To the many who shared their stories, from the boardroom to the water cooler, and from both sides of the desk, we are very grateful. Along with the angst about performance appraisals, there was an eager willingness to do them right. Just as effective appraisals, our colleagues contributed measurably to the dialogue, clarified the landscape, and inspired a framework that most values each organization’s most essential assets—the ones that go home every night.
Our thanks to Michael Strand, Diane Gold, and Brent Charbonneau for so willingly lending their considerable skills; Erin Barclay for dogged, talented reporting; Priscilla Vazquez, Gaye Newton, Patricia Bicknell, and Kristi Patrice Carter for key research support; and especially Irene Cardon, the continuing bright light in a not always shining development process. Literary agent, Marilyn Allen, understood the need, despite a Mt. Everest of personnel tomes, to cut through to the basics of what makes a performance appraisal fly.
Our families listened patiently. To Richard, for spirited editing, Margaret, Wendy, and Jill, we give our loving thanks.
S.A. & M.A
Washington, D.C.
May 1, 2003
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