
Learn More

You can learn more about TextExpander from Smile:

  • Smile’s TextExpander FAQ: Worth consulting.
  • The Smile blog: In the Category list on the side of this page, the entries about TextExpander are the ones to click.
  • Video tutorials: Video tutorials showing TextExpander in action are available here.
  • Smile support: Smile provides fast and friendly support. Submit your questions, feature suggestions, clever snippets, and other pointers here.

Good places to go to learn more about advanced snippet techniques (and get some pretty advanced snippets, too):

  • BrettTerpstra.com: The blog entries tagged with “TextExpander” on Brett Terpstra’s site are cool and also very instructive. Brett also maintains a page with his collection of TextExpander tools.
  • And now it’s all this: Dr. Drangs’s blog has a number of fascinating entries about script snippets; type TextExpander in the search field on the main page to see a list of entries.
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