

AAOIFI standards

Financial Accounting Standard No. 12 (FAS, 12)

income statement

Paragraph, 3/1

statement of policyholders' revenues and expenses

statement of sources and uses of funds in zakah and charity fund

statements of changes in shareholders' equity and policyholders' surplus

statements of financial position and cash flows

Financial Accounting Standard No. 13 (FAS, 13)

access to capital, conventional versus takaful

accounting, rating issues

challenges, addressing ability,

Fitch's review

multiple applicable accounting standards

Shari'ah compliance

actuarial risk in takaful undertakings

Agency Theory (AT),


asset risk,

asset management capabilities issue

raised by retakaful,

Audit Committee


balance sheet analysis, of takaful undertakings risk

bancatakaful model,

arrangements between bank and TO

selling with brand names of Tos

selling with own brand name,

distribution channel

white label bancatakaful model,

Basel Accords framework

Basel I

risk-based capital in takaful

Basel Committee

board of directors (BoD)

additional organs of governance in

Audit Committee

Nominations Committee

Remuneration Committee

in shareholders' interests protection, difficulties

bonding, neo-classical model of CG

British mutual Equitable Life

business conduct in Islamic insurance, See also emerging markets

critical drivers for

data, collecting and sharing

educating markets and consumers on standards

ethical market discipline encouraging

financial inclusion, promoting

formal training programs

institutional development and marketing, promoting

insurance education supporting

insurance regulation improving

market discipline on institutions, invoking

market-led initiatives

micro-level outcomes

on-the-job training

risk-based approach to business conduct

self-regulatory organizations promoting

Shari'ah arbitrage

Shari'ah compliance throughout product life cycle

supervision, improving

systemic level outcomes

in emerging markets

ex ante Shari'ah compliance

framework of

IAIS Insurance Core Principles, See also individual entry

market conduct requirements

frequency of reporting



offsetting factors

ongoing monitoring of compliance

principles for


conflicts of interest

disclosure of information to customers

information about customers


management and control


relationship with regulators

skill, care, and diligence


business continuity risk, in takaful undertaking

business models in takaful, See also Shari'ah principles; standard models and variants

basic structure

for family takaful

for general takaful

capital adequacy

commissions (in family takaful)


multiple fees and charges



business risk

business structures

complexity of

white label bancatakaful model

governance structure, embodiment of participants' interests in


capital, See also risk-based capital (RBC) in takaful

capital adequacy in takaful, See solvency

requirements issue raised by retakaful

capitalization, rating issues

Fitch's review


overall undertaking assessment

qard hasan,

suitable contractual and other documentation

suitable local legislation

takaful fund assessment

takaful operator assessment

mutual takaful firms


challenges facing takaful firms addressing


in family takaful

long-term contracts

pro rata payments

surplus sharing

common authorities

compatibility, retakaful model

mudarabah model

wakalah model

premium flow

waqf model


conventional versus takaful

for damages

competence of supervisory staff, issue

in a formal sense

in a practical sense

complexity of business structures

compliance risk with regard to Shari'ah rules

comprehension issue

comprehensive regulatory framework for takaful

need for

scope of

‘conditional donation’

concentration risk

concept of takaful

dhulum (injustice)

gharar (uncertainty)

maisir (speculation)



conceptual issues confronting takaful

conceptual meaning, takaful,

Consumer Protection

contract administration charges

contracts, takaful, shari'ah principles governing

basis of


inter alia


Contracts Act

contractual clauses manipulation issue

contractual relationship conventional versus takaful

control rights

control structure in takaful undertakings

conventioanl mutuals

conventional insurance

drawbacks in

sub-marginal risks in

waqf and

conventional insurance and takaful, comparison

access to capital

contractual relationship

differences between

mutual insurance

proprietary insurance

insurer/operator, liability

investment of fund

policyholders/participants responsibility

corporate governance (CG) in Islamic insurance, See also neo-classical model; neo-corporatist model

