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Welcome to Take Control of TextExpander, Second Edition, version 2.0, published in July 2015 by TidBITS Publishing Inc. This book was written by Michael E. Cohen and edited by Kelly Turner.

This book covers how you can use version 5 of Smile’s TextExpander text-substitution utility for Mac and TextExpander touch 3 for iOS to make your writing, programming, and editing far more efficient and enjoyable. (TextExpander 3 and 4 users can download an older edition from this ebook’s blog; see Ebook Extras.)

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Copyright © 2015, Michael E. Cohen. All rights reserved.

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  • Download any available new version of the ebook for free, or purchase any subsequent edition at a discount.
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  • Read the ebook’s blog. You may find new tips or information, as well as a link to an author interview.

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What’s New in This Edition?

This edition covers TextExpander 5, which has been redesigned for (and which requires) OS X 10.10 Yosemite or later. It also covers the latest iOS app, TextExpander touch 3.5 (see Use TextExpander touch).

Here are some the new features in TextExpander 5 and TextExpander touch that this edition covers:

  • Suggestions: This completely new feature is covered in Use Suggestions.
  • Inline Search: This recasting of the old Suggest Abbreviations command is described in Search Inline.
  • Cloud syncing: Learn new ways in which TextExpander can sync with cloud services, including iCloud Drive, in Sync with the Cloud.
  • JavaScript scripting: Script with JavaScript explains how to add executable script snippets in this language to TextExpander.
  • TextExpander touch keyboard: This addition to TextExpander touch brings TextExpander snippets into any app; read Use the TextExpander Keyboard to find out about it.

In addition, lots of little bits of new information, too numerous to list, have been incorporated into the book.

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