
To start the body, draw a long line down, using less pressure at the end so a pointed tip results. Draw a shorter line that curves to the left. Add a third line that curves down on the right side of the cat.

Load a medium brush, and using just the tip of your brush, draw two pointed ears. Add a short line between them.

Add the shape of the face with a short round stroke on the left and another on the right as a continuation of the right ear.


Starting the brush at the end of the previous stroke, create a thicker line moving toward the left to create the tail. Remember to use more pressure in the middle of the stroke and then release the brush to create a slightly pointed end.

Now that the form is complete, add details, such as thin lines for the legs, eyes, and whiskers.

Refine the painting with a touch of shading, using a watery brush on some parts with free and uneven movements. Then add some simple lines for the ground.



Load a medium brush and draw two pointed ears, leaving space between them. Add a short line between the ears. Try to use just the tip of your brush.

Add two strokes to make the face. Make sure these lines don’t meet but are very close to give a sense of continuity for the head.

Paint a longer, round line starting at the left side of the head. Apply more pressure, up to half of the brush’s hair, to achieve the effect of a thick tail. The movement has to be quick. The paintbrush should contain a lot of ink but not too much.


Once you have painted the tail, complete the body by adding legs with a round stroke for the folded leg and a long straight stroke with a small turn at the end for the front lying one.

Complete the cat by adding the face’s features using a small brush to create a simple and stylized effect.

Add some character by using more black to create some shade and grey tones using a watery brush.

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