conventioanl mutuals See also mutual insurance

corporate social responsibility issue


Fitch's review

governance issues


policyholders as stakeholders

rating issues

shareholders as stakeholders

underwriting surplus

proprietary companies, See also proprietary insurance

risk management and investment

corporate sukuk,

coverage, reinsurance

credit rating, See also Fitch's review


qualitative factors

quantitative factors

sukuk ratings

Fitch's review

international scale

‘investment grade’ rating scale

national scale ratings

speculative grade rating scale


credit risk


data, collecting and sharing, for business conduct


deficits, cover

takaful participants in

dharuura (necessity)

dhulum (injustice)

different tiers of capital

disclosure issue

disclosures to market

distribution channel

donation (tabarru')

‘conditional donation’



educating markets and consumers on standards, for business conduct

emerging markets See also business conduct in Islamic insurance2 business environment in

accounting systems


lax management problem

regulation framework

reliable basic data

reliable mortality tables

supervision framework

take-up of insurance

common market conduct compliance criticisms

ethical market discipline, encouraging, for business conduct

ex ante Shari'ah compliance

ex gratia payments

explicit solvency requirements


facultative/obligatory reinsurance

facultative reinsurance

family fund/family takaful

commissions in

investment portfolio composition


investment accounts

long-term investments

risk protection


short-term investments


ownership of funds in

pension plans


structure of

participants' investment accounts (PIAs)

participants' investment fund (PIF)

participants' risk accounts' (PRAs)

participants' takaful fund (PTF)

shareholders' fund (SHF)

undertakings, risk issues in

fatwa (religious edict)

fiduciary risk management in takaful undertakings

investment risk

underwriting risk

final risk bearer, conventional versus takaful

financial flexibility, rating issues

financial inclusion, promoting, for business conduct

financial issues

asset risk

assets valuation

concentration risk

disclosures to the market

displaced commercial risk

family takaful business

group supervision


liabilities valuation

in prudential supervision

reinsurance receivables


family takaful

general takaful

takaful-specific issues

entities identification

legal entity

financial reporting in Islamic insurance, See also stakeholders need of transparency

AAOIFI standards

financial review, Fitch's

financial strain

‘firm within a firm’ dichotomy

Fitch's review of insurance company, See also under capitalization

corporate governance review

financial review

industry review

management review

operational review

organizational review

formal training programs, for business conduct


frequency of reporting

fund deficit, qard facility to meet

fund management charges


general funds/general takaful

GCC versus Malaysia, 2002–

aggressive investment


long-term investment portfolio

short-term investment portfolios

investment portfolios

ownership of funds in

structure of

participants' risk accounts' (PRAs)

participants' takaful fund (PTF)

shareholders' fund (SHF)

total general fund investment portfolio

undertakings, risk issues in

gharar (uncertainty)

Glass-Steagall Act

global standard of retakaful,

globalization challenge of corporate governance

Governance Committee (GC) set up proposal

governance issues, in Islamic insurance

dissatisfaction with TO

in supervision See also under supervision

underwriting surplus

governance risk

governance structure, embodiment of participants' interests in

government sukuk

growth related issues

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) group study, See also under general funds


‘hybrid’ approach


IAIS Insurance Core Principles, 2

ICP 24 Intermediaries

ICP 25 Consumer protection

ICP 26 Information, disclosure and transparency toward the market

ICP 27 Fraud

ICP 28 Anti-money laundering, combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT)


implied authorities


industry review, Fitch's

information rights


institutional development and marketing, promoting, for business conduct

institutional issues confronting takaful

mutual structure adoption, obstacles

insurance education, supporting, for business conduct

insurance regulation, improving

for business conduct

Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) rating

insurer/operator liability, conventional versus takaful

inter alia

interest-free loan, See qard hasan

intergenerational equity issue in mutual insurance

intergenerational equity


essential criteria


supervision issues in

intermediation, Islamic financial

internal capital model

International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), See IAIS

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

international prudential guidelines for takaful undertakings

developments in


international scale

investment activities of takaful operators

‘investment grade’ credit rating scale

investment of fund, conventional versus takaful

investment portfolios of takaful undertakings, See also family fund; general funds; share holders' funds

