use a pithy testimonial congruent to the prospects issues

  8. Assess the interest and create some action

  9. Develop an actionable step such as another telephone call or direct appointment

  10. If there is a lack of interest proceed with a question for a referral in another division or department

  11. Remember to thank the prospect and confirm any actions

  12. Evaluate the call and make notes for the next meeting

Sample Template to follow:

  1. My name is ________________________________

  2. I am calling to speak with __________________________

  3. I am with Stevens Consulting Group. We specialize in sales productivity and business growth.

  4. I understand that XYZ is seeking more efficiencies with its sales talent and better closing ratios. Am I correct with that?

  5. I am under the impression that there is a need to provide some productivity investments in staff based on a recent Wall Street Journal article.

  6. Would it be of interest to discover how you can increase profits and production without raising head count?

  7. We found that working with __________________________ that this is a key issue for them and has improved their efficiencies over 35%,

  8. Would you be interested in learning more about this?

  9. Let me suggest I send some materials and follow up with you on Thursday 21 June at 10:30 AM EDT. Would that be convenient for you?

  10. Thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you then. I will also send to you by courier a complete press kit and links to some valuable information on the web that will assist you in preparing for our next call. Again thank you for your time and enjoy the remains of your day.

Customer Service Follow Up

Peter Drucker one wrote that the focus of every organization is the customer. The customer is the essence of products, market research and most importantly customer service is why the firm exists. 98% of most companies lose focus with customer service, it becomes and afterthought and an excuse or sometimes an interruption. Customer Service is your business lifeline and failure to review, focus and implement systems that build on customer relationships will negatively impact business.

Customer Service Letter

Dear Susan:

I was recently notified of your Customer Service issue. Please note that the essence of our business is complete client satisfaction. I am in contact with our team presently working to follow up and determine not only the reasons of the issue but to find an immediate resolution. Once I finalize the information I will respond to you with closure.

Thank you for your patronage and ability to serve you. Please note the value of your service and the importance of the relationship.

Kind Regards,

Drew Stevens

Customer Service Pledge for all Clients

  1. The customer is the most vital aspect of my business.

  2. The customer does not interrupt my day, they are the integration of it.

  3. Nothing happens in the business without proper customer service.

  4. Customers that smile and enjoy the service become marketing avatars.

  5. Customers that allow us to exceed expectations inform others of our humble nature.

  6. Networks grow because of content customers.

  7. Customers own our brand.

  8. Customer to Customer influences are strong, remain one with the customer.

  9. We exist to match customer wants and needs, our ideal is to satisfy.

  10. The best compliment for any customer is a referral.

Follow Up from Networking Event

It is imperative after meeting new colleagues and peers at an association or other organization function to send them a quick thank you for the acquaintance. Sending a card, (not an email) a physical card makes the meeting memorable as people do not typically place such tresures into the garbage. Thank you cards a wonderful methods to express not only gratitude but differentiation.

Follow Up from Networking Letter

Dear Deborah:

It was a sincere pleasure to meet you and Barry on 20 September 2009 at the IMC event in St. Charles. I was very intrigued about your conversation on business performance and would welcome the opportunity to meet again and further our discussion.

I am enclosing my business card and complete contact information. However, my plan is to connect with you again on 5 October 2009 at 9:30 AM CDT. I look forward to speaking with you again.

All the best

Drew Stevens PhD

Follow Up Letter

Never conduct a sales meeting, or any other customer presentation without a proper follow up to any telephone call or direct meeting. Individuals today are simply too busy and there is too much clutter creating less memory recall and event importance. To help you and to continue to move the process you must orchestra all activities with the client. The first begins by creating actionable items using a series of written correspondence to help. Do not send an email, make yourself different by using paper based letters sent through postal mail or other resources such as Send Out Cards.

Follow Up Letter Template

Dear Robert:

It was a pleasure to speak with you on Tuesday 30 September 2009. I most appreciated the conversation and the time spent discussing the productivity issues you mentioned.

Pursuant to our discussion, I am forwarding to you the article I mentioned on Closure Ratios for Selling Professionals along with a summary of he conversation.

My plan is to call you on Friday 3 October at 11:15 AM EDT to discuss your objectives and determine the possible metrics to help meet those objectives. If this is not a convenient time, would you mind providing me some alternatives through any of the contact points offered in this letter.

I look forward to our next conversation.

Interview Questions

Lets face it no one remains at a job forever. More importantly many selling professionals walk into job interviews – unprepared. The point of an interview is to make a first impression in a split second!

