Chapter 79. How Content Marketing Will Shake the Tree

Some days, it feels like more and more people have abandoned their regular blogs and podcasts and have run off to tools like Twitter and FriendFeed. I just stopped by a friend's blog, worried that I had a bad RSS subscription, only to discover that he hadn't blogged since June. Another friend blogs only Twitter links now. What happened? Why are all the bloggers and podcasters going to Twitter or Seesmic or other temporal moment-in-time platforms?

One reason is that products like Twitter and Seesmic and all give us even faster, simpler conversations. We don't have to synthesize information, compose a position, and build a post. Instead, we can talk back and forth about things we like. Another reason is that the feedback loop is so much tighter when doing a ping-pong game of ideas instead of the blogger-to-comments model.

But wow. I sure miss you bloggers and podcasters whom I know and love. Thanks to Mitch Joel,[252] Christopher S. Penn, Valeria Maltoni,[253] and a whole host of others who keep writing and/or recording something interesting and useful daily. To the rest of you, come back?



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