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) group study

family funds

general funds

shareholders' funds

participants' funds, related parties influence on

non-parametric Wilcoxon Ranked Signed Test

total investment portfolio

investment risks

in takaful undertakings

investments, rating issues

Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB)




legal issues in takaful

conflict of laws and their interpretation

contractual clauses manipulation

effective framework, call for

‘firm within a firm’ dichotomy

‘hybrid’ approach

investment activities of takaful operators

in Malaysia

mandate (and breaches of it) by takaful agent

common authorities

express authorities

implied authorities

nomination clause effect, on mirath

proprietorship licensed as takaful operator

qard facility to meet fund deficit


Shari'ah boards status

Shari'ah issues

structure through which takaful undertaking is offered

waqf framework

licensing process issues

life insurance

CG issues in

liquidity risk

loss distribution under proportional reinsurance


maisir (speculation)

management review, Fitch's

management strain

management takaful models


TO engagement modes in


and mudarabah combination

mandate (and breaches of it) by takaful agent

common authorities

express authorities

implied authorities

Mann-Whitney U Test

market, reinsurance

market conduct issues

capital adequacy


contract terms


ex gratia payments

market conduct regimes

point of sale



market discipline on institutions, invoking, for business conduct

market issues

growth related

financial strain

internal new product approval process

licensing process

management strain

supervisory considerations

market-led initiatives, for business conduct

market risk

micro-level outcomes, for business conduct

models of takaful and their impacts

modified mudarabah model

monitoring, neo-classical model of CG

mudarabah (profit-sharing) model/contracts

in Malaysia


practical features

modified mudarabah model

mudarabah and wakalah contracts, comparison


management expenses


pure mudarabah model

Shari'ah compliance of

mudarib share

multiple fees and charges

contract administration charges

fund management charges

upfront payment

mutual insurance

mutual insurance, CG issues in

governance structure creation

underwriting reserves related

equitable life crisis in U.K

intergenerational equity

‘orphan assets’

policyholders failure to exercise control rights

mutuality element

in risk pool for takaful


national scale ratings

neo-classical model of CG




principal-agent problems

in U.K.

in U.S.

corporate social responsibility issue

globalization challenge

‘responsible shareholder’ concept

neo-corporatist model of CG

corporate social responsibility issue

globalization challenge

two-tier board structure

nomenclature, takaful

nomination clause effect


on mirath (succession or inheritance)


on wasiyah (will or bequest)

Nominations Committee

non-commercial takaful business model

non-life insurance

non-parametric Wilcoxon Ranked Signed Test

non-proportional reinsurance

first layer reinsurers

loss allocation of

second layer reinsurers

structure of

third layer reinsurers



obligatory reinsurance

ongoing monitoring of compliance

on-the-job training, for business conduct

operational review, Fitch's

operational risk

operator's (or shareholders') fund

organizational review, Fitch's

‘orphan assets’ issue in mutual insurance

ownership of takaful fund

family takaful

in general takaful



participants' interests,

in governance structure, embodiment of

actuarial recommendations

Governance Committee (GC) set up proposal

mandate of the Shari'ah board extension proposal

proposals for

participants' investment account (PIA)

participants' investment fund (PIF)

participants' risk accounts (PRAs)

participants' special accounts (PSAs)

participants' takaful fund (PTF)


needs, in financial reporting

policyholders/participants responsibility

conventional versus takaful,

as stakeholders, issue in CG

status issue in proprietary insurance


flow of proportional reinsurance

pricing issue

pro rata payments

‘profit equalization reserve’ (PER)