I recall a young woman I interview in 1995. She walked into my office with three manila folders. Each folder contained vital information that she was prepared to ask me. I was so impressed I hired her on the spot.

Interview Questions


  1. I reviewed the company website and discovered three interesting things about the company. They are:

  2. Can you tell me how that might affect the future products and services?

  3. What is the potential impact to the business in the next three years?

  4. How do the present political, environment and technological issues affect the company?

  5. What might be the most significant changes to the company in the next two years from a competitive perspective?

  6. What are the firm’s objectives in the next two years?

  7. How might they meet those objectives?


  1. What is the impact of the firm on the competition?

  2. How does the current competitor parallel existing business?

  3. Given less competition how is the company viewed within the industry?

    a. How do its products and services assist with that attitude?

  4. What is this firm’s secret weapon against the competition?

  5. What changes are happening to align and surpass the competition strategically?

The Work

  1. What are issues that assist in helping employees remain productive and competitive?

  2. What support is provided to personnel to assist them with immediate productivity?

  3. What are the strategic and visionary principles that are integrated into the environment?

  4. How does the company manifest that culture?

  5. How does the company allow its employees to remain competitive?

  6. How does it measure its success?

Introduction Letter

The most imperative part of any selling professional is creating an articulate perspective to introduce the company and its products and services.

If your firm is having issues retaining clients or acquiring new ones and you are seeking strategic methods to optimize selling effectiveness, we can assist!

“It is such a technology, fast-track driven business industry that we are in today Drew Stevens quickly understands your issues and reaches out to find immediate and productive results!”

—Pat Schaumann, CMP, CSEP, DMCP

As a manager and business professional do you ponder?

  • How to increase productivity amongst staff

  • How to decrease client attrition

  • How to gain assistance from Marketing to optimize selling

  • How to create ambassadors throughout the organization?

Does your organization need:

  • Efficiencies within your work teams

  • Acquisition of new clients with less capital

  • Communication strategies

Your firm will obtain:

  • Enhanced communication and appreciation of work teams

  • Creation of selling efficiencies for quicker profits

  • Increase communication for effective customer service

Since 1997, Drew Stevens PhD has assisted organizations world wide to dramatically accelerate business growth. Drew is a well-known speaker; author and consultant that works personally and collaboratively to immediately gain results.

Call 877-391-6821

Our simple desire is to quickly improve your condition. We establish objectives, and metrics with
Our services include:

  • Strategy – Discover things the competition cannot

  • Customer Service – Create an experience not an event

  • Communication – bridging the generational enigma

  • Sales Skills – Creating value and allure that increases the bottom-line

  • Marketing – Using the power of customer loyalty to evoke effective marketing


Every elite athlete or business leader has a coach or mentor, someone to be accountable to and someone who can give a fresh perspective to a situation. Coaches provide an inside track and keep you in the gamementally and physically. Coaches assist with competitive threats and assist in maintaining and increasing motivation.

If you want to grow your business and continually improve your service to clients, then you should request a coach. Our Individual Coaching Program is not designed to be passive. The aim is for you to get very involved in helping you achieve amazing results.

Our setting is a unique opportunity for you to meet privately and candidly to share ideas that assist with increasing profitability. You will learn to avoid mistakes and capitalize on good ideas. You gain Key Performance Measures (KPM) at each meeting so that like an athlete you move forward with accountables.

Drew Stevens has coached hundreds around the world, they trust Drew’s opinion and respect his judgment. They get confidence from his record of accomplishment of business growth, leadership, and practical advice. More importantly, they get results.

Since 1988 Drew Stevens PhD has been exclusively focused on helping business, improve their growth. Drew...

  • Has done extensive research on motivational theory and understands how to maintain momentum in challenging times.

  • Worked with several well-known multinationals since 1984, he has sold, has led, and comprehends your deepest challenges.

  • Has delivered speeches, workshops, and seminars at more than 700 strategic marketing and business growth events worldwide since 1993.

  • Has written countless articles on how high performing firms operate.

  • Has written several books on marketing, customer service, and how to dramatically accelerate business growth.

  • Has developed products, methodologies, and leading training programs in four separate businesses that still operate successfully today.

  • Currently coaches over 100 business professionals to help them achieve high levels of success.

  • Drew Stevens is one of the leading Top Selling Professionals in the world. Drew entire business career has focused on competitive intelligence, business growth, and strategy. He quickly understands the issues that drive, accelerate, and help maintain business success.

Please call Drew Stevens through the contact form of this website or at 877-391-6821 and get business results now!

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