
In this section we hear about the fictional Jane's experiences as a way to summarise what you have learned.

So let's hear from Jane for the last time and imagine her journey:

Jon asked me to tell you all about the journey I have taken in the last year and a half, and why I've found the mentor sessions invaluable in getting me to where I am – or where I am going, as I still have so much to achieve and learn. I can't believe I finally get to write one of these things. I remember trying to come up with my business idea and writing ...'2 years ago I started ...' And here I am ...

I was once sitting where you are now. I had a vague understanding of what it meant to be an entrepreneur; much of it was stuff I had g leaned from TV shows and news clips of the latest global entrepreneur launching his next great product. I had little idea of what it meant as a lifestyle choice. I didn't know if I was really suited to it or if my early ideas would be realistic, considering the type of person I am and the things that are important to me in life.

We started out by doing some very high-level personality tests, which got me thinking about who I am and what I am good at. We then examined some of the known consistent traits in entrepreneurs and I got a chance to see how I measured up against these and what things I needed to develop. After learning more about the myths and real life of entrepreneurs we got into the interesting stuff – documenting all the things I have done and the things I am good at and seeing if they could support a decision to become an entrepreneur. After recording all the people and resources I had available to me it became clear that I had what it takes – not only that, but I had a great business idea.

After I finished Jon's course I developed a business plan in my spare time, using the resources I had available to me for support and input. I also did a part-time bookkeeping and financial planning course. I then went and spoke to a business angel after already securing some initial investment from a family friend. After a couple of knock backs I finally got the green light (I did have to make some changes to my business, but it was worth it). I happily handed in my notice to the catering firm where I worked and immediately registered Jane's Jolly Green Groceries & Home Catering Business Ltd. I deliver groceries and healthy ready meals to home workers and the incapacitated, and now to small businesses. I have a team of three people, one of whom is a real whizz in systems; the other two are great sales and marketing people, and together we all really believe in wholesome, organic, home-grown food delivered to your door. Right now we all cycle the delivery bikes to the destinations, but I plan to hire a number of delivery boys and girls so I can concentrate on my next big idea. The only problem is deciding which one to go with next ...

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