profitability, rating issues

property rights

proportional facultative reinsurance

proportional reinsurance

loss distribution under

premium distribution under

premium flow of

proportional treaty reinsurance arrangements

reinsurance commission

risk under

proportional treaty reinsurance

proprietary insurance

CG issues in

neo-corporatist perspective

policyholders status

regulatory requirements regarding information rights

prudential standards for insurance and takaful, developments in

pure mudarabah model


qard hasan (interest-free loan)

credit for existing interest-free loans

equity credit

Fitch's ‘weakest link’ methodology

credit for potential future interest-free loans

to meet fund deficit

as regulatory capital of risk fund


rating issues in takaful companies, See also accounting; capitalization; credit rating

fitch ratings

key issues


business structure


CG and management

effective business model

financial flexibility


legal and regulatory framework

mudarabah contracts

non-commercial takaful business model



rating methodology issues



risk management

shareholders' fund separated from policyholders' fund

Takaful Act of

wakalah contracts

methodology issues

takaful/retakaful firms

raised by retakaful

typical ratings process

ratio-based solvency requirements

regulation, rating issues

key challenge for regulators

protection of participants

regulatory implications

regulatory perspectives

and supervision

reinsurance, See also non-proportional reinsurance; proportional reinsurance; retakaful


facultative reinsurance

facultative obligatory reinsurance

functions of


methods of

non-proportional facultative

non-proportional treaty

obligatory reinsurance

proportional facultative

proportional treaty

rating issues

reinsurance coverage

treaty reinsurance


related party influence, on participants' funds

related party transactions

Remuneration Committee

remuneration structure of TO

reputational risk

‘responsible shareholder’ concept

retakaful, 77



global standard of

main issues raised by

asset-management capabilities

capital requirements

full Shari'ah compliance

handling high-severity low-frequency risks


retakaful pool, building

need for

retail takaful operation

retakaful arrangements

solvency computing of retakaful undertakings

retakaful models

basic features of

mudarabah model

wakalah model

waqf model

basic model

retakaful contracts

retakaful contribution

retakaful operator

retakaful pool



in the market

retakaful operators

retakaful pool, building, issue raised by retakaful,

retrotakaful firms

riba (usury)



handling high-severity low-frequency risks issue raised by retakaful

risk cover, in conventional insurance

risk fund

risk-based approach

to business conduct, for business conduct

to solvency

risk-based capital (RBC) in takaful,

Basel Accords framework

capital adequacy requirement

capital for regulatory purposes

credit risk

different tiers of capital

difficulties in

funds in

operator's (or shareholders') fund

risk fund

internal capital model

liquidity risk

lower-quality capital

market risk

minimum capital requirement calculating

nature of capital

operational risk

qard hasan as regulatory capital

Solvency II

solvency requirements


risk analysis

standard risk weighting models

top-quality capital

underwriting risk

risk issues in takaful undertakings

actuarial risk

associated with funds

balance sheet analysis

family takaful

shareholders' funds

underwriting (takaful) funds

contractual relationship between TO and participants analysis

family takaful pension plans

family takaful undertakings

general takaful undertakings

investment risk

asset risk profile

‘liquidity risk’

‘market risk’


