DataGrid Control

You are likely to use the DataGrid control to display fields of a DataSource when you want to display them as columns in a table. Each row in the DataGrid control, as with Repeater and DataList controls, represents a record in the DataSource. The DataGrid control is richer than the Repeater and the DataList. It supports selections, editing, deleting, paging, and sorting.

Five different column types are available for the DataGrid control. They can be seen in Table 10.3.

Table 10.3. The DataGrid Column Types
Column Type Description
Bound Column Displays a column bound to a field in a data source. It displays each item in the field as text. This is the default column type of the DataGrid control.
Button Column Displays a command button for each item in the column. This enables you to create a column of custom button controls, such as Add or Remove buttons.
EditCommandColumn Displays a column that contains editing commands for each item in the column.
HyperLinkColumn Displays the contents of each item in the column as a hyperlink. The contents of the column can be bound to a field in a data source or static text.
TemplateColumn Displays eachitem in the column following a specified template. This enables you to provide custom controls in the column.

The DataGrid control automatically generates columns based on the data to which it is bound. This means that if your DataSource has five columns, the DataGrid control appears with five columns in your page. A property named AutoGenerateColumns is a part of the DataGrid control. This property, if it is true (which is the default), auto-generates columns. If it is false, the columns are not auto-generated, and you must then specify BoundColumn objects in the ItemTemplate for data columns to appear.

The following code is a DataGrid that automatically binds data and generates columns:

<asp:DataGrid id=”ItemsGrid” BorderColor=”black” BorderWidth=”1” 
   AutoGenerateColumns=”true” runat=”server”> 
    <HeaderStyle BackColor=”#00aaaa”> 

The following code shows a DataGrid control that does not automatically bind the columns to display columns. Instead, it sets the AutoGenerateColumns property to False, and then determines which columns are to be displayed and bound.

<asp:DataGrid id=”ItemsGrid” BorderColor=”black” BorderWidth=”1” 
   AutoGenerateColumns=”false” runat=”server”> 
    <HeaderStyle BackColor=”#00aaaa”> 
        <asp:ButtonColumn HeaderText=”Add to cart” 
           ButtonType=”PushButton” Text=”Add” /> 
        <asp:BoundColumn HeaderText=”Item” DataField=”StringValue”> 
          <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign=”right”> 

Just like the Repeater and the DataList controls, the DataGrid has templates with which it determines how to render the data. These can be seen in Table 10.4.

Table 10.4. The DataGrid Templates
Style Property Description
AlternatingItemStyle Specifies the style for alternating items in the DataGrid control.
EditItemStyle Specifies the style for the item being edited in the DataGrid control.
FooterStyle Specifies the style for the footer section in the DataGrid control.
HeaderStyle Specifies the style for the header section in the DataGrid control.
ItemStyle Specifies the style for the items in the DataGrid control.
PagerStyle Specifies the style for the page selection section of the DataGrid control.
SelectedItemStyle Specifies the style for the selected item in the DataGrid control.

You can also control the appearance of the DataGrid control by programmatically adding attributes to the <TD> <TR> tags rendered by the control on the browser. Attributes can be added programmatically if you provide code in the event handler for the OnItemCreated or OnItemDataBound events.

To add an attribute to the <TD> tag, first get the table cell object that represents the cell and the DataGrid control to which you want to add the attribute. The control’s collection for the Item property of the DataGridItemEvent object is passed into the event handler, and can be used to get the desired table cell object. Then, you can use the AttributeCollection.Add() method of the attribute’s collection for the table cell object to add attributes to the <TD> tag.

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