
Everybody knows that software is riddled with security flaws. At first blush, this is surprising. We know how to write software in a way that provides a moderately high level of security and robustness. So why don’t software developers practice these techniques?

This book deals with two of the myriad answers to this question. The first is the meaning of secure software. In fact, the term “secure software” is a misnomer. Security is a product of software plus environment. How a program is used, under what conditions it is used, and what security requirements it must meet determine whether the software is secure. A term like “security-enabled software” captures the idea that the software was designed and written to meet specific security requirements, but in other environments where the assumptions underlying the software—and any implied requirements—do not hold, the software may not be secure. In a way that is easy to understand, this book presents the need for accurate and meaningful security requirements, as well as approaches for developing them. Unlike many books on the subject of secure software, this book does not assume the requirements are given a priori, but instead discusses requirements derivation and analysis. Equally important, it describes their validation.

The second answer lies in the roles of the executives, managers, and technical leaders of projects. They must support the introduction of security enhancements in software, as well as robust coding practices (which is really a type of security enhancement). Moreover, they must understand the processes and make allowances for it in their scheduling, budgeting, and staffing plans. This book does an excellent job of laying out the process for the people in these roles, so they can realistically assess its impact. Additionally, the book points out where the state of the art is too new or lacks enough experience to have approaches that are proven to work, or are not generally accepted to work. In those cases, the authors suggest ways to think about the issues in order to develop effective approaches. Thus, executives, managers, and technical leaders can figure out what should work best in their environment.

An additional, and in fact crucial, benefit of designing and implementing security in software from the very beginning of the project is the increase in assurance that the software will meet its requirements. This will greatly reduce the need to patch the software to fix security holes—a process that is itself fraught with security problems, undercuts the reputation of the vendor, and adversely impacts the vendor financially. Loss of credibility, while intangible, has tangible repercussions. Paying the extra cost of developing software correctly from the start reduces the cost of fixing it after it is deployed—and produces a better, more robust, and more secure product.

This book discusses several ways to develop software in such a way that security considerations play a key role in its development. It speaks to executives, to managers at all levels, and to technical leaders, and in that way, it is unique. It also speaks to students and developers, so they can understand the process of developing software with security in mind and find resources to help them do so.

The underlying theme of this book is that the software we all use could be made much better. The information in this book provides a foundation for executives, project managers, and technical leaders to improve the software they create and to improve the quality and security of the software we all use.

Matt Bishop

Davis, California

March 2008

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