What can you do with Koa?

So, you have heard about Koa, and are trying to decide whether you should get into it. What could be the deciding factor is the use case you have in mind. After all, in the world of software development tools and frameworks, what really matters is what you are capable of doing with these tools and frameworks.

If you want to build scalable web applications and APIs in JavaScript, then Koa is a good fit. Koa can be used to create a range of web applications such as forums, e-commerce websites, and social networks. You can use Koa to build something as simple as a to-do list application or something as complicated as an e-commerce website.

Koa is also great for building services such as Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs that could provide data to be used by frontend applications. REST APIs that are built in Koa are a good choice for frontend applications written in plain JavaScript, Angular, React, Vue.js, or any other User Interface (UI) framework.

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