Chapter 29. Performance and Your Audience: Blogging Tips

Performance. When you blog or podcast or record a video, it is an opportunity for a performance, a presentation, a distilled and distinct package of information. It is your chance to connect with your audience and deliver something of value. It is an obligation and a pact.

It's fine to use these tools for conversation, but consider your audience. Think about how little time they have in a day. Think about the places where they will be spending their time.


Can you say it faster? Do so.


Can you tell a story? Will the story help your audience think of themselves? Will your words bring their minds awake?


It's not pressure to write good posts. It's not difficult to come up with topics for your podcast. It's your choice as a producer of good content. Think ahead. Keep a notepad file somewhere for ideas to use later, when you're stuck. Record a few extra "evergreen" bits to dispense at times you would otherwise come up short.


Your audience is brilliant. You sometimes know something they don't. But treat them as though they are masterful and brilliant, as though you're just sharing this information in case they want to brush up. You're not a god. You're a communicator.


Talk as if you're addressing humans. I write as if you and I are having a conversation. Yet I try to keep things tight. I don't fret over it. I practice by posting once or twice a day. You can do the same.


You're on a stage. You are creating stories. No matter how you view your blogging and podcasting, that's what you're doing. When you cook up that next MS PowerPoint deck for a meeting, think about that, too. It's the same thing, sliced differently. There's no reason to treat it differently.

What are some of your tips and advice? How do you treat your audience? When has it worked best for you?

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