TO and takaful participants, relationship between

underwriting risk

risk management in takaful,

business risk

fiduciary risk

fundamental principles




importance of

investment risks

liquidity risk

operational risk

rating issues

reputational risk

risk management in takaful undertaking

broad-based risk management system

business continuity risk

compliance risk with regard to Shari'ah rules

fiduciary risk

governance risk

investment risk


operational risk

relating to TO

reputational risk

risk-reward in takaful undertakings

risk sharing vis-a-vis risk transfer

risk transfer, conventional versus takaful,

risks, takaful operators (TOs) exposed to


general takaful,


self-regulatory organizations promoting, for business conduct

separate fund solvency

share holders' funds (SHF) investment portfolios

in Bahrain

in GCC countries

between GCC countries and malaysia, analysis

GCC versus Malaysia


management strategies

sukuk proportion in

shareholder surplus and regulatory surplus, relationship between

shareholders as stakeholders issue in CG

Shari'ah arbitrage, for business conduct

Shari'ah board

extension mandate for participants' interests

status issue in takaful

Shari'ah compliance

issue raised by retakaful,

throughout product life cycle, for business conduct

Shari'ah principles governing takaful models See also management takaful models

commercial perspective


economic perspective


liquidation of TO

ownership of takaful fund

qard hasan,

risk fund

risk sharing vis-á-vis risk transfer

risk transfer


takaful contracts, governing See also contracts

takaful operator obligation in takaful fund deficit

TO's perspective

underwriting surplus

solvency in takaful, See also risk-based capital (RBC)

computing of retakaful undertakings

need for

principle of

separate fund solvency

shareholder surplus and regulatory surplus, relationship between

Solvency I

Solvency II

of takaful undertaking

traditional approaches to

explicit solvency requirements

International Association of Insurance Supervisors


specificities of Islamic insurance companies

conventional and takaful, comparison

speculative grade rating scale

stakeholder rights in Islamic insurance, See also neo-classical model; neo-corporatist model

board of directors (BoD) in

control rights

information rights

property rights

stakeholders need of transparency in financial reporting



financial information disclosure

information disclosure


sound reporting, criteria for




voluntary financial reporting

current market practice

future financial reporting trends

stakeholders of Islamic insurance companies

financial reporting needs of

existing reports, improving





Shari'ah supervisors


standard models and variants in takaful, See also bancatakaful model; mudarabah (profit-sharing) model; wakalah (agency) model

sub-marginal risks

in conventional insurance

in takaful subrogation

Sudan, Islamic insurance model in

Policyholders Protection Fund (PPF)

policyholders rights

shareholders rights

suitability issue

sukuk credit ratings

sukuk proportion in share holders' funds

corporate sukuk,

in GCC countries

government sukuk

supervision supervisory issues in takaful, See also financial issues; market conduct issues; market issues

governance issues in

conflicts in investment management

failures of Shari'ah governance

firms operation

misalignment of the interests in arrangement

policyholders' interests protection issue

at regulatory level

shortage of Shari'ah scholars

takaful-specific issues

improving, for business conduct

preconditions for

in prudential supervision

regulatory provisions and

supervisory competence

supervisory priorities


‘surrender value’

systemic level outcomes


ta'awun (solidarity and mutual assistance)

tabarru (donation or contribution) concept

Takaful Act

takaful fund

takaful operators (TOs)

obligation in takaful fund deficit

takaful participants (TPs)

in deficit cover

takaful scheme

takaful undertakings

international prudential guidelines for, IFSB in

structure, unresolved issues of

temporary interest free loan

total investment portfolio of takaful undertakings

traditional approaches to insurance solvency

Transactions Cost Economics (TCE)

transparency in Islamic insurance, See also stakeholders need of transparency

creation, ways of

enhanced disclosures

proper application of the financial reporting framework

robust CG rules, implementation

Shari'ah supervisory boards' decisions and fatawa, proper communication

treaty reinsurance


turnover-related fees




severity of the occurrence

underwriting in takaful,

deficit in waqf model

underwriting surplus

unresolved issues, takaful undertakings structure

upfront payment


variants in takaful

modified mudarabah model

wakalah model with performance fees

voluntary financial reporting transparency in, See also under stakeholders need of transparency


wakalah (agency) model


practical features

with performance fees

turnover-related fees

wakalah mudarabah model

wakalah mudarabah waqf model

wakalah contracts

wakalah/mudarabah combination, management

practical features

waqf (endowment) models

issue in takaful

purpose of

Shari'ah scholars

in underwriting deficit

‘weakest link’ methodology Fitch's

white label bancatakaful model

Wilcoxon Ranked Signed Test


existence, implications

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