
Welcome to Shaping Your Future: Become the Brand Everyone Wants!

How we see ourselves and believe others see us will
determine where we end up in life!

The most important attribute about this book is that it equally impacts both your personal life and career together in one package. Being fulfilled, successful, and considered indispensable in this world is a threepart mix of spirit, soul (our will, intellect, and emotions) and physical body (appearance, health, energy level, demeanor you project). What you have seen, felt, and heard from early on until today has an incredible effect on where you are now, your future choices, and where you will be next month and next year.

This may be a rather strange photo for a business guide, but the meaning is profound. That tiny dog saw itself as strong and spunky enough to chase the rhino, its goal being to go up against the big guy. It is a very good example to continue seeing ourselves as strong and capable enough to go after our dream, no matter what our current situation looks like.


Figure I.1 Rhino photo

Attitude and perception are everything when it comes to the choices we make, the individuals we associate with, and places where we spend our time. Your part in this world is very important. Your true calling is the one that genuinely resonates within you and gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose. For some, that is financial gain, which is even more rewarding when used to help their fellow human beings. For others, it is a role that helps protect, educate, assist, build, entertain … the list is endless.

Because all of life’s experiences can either build us up or press and hold us down, this book begins with all about where you are on the inside and how mindsets can steer you in profoundly different directions by the thoughts and choices that we make. From there, we will explore what affects our outer world, whether our careers (fulfilled or not), our personal and professional relationships, business and personal finances, self-image makers and breakers, distinctive communication skills, and the persona we exude to everyone we come into contact with every day.

Stop often and reflect on how positive life choices will establish your inner and outer pathways to becoming the indispensable man or woman you truly are. Remind yourself each morning and throughout the day, especially when life gets tough, that you are crucial, vital, essential, necessary, and above all … a VIP (valuable and important person)!!!

Use these stories and techniques as tools to begin employing immediately. They will last a lifetime! Rise!

Never compare your journey, credentials, accomplishments, (or any part of your life for that matter) with anyone else’s.

When you measure your progress, only compare yourself to who you were yesterday.

Then get back on that ladder and take the next step divinely created for you.

Learn from others but never compare what you feel are your liabilities against their assets. Always focus on the massive amount of talents and gift you possess!

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